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Girl you are an LP ho in general. You sleep around with all the different scents hahaha


ETA: how do you ever narrow down your choices each month?


I KNOW!!!!! It is a nightmare believe me!!!!!!!!!! I have tried to find myself but still in the same boat after two years!

I think I am that way with everything, that's why I don't buy anything except LP's. Keeping it as simple as I can.

I thought it was a Libra thing?

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This smells like an up-close sniff of the vanilla tea I love so dearly. Funny there's no actual vanilla in it, but I think the tonka and honey give it that effect. Just a hint of smokiness from the tobacco and woodiness from the teak, and the vetiver is in no way overpowering--in fact it's barely there. Lovely and as soothing as an actual cup of honeyed tea.

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How crazy- the last thing in the world I expected - this scent reminds me of this candy, especially the wrapper:


And also oolong tea.

So - far from Adlerian or even any British - I'm getting various ASIAN associations. Wacky eh???

Edited by tyvey
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TONKA BEAN ~ Love, money, courage, wishes granted; wards off illness.

TEA ~ Invigorating, refreshing, mentally and physically uplifting, lust. Riches, courage, strength.

HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.

TOBACCO ~ Healing, purification, spiritualism. An ode to the Gods.

TEAKWOOD ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance.

VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.


In the vial, 221B is all the ingredients. Perfumey in a very good way! When it hits my skin, I get a lot of honey and tobacco and tea. The honey is light and pretty, the tobacco is its usual lusciousness, and the tea adds a subtle brightness. Beautiful. As it all warms, the blend gets creamy and a little woody. I'm assuming that's the tonka, teak, and vetiver kicking in. Gorgeous! I do believe I can perceive every single ingredient in this if I stop and concentrate. They all blend beautifully and I LOVE EEEET!!! :heart: This is rich and sexy and wonderfully nommy. Totally evocative of the description. As the long drydown progresses, it's a little creamier, with more wood ~Heh. Yeah.~ and yet the little bell-like honey/tea bright note is still there in the background. Also, as time goes on, there's more of the swoonworthy vanilla-ish thing I get from tonka. YUM.


Lovely, seductive, and I have to get more. B) This would be great amped with any number of pheros. Oh and YAY!!! Another honey that WORKS on my skin! :banana058: :banana058: :banana058:

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If anyone missed out on Sneaky Clean.. boosting this with SS4W should do the trick.. It smells like a twin, A smarter sassier twin.

This is my second testing. I do not like it today.

I'm gonna be contrary and disagree with you Lady V! To me it's the cough drop sucking horn rimmed glasses wearing, pink rinsed twin with hypochondria. Sorry, that sounds awful but there is something really medicinal about this. Sad-face :(

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Yeah I was gonna say! To me 221B is a member of the family which includes Soiled Dove and Tea and Strumpets, and Sneaky Clean is the opposite of all that.

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OMG. This is so strong on me right now my eyes are watering. I am going to quit sampling and go to bed. I should have stopped with the beautiful Spider Silk, but NOOOOOO I had to keep going and now I am sick.


anti bacterial soap! or alcohol pads ( thanks tyvey xoxo ) ASAP - dont ruin the spider silk moment for me either! HURRY

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It's a tough one, this 221B. I scrubbed it but it is still there haunting me.


Interesting. I had to get some of that stuff from Mara that you put on to keep it from soaking into your skin and vanishing. My skin eats it.


But that worked very nicely for me this past weekend, when I was the MC for the local SF con. I used 221B on F and Sa, along with PP. I was treated like a queen and a general expert on whatever I discussed.

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OK. Got a little of this on my hand and it smells completely different than it did the other night when I freaked out. There is one strong ingredient in there that is a little biting. I don't know what vetiver is so maybe it is that. But the honey in here smells like the one in Priscilla's Your Hotness so it's got a bit of a graham cracker vibe which I do like.


I don't think I am ever going to flip over this like I wanted to because I did want the label in my collection. Oh well. :(

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...

This is one that I'm wearing today and I really like it! It's soft but with a lot of depth. And as previous people have mentioned, it has a masculine quality to it while retaining a sense of femininity. Anyone can wear it, really. I'm definitely smelling the tobacco and teak in this, but they blend so well together that nothing is overly sharp. I was expecting those scents to exude a sense of warmth, maybe because of memories of teak wood in Indian furniture stores and such, but 221B just seems really clean.

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I got this a ways back because I drool over Robert Downey Jr.'s Sherlock Holmes character and the entire feel of those movies and I wanted to wear anything that could keep me in that frame of mind without looking like a loco in a costume. I still love to come home from working and put on a LOT of this in the evening. Tea, honey & tobacco like in Port Jolie and Tea-less Strumpets are pure joy for me to wear, and 221B is the most ladylike (as in you can go visit your momma wearing this one and she won't raise her eyebrows) of this class. But I can still have my yummy Sherlock thoughts :D while wearing it!

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Tea, honey & tobacco like in Port Jolie and Tea-less Strumpets

See neither of those have a tobacco note, which is why I said 221B is sort of like Soiled Dove meets Tea & Strumpets.

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It is strange, but I ALWAYS get tobacco in Port Jolie and some others. I thought it was supposed to be like that. But, I guess it's that skin chemistry thing. Some folks say that a fragrance is absorbed into their skin. On me, many turn to the scent of tobacco smoke (nope, I don't smoke... I enjoy a hint of its scent but I don't care to reek like a loaded ashtray). Does anyone else out there "go up in smoke" with some of the tobacco-less fragrances??

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It is strange, but I ALWAYS get tobacco in Port Jolie and some others. I thought it was supposed to be like that. But, I guess it's that skin chemistry thing. Some folks say that a fragrance is absorbed into their skin. On me, many turn to the scent of tobacco smoke (nope, I don't smoke... I enjoy a hint of its scent but I don't care to reek like a loaded ashtray). Does anyone else out there "go up in smoke" with some of the tobacco-less fragrances??


I can't say I have smelled any smoke even in the ones that have smoke. Actually I take that back, Blushing Embers has a smoke quality to it- but it's more like a pink I dream of Jeanie smoke.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oooooooh...*shivers with delight - convulses - twitches - shakes*


This one is GOOOOOOD. I mean reaaaaaaal goooood. This is more...grown up? mature smelling? than I expected it to be. It's NOT old lady - I would have run screaming in horror from that.


So help here from the more educated than I - the notes are : TONKA BEAN TEA, HONEY,TOBACCO, TEAKWOOD, VETIVER.


I'm not sure what Tonka bean tea, teakwood and vetiver smell like on their own. I have other fragrances with teak in them that I like and the same with vetiver so I'm thinking the new kid on the block I'm trying to figure out is the Tonka bean tea. There's something about it that smells perfumey - or maybe clean? The honey is pairing up with something and they are creating an unfamiliar smell that I can't quite get my head around.


It's not a sweet scent but it sure is SHMEXY! It's staying close to my skin for now...maybe with a good slathering I'll be able to sort this out :D But in the mean time, going FB was NOT a mistake!

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D'oh! Then it's the TEA note! Ah HA! Gotcha!

I thought Tonka was supposed to be sweet! Typo in my notes! I've got tea in other fragrances and that's the one alright! Thank you Luna! Makes perfect sense now....saves me from wondering what Tonka bean tea is now too - is it an extract - what the heck is it?LOL

At least that explains why I'd never heard of it before :D So sad...I know....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Slathered well with this Sunday afternoon and the tea note was very prominent to me this time (thank you Luna) now that I know what it is, it's like a no brainer. I get something wonderfully similar from the Candytuft Tea. I love the tea note and I think it mingles with the tobacco gloriously! I think the tobacco and tea amp on me a bit at first (about 45 minutes to an hour) and maybe it's the teak in there too?


What is the note that is registering to me as "perfume like"? Is that the vetiver? And there's a creamy feel and it's only slightly sweet to me - the Tonka & honey? It never gets foodie in any way and even though I would say it's slightly - ever so - masculine - this is 100% woman. It would be right on my man I don't think, lol. This is something that should pair well with SS4W or BANG! or Leather ^_~


I actually wore it with SS4W Sunday and when we were out to eat our waitress was quite lackluster when we first arrived (probably a long, busy day), she even appeared agitated but I think was trying to hide it - pure speculation of course - but she warmed right up after a few trips to the table....fair bit of eye contact and definitely improved mood. She was even joking around with us by the time we were finished and ready to go :it-s-a-beautiful-thing:

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