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New Releases for OCTOBER 2012

Potion Master

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Heehee! You guys should come live in my house! Doesn't seem to matter where we live, we have bats. I have to catch them with a bath towel and let them outside. With 3 cats bounding after it - one of whom is queerly skilled for a declawed kitty - the chase is always entertaining. I'm so worried about the cats being bitten, (and getting rabies, which has been found in bats in my area), so I consistently get massive surges of adrenaline during these chases! They are kinda cute little things though, all except the one with the 9 inch wing-span I caught last summer. He was oooohhh! just a mite intimidating! :lol:

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Heehee! You guys should come live in my house! Doesn't seem to matter where we live, we have bats. I have to catch them with a bath towel and let them outside. With 3 cats bounding after it - one of whom is queerly skilled for a declawed kitty - the chase is always entertaining. I'm so worried about the cats being bitten, (and getting rabies, which has been found in bats in my area), so I consistently get massive surges of adrenaline during these chases! They are kinda cute little things though, all except the one with the 9 inch wing-span I caught last summer. He was oooohhh! just a mite intimidating! :lol:


Your brave! I'm not sure I could catch one, but I have teenage sons to do it for me! Luckily we haven't had that problem. I do see them in the summer around dusk, flying around, but I've never seen one up close.

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When my parents bought their cottage a few years back, I heard some funny sounds coming from the roof of the bunkhouse one night around dusk, so I went closer to investigate, ('cause I'm a stupid city girl), and VERY suddenly hundreds of bats flew out from under the eaves. There were bats flying all around me - and I was so surprised, I couldn't even make sense of what they were for a few moments! Lol! It was almost like a big gust of wind had blown hundreds of bits of black paper at me. So weird! And educational. For a city girl. ;)

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I used to ALWAYS get bats in the house the first 2 weeks in August (the hottest wks of the summer), and they'd terrorize me and the cats at 1a.m., AAAAGGGHHHH !! and the scene was right out of a comedy flick, the bat flying around the house, the cats and me chasing the bat, me equipped w/a net, having the net get caught on ceiling fan, cats jumping, me screaming (windows open, NO ONE COULD HEAR ME....scary thought of getting killed, and no help)

Sadly, our bat population has diminished by nearly 2/3rds ;( , haven't had a bat in the house in a few years now.

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Trying really hard not to laugh at that visual,Mz Liz :P ...


Mara,gonna put this here,might help others :)...Lizzy's awesome cookies are not showing up in search

Love Potion Fragrances

Search Results

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Lizzy's Ebil Sugared Ginger Cookies

Sorry, no matching items found.

...oh and I luv Bats too,no surprise huh...one of my fonder memories is watching the exodus from Carslbad Caverns...here,adopt your own! :D



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Liz, replace the net with a bath towel and the picture is exact! Lol! *sigh... bats* ;) Fun little things. You really get a workout chasing after 'em!


ETA - love the Adopt-A-Bat! :)

Edited by Eggers
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Your brave! I'm not sure I could catch one, but I have teenage sons to do it for me! Luckily we haven't had that problem. I do see them in the summer around dusk, flying around, but I've never seen one up close.

Teenagers also come in handy for killing spiders ;)

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Trying really hard not to laugh at that visual,Mz Liz :P ...


Mara,gonna put this here,might help others :)...Lizzy's awesome cookies are not showing up in search

Love Potion Fragrances

Search Results

Search for:

Lizzy's Ebil Sugared Ginger Cookies

Sorry, no matching items found.

...oh and I luv Bats too,no surprise huh...one of my fonder memories is watching the exodus from Carslbad Caverns...here,adopt your own! :D


THAT. Is something I'd like to see. I've GOT to get to Carlsbad Caverns onna these days!!! And I may just go adopt a bat in the mean time, Calii! Hee! I can tell all his/her cousins here that we're helping out the extended family. :2701::2701::2701::w00t:
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Ok, I took my head out of the sand this month for these. They look terrific! Can't wait to place an order. Hope everyone here is doing well. Mara, looks like you outdid yourself again! The Halloween collections are always my favorite!

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Yeah New Releases. Hi everybody. I havent been away just busy. But I've been a silent stalker. That sounds a little wierd. But anyway. Everything looks awesome. I just love October Releases. So......when can we place our orders. My money fairy has just arrived.

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Ugh I have to wait till Wednesday to pull the trigger on these two days can't pass soon enough!!!


And seconding (thirding? fourthing?) the bat love, my first Halloween costume was a bat. At least it was the first Halloween costume I picked for myself. I was told that as a toddler my mother put me in this hideous flower princess costume. When I was in kindergarten I got my revenge when my aunt took me to shop for a costume and asked if I wanted to be a fairy or a princess (again) or something else saccharine like that and I shouted "Bat! BAT!" When my mother saw the costume she was horrified and shook a finger at my aunt, but my aunt simply shrugged.

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Ugh I have to wait till Wednesday to pull the trigger on these two days can't pass soon enough!!!


And seconding (thirding? fourthing?) the bat love, my first Halloween costume was a bat. At least it was the first Halloween costume I picked for myself. I was told that as a toddler my mother put me in this hideous flower princess costume. When I was in kindergarten I got my revenge when my aunt took me to shop for a costume and asked if I wanted to be a fairy or a princess (again) or something else saccharine like that and I shouted "Bat! BAT!" When my mother saw the costume she was horrified and shook a finger at my aunt, but my aunt simply shrugged.


Bat costumes are the best. So awesome you wanted to be a bat instead of something girly! My son was a bat when he was about four, I will look for the pic, if I find it, I will post it :)

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Omg Darbla!! So freaking cute!!!!


Invi you remind me so much of my little niece, Gabrielle, for Halloween last year she wanted to be Supergirl, not a princess, and for her birthday this year she wanted Spiderman stuff! Maria had a shit fit. I told Maria to shove it. We should let her express who she is.

She is so adorable and I appreciate her uniqueness at 5! I bought her this cute grey fedora with hello kitty on it last year , and the other day she was wearing it with lavender capris. lavender shoes, and a white drop waist tee with vintage type lettering.. OMG I almost died. I said wow COCO CHANEL! She looked soooo fabulous.. then Maria started yelling in Spanish and all our ears bled. She was saying that when I was 5 she used to dress me in dresses and lace and ribbons and the Virgen De Guadalupe would shine on me ..blah blah blah..

I didn't hear the exact words but I heard her yelling across the nation - if I would have heard her say such horrid things I would've prob pushed her into oncoming traffic.. okay not really, but I would have told her I would piss on all her plants or something like that. .


I love how unique my little niece is and I appreciate her sense of style.

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Omg Darbla!! So freaking cute!!!!


Invi you remind me so much of my little niece, Gabrielle, for Halloween last year she wanted to be Supergirl, not a princess, and for her birthday this year she wanted Spiderman stuff! Maria had a shit fit. I told Maria to shove it. We should let her express who she is.

She is so adorable and I appreciate her uniqueness at 5! I bought her this cute grey fedora with hello kitty on it last year , and the other day she was wearing it with lavender capris. lavender shoes, and a white drop waist tee with vintage type lettering.. OMG I almost died. I said wow COCO CHANEL! She looked soooo fabulous.. then Maria started yelling in Spanish and all our ears bled. She was saying that when I was 5 she used to dress me in dresses and lace and ribbons and the Virgen De Guadalupe would shine on me ..blah blah blah..

I didn't hear the exact words but I heard her yelling across the nation - if I would have heard her say such horrid things I would've prob pushed her into oncoming traffic.. okay not really, but I would have told her I would piss on all her plants or something like that. .


I love how unique my little niece is and I appreciate her sense of style.


I really don't know what I would do without reading your posts each day, you always make me laugh ;)




Okay, even though I can only get the sampler this month, unless I find a loop hole (which im pretty good at finding towards the end of the month), LOL...I'm dying to read the descriptions! Dying I tell ya!!

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Bat costumes are the best. So awesome you wanted to be a bat instead of something girly! My son was a bat when he was about four, I will look for the pic, if I find it, I will post it :)

Invi you remind me so much of my little niece, Gabrielle, for Halloween last year she wanted to be Supergirl, not a princess, and for her birthday this year she wanted Spiderman stuff! Maria had a shit fit. I told Maria to shove it. We should let her express who she is.


As my one friend says, "Liz, you're BATS, you're so many bats it's outrageous." :lol: LadyV LOL shouldn't be a surprise I was a Batman fan at that age and my life's ambition was to be Batgirl. I don't think kids should be pigeonholed into expressing themselves only as their parents like. Tell Maria homogenized people are bo-ring.

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I'm really glad I waited to order. I was peeping Spider Silk in the archive & I need this in my life! It's not the style I usually go for, but I'd like to switch it up a little. I'm thinking roll on & spray with an LFM add in?

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I'm really glad I waited to order. I was peeping Spider Silk in the archive & I need this in my life! It's not the style I usually go for, but I'd like to switch it up a little. I'm thinking roll on & spray with an LFM add in?


Now I have to look it up...it better be gross, LOL

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Oh WOW!!! No wonder everyone's going nutty over Hallowe'en-y scents! These all sound fabulous Mara! :D


I might have gone a little overboard on the pumpkins this month...I asked Luna if she thought so and she just laughed at me and said something about you all liking pumpkin scents "ALOT", which was news to me. ;)

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Not what you thought you needed,however,but exactly what you did need.


said the spider...


Frankie Stein


... and soooo much more,well done,as always ,Luna :clapW2:


...and Mara,wow,everything looks over the top toothsome,especially for us foodies <drool> <slaver> <drool>

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