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I would say that a genuine smile is direct communication. Of course, this is something you have to judge for yourself. Sometimes it's all about the minute gestures...


I remember, when Q and I first met, we were introduced and shook hands and I wouldn't have put it down to anythng other than his impeccable manners...but then, in the time which followed at the gathering until we had our first conversation, his eyes were on me. He wasn't smiling but I could sense that he was staring at me the whole time, even when he was talking to other people. And realizing this, I came up to him and just the slightest hint of a smile surfaced and somehow I knew that there was at least a bit of attraction there. But other than his staring he gave absolutely no outward sign of it, because he's incredibly reserved.

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  • 8 months later...
I cant believe TT called this one stinky! What the french toast is wrong with his sniffer ?


It could be the Civit he smells <?> ...but didn't you say once he did not react well to EST...there is a lot of it in there,from what I have read.

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It could be the Civit he smells <?> ...but didn't you say once he did not react well to EST...there is a lot of it in there,from what I have read.



Ahh yes the EST, but he's been doing well with it lately. I've even been wearing H&S around him to no ill effect. I wonder if he's cut down on his bodybuilding suplements, or if it's just him mellowing out? As far as civit goes...he LIKED Jouir De! Then again, he doesn't seem to care as much for the foodier scents....

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:censored: Wow I would like to say Sexology Delivered. It could actually be called Sex In A Bottle, I was actually getting winks from across the room when I wore it. It could have something to do with my Body Chemistry lol, but it really worked great for me.



I do call it sex in a bottle...it never fails to do the trick. lol...You have to try it with LAM brown sugar or LAM original...You'll be made love to like you he never gave it to any other woman, believe this. Oh and if you want some added intense eroticism for yourself, add a dab of TUTH uner your nose.....WOW!!!!!!Horny, Hot, Heavenly times!


This will always be one of my favs and I do have tons of it. I love the scent and I wear it more than anything else for my out on the town scent or my "Do not disturb sign on the door" nights...hehe

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  • 2 years later...

I like this A LOT. Much more than Cuddle Bunny as far as phero effects. I wonder why this doesn't seem to have as much of a following as CB or even more.


It's great for enhancing relationships! Makes me more vocal about my feelings and really sets a cuddly vibe. Despite the lovey dovey feel of this phero, there is definitely a sexual punch in this. I didn't really take much on my part to get the s.o. going. :P And the sex was nice and passionate.


Later he made a comment about making his day, he felt so comfortable and I made him feel good.


As for scent? It smells divineeee. I figured I'd like this because the honey, but it wasn't so forward on me. I smelled a spicy brown sugar with honey in the back. The civet was also detectable.


It went marvelous with occo slf. This is probably my favorite at the moment.




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Later he made a comment about making his day, he felt so comfortable and I made him feel good.



This is the very same comment I got from Cuddle Bunny!!!


As far as why this phero hasn't gotten as much attention from me as CB..it was all about the scent. I never wore this because this scent just doesn't work on me and it is all this one came in for a long time.

BUT now I have Indecent Exposure so you can be sure I will be wearing it a lot more and getting a better feel for the phero.


I did get actual public displays of affection back in the day from HG while wearing Un Sexology which was absolutely unheard of so I do believe it is a powerful blend.


eta: to actually write my comment.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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I like this A LOT. Much more than Cuddle Bunny as far as phero effects. I wonder why this doesn't seem to have as much of a following as CB or even more.


It's great for enhancing relationships! Makes me more vocal about my feelings and really sets a cuddly vibe. Despite the lovey dovey feel of this phero, there is definitely a sexual punch in this. I didn't really take much on my part to get the s.o. going. :P And the sex was nice and passionate.


Later he made a comment about making his day, he felt so comfortable and I made him feel good.


As for scent? It smells divineeee. I figured I'd like this because the honey, but it wasn't so forward on me. I smelled a spicy brown sugar with honey in the back. The civet was also detectable.


It went marvelous with occo slf. This is probably my favorite at the moment.





Me too, I get so many personal hits from wearing this one both by itself and with IE

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This is the very same comment I got from Cuddle Bunny!!!


As far as why this phero hasn't gotten as much attention from me as CB..it was all about the scent. I never wore this because this scent just doesn't work on me and it is all this one came in for a long time.

BUT now I have Indecent Exposure so you can be sure I will be wearing it a lot more and getting a better feel for the phero.


I did get actual public displays of affection back in the day from HG while wearing Un Sexology which was absolutely unheard of so I do believe it is a powerful blend.


eta: to actually write my comment.


I didn't care much for the scent on me either. At least initially, but it mustve been my cycle. So it's just been sitting there gathering dust. Now I'm always grabbing for it.

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After trying this again w/Sexology 3, I have this to say, regardless of what I layer it with (Leather, Dominance, LFM), more than any sex oriented blend I've tried so far for some reason or other I seem to need panty liners the most with this. Sexpionage and BI are sexy on the first few times I've tried but the intensity eventually faded away, so I've had to admit to myself I really feel more like a sex kitten with this one, which is probably why I more willing to take a risk with BI in public in the future at this point than Sexology again, at least for awhile. The self-effects are more intense, which I am aware at least affects my body language in some degree. BI, not so much.


ETA: The layering with pheros mentioned has to do with an attempt at least trying to have an aura of respectability despite wearing something else that's pretty sexual, but it seems my body chemistry doesn't seem to care when it comes to this one. It does What It Says On The Tin, at least when it comes to me.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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  • 1 month later...

I absolutely love this scent! It is dark, syrupy honey...almost molasses-like on me....but!


unfortunately, I have been single for 7 years now, so there is no opportunity for me to wear this, and!


my sister detects a note in there that I cannot smell myself, and she says it smells like peepee. huh.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I tried this this morning after washing off the other stuff I thought I'd wear for the day (nothing wrong with it, I just wanted to try one of the sex pheromones.)

Did 2 or three long stripes up each forearm of Sexology UN and smooshed with LP pink, then did slightly smaller than a half dollar amount of EOW on my left hand and let the cheese

air out. Was worried about it being covered with LP pink so I put on some OCCO SLF. Rounded it off with a touch of vampire bait on my inner wrists.


That's some sexy shit right there. And it worked for the sex I was wanting :D Looking forward to trying this some more.


as far as selfies, eh, I've been pretty up libido-wise so I didn't notice any increase in that but I did notice after about 20-30 minutes that things started getting naturally

juicy down there and this was still a good half hour before I met up with my guy for sexins so there wasn't any external stimulation going on (I wasn't even thinking bad

thoughts except wondering how sexology was going to go down and hoping it'd be a win.)


Will continue to test. I'm marking it as a win but the true test will be what text messages I might get later on to see how much his world was blown or not.

Edited by MissHazel
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  • 1 month later...

I don't know what it is about this blend, but from the very first time I wore it, (and every. single. time. afterwards), BF asks me "how you doin'?", or, "You okay?". I don't know that I've hit my sweet spot with it though, 'cause it's never actually inspired either of us to have sex. It just seems to make him more *aware* of me. Hence all the questions. What a weird thing. I can't wait until I hit my sweet spot with it though. I just have a feeling it'll be good. I *want* it to be good.


I have it in a spray, (which I got in a trade), and I'm wearing 3 sprays ATM. I'm thinking that I might get it UNscented in oil, and see how that works instead. I wish the scented version worked on me. It smells so good in the vial, but it *still* smells like raisins after it dries. :huh: I do love it in Indecent Exposure though, but I mostly wear that one 'cause I LOVE the scent.


I'm STILL testing this! After a year & a half... Whoo. One day...

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  • 2 months later...

Hope it’s okay to start this as a new topic- the other thread hasn’t been visited in a while.


I LOVE this phero, but I’m a bit afraid of the perfume scent.


I’ve only worn this once, and will do further testing using very small amounts with another perfume layered over the top to see what the scent does. I drew 2 short lines on my mid section and dried down before dressing. The scent is very strong, stayed strong all day, and has great throw. The problem is that to me it smells slightly dirty (but not in a good way). Throughout the day I could continually detect a whiff of animal urine type scent wafting up at me now and then. Probably the civet?


I felt very sensual, elegant and seductive with this on, except for the wafting scent of animal pee I caught from time to time :Blusher: .


I was working with just one older woman. All the men who came in were very friendly, called me darling, etc, gave heaps of eye contact and smiles, and leaned over the counter towards me. A couple openly flirted a little (one in front of his wife :blink: ). The women were friendly and complimentary and seemed to really actively take notice of me too.


My female boss and another worker came by at lunch to give us a break. The other worker kept telling me how nice I looked, and when my boss (not gay) came near me and spoke to me she got this slightly dazed, stunned look on her face. Later that afternoon I headed over to the new building to fill in a timesheet and she came and offerred me a chocolate, and got the same sort of stunned look on her face gain. It was kind of weird in a good way. Is this a DIHL?


This phero makes me feel very confident and comfortable in my skin, makes me more aware of my own attractiveness (but not in an arrogant way), and allows me to enjoy my interactions with people more. I will definitely purchase the UN version.


Oh, and my desexed male British Bombay kitty loves this phero too :KITTY_~12: .

Edited by vladmyra
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Hope it’s okay to start this as a new topic- the other thread hasn’t been visited in a while.


It doesn't matter - review threads are meant to last (relatively) forever.

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Yes..The balance of the isomer of EST can really change the way a formula will "work." There is a LOT in Sexology, and the I want-to--take-care-of-you-and-just follow you around-all-day vibe, is brought about by the heavier dose of EST..


Now take it into the bedroom..And the three molecules in THESE ratios that are in Sexology, combine to give you caring, cuddles, DEEP communication, (and sometimes you need to be ready to hear things you are NOT prepared for) and well..HOT SEX! http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/happy.png


Had I taken the ratios in a different direction and balanced them in the diametric OPPOSITE way, the resulting effect on men would be VERY different..


But..That's another story for another formula for another (not soon) month.. ^_~


And now to bed..Oh and Luna..Raven Moon 2009 is VERY close to the original. It's HEAVENLY..But NOT angelic.. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/happy.png




Ail )O(

Wow!! As this post was before my time.. I'm currently blown away by the detail here.

I have many questions Re the phero blends and as I like EST this answered some.

I love details explained objectively.

Are there any other posts by Ail on the phero blend topic? Perhaps some of the .."another story for another formula.."?


So glad this was bumped...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Copied from my journal on another forum:


"12Apr13, Friday
So, at work, my crush saw me in the hallway and asked if I was going out dancing later. Actually, he was up my ASS asking if I was going out dancing (to the same place as the weekend prior). I said "Maybe", not really sure if I was up to it (it was a veeery long week for me). My friend had a rough week also, so her enthusiasm inspired me to go out. Unfortunately, I decided to try out Sexology without sampling it before a big night out. I put it on and it first, it smelled delicious. But then, it went horribly wrong and I smelled like I rolled in a giant wet vat of Play-doh!!! Shiiiit.... bad.gif
It was awful, I have been researching it and think it's the civit or ambergris... or a combo of both together. Lesson learned, I will stay away from both. So most of the night, when I smelled it wafting off of me, I'd run to the bathroom and try to wash it off. My friend told me she didn't smell play-doh, but that I smelled like a musky old granny haha. Either way... the phero worked, the smell didn't. The phero worked so well that my crush was still all over me even though I smelled like an old lady or play-doh. So... I know Sexology (the phero) works. He insisted he stay the night, even though my A/C was out and I told him he wasn't gettin' any bootie. We cuddled all night... it was pretty awesome."

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I can't wear scented Sexology either. I have got "did the cat pee in here?" Sooo embarrassing but I have learned any dirty or sexy honey turns to cat pee on me.

I love UN Sexology and have a few scents that work with my chemistry boosted with it :)

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Lol, that sux hearts! I recently got a GGG bottle of Sexology in Indecent Exposure but it is a very "wintery" smell. I will probably end up adding the phero to something else I can wear more often.

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lol, that's good :)

Got any advice on scents to boost with it?

Edited by PhoenixOnFyre
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lol, that's good :)

Got any advice on scents to boost with it?

I believe cop heavy blends are covered best with vanilla heavy or fruit heavy scents. Some one correct me if im wrong. ive been here maybe a year and half? i still feel like a newbie though! Or even the NoCo.

I have Sexology in Rabid and Cheeky. Merry and Ravenwings White Forest Cake are others I have boosted with straight cops and they cover wonderfully!

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  • 4 months later...

Oh my stars but this is lovely. Unsurprisingly I adore it because it smells so much like Phero Girl, chock full of lovely sticky (not too sweet) honey but without the beeswax and powder. In their place was the tiniest hint of cinnamon when it first went on. I think maybe I can also detect a touch of the ambergris in there, too. Not sure about the civet but my cats are going bonkers. We'll see how it settles into drydown.


As far a pheros in the 30 minutes or so I've had it on my tension headache has finally started to ease off. I don't think it's a coincidence, as the headache was the worst it has been all day just before I applied. I have no idea why this would be so I'll chalk it up to my favourite explanation: bodies are weird. I've yet to see how other people react but at the moment I could certainly see getting this one again when I want something with pheros that are a bit more complex than just the cops in Phero Girl.


Edited to add:

It lasts FOREVER and stays pretty true even after drying for 12-16 hours. The only difference is that the honey fades slightly more into harmony with everything else and it all turns a bit creamier, for lack of a better word. What a stunning fragrance. And it seems the scent and the pheros combine makes guys horny but cuddly, admiring (but not distant and in awe), and very complimentary. One exclaimed that something smelled like inside a witch's cavern and then elaborated to explain it smelled like incense. So, if you're a sexy witch or just want to smell like one then apparently Sexology is for you.

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This sounds SO good, and right up my alley too!

I can't believe I missed it; I think the label (of scented Sexology III) made me think of something much more clean-smelling.


I have a full bottle unsniffed on it's way to me, I can't wait to try it out!

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Not clean at all... in the best way possible! How are you sitting on that FB?!?! Crack it open, Lady!


I can't, it's not here yet!!! :fright04238:


My January order (including the Valentine's samples etc) with Sexology in it was shipped out at the beginning of this week; I'm crossing my fingers that it will be here some time in the coming week... :Emoticons0086:

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Ah, YES.




The perfect scent - and, amazingly, it comes with what I suspect might be the perfect phero for me.


:burning-heart: :burning-heart: :burning-heart:



It does not smell a lot like Phero Girl to me though; it reminds me more of LP red.

There is quite a bit of cinnamon and spice in it, but it is less bright, a little less sweet, more mellow than LP red.


There is warmth, sweet spices, and underneath it all a lovely, calm, skin scent - musky, but not the randy kind of musk.


It's a sort of toasted cinnamon, along with a little bit of syrup; not a lot though, it is not a really sweet scent on me.


It makes me feel calm and relaxed and just good in my own skin; cheerful and aware of things.

And things are GOOD when I have this on.


Will have to report back later on the phero-effects because I haven't really had much opportunity to wear this around other people, but the self-effects are just really, really good.

I love cops (they work at least as well on women as they do on men so far), love Est and adore B-nol, so I suspect this blend will work well.



And the scent...

*happy sigh*


The scent is just PERFECT.



If there is ever one of those threads like 'if you could only have one LPMP' - then THIS would be mine.


And it's in the permanent collection, too. :heart0974:


The world is a good place!

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Ah, YES.




The perfect scent - and, amazingly, it comes with what I suspect might be the perfect phero for me.


:burning-heart: :burning-heart: :burning-heart:



It does not smell a lot like Phero Girl to me though; it reminds me more of LP red.

There is quite a bit of cinnamon and spice in it, but it is less bright, a little less sweet, more mellow than LP red.


There is warmth, sweet spices, and underneath it all a lovely, calm, skin scent - musky, but not the randy kind of musk.


It's a sort of toasted cinnamon, along with a little bit of syrup; not a lot though, it is not a really sweet scent on me.


It makes me feel calm and relaxed and just good in my own skin; cheerful and aware of things.

And things are GOOD when I have this on.


Will have to report back later on the phero-effects because I haven't really had much opportunity to wear this around other people, but the self-effects are just really, really good.

I love cops (they work at least as well on women as they do on men so far), love Est and adore B-nol, so I suspect this blend will work well.



And the scent...

*happy sigh*


The scent is just PERFECT.



If there is ever one of those threads like 'if you could only have one LPMP' - then THIS would be mine.


And it's in the permanent collection, too. :heart0974:


The world is a good place!

I'm so glad you like it! I am also *so* glad it's permanent. It's just beautiful and while it is sexy I don't think it smells raunchy-dirty but truly beautiful. This and Cougar Potion (I can smell it right now so it's in my nose and on my mind) so totally deserve their ongoing places in the collection. :Emoticons04235:

I'd love to know how you get on with the phero when you have a chance to test it on others.

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  • 1 year later...

I could not love this one more. It smells beautiful and it works beautifully. It makes men so fascinated, attentive, and kind... as well as extremely sexually interested. Think intense sex but also lots of foreplay, a focus on pleasing you, lots of kisses, and an invitation to spend the night all cuddled up afterwards. Demur and you will be pulled back into bed anyway.


This is one of the first FBs I bought and it was probably my best LP decision so far.

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  • 2 years later...

I put off getting a sample of this because I was wary of the civet. Initially it was like Sugared Honeycomb to me (I've never tried Phero Girl so I can't compare) with a hint of "dirtiness" under it, which was fine. Especially because Sugared Honeycomb went plastic on me after a while; the other elements in here kept it from doing that, and I was pleased. Eventually the honey faded, leaving the "cat pee"-ish scent, sadly.


I look forward to testing this with a TG, but will also wear another scent (non-phero) so can mask the pee, haha.

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