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Under Your Spell w/Blatant Invitation

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Anyone know the "Call me when you're sober" video by Evanescence? This is how that would smell, sort of cool, dark, dangerous, and sexy. I usually don't care much for deep, dark scents, but I keep coming back to this one. Someone else mentioned getting a tobacco like smell, and I get it too. at first, I get no sugar but I think I sense some sweetness from fig.The spice note is interesting in this. As it wears on, it warms up, lightens up, and gets sweeter. I'm not sure if I will get a full bottle just yet, but I will happily wear my sample.


BB, that is really a good way to describe this one... It is a very sexy blend, I just wish my chemistry let this one hang on a bit longer on me

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O!M!G! Soooooooo loving this! And so glad I got a full bottle too! Deep and sexy is the perfect description. I definitely get the fig, but it isn't overly sweet as fig sometimes tends to be with my skin chemistry.....oh lord, I feel a hoarding feeling coming on.....


Will update as it wears.....


Loving it.....getting sexier and sexier on me......damn I smell good! I had to go in and order two more bottles.....

Edited by Dolly
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O!M!G! Soooooooo loving this! And so glad I got a full bottle too! Deep and sexy is the perfect description. I definitely get the fig, but it isn't overly sweet as fig sometimes tends to be with my skin chemistry.....oh lord, I feel a hoarding feeling coming on.....


Will update as it wears.....


Loving it.....getting sexier and sexier on me......damn I smell good! I had to go in and order two more bottles.....



While it did lighten up a bit, all I can say is that it is beautiful......this would be a fabulous scent for a sexy date! But I will probably wear it more than that! So glad I ordered more....

Edited by Dolly
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I can't figure this one out for the life of me. One minute I like it. The next minute I want to wash it off. I'm confused.


You are not alone. I am intrigued, but scared. I feel like it's too dark and dungeony for me. I mean I have a dark sense of humor but my sense of scent is more light I guess. Anyone else feels like this is a sex dungeon scent? Kinda like kinky and feaky? Like I would watch this as porn, but probably not participate.

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You are not alone. I am intrigued, but scared. I feel like it's too dark and dungeony for me. I mean I have a dark sense of humor but my sense of scent is more light I guess. Anyone else feels like this is a sex dungeon scent? Kinda like kinky and feaky? Like I would watch this as porn, but probably not participate.


Bingo! It really makes me internally confused and conflicted!

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I love this perfume, but it doesn't love me back. :( It goes on so smooth and sexy! But it's another one that gives me a headache after it's been on my skin for a while. I'm so sad! I don't know what it is about some of these pretty, resinous perfumes like this, and Sex and Violins that doesn't like me. I'm beginning to think I need to look into what it is that's bugging my "third eye", 'cause that's right where they seem to poke me.

For what it's worth, I really dig this one. It's so lovely...

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I can't get my head around this one, i dont like it at first but then maybe the bi dies down and i get something of allumette, only not a sweet incense with it, this is allumette goes to the dark side.


YES!!!!! That's a good description. Allumette's dark side!

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I got the monthly sampler and just opened the vials to sniff..This one caught my attention the most! Its addicting I cant stop sniffing it..smells dark and yes tres sexy! I for sure am getting a fb or 2!

and I went to go pick up my daughter at school and its blowing snow outside..all I can smell is this because it must have went on my nose..lol smells smokey in a wicked good way!

Edited by tanya27
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I'm sensing this one will be good on me... Liz, Dolly maybe too... who else is a fan of the Dark? :)


AC for one, who is LOVING this. Resin ho for sure. Also spice ho. Mmm, like LPBlack but with a slightly sweeter, spicier twist. :Emoticons04235:

I'm doing the shirt-huff thing too. Yes, this is also mindful of MRF. That slightly caramelly-sweet scent. Mm. another huff, and I think part of the sweet is the fig. Oh I love this.

Edited by AlienChangeling
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Must agree with DD on this one -- it's S & V's kid sister. (I adore S & V.) A lighter, softer, friendlier (?!) version of S & V. It dries down to church incense on me, which is perfectly fine. I just wish my chemistry would at least giving a passing nod to the sweeter aspects of this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is very incense-like on me, it actually reminds me of Raqs Sharqi the most, I'm thinking it's probably the amber and the sandalwood which is having that effect. I like it but I don't know if I'd wear it because it's a bit too strong for my taste.

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Love love love it! Will probably wear it today, in fact! It is right up my alley.....very glad I got multiple bottles!

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Wearing this one today.....feeling like.....well, like a sexpot! To me, this one smells like something a very exotic pinup girl would wear.....not one of the prissy, girly ones.....one of the "bad girls".....you know, one of the ones who looks like she knows what she wants, and knows EXACTLY how to get it!

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I'm not sure if I like this one. It's a very exotic scent but, I don't know, may be it simply doesn't agree with my skin. It's a pity because I like the BI blend. May be I should test it again some other day.


Always test more than once! Many things can play a part in your skin chemistry and how it reacts with a scent. Changes in your diet, hormonal cycle, etc can really change things. Sometimes, simply letting a scent age a bit and then trying it again can also make a difference. I have kicked myself in the behind more than once for letting a scent go after trying it just once or twice.

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Always test more than once! Many things can play a part in your skin chemistry and how it reacts with a scent. Changes in your diet, hormonal cycle, etc can really change things. Sometimes, simply letting a scent age a bit and then trying it again can also make a difference. I have kicked myself in the behind more than once for letting a scent go after trying it just once or twice.


:) I will do! Aging is also an important point. From my experience, it's always good to test a new scent again after some time, and yet again after allowing the perfume to settle and age for some time. May be, some day I'll love this one.

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Trying this one out again, and it is dry, resiny, and powdery this time. Definitely darker than my first try. Sexy, in a way. But not really the way *I* think of sexy... I'll keep it and try again, but I'm still not sure if it's for me.

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:burning-heart:I am DEEPLY IN LOVE with this. Snoofing the vial it's fruity sweetness with a brown sugar edge. Hitting my skin...KABOOM! There's resins and fig and brown sugar and incense and spice and gloriousness! It starts out a tad foody, and then morphs into the most amazing sexy incense scent. I can't describe it! It lightens a little in the long dry down, and then hangs out like that for quite a while. In extreme drydown it's more of a skin scent, and yet...I catch little trails and eddies of incredibly sexy subtle incense following me around. GODS!!! This is beautiful!!! As for the BI phero...I've no opinion yet. BI hasn't really seemed to do much on me before; guess I never got the dose right. Since I AM SLATHERING Under Your Spell...well, we'll see, won't we. It *seems* to be working like a cuddly social/fun thing with Mr. Matt so far. But I don't give a rat's ass whether the phero kicks in more 'cause THIS IS A PERFECT SCENT ON ME. *happy sigh* :Emoticons0804:
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  • 6 months later...

I wanted to try something outside of my comfort zone as I tend to go for clean earthy scents, and this sounded very rich and resinous. I love the scent of sandalwood and amber so I figured I would give it a shot. I liked it in the bottle, very rich smelling. On my skin I can smell the spices and the sandalwood and musky fig. I've had so many compliments when I wear this one, I was afraid it would be overpowering as I don't normally wear this type of scent, but as rich smelling as it is it's not too strong. I even wore it to work. I am glad I decided to try this one as it is even better than I thought it would be.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a little unsure what to think of this one, I want to say like because it really is an attention grabber but the downside is a lil swipe and its yelling in my face and I got a head ache after application..


I can't really identify what's causing my head to hurt but I couldn't wait for it to meld and had to have a torso bath heh. Ill chalk it up to overwhelmed senses and try this at a later date. My man (and his favourite reply) said it smells like a candle

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I'm a little unsure what to think of this one, I want to say like because it really is an attention grabber but the downside is a lil swipe and its yelling in my face and I got a head ache after application..


I can't really identify what's causing my head to hurt but I couldn't wait for it to meld and had to have a torso bath heh. Ill chalk it up to overwhelmed senses and try this at a later date. My man (and his favourite reply) said it smells like a candle

It hard to say after one initial use but BI is a phero that has given me a headache, on three different occasions, once with my trial of UYS, once with Torrid Sorcery and once with the Un. It's frustrating because I would like to use this occasionally... varying doses and keeping it away from my head, meaning I don't put it In my cleavage, lessened the effect but it continued to happen,, grr. I have not used it in awhile but I will, when the time is right, try again.

I really wanted UYS to work on me but I amp the incense to a somewhat dirty/sour degree.

I loved this collection! I'm so glad there are other exceptional scents in it that work wonders for me.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 4 weeks later...

This one is very complex..to much incense and sweet spice for me. It's a very unique scent that I could see someone else rocking, but for me it went a bit powdery and just didn't really match up with my chemistry. I might give it another few tries because it IS really interesting.

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  • 2 months later...

OMG why did I wait so long to try this???? I bought the sampler from a year ago this was in and somehow just didn't get around to it. I did today and LOVE IT. I get the comparisons to "Sex & Violins", which is one of my favorite scents EVER. This one is missing the gunpowder, but I do get a metallic tinge in it that is probably the phero. I would love this without the phero so I could slather with abandon.

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I understand how some may compare this. I held off on Sex and Violins forever because I was afraid it would be very similar to UYS. This scent just does not work on me. It is very incensey/ashy.

I get very little smoke, it's just a dry, ashy, musky scent on me with little depth.

OTOH, S & V is deep, woody, sexy resins with a puff of smoked musk.

I'll have to review SV a bit later.

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  • 2 months later...

Anyone know the "Call me when you're sober" video by Evanescence? This is how that would smell, sort of cool, dark, dangerous, and sexy. I usually don't care much for deep, dark scents, but I keep coming back to this one. Someone else mentioned getting a tobacco like smell, and I get it too. at first, I get no sugar but I think I sense some sweetness from fig.The spice note is interesting in this. As it wears on, it warms up, lightens up, and gets sweeter. I'm not sure if I will get a full bottle just yet, but I will happily wear my sample.


Watching the video and sniffing the bottle ... spot on discription!

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