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Hi Everyone!


I'm a newbie to the forum but have to say that I've read so many of the posts on here and have really loved listening to everyone. I've alternated from considering it research to cliffhangers as to how encounters have turned out for you gals!! I've been getting into pheromones for the past few years and I was absolutely delighted to find LPMP. Not only is the site awesome to read through but I appreciate the time it takes to create just the right balance of properties. Not too long ago, I received my first package with LP Red and Compromising Positions and the scents are amazing!!! I've already ordered more Red out of fear of running out and a friend of mine is already in love with it as much as I am!


Turning 40 this year was a wee bit hard as I don't feel that old and I find myself wanting to find that "pick-me-up" to kick start some confidence and sexiness back in (I work at a utility plant and mom of a 16 year old). Being a newbie, I'll probably have a lot of questions but promise not to bug unless I can't find the answer already posted somewhere.


With that being said, I hope I'll get to know you all and have a chance to share too in the future!!

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Welcome to our home,you have found the best place to be !! :) ...welcome to the adventure/addiction! LP Red is one of my favorites,and especially paired with OCCO Red,mmmmm :D

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Thanks for the welcome!!! I've already spent a LOT of time looking because everything sounds so good!! I've got some OCCO SLF coming soon (along with more Red) because it sounded... interesting??? And these days, I could use a little interesting in my life. I definitely want to get some OCCO Red in the future but I'll have to wait until I pay off my credit card. :( I don't have too many vices but I have a feeling that this may be one that my other half doesn't need to know about. LOL

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I just wore that combo today Calii...I can see it becoming a fast favorite for sure! Be careful StoremyWether, lol, addiction comes quickly here :D Welcome to the fun :hearts18::lol2:

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Thanks Ladies!!


SpriteLeigh, I would cry if LP Red disappeared. It never seems to fail that as soon as I find something I LOVE, it gets discontinued and that stuff rocks! I wore LP Red to work one day and one of the firemen commented how he loved how I smelled and that it was so different. I'm sure ya'll will be seeing me frequently as I have no doubt that an monster addiction is currently in the making. :moneyfairy13:

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Welcome StoremyWhether! Have fun with researching and experimenting with all the lovely scents & pheros! It's a ton of fun and everyone here is very helpful with any questions you may have. And Mara and her team are FAB! Enjoy and Welcome!

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Thanks for the warm welcome! I can't wait to experiment with all the scents. I'm already anxiously awaiting my newest order. Can't wait to share! :D

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j5382001, my first order was the LP Red and Compromising Positions. I absolutely adore the Red because it reminds me of sweet incense and I love darker spicy scents. I decided on the second because I love foodie smells. The second order I'm waiting for is my already evident hoarding of the Red because I can't get enough of that scent and I decided to try the 3 of Pears for something summer light (Arizona won't be pretty soon). The OCCO SLF rounds out the order as a little something different that I'm hopeful might add a little "umph". I've seen mixed reviews on the 3 of Pears so we'll see. And from the suggestions, I figure I will probably be adding some OCCO Red in the future if it is anything like what I have currently.


I'm just ready for some changes in my life and what better way than to leave a lovely trail wafting behind me. LOL

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j5382001, my first order was the LP Red and Compromising Positions. I absolutely adore the Red because it reminds me of sweet incense and I love darker spicy scents. I decided on the second because I love foodie smells. The second order I'm waiting for is my already evident hoarding of the Red because I can't get enough of that scent and I decided to try the 3 of Pears for something summer light (Arizona won't be pretty soon). The OCCO SLF rounds out the order as a little something different that I'm hopeful might add a little "umph". I've seen mixed reviews on the 3 of Pears so we'll see. And from the suggestions, I figure I will probably be adding some OCCO Red in the future if it is anything like what I have currently.


I'm just ready for some changes in my life and what better way than to leave a lovely trail wafting behind me. LOL

I love LP red myself and foodie scents for that matter.

LP red smells like cinnamon on me..it's sweet and sexy.

You might like LP black...it's resiny and dark and sexy...

If you get both LP red and LP black you can layer them...smells really sexy.


I have not tried 3 of Pears but fruity stuff works well for me too.

You will definitely feel sweet and sexy in no time!

Have fun exploring your goodies when they get to you!

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I looked at the LP Black when I first checked out the site and I wasn't quite sure if I would like it but I've seen so many say that they LOVE it and if I can layer with the Red, that sounds awesome!! It sounds right up my alley so I guess we will add that one too on my growing wishlist. I'll post a review of the 3 of Pears when I get it. I tried to find out more on that one but no one said too much so an additional thought can't hurt. When it hits 110,118 degrees, a nice fruity scent will either be lovely or rank when sweating profusely!!! I

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If you would like to only sample some LP favorites you can go here:


And scroll down to : Best selling fragrance sampler for women

I've got all but 2 of them in full bottles, lol. But it's a great way to sample without committing to fbs right off the bat, and since samples are usually $5 a pop, it's a great deal for a really delicious mix of flavors :) Oh...PS My whole point was that LP Black is one of them :D

Edited by NuTrix
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Good choices on LP Red and CP. I haven't tried LP Black, but a couple people were going gaga over layering LP Black and LP Pink, so it might be a good stepping stone to get it so you can layer it with Red and then try it with Pink (if you like those notes.)


Welcome to the addiction!

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If you would like to only sample some LP favorites you can go here:


And scroll down to : Best selling fragrance sampler for women

I've got all but 2 of them in full bottles, lol. But it's a great way to sample without committing to fbs right off the bat, and since samples are usually $5 a pop, it's a great deal for a really delicious mix of flavors :) Oh...PS My whole point was that LP Black is one of them :D


Thanks NuTrix!!! I just looked at the link and that sounds like a perfect choice since it also has LP Pink which I've seen a lot of people like in the forums. Awesome that it includes some of the phero blends too for trying out. Does Mara ever have options to pick out your own samples as well? I thought I'd seen a post about that somewhere but it might have been old and it did seem like maybe there had been issues with it. In my first order, they were kind enough to include little samples and those were lovely. Some I definitely thought weren't me but others I could see liking very much. Sniffing all of them gave me a better idea of the individual scents so I can gage better when I read what's in the perfumes.

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They don't offer the pick your own samples anymore. They tried for awhile but it was time prohibitive and some customers were abusing it. So now just the best sellers sampler.

So only the monthly samples and the top ten male or female favorites right?

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I looked at the LP Black when I first checked out the site and I wasn't quite sure if I would like it but I've seen so many say that they LOVE it and if I can layer with the Red, that sounds awesome!! It sounds right up my alley so I guess we will add that one too on my growing wishlist. I'll post a review of the 3 of Pears when I get it. I tried to find out more on that one but no one said too much so an additional thought can't hurt. When it hits 110,118 degrees, a nice fruity scent will either be lovely or rank when sweating profusely!!! I

I cannot wait to read your reviews on 3 of pears...I love fruity scents as well as foody so maybe I will look for this one on the trades page first....

I cannot just get a full bottle without absolutely knowing I would like something or not...I do the samples first and that usually means looking at trades pages first!

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Welcome Storemy! I also live in the desert and love fruity scents in the summer. Pear is one of my favorite notes but 3 of Pears for whatever reason did not work on me. That doesn't mean it won't on you though...My favorite summer pear right now is Ricotta Sonatta...it is so delicious.

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I'm definitely adding the women's samples on the next order. Is it bad that I'm all ready to order again and haven't received the second yet?


Nice to meet a fellow desert lady, missdarlyncherie!! Maybe you can let me know what has worked well for you in the high heat since nine months of the year will be either quite warm to HOT. It's funny you mention the Ricotta Sonatta because I saw that name and thought I would check out what was in it and then got sidetracked. I wouldn't have suspected pear. The "ricotta" part made me think lasagna!!

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Nice to meet a fellow desert lady, missdarlyncherie!! Maybe you can let me know what has worked well for you in the high heat since nine months of the year will be either quite warm to HOT. It's funny you mention the Ricotta Sonatta because I saw that name and thought I would check out what was in it and then got sidetracked. I wouldn't have suspected pear. The "ricotta" part made me think lasagna!!


Well it is based on a pear and apricot cannoli dessert...but it wears very summery on me. OMG I wore it today and I was just swooning all day. Because you like foodie AND fruity I think you would really like it.


I know that generally oils are best for warm weather and sprays are best for cold weather but I gotta tell you...when it gets as hot as it does in the summer I like to have a few sprays on hand. I relied on Rainbow Falls quite a bit last year (It's GGG but it was a light spray) and this year I got Dolly's Hot and Sticky in a spray. I can't afford all summer sprays but to have a few pick me up summer scents in spray is nice.


No matter how hot it gets though I still love to wear LP Red when I go out at night !!!!!

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Well it is based on a pear and apricot cannoli dessert...but it wears very summery on me. OMG I wore it today and I was just swooning all day. Because you like foodie AND fruity I think you would really like it.


I know that generally oils are best for warm weather and sprays are best for cold weather but I gotta tell you...when it gets as hot as it does in the summer I like to have a few sprays on hand. I relied on Rainbow Falls quite a bit last year (It's GGG but it was a light spray) and this year I got Dolly's Hot and Sticky in a spray. I can't afford all summer sprays but to have a few pick me up summer scents in spray is nice.


No matter how hot it gets though I still love to wear LP Red when I go out at night !!!!!


I agree that now and then I think I'll be switching with a spray but I can definitely say the Red carries because even when I put it on in the morning, a friend of mine could still smell it by end of day. Like you, I'll be wearing that stuff even when my face is peeling off in the parking lot!! I never would have pegged myself for foodie scents though but I guess it just goes to show that things change with time. If anyone knows of a true rich vanilla I might like, let me know. I love vanilla but more the true "flavor", not the sickly sweet or flowery kind!!


Hey welcome to the boards. Clever screen name. Are you a meteorologist?


Hi Raq On! Not a meteorologist. I worked as a paralegal and for the court until moving to Arizona. Now I work in the training department at a utility. Legal taught me a lot about playing with words!

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I'm definitely adding the women's samples on the next order. Is it bad that I'm all ready to order again and haven't received the second yet?



No, that's actually par for the course. I think it's rare, from my own experience and from what I've read, NOT to be like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Storemy Weather! Welcome! I am eching myself here but I am a recycled or reborn newbie here. In my previous incarnation, I was CyBella13. I am not as active on LP's forums, but I LOVE the stuff, and that's why we are all here. Addiction to the art of "cause and effect" through aroma/fragrance. So... anyways... Obviously, I am a potion junkie, painter, writer, animal lover, (especially cats) :) Very much a music geek, and I love playing with *ways* to love and enhance the possibilities. <waves> Hi everybody!!! :morph:

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Great to meet you Rose!! Sounds like we have things in common!! The addiction has already started and I'm super excited waiting for my package to arrive! I started with the thought that what I wanted was to liven things up from the outside, trying to bring those feelings to me but the more I read and the more I use LPMP, the more I realize that it starts within. And that is where the true cause and effect begins. ;) the scents and pheros make me feel good and it just projects out from there. I'm feeling the fun start to come back.

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Thanks Storemy! That's the trick, it does all work from the inside out. From there on, the products here really take it up a notch and you start to see that the use of hormones is traditonally quite limited for the most part. Here, we are blessed with the experience, wisdom, and guidance, of Mara et al, and all of the many fellow addicts ( ahem! I mean members) ;) can share what they know to help us get there too. Thanks ladies, and gentlemen too where applicable. :)! Sometimes it takes a village to seduce just one person!

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Sometimes it takes a village to seduce just one person!

That, Rose, is signature worthy!!!

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