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Double O


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Wow! I don't feel like trying this right now because I am loving Agent XXX but I swear all I got was pink strawberry cake when I tried it. I am going to my mothers later and I will throw it on her and see if we get any patch...she loves a pink scent, she will probably want a bottle of this. I'll get back with this.

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but I swear all I got was pink strawberry cake when I tried it.

And that's what you're supposed to get. Even though some people may be amping the patchouli it's really truly just supposed to be a pink cake scent and nothing more.

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I hope I didn't throw anyone off...I DEF get the Pink Cake, but the Patch isn't overwhelming nor does it take over (on me) ,but I do get the Patchouli in the background

I purchased it BECAUSE of the Patchouli, I had a scent by CP that was Pink Patchouli and I loved it !

This one isn't the SAME Pink but I DO enjoy it very much

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This smelled so good on my mother! It smelled more like Strawberry butter on her!! She is a pink girl for sure. She actually may have picked up the patch (I didn't mention it because I know how judgy she can get) she said she smelled something "different" in the background...which in her language means "strange" but regardless she did like it anyway. It really has a lot of throw to it. I could smell this everywhere in her house tonight.

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Okay now I understand what some of you mean by the patchouli being really present; in the bottle it just smells like pink cake but once I get it on this is way closer to LP Pink '09 on me in that it's basically cotton candy patchouli, wow. I get a bit of the cake but not that much. I like it in this form although I suspect it will age to something closer to the concept.


from Dial 00 for Danger!: an Agent Null adventure

by Julian Lune


Agent Null had been out at the Agency's proving grounds, setting time trials with Agent XXX on a variety of specially-modified superbikes, so he still wore his leathers and carried his helmet when he stepped into the laboratory complex where he was greeted by Mayhem.


"Null!" he shouted, as if the other was still deafened by the roar of a four-stroke. "Always chasing the curves, I see."


"Every one I can find," Null quipped, placing his helmet upon the other's desk. "O sent me round to collect the Project Morphos status report."


"Well you've have to talk to Dr. Photon, of course, not my area."


Null sighed. "I think she's still cross with me."


"The opera?"


"Well. when someone drops a building on you, what can you do?"


Mayhem shook his shaggy head. "Women! Even the most logical of them don't understand a man's need to lick his wounds in private, as it were."


"Quite so. Can you get me in?"


"Today's code is one-zed-zed-two-four-seven."


"Thank you." He gave the head of R&D a slight bow and took the elevator two levels down to Biogen Research and the lab of Dr. Patricia Photon. He punched the code on the access door and entered with the knowledge that such measures were needed; Null and Dr. Photon had dated briefly but unsuccessfully. The head of Project Morphos was perched in front of a workstation terminal frowning at rows of data scrolling down the screen.


"Tricia, you're looking lovely as ever," he said to her quietly, noting that her thick auburn tresses - which glowed even in the harsh light of the lab like banked embers - were pulled back and her lovely foxy-featured face stared back as her eyes widened, their blue-gray flash reminding him of a storm at sea.


"Null how did you get in here?!"


"O sent me," he said, hoping the explanation wouldn't implicate his upstairs partner in unauthorized access, "to collect the status report."


"I emailed it to him this morning! Oh no, I know why he wants you here and we're not ready yet!"


Null looked past her into the lab, where a row of eight enclosures with clear lucite panels displayed the participants of the experiment which was the current focus of Project Morphos. They were cats, of different breeds, but all barely a year old.


"Just print me a copy then and I can say I was a good little errand boy."


She pointed at him. her cheeks were flushed quite becomingly and she pulled off her glasses.


"You stay there, I'm calling that idiot right now!"


"That's a bit harsh," Null objected, "maybe he just -"


"No, he can't do this!"


"If you're still angry at me -"


Photon paused, phone in hand. "Are you suggesting I'm still hung up on you? Because let me inform you, Agent Null, that I have moved on, and I haven't a thought in my head to spare for men who stand me up -"


"I didn't stand you up! Not on purpose."


"Like anyone buys that whole 'someone dropped a building on me' bullshit!"


"Tricia, language!" her parrot Gregory scolded from his perch near her desk. He was an African Gray and possessed of an almost otherworldly sense of the bon mot.


"It happens more frequently than I'd like!" Null shouted, then quickly regained his composure, tugging at his jacket.


"Don't move," Photon commanded, dialing an extension.


At the other end of the line a long-legged blonde with high cheekbones and sky blue eyes typed speedily. When the line rang she answered it on her headset with a dulcet-toned greeting.


"Operations, this is Ms. Nilli."


"Willy, it's Tricia. I need to talk to O right now."


"Let me get him for you, Dr. Photon."


O was reading the new issue of Fifth Gear, and set it aside with a frown. "Yes Wills?"


"Dr. Photon on line three, sir."


"What does she want now?"


"She didn't say sir, except that it's urgent."


O sighed and hit the button. "Yes Tricia?"


"O what the hell do you think you are doing sending Null down here now?!"


"Are you still mad at him about the opera?"


"They're not ready yet!"


As the argument went on, and Tricia had her back to him, Null wandered into the lab and surveyed the cats. Most of them were sleeping, but one had reached up and was leaning against the front of its enclosure, its wide-eyed gaze meeting his with an intensity he would have never attributed to a cat. He walked over to it.


"Would you care to say hello, hmm?" he said with a slight croon. He peered at the sign on the side as he lifted it out and held it to him. "Seven, eh? Not a bad name, I s'pose. And it's in pink so that means you're a girl, hmm?" She purred in his hands and rubbed her head against his chest. He chuckled. "Well of course you are, there isn't a female in the world -"


She voiced a number of mews and mious and meows and yows and purrs and trills.


"My goodness you're a talkative sort, aren't you? Well I'm Agent Null, and when your mum over there -" he gestured at Dr. Photon, " - decides it, we'll be good friends." He stroked her fur. "And you're so soft and fluffy, aren't you, just a beautiful little puss!"


"PUT HER DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Dr. Photon yelled at him.


Null quickly dropped Seven back into her enclosure and strode back toward the office.


"Tricia why are you acting like such a shrew?!" he demanded.


Their argument grew louder, so loud in fact that they could not hear Seven speak her first word.


"Null?" she said, her inflection halfway between a meow and actual speech. "Null?" she called out to the handsome man with the amazing eyes who had held her in his warm hands and called her beautiful.


"Null?!" she pleaded. But he did not return.

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I love it too. This is my fave out of all the stories I think....great job!

Actually,been meaning to ask you,without veering too far off topic, if you have any of your short stories, fan fiction,ect published at all? Either in print or online, I'd love to read it if its available! Lemme know.

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Luna -- you realize we're never going to let you end this series -- ever!!! :hearts0425:

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Well I know I have to write a complete version of Dial 00 for Danger! at the very least or there might be a riot or something.

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Luna!!! This is great! You really have a knack. I want to see this work published one day..

.. and we all get to come to the set when they make your HBO series. Wooot :w00t:


ETA Luna I just got a bottle of your Sungold mocha :w00t:

This could become a real collectors item.

Edited by StacyK
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When I write the novella I'll make sure someone wears them...I wonder how Null looks in drag? He is a pretty boy, after all. ;)

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Well I know I have to write a complete version of Dial 00 for Danger! at the very least or there might be a riot or something.

Well that is a true statement.... LOL


Kidding aside, thanks so much for continuing to write in each area, it really adds to the whole experience....thanks

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Thanks for the links! Gonna scope those out this morning after I get to work. I'm goin in early for breakfast.

Null in drag.....yikes! :P

Edited by cheeseburger79
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I DIE. This is like pink-buttercream-frosted cake! Very buttercreamy in the beginning, and then hints of the patchouli and amber sneak out and give it more depth and maturity. Such a deceptively innocent scent, kind of like Claudia from Interview With the Vampire. She only looks like a sweet little girl till she drains all your blood. :lol:

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Well I couldn't resist.. Pink poundcake? The adorable Seven on the label? The only thing that scared me was he patch note... I amp patch and its not pretty. But YAY!!! No patch from hell! I smells like pink freaking cake and I want to pour this all over my body! Lol! Ok ok I won't... But a full bottle is definitely on my list. Hope it doesn't sell out anytime too soon..,

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OMG that prequel to the Seven story is amazing. I can imagine her saying "Null?" like "mrow?"


[fangirling]Also yes pl0x crossdressing Null. It'd be like a ballroom scene and all the lady spies were unfortunately tied to other plans so he and Pov had to flip a coin about who's gonna be the date, and of course Null got the shitty end of the deal. Slinky dress with a high slit, kekeke![/fangirling]


Lmao my favorite too I think! Well, tied with Kat's misanthropic slam poetry of course. Photon!!!!! Looool

^OMG I love that term :::; )




Unfortunately for this scent, I've found out after levitation, merry, and now this, that my skin doesn't take to pink berries or berry sugars very well. It does that weird plasticky thing that some people find with vanilla.

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[fangirling]Also yes pl0x crossdressing Null. It'd be like a ballroom scene and all the lady spies were unfortunately tied to other plans so he and Pov had to flip a coin about who's gonna be the date, and of course Null got the shitty end of the deal. Slinky dress with a high slit, kekeke![/fangirling]


OMG okay that is going in the novella too! I'm going to have to give you all co-credit. :D

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Oh I'm loving this today yumm. I really want to order a second bottle, boosted with um maybe Heat & Soul?

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Oh I'm loving this today yumm. I really want to order a second bottle, boosted with um maybe Heat & Soul?

Heart and Soul with Double O? Sounds fab! You will smell like pink cake and give off a sweetheart vibe. Everyone will want to be your best friend lol!

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Unfortunately for this scent, I've found out after levitation, merry, and now this, that my skin doesn't take to pink berries or berry sugars very well. It does that weird plasticky thing that some people find with vanilla.

my skin is picky about pink scents. I can do Levitation fine, and Musk in the Pixie Dust. Not Merry. Not Pink Musk. And I need to try this again, but the first time didn't do so well, either... Flat and plasticky.

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^^ I get that slightly with the cherry in GF. but it comes off a bit more hard candy like. Ive never had that before.. it must be the cherry in combo with something else that goes off mixed with my chemistry or psyche.

Double O is dreamy on me. Think I do want the H&S. Who would not want everyone to love them... well humm ;)

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Pink Cake! i want some pink cake loving too! I am sorely tempted to go for a FB before my sampler set gets here. I am sooo not patient this month and just want to try the good smellies!! Breathe, breathe......

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I'm so sad Luna... Seven just seems like a good girl gone bad. Now I am purposefully checking out each scent for any stories I missed!!!

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Oh gosh,what have I missed :lol: ...


Willy Nilli <snort> Seven's first word :w00t: I am soooo looking forward to catching up when I get back online...permanently ...smootches to da LunaChick!!

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Pink buttercream dream cake, I think I like this better than Baby Chicks, can that be possible? Yes because I did a side by side and the pinkness is very similar , but where Baby Chicks take a very sweet sugary turn, this one stays pink glitterati frosted cupcake

Hurry up sale! I want to boost this biatch with LACE!

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SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! :cat690: :cat690: :cat690: :cat690: :cat690:


I was finally able to crawl away from work early enough to pick up my package from the PO today, and this was the one I went for first. I took one sniff, and screamed "MMMMMMM!!!!" Poor dog came running and barking, lol. First sniff, I get the vanilla angel food cake with the sweet pink buttercream icing, it smells DELICIOUS. Now the angel food cake is becoming a denser, richer golden vanilla cake, very similar to the cake note in Darling Catalina. It's totally nommy, so glad I went for it unsniffed. I am wearing this tomorrow with my UN Heart & Soul that I also recieved, should be fun! :D

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Okay now I understand what some of you mean by the patchouli being really present; in the bottle it just smells like pink cake but once I get it on this is way closer to LP Pink '09 on me in that it's basically cotton candy patchouli, wow. I get a bit of the cake but not that much. I like it in this form although I suspect it will age to something closer to the concept.


from Dial 00 for Danger!: an Agent Null adventure

by Julian Lune


Agent Null had been out at the Agency's proving grounds, setting time trials with Agent XXX on a variety of specially-modified superbikes, so he still wore his leathers and carried his helmet when he stepped into the laboratory complex where he was greeted by Mayhem.


"Null!" he shouted, as if the other was still deafened by the roar of a four-stroke. "Always chasing the curves, I see."


"Every one I can find," Null quipped, placing his helmet upon the other's desk. "O sent me round to collect the Project Morphos status report."


"Well you've have to talk to Dr. Photon, of course, not my area."


Null sighed. "I think she's still cross with me."


"The opera?"


"Well. when someone drops a building on you, what can you do?"


Mayhem shook his shaggy head. "Women! Even the most logical of them don't understand a man's need to lick his wounds in private, as it were."


"Quite so. Can you get me in?"


"Today's code is one-zed-zed-two-four-seven."


"Thank you." He gave the head of R&D a slight bow and took the elevator two levels down to Biogen Research and the lab of Dr. Patricia Photon. He punched the code on the access door and entered with the knowledge that such measures were needed; Null and Dr. Photon had dated briefly but unsuccessfully. The head of Project Morphos was perched in front of a workstation terminal frowning at rows of data scrolling down the screen.


"Tricia, you're looking lovely as ever," he said to her quietly, noting that her thick auburn tresses - which glowed even in the harsh light of the lab like banked embers - were pulled back and her lovely foxy-featured face stared back as her eyes widened, their blue-gray flash reminding him of a storm at sea.


"Null how did you get in here?!"


"O sent me," he said, hoping the explanation wouldn't implicate his upstairs partner in unauthorized access, "to collect the status report."


"I emailed it to him this morning! Oh no, I know why he wants you here and we're not ready yet!"


Null looked past her into the lab, where a row of eight enclosures with clear lucite panels displayed the participants of the experiment which was the current focus of Project Morphos. They were cats, of different breeds, but all barely a year old.


"Just print me a copy then and I can say I was a good little errand boy."


She pointed at him. her cheeks were flushed quite becomingly and she pulled off her glasses.


"You stay there, I'm calling that idiot right now!"


"That's a bit harsh," Null objected, "maybe he just -"


"No, he can't do this!"


"If you're still angry at me -"


Photon paused, phone in hand. "Are you suggesting I'm still hung up on you? Because let me inform you, Agent Null, that I have moved on, and I haven't a thought in my head to spare for men who stand me up -"


"I didn't stand you up! Not on purpose."


"Like anyone buys that whole 'someone dropped a building on me' bullshit!"


"Tricia, language!" her parrot Gregory scolded from his perch near her desk. He was an African Gray and possessed of an almost otherworldly sense of the bon mot.


"It happens more frequently than I'd like!" Null shouted, then quickly regained his composure, tugging at his jacket.


"Don't move," Photon commanded, dialing an extension.


At the other end of the line a long-legged blonde with high cheekbones and sky blue eyes typed speedily. When the line rang she answered it on her headset with a dulcet-toned greeting.


"Operations, this is Ms. Nilli."


"Willy, it's Tricia. I need to talk to O right now."


"Let me get him for you, Dr. Photon."


O was reading the new issue of Fifth Gear, and set it aside with a frown. "Yes Wills?"


"Dr. Photon on line three, sir."


"What does she want now?"


"She didn't say sir, except that it's urgent."


O sighed and hit the button. "Yes Tricia?"


"O what the hell do you think you are doing sending Null down here now?!"


"Are you still mad at him about the opera?"


"They're not ready yet!"


As the argument went on, and Tricia had her back to him, Null wandered into the lab and surveyed the cats. Most of them were sleeping, but one had reached up and was leaning against the front of its enclosure, its wide-eyed gaze meeting his with an intensity he would have never attributed to a cat. He walked over to it.


"Would you care to say hello, hmm?" he said with a slight croon. He peered at the sign on the side as he lifted it out and held it to him. "Seven, eh? Not a bad name, I s'pose. And it's in pink so that means you're a girl, hmm?" She purred in his hands and rubbed her head against his chest. He chuckled. "Well of course you are, there isn't a female in the world -"


She voiced a number of mews and mious and meows and yows and purrs and trills.


"My goodness you're a talkative sort, aren't you? Well I'm Agent Null, and when your mum over there -" he gestured at Dr, Photon, " - decides it, we'll be good friends." He stroked her fur. "And you're so soft and fluffy, aren't you, just a beautiful little puss!"


"PUT HER DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Dr. Photon yelled at him.


Null quickly dropped Seven back into her enclosure and strode back toward the office.


"Tricia why are you acting like such a shrew?!" he demanded.


Their argument grew louder, so loud in fact that they could not hear Seven speak her first word.


"Null?" she said, her inflection halfway between a meow and actual speech. "Null?" she called out to the handsome man with the amazing eyes who had held her in his warm hands and called her beautiful.


"Null?!" she pleaded. But he did not return.


Well I know I have to write a complete version of Dial 00 for Danger! at the very least or there might be a riot or something.

I'm all about the fanservice! :D


AAAAAA!!!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!! Damn STRAIGHT you're about the fanservice, luna! THANK YOU and THIS ROCKS!!! Awwwwwwww, poor Seven...nobody was listening. :heart: I want to snuggle her! ~Of course, she'd probably do me in, but hey.~ B)



Oh gosh,what have I missed :lol: ...


Willy Nilli <snort> Seven's first word :w00t: I am soooo looking forward to catching up when I get back online...permanently ...smootches to da LunaChick!!

Come back soonest, Calii! We miss you!!! :)

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Ooops. Got all exciterated reading this thread and forgot to post my review!


I LOVE Double O. This is a wonderfully seductive perfume. I find myself wearing it a helluvah lot, and it has me thinkingabout aaaaaalllll the different pheros you could mix it with. It's like...well, it's such a sort of innocent cover...for ANYTHING. Heh. But it's seductive, like I said, so it's not truly all that innocent when you pay closer attention to the scent.


It's all !!!CAKEY SWEETNESS!!! in the bottle. That's ALL GOOD for me, so the first time I wore Double O, I just slathered, enjoyed, and forgot about it. But...all afternoon that day, I was smelling this lovely something wafting around when I'd change directions while walking...and I'd think,"Oh! Must be me!" But as the hours went by, it kept happening. Well into the extreme drydown I was doing the same thing. THAT. Is a MARVELLOUS THING. :w00t:


So this is indeed Cakey Sweetness, but it also has depth and a certain richness that just completely snags my heart. Luna mentioned the patchouli, and I don't perceive it by itself on me, but it sure as hell could be what's giving this more dimension. I do get the amber now that I know it's there, and the pink berry and caramelized sugars and vanilla are just delicious. It lasts, too. It also makes me happy! :heart:


I've worn this with UN Teddy BB, and they're great together! I haven't tried it with cops yet, but I'm thinking it would work. I'm also thinking I'd love this boosted with Cougar, or SS4W, or Dom, or Popularity Potion (none of which I own in UN). I should try it with my UN Audacious. You see where I'm going here. I want it with EVERYTHING.


Right now, though, I'm wearing Double O all by her little fuzzy self and she's GORGEOUS.



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This is kyoooot with a capital K-- soft and fuzzy, truly giving a kitteh fur impression. There's something about the combo of patch and pink that just isn't my favorite -- it triggers my resin aversion a bit... but I will enjoy my sample.

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