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This one is still a HUGE favorite for me...one of my favorite things is getting an unexpected whiff of it from a scarf I have worn when I last had it on....which seems to tend to lead to me wearing it again within a day or two... :666::love:

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I keep telling myself not to get overly attached to any one scent...I can see how it could be difficult once they're GGG...

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Wore this in the evening a few nights back and when I walked through a room 2 of the guys were all, "What smells like chocolate? I don't know but it smells good!" I just kept on walking...but I was smiling the whole time HAHAHA! The thing is, I don't get the chocolate often, I totally pick up on the pepper/tobacco/vanilla and when others get the sweet & cocoa it always surprises me!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Im wearing this now and I dont get any chocolate,which is good because too much chocolate is overpowering for me

never thought a spicy scent would work for me but this is a keeper.

I bet this would be good for layering when ever you want a spicier and sexier perfume!

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Took four months for this to age enough. Tried it twice after first getting and I remember being distinctly unimpressed-- I couldn't pick out any of the notes, really.


Now I smell tobacco, some chocolate (though it kind of has a caramel kick that may be the tobacco), vanilla, and the pepper.


I like it. There was a brown sugar perfume I wore as a teenager for a short while and I can't remember the name of it, but this reminds me of it. But this smells better since that one was overwhelmingly one note of brown sugar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

YUM! I just tried this on this morning, and at first I got the spicy kick of pepper and the wasabi, but now it's dried down to a yummy sweet and warm mixture of chocolate-tobacco-amber, with a mingling of vanilla. I can't smell anything of the Sexpionage...I'm definitelly going to wear this out and about...because I have the balls to do so ;]

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I'm definitelly going to wear this out and about...because I have the balls to do so ;]

:lol: I LURV thisa one! And I'll wear it anywhere! Guys seem to love the scent as well. Wonder why... :ange::666:
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I wear this bad boy everywhere. It smells awesome.

I can only wear it in close proximity to *ahem* somewhere providing for easy access to intimacy with My Beloved... Impossible for me to wear Sexpionage in public... I get about 10 minutes max before the "Sex-Crazed Succubus" makes her presence felt in a major way

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I can only wear it in close proximity to *ahem* somewhere providing for easy access to intimacy with My Beloved... Impossible for me to wear Sexpionage in public... I get about 10 minutes max before the "Sex-Crazed Succubus" makes her presence felt in a major way



You and me both!

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I can only wear it in close proximity to *ahem* somewhere providing for easy access to intimacy with My Beloved... Impossible for me to wear Sexpionage in public... I get about 10 minutes max before the "Sex-Crazed Succubus" makes her presence felt in a major way


It doesn't really effect me this way. Now, I KNOW that it effects other people. LOL. That said, like I've said before, the sexpionage in this one emerges differently than in CP (for me anyhow). CP is 0 to 60 in less than 30 minutes flat. BALLS! is more of a slow burn that leads to fireworks a couple of hours later.

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It doesn't really effect me this way. Now, I KNOW that it effects other people. LOL. That said, like I've said before, the sexpionage in this one emerges differently than in CP (for me anyhow). CP is 0 to 60 in less than 30 minutes flat. BALLS! is more of a slow burn that leads to fireworks a couple of hours later.


That is one of the reasons that pheros are so much fun.....each person has different effects and experiences.....

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I get about 10 minutes max before the "Sex-Crazed Succubus" makes her presence felt in a major way

:huh: But I LIKE her! :666::lol:
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Oh Emm GEE. I took me long enough to finally try this--thanks, LadyV!!!--and I snagged a bottle from the ArtFire site.

:lolipop::lolipop::lolipop:OMFG THIS IS DELICIOUS!!! :lolipop: :lolipop: :lolipop:

On my skin it's kind of Autumnal Equinox 2010's sexy dangerous cousin. It's rich and foody and reeeeally edible and *just* sweet enough. I'vejust been wearing it on and off in small amounts just for myself...but this evening I'm wearing a goodly slathering and am currently sitting next to Mr. Matt (who is reading his kindle). Mwwwwwaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaa... :666: Will report back. This phero has always been a good one for us. Tah-tah 'til later... :go:

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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:w00t: Don't 'spect you'll be reporting back 'til MUCH later...if not morning! :lol:
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Took four months for this to age enough. Tried it twice after first getting and I remember being distinctly unimpressed-- I couldn't pick out any of the notes, really.


Now I smell tobacco, some chocolate (though it kind of has a caramel kick that may be the tobacco), vanilla, and the pepper.


I like it. There was a brown sugar perfume I wore as a teenager for a short while and I can't remember the name of it, but this reminds me of it. But this smells better since that one was overwhelmingly one note of brown sugar.


I know what you mean, when I got the sampler, this was one that I tried and bascially said "NOT for me" Now for some odd reason I have amassed about 5 samples of this and now its all yummy on me, too funny how these things work...

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I know what you mean, when I got the sampler, this was one that I tried and bascially said "NOT for me" Now for some odd reason I have amassed about 5 samples of this and now its all yummy on me, too funny how these things work...

I had this same thing happen with Sex and Violins. Identically, lol, the "not for me" but then just put a dab on last weekend from one and was like, "wow, this is really nice" Go figure! Does this mean we should just buy fbs of everything cuz we're just going to love everything anyway?! :lol:

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I had this same thing happen with Sex and Violins. Identically, lol, the "not for me" but then just put a dab on last weekend from one and was like, "wow, this is really nice" Go figure! Does this mean we should just buy fbs of everything cuz we're just going to love everything anyway?! :lol:

Awesome! I am going to let my little sample of Sex and Violins age for a long time before I even try it.

Don't most oils age better with time in general?

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Don't most oils age better with time in general?

I'm still learning, but there seems to be something to the aging. Or my nose getting used to the sophisticated scents that Mara and her talented people create!
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I'm still learning, but there seems to be something to the aging. Or my nose getting used to the sophisticated scents that Mara and her talented people create!

I think some have a shelf life of 5, 6 or 7 years, or something like that?

Of course everything has to be kept in a cool, dry place too.

I've had things age and then smell bad on me..maybe my skin chemistry changes with age?

I have no idea...never took chem in high school...

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It depends. Some stuff ripens or blooms more with age and some stuff mellows. So if it was the part that mellows that you really loved then you would think it was getting worse. For example my beloved Flying Potion was all marshmallow when it was first released, now the marshmallow is fading and the other notes are more forward. It's still really pretty but it's not what I fell in love with.

Ahhhhhh! ok that makes sense.. Thanks for explaining that! =)

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I don't remember if I wrote this but Because of the spicy notes I like not only the smell but the fel of the lil--there's some heat to it from the spices drawing blood to my skin that I really like.


I've had this happen once with a cinnamon dominant perfume that was bearable but this was actually quite present but nice. definitely an addition to the senses

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Well, POOPIE. Mr. Matt wasn't feeling too good and I lost him to sleepy-bye. Grr.


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  • 3 months later...

I FOGGED in Balls! today...FOGGED I say! LOL


Layered oil and spray AND Topper to (slightly) buffer. I was JUST full of myself flirtatious. We had contractors in today, whom I immediately targeted for sport, lol, one played back VERY well and was quite a bit of fun! :666:


I met with a gal pal for drinks and without goading, the bartender became very flirtatious and was very generous with my portions. His behavior was SO pronounced that my friend, in partial exasperation announced, "How does THIS seem to follow where ever you go??!!!" Granted I was feeling particularly initiative :laugh1: but not terribly more than usual ^_~ She KNEW I was wearing Balls!


Sometimes...slathering is a good thing :D

Edited by NuTrix
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  • 2 months later...

Okay, I got the most unexpected hit with this.


I swiped some on last weekend for a friend's early Halloween party, because I knew it would give me a kick of confidence and I'm very comfortable with my friend and her friends and knew that nothing would get out of hand. I had a delicious aura of spicy-sweet goodness and a kick-ass, bad-girl confidence about me at her party, and had a ton of fun. The girls were hitting on me sweetly, telling me how cute and sexy I was, while the guys were giving me looks of approval but giving me my space. It was awesome.


Then the guy-thing texted, asking me to come over. We've been a little rough, but he kept asking and I was unusually bold, telling him no way if it was just gonna be a booty call and whatnot. Finally caved and went over there.


Once I was there he embraced me and kissed me fiercely, pulling me slowly but surely to his bedroom. I stopped him and said, "this is suspiciously like what you told me it wasn't." He said, "there's no suspicion about it, but it's not." I was going to protest but he kissed me again and my knees melted.


Once we got to his bedroom though it was a completely different story. It was the most gentle night of lovemaking I've ever had. I don't like to use the term "making love" but I don't know how else to describe it, and he's definitely not that kind of guy at all. He's also the kind of guy that won't remove all his clothes - he likes having some kind of barrier, no matter how thin, in between to keep some kind of space. But this night it was like he wanted to bare himself to me, remove all barriers and connect. The entire time there was this massive tension in the room, this crazy feeling that he wanted to tell me something but just couldn't. And during it all I kept seeing tropical flowers blooming in my mind, which was so odd to me.


In the morning, he was back to his regular rough and tumble self, which is really more my style. But it was just so strange to me that he reacted like this to Sexpionage, which really wasn't what I was looking for or expecting.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

I tested Sexpionage in Balls in August and September of 2014. The weather was hot in the high 90s. The fragrance is similar to Art of War, but spicier. Its creamy, peppery with a hint of sweetness and mint. I had to really experiment with the dosage. I wore anywhere from two – six dots to my hands to really slathering this all over my neck, arms, wrists, hands, cleavage, and torso.


The throw on this was difficult to figure out. I didn’t not get any self effects from this and the hits from others were hard to figure out, but when it did hit- it hit hard. Sexpionage played like a social/sexual at me at low doses on well lotioned skin.


My first hit was from my cat, which scared me to death. She was rubbing her face and neck all over my application points and purring. She would just stare at me and purr. I could not get her off of me. I would try to pick her up and she would just go limp and rub herself all over me. After a while it felt so creepy.


The effects on others were a mixed bag. Men aged 20s-70s were flirty and chatty. Most would make eye contact with me, speak to me, exchange pleasantries, tell me a joke, give me elevator eyes, stare at me, and I had one guy about 30ish moan when I passed him. Women were mixed. Some were chatty or neutral, but some women would give me major attitude.


On a day the weather was in the high 90s, I wore 4 dots of Sexpionage. It really performed like a social/sexual. A few of my most noteable hits that occurred all within that single evening were:


1. Male security guard about 40ish, complimented the shoes I brought for my mom and told me he was going to steal them and wear them to his prom. Bwahahaha! A female security guard, 20ish was very deferential.

2. I entered an elevator with a guy about 40 ish and his little boy about 2. The guy spoke to me. I spoke to him and his son. The son gave me DIHLS. When the elevator doors opened 2 women (ages unknown) enthusiastically spoke to me saying "hi" in unison.

3. I was walking through a hallway and a woman came out of her office and said "hi" to me and smiled at me like I was her long lost friend.

4. I passed a group of 4-5 people and the all spoke to me.

5. I had another older woman 50 ish spin around as I passed her and compliment me on my parasol asking me where I bough it etc... and telling me how adorable it is and how everyone must comment on it.

6. I was on a set of stairs and I had an older guy about 60 say to me “i see you got your umbrella” and start making small talk with me.

7. I passed by a couple about 40-50 ish who were compelled to speak to me. They looked stressed, but when I passed their facial expressions changed.


Sexpionage ended up being a lot of fun. It played very much as a social and made people really seek me out and want to talk to me. It feels to me like a more sexual version of Popularity Potion. I am not sure if it performs this was for everyone though. I am definitely adding this to my phero collection.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've noticed that cats can get very intrested in cops. That might explain that reaction.

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  • 2 years later...

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