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OCCO: Ambrosia w/ EOW cops

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Okay ladies - pull put those pocket books and forego the trips to the nail salon- YOU NEED THIS

Omg I didn't think version 2 could get any better-

I was wrong. I must be amping everything that is delicious and sexy because this is sexy sweet ambrosia cherry libido juice! Maybe having memory recall from the last version- all I can say is that this is delicious and if this smells like this now and My skin hates me, then I am going to need an arm condom in a few days so my nose doesn't bust all over my ulna. This is sex juice - no joke bf said I smelled delicious and he gave me the look- so I ran . I ran so far away.


I had saved this sample for testing for last because when I received a sample of the original last year, it did not wear well on me but this version wears so well and the cherry does not go all plastic on my skin... This is a softer more lighter version then the first and I love it.

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I meant to dab on Everything Nice but grabbed this by accident, lol... it smells just as amazing as the original to me. I'm not really a fruity girl though, so I'm fine with just having my sample.

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On me this is exactly the same awesomeness as my other bottles

Yeah I don't really get any difference between the two except the cherry topnote is a bit more tangy in the new brew.

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Occo Ambrosia arrived today and the smell is absolute cherry heaven on me. I have a question about the application, sorry if this has been handled in another thread, I read the new user guide and tips, but still this remains: It says not to get cops on hair/face because you might end up smelling unwashed and to rather put cops on the torso area. But does that apply to scented cops? I read here that members put it on neck and wrists. If I put this on my wrists I will definitely get some into hair and face, because I always fidget. Or does that not happen after dry down? Or does the scent just cover them up and so no worries? Anyhow I cannot detect any cops smell in this one even wet.

Oh, and another question (sorry, again, I' ve been searching the message board, somehow I cant seem to find what I'm looking for today): whats the diffence between a perfume that has cops only and one that has copulines and pheros? I've had BI work fantastically on me so I wonder how wearing just scented cops might be different. maybe someone can direct me to a thread on this?


The ambrosia is so lovely I am tempted to lick my wrist ( I won't) I was worried about the Patchouli, but it seems to blend in in way thats not noticeable to me. I cant say I get the mango much, pure maraschino here.

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I have waist-length hair and I love to wear cops more than phero boosted scents. I think getting some cops on my face by accident is fine as long as it dried down entirely but it's a no-no for hair, scented or not. I always bun up my hair before I apply cops. I make sure that it has dried up before wearing any cover scent or my clothes. I think some ladies apply both cops (e.g. OCCO) with cover scent at the same time. I tend to separate the two.


As for your second question, some blends already has cops in them as you have mentined BI. I guess the pheros and the right body language will give out stronger signals that you want someone more than cops on its own whichever produced by a healthy and fertile woman during ovulation.


Okay, my daughter wants to have access to my iPad. I'll see if I can explain clearer later on or maybe some other ladies will chime in while I'm gone.

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Occo Ambrosia arrived today and the smell is absolute cherry heaven on me. I have a question about the application, sorry if this has been handled in another thread, I read the new user guide and tips, but still this remains: It says not to get cops on hair/face because you might end up smelling unwashed and to rather put cops on the torso area. But does that apply to scented cops? I read here that members put it on neck and wrists. If I put this on my wrists I will definitely get some into hair and face, because I always fidget. Or does that not happen after dry down? Or does the scent just cover them up and so no worries? Anyhow I cannot detect any cops smell in this one even wet.

Oh, and another question (sorry, again, I' ve been searching the message board, somehow I cant seem to find what I'm looking for today): whats the diffence between a perfume that has cops only and one that has copulines and pheros? I've had BI work fantastically on me so I wonder how wearing just scented cops might be different. maybe someone can direct me to a thread on this?


The ambrosia is so lovely I am tempted to lick my wrist ( I won't) I was worried about the Patchouli, but it seems to blend in in way thats not noticeable to me. I cant say I get the mango much, pure maraschino here.

Hi Maroon!


Best to not get cops in hair, scented or otherwise. Cops on skin meld with your chemistry, creating the aura you're looking for. Since the hair (and clothing for that matter) are not your living skin, this transformation doesn't happen, thus the unwashed effect.


As for the difference between phero blends with cops in a perfume and cops alone in a perfume, it's just that: the pheros add their own significant effects, depending on the blend. Cops can be added (or layered) with any phero blend successfully, depending on the quantity. A lot of us use cops on a daily basis, in small amounts for our everyday life, in greater amounts for "sexy time" with our partner. However, I doubt I would wear a blend such as Blatant Invitation during the day, unless it was a special day spent with my man. I wouldn't wear it to work. Others have similar "rules" for when to wear various phero blends.


Hope this helps!!

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Dang, I missed getting this one...but since funds are tight right now, I will just be very happy that I have all of the lovely and most enjoyable scents that I do have

I, too, missed out on the FBs, DD, so I feel your pain. However, some trial vials must have been reloaded into the shopping cart; I was able to score some today.
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I wore this today but might not have put on enough, because by the time I got to work I could hardly smell anything. I had some in my elbows and really had to stick my nose into them to get a faint whiff. I didnt want to put too much on for fear of cops overdose. I wore some in the cleavage, too, but when I bent my head nothin wafted up at me. I did about 5 rolls on the torso, one each in the elbows. If I put on more than that, will it be overload? I really love the scent...

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I wore this today but might not have put on enough, because by the time I got to work I could hardly smell anything. I had some in my elbows and really had to stick my nose into them to get a faint whiff. I didnt want to put too much on for fear of cops overdose. I wore some in the cleavage, too, but when I bent my head nothin wafted up at me. I did about 5 rolls on the torso, one each in the elbows. If I put on more than that, will it be overload? I really love the scent...

That's definitely a lot of scent. I wouldn't add much more than that. Do you typically wear a lot of fruity scents? Sometimes when our noses get used to a scent, we can't smell it anymore but that doesn't mean others can't.

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That's definitely a lot of scent. I wouldn't add much more than that. Do you typically wear a lot of fruity scents? Sometimes when our noses get used to a scent, we can't smell it anymore but that doesn't mean others can't.

Hm, you might be right. Of course I wear regular perfumes on neck and hair, so I can smell them. I thought I had no hits today, but I just remember that at coffee after lunch at a table with 3 guys and 4 women I was the only one the men talked to. Actually I was the only one they paid attention to. Usually they just banter among themselves, entertaining the ladies by showing off how funny and smart they are. So the Ambrosia must have done something.


Thanx for all the application tips, evryone!

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it's an OCCo so it's different than a 'regular' fragrance so to speak. Granted OCCo ambrosia is more cover than the regular ed OCCos but it is an OCCo. I enjoyed it on its own on my first go with it. I have not thought about what i might pair it with yet. Maybe the ladies here that did V1 Ambrosia can suggest layering scents to pair it with.

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I already ordered a sample of this just by reading the description in the perfumerie, but now that I've read this OMG I cannot wait to get it and try it out!

If I love it I may get a big bottle and put my OCCO Gold in the trading booth~ I want to find something to replace it with first though. I really LOVE the scent of my LP Red enhanced with Leather, but My roll on of LP Red is different! The leather one has this amazing sort of sweet to it that I ADORE and cannot stop sniffing myself, but the roll on is all the spice part hardly nothing of the sweet. I have no idea why. If it was the same as the leather enhanced I would order LP Red with Cops, but it just isn't. Also am going to put my roll on of LP Red up for trade. Oooohhh I can't wait! :D

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Hm, you might be right. Of course I wear regular perfumes on neck and hair, so I can smell them. I thought I had no hits today, but I just remember that at coffee after lunch at a table with 3 guys and 4 women I was the only one the men talked to. Actually I was the only one they paid attention to. Usually they just banter among themselves, entertaining the ladies by showing off how funny and smart they are. So the Ambrosia must have done something.


Thanx for all the application tips, evryone!

That sounds like it worked very well then. A lot of times pheromone hits are subtle. My b.f. isn't into any of this stuff. I puts some copulins on her, she told me her husband was really nice to her when she got home.


It's sold out though

:'( I'm so grateful that I got my hands on a bottle :)

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Bummer. I haven't even gotten to smell it yet. Tomorrow, I think. I hope!

I do have 2 samples and a full bottle of the '12 version though... That oughta hold me for a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Weird day, I was out sans makeup, hair in a bun, jeans n high neckline shirt. I am always smiling at folks, but I swear multiple bitches were giving me the stank eye. Fucking crazy! Like if I acknowledged them , they would shoot me a look like "n who the fuck do you think you are, bitch???" Seriously weird, I also got a dizzy spell at the store. Maybe wearing jeans increased my temp & I was pherobombing people, unawares??? I really didn't apply that much, or any more than usual. I could be ovulating, maybe that's what put me into weird reaction territory? Either way, it was just flat out weird.

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^^ They were just so jealous you had that special something going on.. Lol, another awesome benefit of Ambrosia, Pissn' off crazy bitches.

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Just to top off all those great reviews: I was on the suburb train going to town last weak, wearing Occo Ambrosia and bit of Gotcha w/ Coconut Breeze. Just leaning next to the door when a guy comes in, walks past me, his head spins around to look at me, then he sits down on a seat close to me. I think his eyes never left me til I got off the train - and so did he. Walking past me, and the all of a sudden, he's on the escalator next to me. Introduces himself, says he would not have forgiven himself if he had not talked to me, I just had something special about me with that gorgeous smile and those sparkling blue eyes. And he wished he could spend the day flirting with me, but had to get to his job. And said, people always meet twice in life and he hopes to meet me again.


I was pretty much speechless, but thanked him as courteously as I could. He was cute and a perfect gentleman and at least 10 to 15 years my junior. He sure made my day!


Told husband about it in the evening, laughing, when we drove out to the country for the weekend. I had refreshed the Gotcha and the Occo for the night. And I don't know if it was the train tale or my lovely smelling body, but when I woke up in the morning, husband seduced me so thoroughly that I just slumped about in bed for another hour, and til then he had gotten fresh coffee and pastries...


Perfect weekend! :wink88:

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  • 4 weeks later...

finally trying this thanks to a kind trader. original occo ambrosia to me was mango-cherry with mango winning out very slightly. On me this is the opposite, very cherry forward and the mango is not obvious at all- I probably wouldn't pick it up at all if I didn't know it's in there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is this sold out forever? I hope they make new ones or put this in the permanent collection!


I just got a sample of this and whenever I wear it, interaction with people just goes very smoothly.


I'm just skimming over the surface of its effects with that statement, but this is a definite hit to people and I've been getting self-effects from it too.

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This is sold out forever, it sold out in 3 minutes.

I cried. I'm still crying. I did manage to score a bottle in trade, but I don't want to use it because eventually it will be gone, just like my looks, rack, and hair. Maybe if we all make a whisker wish for a rebrew with proceeds going towards a cat castle for Mara's house of 7 pussies~ it will come true!

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This is sold out forever, it sold out in 3 minutes.

I cried. I'm still crying. I did manage to score a bottle in trade, but I don't want to use it because eventually it will be gone, just like my looks, rack, and hair. Maybe if we all make a whisker wish for a rebrew with proceeds going towards a cat castle for Mara's house of 7 pussies~ it will come true!

I'm in. ;)

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Is this sold out forever? I hope they make new ones or put this in the permanent collection!


I just got a sample of this and whenever I wear it, interaction with people just goes very smoothly.


I'm just skimming over the surface of its effects with that statement, but this is a definite hit to people and I've been getting self-effects from it too.

There are six scents in the permanent OCCO range, you might find another one has the same effects. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I'm getting all straight-cherry with not much almond from the maraschino. I was hoping for more mango or cocoa/vanilla/patch. I want to love this but it's playing hard to get!


Well if you want to get rid of it.. I would gladly take if off your hands! :Emoticons0424:

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Well if you want to get rid of it.. I would gladly take if off your hands! :Emoticons0424:

LadyVictoria - my bottle has your name on it!


I did try it again, morning vs evening wear, got mango - all mango. I give up, lol! I'm working on creating a trading page and will list this one but "in progress" so you can take a look first.

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  • 4 months later...

I only just got the chance to try this. It is wonderful. I hope there may be another brew in the future....even if it is just for the summer. The smell of cops is completely absent. The fruit is just balanced so wonderfully that nothing seems to overpower nor does it overpower any scent it is worn with. Just a beautiful compliment to scents. I will cherish the small amount I have.

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  • 3 months later...

& a fan favorite OCCO returns :)


MANGO ~ Increases male libido, spiritually elevating.
MARASCHINO CHERRY ~ Stimulates and attracts love, attracts mate. Cheerfulness, good humor, mood elevator, divination.
GINGER ~ Fiery and fortifying, induces passion. Intensifies love spells and success spells. Love, money, success, power. Ginger increases sensitivity in the erogenous zones.
COCOA ABSOLUTE ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love.
BLACK VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming.

Essence of Woman (EoW) Copulins ~ Strong and immediate sexual attraction.

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So sorry for the double post, but I picked up some PERSISTENT adwear when I was without home internet, so now I can't edit any posts excepting those in my journal??? Anyway, I was sharing some LP samples with a long time friend of mine & she really liked the 2013 brew of this one. So I gave it to her, as my full bottle still sits unopened, lol. Anyway, we have been having a lot of fun using her husband as the unwitting guinea pig & I get to live vicariously through her. So she reported back to me on this one & told me she got some VERY nice self effects. 

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Wow, I am LOVING this one! Which is odd, since I scored a bottle on the trade threads a while back and my memory is that I felt pretty "meh" about it. So I don't know -- definitely need to pull that baby back out because this is a fruit scent I can do -- thick sweet sultry syrup with not even a hint of cough drop (which I was getting with the other bottle). I can't pick out the cocoa and I think I'm experiencing the ginger and black vanilla as warmth for the whole brew rather than individual notes. But the mango-maraschino cherry combo is to die for! And not a squeak out of the patch, which I amped badly in another of this month's scents.

Edited by Blackcat
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Haha, I love the smell of this one, but then dudes are like "hey....you're single now, right?" So I don't give it the love that I would like to. I wonder which virgin LP is most comparable to this one???

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