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This is really nice. The vanilla and ylang ylang are dominant to my nose. It is a light scent to begin with, and seems to fade quickly. I may try slathering it on tomorrow.

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I had a dream last night that I picked Seer as my fragrance of the day, so naturally that's what I chose. It's a wonderful, soft, powdery vanilla with soft whiffs of balsam and ylang ylang, very nice! And the phero was a perfect choice for today as we weren't that busy at work, so there was a lot of time to hang out and chat with everyone.


Perfect choice, right?


Weeeellllll, True Confessions works, alright, but in an unexpected way. A woman at work who is pretty self-absorbed and doesn't give a crap about anything but the drama that is her life, would not leave me alone! She kept following me around and asking me all kinds of questions about my personal life, who am I dating, what do my siblings do for a living, etc. I CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW UNUSUAL THIS WAS!!! The b-nol did not want to make ME spill my guts, but it made my co-worker try like hell to make me! :lol:

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How interesting, that it makes self-absorbed people less so- I'd have expected it would make them just blab even MORE about themselves, lol.


@chai I do the same thing whenever I see scotchies mentioned, or even see my bottle. I screm SCOTCHEHS

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  • 7 months later...

This is one I've been wanting to try for a while, and then the lovely Molls sent me a sample with my last trade! This is really intriguing -- it's definitely unisex, rather than masculine. It's a very soft scent, but billowy rather than powdery. It's cloud-shaped, but it's got a solidly substantial feel to it; it's not a vapor or a completely whispery skin musk. I think the balsam is really giving it legs. So it's soft but strong. There's an herbal tang, but once again it's very softened by the vanilla. This is not like any other LP I've encountered! I'm home alone today, but I look forward to trying out the phero with others very soon.

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I totally agree Blackcat that this is unlike the other LPs I've tried before. Just slathered my new bottle yesterday for the first time. It is a very lovely, calming, pale lavender coloured soft unisex scent when it goes on, but on me it becomes sweeter and more feminine as time goes on and the vanilla comes out. It's quietly intriguing- the sort of scent that automatically makes me want to move in towards it (hard to do when you're the one wearing it). I noticed this effect on other people I was working with yesterday too. It did not make me spill any secrets or overshare at all (but I am naturally secretive). It did seem to make others want to talk to me about anything and everything.

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Well, having read this thread and just applied some Seer I am very surprised to find it smells of... creamy pineapple. WTF? Good thing I loooove Dole Whip! Is this the balsam going fruity?



Edited to add: now that it has dried it's much more vanilla-y. It reminds me of my late grandfather's pipe tobacco, which I always liked to sniff when it was in its container.

Edited by donsie
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I love Seer, it's a manly scent but its oh so intriguing I really love this one

It went pretty schnuggly on me and despite reminding me of Opa's tobacco I didn't find it masculine per se. I never really got other notes besides vanilla. I wish my skin chemistry weren't so girly! But who knows what will happen when I try it again?

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It doesn't seem at all masculine on me either Donsie (mind you it also doesn't smell like pineapple, lol). At first it's an interesting, cool-toned pale lavender coloured scent (if you can picture that), and later it warms into a more noticeably sweet vanilla-heavy creamy scent- it actually seems to wake up and enliven on drydown on my skin. I absolutely adore it.

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I really like the scent; it's quite sheer on me, sort of a soft haze of vanilla and musk, very pleasant. Very subtle and sheer; ever so slightly creamy perhaps.

There is nothing masculin about it to my nose, but nothing particularly feminine either.


But the phero made me completly ditzy and I sort of forgot what I was talking about in the middle of sentences...

Granted, I hadn't had much sleep the night before I tried it, but the effect was such that I'm a little wary to try again!


Oddly, I do much better with the TMI phero.


But perhaps I should give Seer another chance, when I have had enough sleep.

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You forgot what you were talking about? Talk about a selfie... :)



I really like the scent; it's quite sheer on me, sort of a soft haze of vanilla and musk, very pleasant. Very subtle and sheer; ever so slightly creamy perhaps.

There is nothing masculin about it to my nose, but nothing particularly feminine either.


But the phero made me completly ditzy and I sort of forgot what I was talking about in the middle of sentences...

Granted, I hadn't had much sleep the night before I tried it, but the effect was such that I'm a little wary to try again!


Oddly, I do much better with the TMI phero.


But perhaps I should give Seer another chance, when I have had enough sleep.

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Hi Donise,


That only happened to me with one product, but it was with a product by another company. I felt compelled to talk while wearing it and since then I tend to stay away from Beta blends.



In terms of self effects Seer/True Confessions made me feel a bit... unguarded (but then I don't always have a great filter anyway).

Edited by Honeycake
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Hi Donise,


That only happened to me with one product, but it was with a product by another company. I felt compelled to talk while wearing it and since then I tend to stay away from Beta blends.



I knew to expect this sort of thing and I never felt out of control, just sort disinhibited. I will be certain never to wear this near my face, though.

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  • 4 months later...

I feel I need to come back here and express my undying love for this scent. Of all the perfumes I own I think I've received more compliments on this than any other (though perhaps the phero is lending a hand there with the desire to share). It is so unique, mysterious and strangely beautiful. People comment on the unusual nature of the scent I'm wearing, but they absolutely love it to pieces. One woman followed me all through a store, raving about it. It feels almost a little otherworldly to me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I feel I need to come back here and express my undying love for this scent. Of all the perfumes I own I think I've received more compliments on this than any other (though perhaps the phero is lending a hand there with the desire to share). It is so unique, mysterious and strangely beautiful. People comment on the unusual nature of the scent I'm wearing, but they absolutely love it to pieces. One woman followed me all through a store, raving about it. It feels almost a little otherworldly to me.

Wow, I'm inspired to wear this one again soon... just not today because I'm afraid to wear it to the office!

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beautifully warm and seductive scent, though something (I think the balsam) occasionally threatened to make things a little wonky. I wore because I needed the TC to get some info out of some people, total strangers.


It worked TOO well on one person - he told me a ton of stuff the disclosure of which should get him fired.


The other person let only MOST of the cats out of the bag and I could see her almost physical effort to salvage the remaining few. Her facial expression was that of a person actively engaged in a tug of war contest. At one point she actually BACKED AWAY FROM ME and stood about ten feet away just watching me warily, almost as if she picked up subconsciously that standing near me was making her tell me shit.


After a few hours the scent or phero gave me a bit of headache :( but it was worth the info!!

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  • 4 months later...

I got a free sample of this very early on, and I love this scent so much, that when I saw a bottle on Artfire, I scraped my pennies together and ordered it.


It's just as lovely as I'd remembered.


Crap, I keep forgetting about the phero and smelling myself.


I put some on thinking to get a couple of family members to open up a tad, and ended up being the one spilling all kinds of things...you know, the kind of stuff that maybe would be better unspoken, or that maybe is better out in the open....and you're not really sure which?


Anyway, so now it's out there, we'll see how that all turns out, I guess.


Note to self: if you want to smell this, lock yourself away from others first. The phero works.


AND am I correctly recalling that the TMI phero is even MORE truth-inducing than True Confessions?

'Cause this seemed entirely quite more than adequate to me!!

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  • 3 months later...

In my quest to acquire at least one pheromoned fragrance of each pheromone, I purchased Seer for True Confessions. The notes—vanilla and myrrh being the only ones I knew—seemed agreeable to me and no other fragrance at the time had True Confessions.


What I find! I love this. I get an almost minty note when applying, but it soon dries down to a vanilla/myrrh/balsam combo. I am not sure I get the ylang ylang as I don’t know what that smells like on its own yet. I just know I really like the final effect. My daughter proclaimed it “smells like you”, so it must be for me. I didn’t realize it was unisex until I tried to find the review thread. My husband will not try it as he is not comfortable with pheromone’s intent.


On to the pheromone portion… I have worn this twice – both times to work. The first time was a daily meeting in a room where it is actually warm enough for me to “bloom”. It was a daily meeting where one group was not willing to admit that they didn’t know what the heck they were doing and the other group (mine) was not willing to call them out on it. :Emoticons04269:


But this day, things started coming out—the clueless group suddenly defending themselves (I couldn’t believe things were actually being voiced) and the leader confronting and then assisting with resolutions. I would like to think it was True Confessions helping us out.


Another month goes by, things are behind schedule with unresolved issues and I figured it was time for another “assist”….and we didn’t have the meeting. However, we were also moving around personnel and changing up workspaces and a disagreement arose about the placement of a small fridge and microwave of all things. When the person in charge got too huffy, backup was called in. This backup person shared with me and some longtime co-workers that Miss Huffy had poor customer service skills and was pissed off while pissing others off. Usually one from another “group” does not badmouth one in their own group, but I believe this information was shared because of True Confessions. The situation could have been resolved without divulging any personal opinions or information. And I could smell myself all day long, so I know others did. I even got the dreaded baby powder comment from another co-worker mentioning that I smelled nice, like baby powder. It is not my goal to smell like a baby. :nope02716: I guess her nose translated dry vanilla to baby powder.


With fridge and microwave issues resolved, looking forward to experimenting more to keep things open. I am already pretty open that I don’t think the pheromone affects me personally, but I was chattier in the evening. It also doesn’t affect my family life as we are all pretty vocal about everything. But I will save Seer for more troubled communication. It seems to do something.

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I don't know the "smells like dole whip" comment made me giggle this morning while reading this thread. Also we have some in the fridge. It does smell pretty good and if I ever get the urge to wear it then I know which perfume to look for. ;)

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Here you go. Dole Whip Make it Yourself Recipe


ETA: My mother is a pineapple fanatic. There is always some pineapple around. She will even eat pineapple on her sandwiches. Of course, I eat it on my pizza so I can't say anything.

Edited by Maililyahn
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Well, having read this thread and just applied some Seer I am very surprised to find it smells of... creamy pineapple. WTF? Good thing I loooove Dole Whip! Is this the balsam going fruity?



Edited to add: now that it has dried it's much more vanilla-y. It reminds me of my late grandfather's pipe tobacco, which I always liked to sniff when it was in its container.


I also get pineapple right out of the bottle now! It's not just you. :)

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Oh my god- what are you people smelling? LOL! I'd love to trade sniffers for an hour and experience this one as a pineapple scent, because I can't even begin to imagine how that happens. Your descriptions intrigued me so much I had to wear it today. It has a smooth, creamy pale purple-grey smell to me, with a strangely soft depth to it that lends it a texture akin to if you were floating through a thick velvet-lined cloud. This scent has such a quiet yet powerfully magnetic presence when I wear it, and it seems to whisper mysteriously, like a creature from another more ethereal realm.

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  • 10 months later...

I know this is sold out, but I just have to rave about it. Wore to work yesterday, and one man would not stop telling me how absolutely AWESOME! I smelled. I have literally had people follow me around sniffing me while wearing this stuff- plus the True Confessions phero cloud makes them want to tell me how much they love the scent.

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  • 1 year later...

This makes me glad I never wore this one to work! People get chatty enough when I wear OW, if I wore this to work, I'd have a well-developed bruise on my forehead, from banging it on tables. :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Holy Crap I forgot the power that pheros have. I went to 2 stores today within an hour or so of applying Seer. I put it on for scent and didn't even think about the True Confessions. At the first store, the cashier came out from behind the counter and came right up to me and asked me how I was. I said okay or good or something and she told me I looked hot as in warm not attractive. Lol. Stood there chatting with me despite there being someone ahead of me in line. Then when I get up to check out she looks at my purchase and says we aren't supposed to do this but I'm going to show you a better one. Drags me off through the pharmacy and shows me a different product. This goes on for a good 8 minutes or so until I bought the one she suggested. She then walked me to the door talking my ear off the whole time. I'm in that store easily 2-3 times a week. She's always nice but nothing like this has ever happened. She grabbed my wallet when I was paying,looked at my age and told me we were the same age and all this other stuff. It was extreme. Then at the next store the clerk started talking my ear off about Rush Limbaugh. Out of nowhere. Then about Trump. Not my type of friendly shopping convo so I tried to book it out of there as fast as a could. As I practically ran out the door he was upping the volume to make sure I heard him. It was so weird. He was almost shouting by the time I left. On the way home I was like WTF is going on and it hit me. True Confessions strikes again. Interesting reminder. Lol

It occurs to me I should wear this to the liquor store when I want a deal. Lol

Seriously though, they always have hidden deals and they know me there. Every time they have engaged me in conversation I've ended up with a bargain.

But, I will take a pass on the political talk.

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  • 6 months later...



Now, I know I've intended to phero my man, but today and tonight he phero'd me, that rat bastard. I gave him a trial of Seer ages ago, but we were away that weekend with a friend who already talks too much. He said, "Well I'm definitely not wearing this," and I never saw it again. Until he busted it out today, told me it was to make me talk to him, and kept playfully waving it in front of my nose. Honesty, I didn't think much of it, just that he needed some extra attention today. But he reapplied a few times, and then showered and replaced it with Mark's Girl Nip w/ Perfect Match. I've had TMI and True Confessions both give me an almost drunk/giddy kind of feeling, and then the later in the evening PM chaser made me feel as if I was drunk on love. I'd say that True Confessions has a long residual effect. I can't imagine using this "on" someone else without effecting me as well. It really is a type of truth serum, even Steven Segal couldn't fight this one off.

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