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Drop Your Guard

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The purpose of Drop Your Guard is to lower the walls that people erect between them. To make people relax, open up and get really chatty, and build a comfortable rapport, which may lead to deeper more meaningful relationships.

Ingredients: Cyclopentasiloxane (D5), alpha-androstenol, beta-androsterone, androstanone, DHEA sodium sulfate, estratetraenol, b-androstadienol, tetrahyrodeoxycorticosterone.



As you might know, I have been testing this one out in the classroom. Previously, I have had good luck with PheroBoy, finding that it relaxed my students and myself... which, when dealing with adolescents, can be a VERY good thing. I wanted to trial Drop Your Guard, as it has some similar pheromones (alpha-androstenol and androsterone; I don't know if the Pheroboy is beta- or alpha- androsterone but the Drop Your Guard is beta...)


The students do seem to respond by showing less agitation (less verbal sparring, fewer debates, reduced redirection time) and, thankfully, I don't get a noticable increase in chattiness as I do with some blends (perhaps they are heavier in the alpha-adrostenol or perhaps the other pheromones help counter that effect?).


I like the effects I am seeing; I haven't trialed it in a more social setting and was wondering if anyone else had done so. If so, what effects are you getting?

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As you might know, I have been testing this one out in the classroom. Previously, I have had good luck with PheroBoy, finding that it relaxed my students and myself... which, when dealing with adolescents, can be a VERY good thing. I wanted to trial Drop Your Guard, as it has some similar pheromones (alpha-androstenol and androsterone; I don't know if the Pheroboy is beta- or alpha- androsterone but the Drop Your Guard is beta...)


The students do seem to respond by showing less agitation (less verbal sparring, fewer debates, reduced redirection time) and, thankfully, I don't get a noticable increase in chattiness as I do with some blends (perhaps they are heavier in the alpha-adrostenol or perhaps the other pheromones help counter that effect?).


I like the effects I am seeing; I haven't trialed it in a more social setting and was wondering if anyone else had done so. If so, what effects are you getting?


I haven't tried it, but please keep us posted. I know that with my son, alpha androstenol cranks him up, but beta chills him out. I take a bottle of straight beta -nol on road trips. I spray it on me such that the A/C vent is blowing across me and wafting it into the back seat. Works wonders.....

Edited by Dolly
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I haven't tried it, but please keep us posted. I know that with my son, alpha androstenol cranks him up, but beta chills him out. I take a bottle of straight beta -nol on road trips. I spray it on me such that the A/C vent is blowing across me and wafting it into the back seat. Works wonders.....



Dolly, I would definitely like a blend with beta -nol rather than the alpha- as I think that would be much better in the classroom. As I mentioned in other posts, I too, have noticed a "cranking up" with alpha-nols (excessively increased chattiness, for instance, which is definitely counter-productive in the classroom). However, at this point, I think all of the blends here have either the alpha- or a combo of alpha- and beta-


I do not, however, see such an excessive chattiness with the Drop Your Guard blend, though... perhaps the est helps counter it? The students are definitely more relaxed, and more receptive to discussing issues (for example: the decreased redirection time; rather than arguing, they open up about where they are emotionally and then *listen* to my presenting of alternative and more appropriate means of getting their emotional needs met) but even those students with the greatest degree of impulse control are not *more chatty* (byproduct of my strange brain... I automatically and almost unconsciously "collect data" such as 7 incidences of non-pertinent verbalizations today, 6 yesterday, 8 Friday, and 10 last Thursday... I seriously carry such a data record in my brain...)

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As you might know, I have been testing this one out in the classroom. Previously, I have had good luck with PheroBoy, finding that it relaxed my students and myself... which, when dealing with adolescents, can be a VERY good thing. I wanted to trial Drop Your Guard, as it has some similar pheromones (alpha-androstenol and androsterone; I don't know if the Pheroboy is beta- or alpha- androsterone but the Drop Your Guard is beta...)


The students do seem to respond by showing less agitation (less verbal sparring, fewer debates, reduced redirection time) and, thankfully, I don't get a noticable increase in chattiness as I do with some blends (perhaps they are heavier in the alpha-adrostenol or perhaps the other pheromones help counter that effect?).


I like the effects I am seeing; I haven't trialed it in a more social setting and was wondering if anyone else had done so. If so, what effects are you getting?


I haven't tried PB. But, I've tried PG and PC-C in my anatomy lab.


The result is that my table of five people is the "happening" table. Everyone, including the prof, sort of gather around us, and enjoy good spirits. There's a lot of upbeat, class-relevant conversation, and sharing of information, and it all revolves around US.

Edited by Pythoness
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  • 4 weeks later...

I've got my Drop Your Guard on today and I'm pretty sure I am seeing reactions. We've been quite busy all morning, and I would be able to work much faster if everyone were not hanging about my office for no good reason...Standing about, looking relaxed, occasionally thinking of some small talk...


Indeed reminds me of the reaction to b-nols. I am cruising along nicely but not overly excited as well.


I like the DYG - might try the scented version. Oh - and am I the only one who thinks the unscented DYG smells fantastic? How odd is that? It's a wonderful powdery smell on me...makes me see fluffy pale blue when I smell it.

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I like the DYG - might try the scented version. Oh - and am I the only one who thinks the unscented DYG smells fantastic? How odd is that? It's a wonderful powdery smell on me...makes me see fluffy pale blue when I smell it.


It does smell softly, and comfortingly, powdery... like a fluffy, blue blanket?

Edited by Chaionlife
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Dolly, I would definitely like a blend with beta -nol rather than the alpha- as I think that would be much better in the classroom. As I mentioned in other posts, I too, have noticed a "cranking up" with alpha-nols (excessively increased chattiness, for instance, which is definitely counter-productive in the classroom). However, at this point, I think all of the blends here have either the alpha- or a combo of alpha- and beta-


I do not, however, see such an excessive chattiness with the Drop Your Guard blend, though... perhaps the est helps counter it? The students are definitely more relaxed, and more receptive to discussing issues (for example: the decreased redirection time; rather than arguing, they open up about where they are emotionally and then *listen* to my presenting of alternative and more appropriate means of getting their emotional needs met) but even those students with the greatest degree of impulse control are not *more chatty* (byproduct of my strange brain... I automatically and almost unconsciously "collect data" such as 7 incidences of non-pertinent verbalizations today, 6 yesterday, 8 Friday, and 10 last Thursday... I seriously carry such a data record in my brain...)


I am sooo one of those people that becomes a crazy-mindless chatterbox with a-nols (I try to avoid quite often).

BTW Chai, what grade do you teach? My college profs should wear pheros, are class would totally benefit! (I sometimes wear them to class, but they tend to be more of the"look at me" or self beneficial ones :wub: )

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  • 1 month later...

You know I just have to spread the love about DYG - it gets so little mention!


I really like this blend - gives me and those around me a very relaxed and pleasant vibe. Only problem I encounter is when wearing it to work my office tends to fill up with people just standing around...not demanding my attention really, but just hanging out near me. If I didn't have DYG on myself, it would probably annoy me...but since I enjoy the self-effect of relaxed attention, I shrug it off...


I'm an Instant Honesty fan, but I like DYG even a little better. Smoother somehow. I'm sad to know it's discontinued...

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  • 7 months later...

I LOVE Synchronicity. I bought it specifically to get my man to drop his guard, but I'm finding that it works so well with everyone - including myself. I have to be careful. I'll start putting it in places where it won't waft up my nose.


When I first ordered, I felt a little guilty, like I was trying to manipulate people, but I just read that it can only enhance what is already there. AND, I really am loving how the phero blends make me feel. Confident and sexy and I can't recommend DYG enough.



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  • 4 weeks later...
I think I'm going to try Drop Your Guard instead of True Confessions, TC worries me since I can be quite a babbler.



Coffee Mama - if you can be a blabber - RUN from TC.


Run. FAST.


My nearly full bottle is on it's way in trade to someone who is a point in life where they can be Louis the Loose Lip.


Me - not so much.


I suggest nearly any other Phero.


If you are wanting love - try Treasured Hearts. I can't swear by personally but Dolly thinks it's the bomb. That ought to be enough. <:-)>


True Confessions = truth serum. Use at your own risk. :-)!!!


With love and fair warning -


Shelly B

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As I was saying in another thread, the thing I like most about DYG is that it causes people to literally do just that - let go of their filters and social constructs. It's not necessarily going to make someone spill all their secrets, but they are more "real."


I firmly believe (and this goes for myself as well) that we rely on our personas and spend very little time being authentic in most social situations. That's not to say we're not authentic in intimate situations, but that's a different context/milieu. Sometimes it's tiring to have to deal with the same personas every day, especially in situations when it's more beneficial for everyone to be real. So that's when I wear it, to try and facilitate that effort.


An interesting tangential effect on my OTL is that it causes him to tell me stories from his childhood, which isn't something he normally does, so I get the feeling it has a comforting effect on him somehow.

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As I was saying in another thread, the thing I like most about DYG is that it causes people to literally do just that - let go of their filters and social constructs. It's not necessarily going to make someone spill all their secrets, but they are more "real."


I firmly believe (and this goes for myself as well) that we rely on our personas and spend very little time being authentic in most social situations. That's not to say we're not authentic in intimate situations, but that's a different context/milieu. Sometimes it's tiring to have to deal with the same personas every day, especially in situations when it's more beneficial for everyone to be real. So that's when I wear it, to try and facilitate that effort.


An interesting tangential effect on my OTL is that it causes him to tell me stories from his childhood, which isn't something he normally does, so I get the feeling it has a comforting effect on him somehow.



I agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts on this one, Luna....I have never tried the unscented DYG, but I really enjoy Synchronicity, which has the DYG in it. It is very good when meeting people for the first time in a business setting also. I have been using Synch lately (in conjunction with other scents) to deal with new walk-in clients for my tax practice. It seems to help put them at ease in a situation where they need to be a little bit "open", but don't necessarily need to air all of their dirty laundry.....


The scent of Synchronicity is nice on its own, but I find that it is also unobtrusive enough so that I can wear it comfortably with other scents without distorting them.....

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Here's the situation, there's a guy that I'm crushing on & have been for months.


There is a problem though, we are currently in situation where we can't be together. But.....I really want to know if he wants to be with me when the situation changes (which it will in a few months), so I'm thinking Drop Your Guard might help.

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Here's the situation, there's a guy that I'm crushing on & have been for months.


There is a problem though, we are currently in situation where we can't be together. But.....I really want to know if he wants to be with me when the situation changes (which it will in a few months), so I'm thinking Drop Your Guard might help.



I'd try Drop Your Guard first.....but have True Confessions as a backup....

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  • 11 months later...

ok, i was wearing my pe w/ dyg today and thought i'd share the effects. i felt at ease most of the day and so did anyone who got caught in the cloud. definitely had alpha-androstenol chattiness all around me all day and the accompanying lower tolerance to alcohol...tipsy from one blackberry mojito? shameful! and i think i was getting some of the effects from the est, too. i had men asking to help me when i was carrying things and complimenting my supervisor on my performance (both kinda "taking care of" behaviors). although, one customer seemed to flip out over something small today and i think it might have been from the pheros...there's one in every crowd!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

I got this in a trade and I'm just starting to test it out.


What is the closest current equivalent? Open Windows or...?

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I got this in a trade and I'm just starting to test it out.


What is the closest current equivalent? Open Windows or...?


To me, this doesn't feel as happy as Open Windows. It feels most similar to Perfect Match, only with DYG, i feel just a tiny bit spacey. (Probably the THDOC doing that to me), As for effects on others, again, more like PM. Connectedness, but not the bubbly happiness of OW. Your mileage may vary, of course.

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thank you!

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Got some Drop Your Guard in a trade. It's so fun! I put some on before a dr's appt, hoping the dr would really talk to me. He did, even stayed to do my bloodwork himself. But with my girlfriend that I was hanging out with before the appt, we were both super chatty and agreeable. We always get along but this was just different. Like neither of us could wait to tell the other one the next "thing" I am sad this is sold out and will treasure my 1/2 bottle.

Love the effects that you got.

Unfortunately never got to test this one either.

Seems like there has been alot I have not tested....lol

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Tried drop your guard. I'd worn a little bit here and there yesterday but my boyfriend was coming back feom his last minute road trip and I was surprising him with some bday presents including a zippered pillowcase with cute cartoon ninjas on it I was trying to sew/finish before he came home.


anyway, he calls to say he's almost home so I put on 8 inches and maybe another three right next to it because I find with sme of the rollerballs it's hard to get a consistent judgement of how muc comes out because some rollerballs roll the product on thick and thus need less inches (my jouir de bottle does this) and then there's some that roll product on very thin so this is why my inches were long in this case.


In any event, put some hydrating water velvet coffee spray on because I didn't have any other perfume handy at my boyfriend's.


So he unwrapped his goodies and really loved them all and we chatted about the party and his friends and here or there we were talking about a random childhood memory (sparked by him telling me he wants matching cartoon ninja footie pajamas (which I would totally want too) and we just kind of hung out on the couch and chatted despite both of us having gotten very little sleep that day.


I did find this DYG phero combo made me sleepy. I was pretty wide awake before putting it on but then I was laying out on the couch and talking and then closing my eyes more and more. Finally when he went to work on stuff I was too tired to drive home and slept here.


This seems like a very good phero combo to have around for someone who has issies regulating her sleep schedule 2-3 times a month.


it was pleasant but next time I want to test just the social aspect, even if it doesn't seem like a lot is coming out, I'll use less inches.


oh, and I was wearing a shirt that I'd spritzed some unscented Lumina on several hours when I was out before so maybe there was also some crossing there.

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  • 6 years later...

Are they available in unscented? TMI only seems to come up scented and True Confessions doesn't come up in searches. I'm on the lovepotionperfume.com site. I could swear I had seen them but in going through them, all I saw were the scented versions for TMI and no TC at all. TC looked like one that was closest to it from what I could tell. 

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