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OK, this is a review of the scent alone.....will test the pheros later....


Scent-wise, I think I would wear this one, with or without pheros. I get a very nice musk and vanilla.....MAYBE a touch of something darker under the surface....overall a very clean smelling scent......not overpowering......would probably just be strong enough for people to say....."what smells so good" and try to get closer to see if it is you..... :jumpforjoy:


After it wears a bit, the darker attars and resins start coming out......this is definitely a multi-leveled scent.....NICE.....

Edited by Dolly
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Sychronicity is exactly what I thought it would be, I just love it :love: !! full sz btl a must, glad to get it today, will try it out this Wednesday night.



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Sychronicity is exactly what I thought it would be, I just love it :) !! full sz btl a must, glad to get it today, will try it out this Wednesday night.





I like this one alot. The smell is like Dolly described. It is gorgeous!!!!

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Right from the vial, for me, this is a lovely resin-based musk, just the kind of thing I enjoy. I don't really get any vanilla - even unsweetened (like black vanilla, for example) - but it may come out later in the drydown. Around the edges is a touch of flowery attar. This wears close to my skin like PG Dominance does, I noticed, so I'm thinking that someone would have to be right in my personal space to be affected by the DYG. I'm not getting a reaction myself but I attribute that to the migraine I woke up with, ugh.



I do get just a hint of vanilla in the final drydown, sort of floating above the phero base. Hopefully I'll get more vanilla with aging.

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I bought a full-size bottle of this based on the description, and I am thrilled with the scent. The vanilla comes out over the top of the musks on me, and there's a sweet spiciness that is very nice. It is a comforting, soothing scent -- companionable, perhaps, is the word I want. Even without the Drop Your Guard pheros, I think the scent would draw people in.

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I bought a full-size bottle of this based on the description, and I am thrilled with the scent. The vanilla comes out over the top of the musks on me, and there's a sweet spiciness that is very nice. It is a comforting, soothing scent -- companionable, perhaps, is the word I want. Even without the Drop Your Guard pheros, I think the scent would draw people in.


Aaagh! I got a page this am from my buddy-with-the-P.O.Box "Perfume in Hand. Make transfer when convenient", ....uh NOW!?! I'm so psyched to get mah hands on this...!

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Aaagh! I got a page this am from my buddy-with-the-P.O.Box "Perfume in Hand. Make transfer when convenient", ....uh NOW!?! I'm so psyched to get mah hands on this...!



Well, DON'T let him open the bottle and sniff it, or he might decide to keep it!

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Well, DON'T let him open the bottle and sniff it, or he might decide to keep it!


:) ...ohnoes...never thought to make him *promise* that...heh...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wore this one today and I'm amazed at its long lastingness. I put it on over 16 hours ago and can still smell it on my wrists! I smell sandlewood most of all and it smells really silky and sexy, but not necessarily girly. It's soft and inviting and anyone would be attracted to it IMHO.

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  • 4 months later...

I am wearing this beautiful fragrance today. Wow!! I am loving all the musky softness. I will totally agree with GenniferwithaG on how long it lasts.


I put a drop or two on a spot on my arm, I later showered, applied a coconut lotion mist (from Body Shop), then, before bed put on a little Beltaine (in the exact area of the previous Synchonicity) to test the smell. In the morning I had this incredible soft musky smell. This couldn't have been the result of the Beltaine. It smelled just like the Synchronicity. Talk about staying power. I love it. I'm so happy I had the forethought to order a full size bottle.

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  • 1 month later...

I find myself wearing this one a lot. DYG is probably my favorite phero for work or just chillin'. On stressful days - and around that time of the month - this softly resinous scent with DYG is a lifesaver. I slather it on and keep a quiet cloud around myself all day. I keep an emergency vial tucked away in my drawer at work...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Love love love this one. Very soft musk on me. This has to be one of my favorites.


Ditto!! This one is amazing. I love the warmth of the musk. Ahhh!!

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I love the scent! Perfect for work because it stays so close to the body, it won't overpower those near me. As for the phero effect - maybe it's my imagination but my boss seems happier and more at ease today. Before this she was constantly muttering about finances (this is a skin care salon) and the slow down of client traffic. Today she seems much happier and easier to talk to. She didn't mention my scent - if it's too strong she always comments.


I'm very pleased so far!!

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I love the scent! Perfect for work because it stays so close to the body, it won't overpower those near me. As for the phero effect - maybe it's my imagination but my boss seems happier and more at ease today. Before this she was constantly muttering about finances (this is a skin care salon) and the slow down of client traffic. Today she seems much happier and easier to talk to. She didn't mention my scent - if it's too strong she always comments.


I'm very pleased so far!!



Pheros under the radar....gotta love it!

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Is there a way to wear 'Synchronicity' (or straight up 'Drop Your Guard' for that matter) so you yourself are less affected by the pheros? Sort of to keep yourself from relaxing and blabbing too much?



I have to be cautious with True Confessions.....the same method would probably work for DYG.....apply where it won't waft into your nose so much.....I apply to backs of hands, wrists, and back of neck (if my hair is up)....

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I have a bottle of Nasty Habits with Drop Your Guard added (I thought it was a better scent for me than Synchronicity) and I apply it to the backs of my hands, along my arms, the back of my neck, and the part in my hair. It attracts attention but I can avoid smelling it myself too much that way.

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I have never been a big one for small talk,and being female and watching this "small talk " phenomenon amongst women has always left me feeling a bit like I am missing a girl gene or something. I understand why people do it .I am just not a big fan of the blaa blaa club.The biggest mystery is that I am surrounded by tons of Gemini's, and people with Gemini moons .I hope I am not the only astrology fan who has noticed aheem :lolipop: Gemini's like to talk, ALOT! My own dear mom is a Gemini so it is not un common to see me sitting in a chair :frown: with a glazed look in my eye while I am listening to the latest important blaa blaa topic .I feel it is my duty to issue this warning to anyone who is like me, peace loving,and who has Gemini's in their life.DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT EVER wear this scent in their presence .I was literally running to my car to get away from all the blaaaa blaaaaa blaaaaa and the guy I am dating was running behind me TO KEEP TALKING! I was backing out my car and pulling away ,and he was STILL TALKING! Mara and Danna I am not real sure what all goes on in that emporium over there in the wee dark hours ,but its working! :unsure:

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Hrm, I never noticed it affected me (June baby that I am) that much...nor my Gemini sweetie...but then again, I'm not a huge bla-bla-bla fest type either. Not that I don 't enjoy a good conversation, I do...

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For me, the thing about Drop Your Guard is not so much the whole talking factor as much as it causes people to remove their filters and personas when they communicate. Small talk for me is situational...I can talk about the weather for hours as long as it's with someone I like. When I want someone to be real, as opposed to their social construct, that's when I utilize it.

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For me it has seemed to bring about the lots of talking effect. I think everyone I am referring to is real open anyway so its just lots more and I mean LOTS more talking. I will say I noticed this reaction more intensely in my Gemini moon pals more so than Gemini in general. I wonder if that's what is making the difference.The first time it happened I just thought it was a fluke,but it quickly became obvious with the repeated results when I have worn it.Its truly comical

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From the moment i opened this I absolutely loved it. It has moved into my top 2. It was a musky vanilla and the pheros work great. after work i met people i used to work with 4 years ago - some i had not seen the entire 4yrs and we gabbed all night like we just saw each other last week.



As soon as i smelled i immediately ordered a bottle - even though i just placed an order a few hours earlier.



Must say i love it, love it ;);)



i think it even smoothes out other scents that go wonky on me - KOD [kingdom of dreams stank on me and when i tried it again with a little synch - it was great]

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  • 3 weeks later...

This smells like a way better version of Skin Musk I used to wear back in junior high and high school. On me its a beautiful powdery, silky, dry vanilla over a black musk. I don't smell the pheros in it. I love this and will have to wear it more to see the reactions and if I want a big bottle. I am considering a big bottle. I love this and it's very sophisticated and sexy in a subtle way.

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This reminds me that I have been neglecting my Synchronicity! With all the new goodies I forget some of my faves...DYG is my fave phero mix, and Synchronicity is a beautiful scent. I think of it as Soul Food's lighter cousin.


When I mix the two I have a silly grin all day long.


I personally don't notice increased chattiness. It's more like a relaxed groove...um...like your college days after you just toked a nice smooth one. :blue_dancing_banana: Too much information?

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I decided to re-sample this one today.....I agree with Deliberate Angel that it smells like Skin Musk when wet....after it dries, it acquires much more depth, though.....



I personally don't notice increased chattiness. It's more like a relaxed groove...um...like your college days after you just toked a nice smooth one. :2182: Too much information?


This is how it makes me feel, too! Very relaxed.....smiling, singing along to the radio on my way to the Post Office.....


OK, I am ordering a full bottle!! RIGHT NOW!!



ETA: I like your new avatar, Pony!!

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I agree. This one is a great skin musk smell. It soothes me. I am guilty of stockpiling this one. :2182:

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Well, I let my sweetie smell this on me for the first time last night.....I showered and then applied this one.....he sniffed and said...."I like that. It's verry clean and fresh-smelling." He was in a not-so-good mood when he got here, but with Synch, he was laughing and smiling and cracking jokes like usual in no time....

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Well, I let my sweetie smell this on me for the first time last night.....I showered and then applied this one.....he sniffed and said...."I like that. It's verry clean and fresh-smelling." He was in a not-so-good mood when he got here, but with Synch, he was laughing and smiling and cracking jokes like usual in no time....


I love how you maneuver his emotions (you noticed I did NOT say manipulate?) with specific scents. I love it! Our sense of smell is very powerful in how it affects our emotions. I know I'm super sensitive to smells. Smells will definitely affect my mood.

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After repeated tries and slathering myself I noticed the scent has a complexity about it. Underneath the musk there is a light scent I cannot discern. It's almost creamy and light. It's lovely. I wish this scent had more staying power on my skin, the sample was gone in about a week : )


I compared this one to Me, Jane and noticed the other had way more effect on a man. This one didn't really seem to have such an intense effect on myself or a man.

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After repeated tries and slathering myself I noticed the scent has a complexity about it. Underneath the musk there is a light scent I cannot discern. It's almost creamy and light. It's lovely. I wish this scent had more staying power on my skin, the sample was gone in about a week : )


I compared this one to Me, Jane and noticed the other had way more effect on a man. This one didn't really seem to have such an intense effect on myself or a man.



Thats because Me Jane is more of a female attraction blend to attract males.....it has female pheros in it. Synchronicity is more unisex....the phero blend "Drop Your Guard" (which is in Synch) is more for "person to person" bonding, for conversation stimulation and happy vibes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yarrgh. I really wanted to try this. Unfoody vanillas appeal to me, to say nothing of the power of Drop Yer Guard behind it. Maybe I'll run across some kind soul who'll swap me some.

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Are there any regular scented LPs that are close to the scent of 'Synchronicity'?



If there are, I haven't smelled them.....Synchronicity is nice and light and musky......kind of like the commercial "skin musk" that used to be out on the market. My sister had that one when we were teens, and that's what it reminds me of......after it dries though, it gets deeper and more complex......very nice......

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