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It will be a fabulous fall with this special treat: the comfort of delicious hot cocoa on a chilly day underscored by the outdoors ambiance of a hay-strewn path through Autumnal woods.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

COCOA POWDER ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love.
HAY ~ Friendliness, fruitfulness.
OAK ~ A wood of masculine and projective energy.

It symbolizes endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, and heroism.
SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness
and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life.

Scent: Autumnal hot cocoa

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This one sounds truly delightful.


In fact they all do. I just made another order a couple of days ago so I can have all the actual Love Potion perfumes (I'm greedy).

Then saw all the new October lovelies on the perfumerie page yesterday and decided I probably can't live without buying practically all of them as well!

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I thought I smelled earth! I thought am I going cray? This one is unique smelling. It doesn't smell quite like Halloween, My mind kept wanting to smell something sweet and red, maybe something baked? because of the label, but it's very luxe smelling actually, like if I traveled back in time a thousand years and was going to a fancy masquerade, I would have my hand maidens bathe me in this at midnight outside on my terrace by the moonlight, I would add a bit of milk and honey to my bath only because I am currently obsessed with the idea of adding milk and honey to my bath, not that the scent needs it. It's a very cool and scenty scent- almost like something you would use in a ritual of sorts, like a bath or right before fucking. Ladies fuck don't they? Well if you are a lady and you like to fuck then this is that type of scent. Like you look all elegant and shit, then you get down and dirty because you can. It's like a proper lady that likes to properly fuck. That is what this scent is. A good old fashioned beautiful bang.

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This is lovely in the vial. I got a blast of hay and earth with a hint of chocolate, just like the description said, an autumnal hot chocolate. But my skin amped the chocolate, and it already doesn't like to wear it, so this is a no go for me. But chocolate fans, you'll love it!!! I can't say enough good things about the earth notes here!!

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It's a very cool and scenty scent- almost like something you would use in a ritual of sorts, like a bath or right before fucking. Ladies fuck don't they? Well if you are a lady and you like to fuck then this is that type of scent. Like you look all elegant and shit, then you get down and dirty because you can. It's like a proper lady that likes to properly fuck. That is what this scent is. A good old fashioned beautiful bang.

I think you're getting that because there's a relationship between this scent and Night of Delight. It's the hay. Hay is incredibly sexy, who knew? :lol:


I get the hot cocoa at first, but not for too long, which I'm kinda bummed about. I loves me some hot cocoa, so I wish it were more like it is in the vial. In the drydown I get primarily sweet hay, which I do like, I just wish there was more of a blending going on with my skin. I'd love to get either cocoa on top or earth underneath, but for now it's a nice experience.

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I think you're getting that because there's a relationship between this scent and Night of Delight. It's the hay. Hay is incredibly sexy, who knew? :lol:


I get the hot cocoa at first, but not for too long, which I'm kinda bummed about. I loves me some hot cocoa, so I wish it were more like it is in the vial. In the drydown I get primarily sweet hay, which I do like, I just wish there was more of a blending going on with my skin. I'd love to get either cocoa on top or earth underneath, but for now it's a nice experience.


Yes that's it! It does remind me of Night of Delight. I also noticed that the cocoa came in the end. It kind of ejaculated on my arm, and it smelled good initially then it got a bit piercy- maybe because I just started my menses like 4 hours ago.

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I thought I smelled earth! I thought am I going cray? This one is unique smelling. It doesn't smell quite like Halloween, My mind kept wanting to smell something sweet and red, maybe something baked? because of the label, but it's very luxe smelling actually, like if I traveled back in time a thousand years and was going to a fancy masquerade, I would have my hand maidens bathe me in this at midnight outside on my terrace by the moonlight, I would add a bit of milk and honey to my bath only because I am currently obsessed with the idea of adding milk and honey to my bath, not that the scent needs it. It's a very cool and scenty scent- almost like something you would use in a ritual of sorts, like a bath or right before fucking. Ladies fuck don't they? Well if you are a lady and you like to fuck then this is that type of scent. Like you look all elegant and shit, then you get down and dirty because you can. It's like a proper lady that likes to properly fuck. That is what this scent is. A good old fashioned beautiful bang.


Wow, Lady Victoria's fabulous sexy review just sold me on this... Needs it now.

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Wow, Lady Victoria's fabulous sexy review just sold me on this... Needs it now.


You will slink and want milk for some reason. LOL. Like a pussy cat.


I actually love this. The chocolate and the hay blend together in such a sexy slinky way. Very unique


It's very sexy indeed!

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Mmmm this is sexy hot chocolate. I almost thought there might be honey in this and I had to double check the notes. Is it the hay that makes this so sexy smelling? The cocoa isn't bitter at all. It's very warm and makes me want to snuggle. Reminds me of drinking hot chocolate and making out on a hay stack!

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This is warm and the cocoa powder is incredibly true and vibrant. The hay is surprisingly green smelling on me! It gives it an unexpected outdoor quality. It is changing a LOT and very quickly as it dries. More later.

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This is seriously some decadent fudge on skin


In the vial not so much, a lot like artificial plasticy chocolate


On wet its artificalness didnt leave but i can smell the hay-- lawdy i can smell that hay, its sugar coated hay dipped in non foody vanilla.


They chocolate took a moment before appearing again and holy smokes it was a big ole fudge brownie!!


So far it was the fudge brownie on a bed of dried, sugar sweet-vanilla hay...i think there was some dirt in the brownie i cant really tell but it probably migrated to "outside" at this stage.


Definitely migrated to outside. I can smell the trees and the freshly tilled earth while "eating" my brownie on a plate full of fancy hay lol


It settled to a nature scent. The brownie is long gone and eaten and whats left is just chillin outside with the fragrant trees,earth and hay.


Im really impressed with how fast these are morphing and this scent is seriously interesting, i wont get a fb but ill get another sample because my surrogate mom just dropped this one and it soaked into the carpet :I

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I really like this one. There's something in it that reminds me of Candy Cane Cookies, an almost salty note, or at least, a note that my nose reads as salty. I like the chocolate. It's a soft, creamy chocolate. And while the scent of hay/grass is present for me at the beginning, it doesn't last. It's a sweet, evocative scent. But not a full bottle for me. It evokes the same kind of feel as Festival of Lights, which I already have, and since I'm trying to trim my collection, I don't need to add another that feels as if it's in the same family. OH! The hay popped up again! If I had a kabillion dollars, I'd be getting this, 'cause it has a real drinking-hot-chocolate-on-a-hayride feel. And I love the perfumes that give such a strong situational feel, like Treat. It's yummy! :)

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This one morphed at least 4 times: it started out as candy corn, then it went to cow's tail, then it took up a fruity tang and smelled like a cherry tootsie pop that had been chomped through the middle. Now it is more of a powdery chocolate with a slightly smoky undertone. I like it though! It is unpredictable and indecisive... but I think like any good woman, a scent has the right to change it's mind when it wants lol. I like to be kept guessing once in a while anyway!

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This is so gorgeous I want to hoard it. For a minute or so it's all soft hot chocolate on me, but then the other scents start coming through. Within a few minutes it's no longer what I would call a chocolate scent. But it didn't leave me disappointed because I think it's the most genuinely sexy scent I've ever come across. It's like the hay, vanilla, earth, sugar and oak are all there but I can't distinguish them as individual notes because they're so well melded, with maybe just a touch of cocoa remaining in the background. It's sweet and softly earthy, elegant, refined and utterly feminine but sexy as all hell (without a hint of dirtiness). God I wish I could buy a dozen bottles and slather myself in this always.

Edited by vladmyra
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Easy to say I'm in love with this. It is, and I really mean exactly like drinking hot chocolate outside in the late-autumn weather. Reminds me of when I was a kid and went to the local Christmas festival every year right at the beginning of December, when it wasn't snowing yet but the smell of dry leaves and woodsmoke was in the air. I'd get hot chocolate hot enough to burn my mouth (which it did once) and would stand there huffing it until it cooled enough to drink. While I was standing there alternately huffing and blowing, the leaves and woodsmoke would blend wonderfully with the smell of chocolate. This is exactly like that experience.

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That was the first analogy I came up with when discussing the notes with Mara; but my experience is different because the hay really dominates it for me.

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LV your reviews are the best. Always. Just ordered the sample pack because I have to try the lady like fuck. Love you.


Omg How did I miss this??? TG XOXOXO Hope you liked this and hope you got fucked like a lady : )


Easy to say I'm in love with this. It is, and I really mean exactly like drinking hot chocolate outside in the late-autumn weather. Reminds me of when I was a kid and went to the local Christmas festival every year right at the beginning of December, when it wasn't snowing yet but the smell of dry leaves and woodsmoke was in the air. I'd get hot chocolate hot enough to burn my mouth (which it did once) and would stand there huffing it until it cooled enough to drink. While I was standing there alternately huffing and blowing, the leaves and woodsmoke would blend wonderfully with the smell of chocolate. This is exactly like that experience.


This really is a scent for you Invi. It's got that old world time machine chocolate goth dark Dracula thing fuck me now bit going on- It's sexy and dark.

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This really is a scent for you Invi. It's got that old world time machine chocolate goth dark Dracula thing fuck me now bit going on- It's sexy and dark.


Can I even count the ways I love you LadyV? But it really is a "me" scent. I love those autumn scents that have a foody element, and then something else distinctly from "outdoors in the fall" like dry leaves, woods, woodsmoke or hay. If you could toast hot chocolate like you can toast a marshmallow I think you'd end up with something like this.

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I love those autumn scents that have a foody element, and then something else distinctly from "outdoors in the fall" like dry leaves, woods, woodsmoke or hay.

Yeah that was my idea with Miss Autumn as well; a Fall-type scent is always better for me with some sweetness.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love! The cocoa and hay combination on me is absolutely wonderful. The balance between the cocoa and earth/outdoor scents of the hay/oak/earth is so perfect. Definitely autumn but warm and cozy too. I don't even care that my hay fever is acting up again (I'm allergic to oak), I'd slather this all over!!!

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I just got a TON of lp samples in the mail, and I have to admit that I think this is my favorite that I've tried on so far. The chocolate mostly fades fast, even though just a tiny bit of it does stick around. For a few minutes it goes super-hay, but then settles down into what I can only describe as a pretty, earthy scent. Dang it, this is another one that I might need a full bottle of.

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  • 9 months later...

I forgot how amazing this is. It's smells like hot chocolate ... Like exactly, when first applied. Then as it dries down, this sexy smoky hay emerges and is a beautiful backdrop to that silky hot chocolate. I can't stop smelling my arm!

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  • 1 year later...

Love the sweetness of the chocolate right off, I feel like a treat and did slather it on. Once the sweetness fades away I have a lovely soft lingering scent, slightly floral yet yummy but also the hay gives this a very nice outdoors early fall feel. What's funny, the hay in this still triggers my allergies, which happened when I first tested it, but I love it too much to care!

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  • 1 year later...

Treat brings up such a strong scent-memory for me that I had to get a bottle. Imagine being a little kid trick-or-treating with one of those white plastic trick-or-treat bags grocery stores used to give out free, something kind of like this. By the end of the night, you could open the bag and take a deep breath, and somehow that bag had captured the night: the bare-limbed trees, the dry grass underfoot, the jumble of sugary treats in waxed paper, and, permeating it all, the rich cocoa smell of all that chocolate.


Thanks so much for this memory!

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How have I not reviewed this? it's one of my "Wennie Favs"!


This is a date night in the Fall. The haunted hay ride and snuggling up close. The delightful Autumn scent of hay, hot cocoa and a faint waft of cool musky earth.

The hay & cocoa combine to create snuggle worthy feel. A wonderful Fall scent. Pretty and lighthearted. :purr:

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