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AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.

ANIMALIC & EXOTIC DARK MUSKS ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.

PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming.

VIOLIN WOODS ~ Strength, virility, fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.

HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.

CASSIS ~ Aids success in love affairs, and a magical representation of blood.



Okay, I am cracking up! NONE of these notes I can wear but I smelled a bit of this in the vial yesterday and I wanted so bad to slather!! I didn't b/c I had to be at my family's for TG dinner, and wasn't sure if this was going to amp badly on me nor not. But I can't wait to try this one! I kept huffing the trial vial LOL. When I went on the boards today to read the ingredients I couldn't believe it. If I had to list the notes that I just simply can't wear, ALL of these are at the top. And yet.... And yet.....it smells so scrumptious in the bottle. OH I SO hope I can wear this. I'll apply like I do OCCO black: very very sparingly. Good thing I bought a trial spray of DOM to use with this. I know it's already boosted with DOM but I can only try a pin prick at a time. LOL.


PS: Mara, how the HECK did you get the scent of violin wood into a bottle???

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Mine is a cops boosted bottle.


First sniff:OMG...hello love child of Alumette and Extra Curricular who then had a baby with Southern Gothic 2009!!



I love this, she's smoky, dark, slipping silently through the night, down dark alleys to grip you round your throat when you least expect it, rubbing sensually against you, threatening to hurt you but making you want her so badly you throb with desire, every vein runs hot with lust, hungry kisses, sharp with teeth, always the hint of danger behind the burning liquid sexuality..she might break you, and you don't care.



I didn't think this would work, but it sooooo does, I've only applied a small dab but I think it works, the cops temper the dom thing for me, in small doses this may be very very fun.

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Holy Moly! I haven't tried this on my skin just yet, (haven't had time!), but in the vial? OMG! This smells absolutely gorgeous! So lovely. I like it so much that I *might* even give it a whirl to test the phero, too, even though I'm kind of a 'fraidy cat where Dominance is concerned. Though I think that if Dominance doesn't work, I could be persuaded by the smell to buy a virgin bottle. Even BF swooned a bit when I gave him the tester to smell! (That's a good sign!) :D Can't wait to try this on my skin!


ETA the correct spelling of "vial". Hey, I am not a morning person.

Edited by Eggers
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And, when I say this has THROW and takes just a little bit, I am serious! One little dab on each side of the neck, dab on each wrist.....I am enveloped in a CLOUD of scent!


I tried this one last night after my shower. I've been smelling it in the trial vial for two days and just dying! The patchouli is calling my name! And Dolly's right: It has some serious THROW. I treated it as I do my OCCO black: Like I'm handling a live cobra LOL. Seriously, I only touched the applicator tip to my neck, chest, thighs, and inner upper arms. That was plenty. It's pretty loud at first: for me the honey started to amp like mad (dang) but there are some other strong notes in here too that told the honey to just calm down and take a back seat. It takes an hour for me for this one to settle down. But I got:


Patchouli and wood but they were honestly competing with the honey and musk. I liked it. Though this doesn't smell at all like OCCO black in terms of notes I can see how I will have to grow into this. I loved OCCO black so much but would always apply too much and it was too strong. Now I know how to use it and wear it many times a week. Sex and Violins is soooo sexy! Normally I can't wear patchouli even though I love it so much, but with this, weird as it seems I can. S and V has so many of the dark, resin notes in it that it makes the notes I can't wear wearable, if that makes sense. But again, for this blend, less is def. more!


And I can't wait to try this with OCCO black! Would love more cops LOL


PS why is everyone so afraid of the DOM in this? I haven't noticed anything self effects wise. But again I was just at home in my bathrobe, which by the way smelled DIVINE when I put it on this morning after waking up

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PS why is everyone so afraid of the DOM in this? I haven't noticed anything self effects wise. But again I was just at home in my bathrobe, which by the way smelled DIVINE when I put it on this morning after waking up

For one thing the 'none can cause headaches in some people if one happens to overdo it. But there are those of us for whom it's not necessarily the best mix and Leather might be more appropriate. It's just like anything else, some people love it and find it incredibly synergistic, others do not. It's good for me when I need to be a bitch, but otherwise it's not instrinsically me.

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It's good for me when I need to be a bitch, but otherwise it's not instrinsically me.


And I get the totally opposite effect -- Dom boosts my self confidence, assertiveness, and "presence," while keeping a tight lid on the Inner Bitch. It helps me sail through difficult situations with nary a bark or bite. As an attorney who works for federal judges, I need to walk that very fine line between advising and ordering. Dom does it all!!


And how fortunate that Dom's been packaged into the incredible Sex and Violins! It . . . smolders. :666:

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And I get the totally opposite effect -- Dom boosts my self confidence, assertiveness, and "presence," while keeping a tight lid on the Inner Bitch. It helps me sail through difficult situations with nary a bark or bite. As an attorney who works for federal judges, I need to walk that very fine line between advising and ordering. Dom does it all!!


And how fortunate that Dom's been packaged into the incredible Sex and Violins! It . . . smolders. :666:


Same-or at least simlar-here and agreed, and besides Alpha has far been too confused with Asshole these days, much of it having to do with a misunderstanding of Evo Psycho and Sociobiology.


Not that I want to keep from making jokes about the self-effects I get from these kinds of blends, but still...



ETA: This is not to say that having a commanding presence can't abused, it certainly can be, but this really varies from person to person.

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Oh, Queen of Swords, you nailed it!! Being an Alpha female is a blast -- wouldn't change it for all the world! But . . . it isn't easy. And it's tough finding Alpha males who can handle Alpha females appropriately. And non-Alpha males bore me to death. What's a girl to do!!


I totally agree "Alpha" tends to carry that stigma of "Asshole" for males and "Bitch" for females. Yet -- evolutionarily speaking, it obviously has a protective purpose, a survival purpose, or it would have ceased to exist long ago. I doubt our human societies have EVER existed as pure democratic collections -- it wouldn't function well. Which means we banded together with leaders -- Alphas. I wonder when it was that "Alpha" became "Asshole"?

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I'm not really an Alpha type, but I don't feel like a Beta either, and due to shyness I alternate between Introversion and Extroversion. But I love Leather and Dom for helping me assert myself. Not as something I'd wear to hit on the type of men I'd like (Not Alpha's though), but they're very useful when it comes to getting creeps to avoid the hell out of me.


ETA: This will of course sound contradictory, didn't I after all say I don't identify as Alpha? But the Est in blends like Leather and LFM, I suspect, makes me feel less myself. While I am very vain, I never felt truly girly or femme.

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but they're very useful when it comes to getting creeps to avoid the hell out of me.


As is the "accidental" stomp of a stilletto heel on a foot, and it's so much more satisfying! :001_302:

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As is the "accidental" stomp of a stilletto heel on a foot, and it's so much more satisfying! :001_302:


If it wasn't for a mix of foot structure and pain issues I'd seriously look in to wearing something like that.


At the moment I'm just glad I only wore a mix of Dom and Leather at a club a few days ago, I think the vibe kept an asshole mostly at bay, though he seemed to be more than happy to make up some things about me and an incident on Saturday to staff members right after I told him to knock it off that night, and sadly I wasn't even wearing the Alpha blends then.


But that's a rant for another time, and I don't want to derail a thread.

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she's smoky, dark, slipping silently through the night, down dark alleys to grip you round your throat when you least expect it, rubbing sensually against you, threatening to hurt you but making you want her so badly you throb with desire, every vein runs hot with lust, hungry kisses, sharp with teeth, always the hint of danger behind the burning liquid sexuality..she might break you, and you don't care.


Hot Damn,Mel :666:


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At the moment I'm just glad I only wore a mix of Dom and Leather at a club a few days ago, I think the vibe kept an asshole mostly at bay, though he seemed to be more than happy to make up some things about me and an incident on Saturday to staff members right after I told him to knock it off that night, and sadly I wasn't even wearing the Alpha blends then.


But that's a rant for another time, and I don't want to derail a thread.


Post it on the Bitching Post! Inquiring minds want to hear!!!!!

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If I came off as confusing the two states then my bad, because I am wholly cognizant on the difference between the Alpha type and its evil twin. HOWEVER, Dominance Potion does, in fact, make me more of a bitch, whereas Leather is more syngeristic in regards to my intrinsic personality and therefore when I need to assert myself more than I normally would it assists nicely. But sometimes I do have to be a bitch in a particular situation, sometimes I have to say, "Do not fuck with me or you will regret it." And that's where Dominance backs me up.

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Okay, now I"M scared of DOM LOL. I don't know which type I am: I don't mind taking direction, I can respect authority (though it has to be earned) and I'm very good at taking direction. BUT I am NEVER afraid to speak my mind and am also very good at setting my boundries. So which am I? I guess if I have to ask I'm def. not an Alpha :-)

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Okay, now I"M scared of DOM LOL. I don't know which type I am: I don't mind taking direction, I can respect authority (though it has to be earned) and I'm very good at taking direction. BUT I am NEVER afraid to speak my mind and am also very good at setting my boundries. So which am I? I guess if I have to ask I'm def. not an Alpha :-)


LOL! Well most (smart, interesting) women have many different facets to their personality...I don't think we have to fit ourselves into a a certain category.

I just happen to prefer blends with EST in them..could be all in my head but it makes me feel more "me". Outside of work I spend most of my time with a few high strung men. I like to believe it calms them down a bit too. For the most part people get on my damn nerves. Anything that could possible make people (including me) nicer and more patient is what I generally look for in a phero. I doubt DOM would turn me into :Troll-stalking:

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I'm not afraid of Dom but I know it's likely not for me. I've gotten bitchy on Leather before and I do think DOM would amp that facet of my personality! I'll probably try one of the sample sprays since I have the opportunity, though, since I can't wear this scent.

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Official review, lol:

First Impression...woodsy, resinous and THICK. Very heady. Scent lasted from evening into the next morning, barely there, but definitely there. This is something that I think I'd rather smell on something or someone else. It's very rich and deep and the woods, musks and patchouli seem to be very prominent on me. I didn't really get a lot of honey and the amber stayed in the background. There is no mention of resin but the thought I'm having is that it's too resinous for me but it does feel very sultry and animalic...predatory even..if that makes sense? Maybe it's the Dominance lending that vibe, lol! It may be just perfect for the ladies who are "on the prowl" so to speak...

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There is no mention of resin but the thought I'm having is that it's too resinous for me but it does feel very sultry and animalic...predatory even..if that makes sense?

You mean in the description? It does list amber as an element in the blend. But the musk is probably giving you that impression because it does contain those type of musks.

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You mean in the description? It does list amber as an element in the blend. But the musk is probably giving you that impression because it does contain those type of musks.

I'm reaching for words lol.I know that the musks are described as animalic, dark and exotic in the ingredient list but that wasn't what I was thinking of in my attempted description. :blush:

My nose isn't super refined, could I be thinking resins in my head but in reality it's the musk I'm smelling? I think I equate the word resinous with "rich and deep", I would even throw exotic into my understanding of resinous.

For my personal description of it, it's feel to me (if a smell can feel) was that the smell makes me think of night out on the prowl, woman in charge (sultry and animalistic), predatory kind of kick a$$, "I know what I want and I'm coming to get it"...which I bet would totally suit Dom :lol:

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I love this, she's smoky, dark, slipping silently through the night, down dark alleys to grip you round your throat when you least expect it, rubbing sensually against you, threatening to hurt you but making you want her so badly you throb with desire, every vein runs hot with lust, hungry kisses, sharp with teeth, always the hint of danger behind the burning liquid sexuality..she might break you, and you don't care.


Er, I'll have what she's drinking bar keep...


Which alleyways are these mel? I must go there...This made me think of a role reversal with sexy Damon from Vampire diaries...grrrrrrr.


Anyway what did I come here for? Oh yes, Sex & Violins, pretty strong stuff. I love it. The hubbs really likes this one, but then he loves Extracurricular Proclivities which this reminds me of too. I am very keen to try this with my sample of OCCO Black, and OCCO Pink if I can get that off my sister who borrowed it.

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Just got out of the shower and put this on with a dab of OCCO: Black... I feel like I can conquer the world with this baby on. The honey is not doing so well on my skin but I'm hoping it will calm down and play nice.


I really hope I do not get the cat pee smell flowing from the honey that I got with Torid Sorcey

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Okay, now I"M scared of DOM LOL. I don't know which type I am: I don't mind taking direction, I can respect authority (though it has to be earned) and I'm very good at taking direction. BUT I am NEVER afraid to speak my mind and am also very good at setting my boundries. So which am I? I guess if I have to ask I'm def. not an Alpha :-)


Not to worry!!! And besides, this "Alpha" business is not a point, it's a spectrum. Call it the "Alph-a-Meter"! We all fall on it somewhere -- it just seems that, once a certain level is reached, we all recognize it as "Alpha." I think that Dom/Leather enhances your Alpha-ness, no matter where you are on the spectrum.

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I have had this on for about 4 hours and the honey in this is working for me... Wow, this scent lasts forever on me, I keep huffing my arms... I love this scent and will be purchasing a full bottle... Since I have a bunch of the cops, I don't think I will get it scented with it but rather add it myself....

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Not to worry!!! And besides, this "Alpha" business is not a point, it's a spectrum. Call it the "Alph-a-Meter"! We all fall on it somewhere -- it just seems that, once a certain level is reached, we all recognize it as "Alpha." I think that Dom/Leather enhances your Alpha-ness, no matter where you are on the spectrum.


Now I can live with that. Though Truth be told I've worn this blend a couple times and once sprayed even a bit of DOM Un since I just can wear barely any of S and V and well.... both times didn't notice a dang thing phero wise.

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I think I equate the word resinous with "rich and deep", I would even throw exotic into my understanding of resinous.

Yeah I would use those words too, definitely. But the "prowl" part of it, I would say that's the musk, it has that vibe.

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I am really jealous of those that can wear these type of scents. I feel like that little girl that gets caught in her mom's expensive heels and breaks her fancy lipstick in two. I think I even peed myself from fright.


Don't start singing "All by Myself" just yet ;)


I can't wear these types either, and I'm pretty sure I peed my panties/knickers too!

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Wore this with a cops boost last night, and my man could not keep his hands off me.....and I was ROCKING the Dominance......and the bed.....LOL!


He just sent me a text, telling me he is still smiling from last night!

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I wore this yesterday and this guy at work was sniffing all around my cubby, trying to figure out where "that awful smell" was coming from... :(


I convinced him it was my air freshener... but remind me not to wear this during my TOM anymore...

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I wore this yesterday and this guy at work was sniffing all around my cubby, trying to figure out where "that awful smell" was coming from... :(


I convinced him it was my air freshener... but remind me not to wear this during my TOM anymore...


Yeah, definitely try it when it is not your TOM........that could change it completely.......

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I wore this yesterday and this guy at work was sniffing all around my cubby, trying to figure out where "that awful smell" was coming from... :(


I convinced him it was my air freshener... but remind me not to wear this during my TOM anymore...


LOL Oh no! that's the worst! I get that with Rocket Fuel sometimes. People keep asking who's smoking a pipe.. I wear it anyway b/c I love it

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