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Aja - Nature's Copulins

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Oh wow! Thanks for this! This is soo awesome!



I just received my bottle today.....so I have DEFINITELY smelled it. And, I wore it alone today, for testing purposes.



And to answer your question, vladmyra, you could definitely layer over top of it. It is not aggressively dirty.....just quite dirty smelling when worn alone. With a light scent, it would most likely add a smutty undertone. With a heavier scent, it would most likely add just a sweet honey bottom note.

After several hours wearing, it smells very much like OCCO SLF on me.

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Dolly I can't believe you got mail on a Federal Postal Holiday! I'm so jelly. Mine will be here tomorrow though.



Yeah, I was shocked too! From the tracking info, when it wasn't here Saturday, I figured I would get it tomorrow. But apparently, some of the "behind the scenes" people were working, because when I checked this morning, tracking said it was delivered today. So, I rushed right down to the PO and picked it up!

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Well, thus far, the man is undecided regarding the scent. He did not care for the scent applied and worn for roughly 1.5 hrs or so. But was perfectly fine with the scent after 4-5 hrs of wear (after it had blended). I am thinking I may try pairing it with some amber paste that I have. I think it would be lovely.


We are not going full force on the sex effects tonight. The man has an injured hand, and is quite grumpy because of it.

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We are not going full force on the sex effects tonight. The man has an injured hand, and is quite grumpy because of it.


What does he need his hand for when he has you ...? :lol:

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What does he need his hand for when he has you ...? :lol:



Shame on you!



I can still smell the Aja this morning.....it is just a warm, subtle honey.....

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I just received my bottle today.....so I have DEFINITELY smelled it. And, I wore it alone today, for testing purposes.



And to answer your question, vladmyra, you could definitely layer over top of it. It is not aggressively dirty.....just quite dirty smelling when worn alone. With a light scent, it would most likely add a smutty undertone. With a heavier scent, it would most likely add just a sweet honey bottom note.

Very interesting . So would you say it smells dirtier than straight EOW or just different?

I find some of the "dirty" honeys stinker than EOW (after dry down)

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Good question. I have never used EOW, but I have gotten cops whiffs from some products. I hope this is not the cheesy sweet smell that I get hints of in those cops products and more like SLF....I loved SLF...:)


Very interesting . So would you say it smells dirtier than straight EOW or just different?

I find some of the "dirty" honeys stinker than EOW (after dry down)

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This is NOT like EoW is when it is not covered....granted, EoW has never really bothered me once it dries down.....but I just have one of those skin chemistries that likes cheese, I guess.....LOL. Aja is not cheesy at all on my skin....just sweet.....dirty, but sweet. And, I find that I only really get the "dirty" essence if I stick my nose right on the application spot. Other than that, I just smell honey. Ripe honey.

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Thanks Dolly. This is definitely going to be interesting to try.

I don't mind EOW either, after dry down it's sweetish and just a little sexy dirty ;)

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I was a little worried when I sniffed this in the vial. It smelled strongly of sex, and I just can't do SLF scents. On my skin, though, it smells vaguely dirty, vaguely like honey, very natural. Like naturally sexy, just oozing out of the pores. Finally, a dirty I can wear!!! I'm eager to try it out, but I don't want to whip this out on the boy yet. But I do need to go to Best Buy in the next couple of days. I will give it a go then.

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Got mine today! Of course, this is the 1st vial I went for. My vial may have travel shock, the temp did just drop to freezing in my neck of the woods, but I'm not getting that dirty quality from Aja. In the vial it smells like sweet honey, I actually compared it to the raw/local honey I have on hand, on my skin it gets more floral. So it's almost like a sweet, floral honey when it melds with chemistry. A very nice skin scent. SO said that it smells MUCH better than straight up EoW & it did provoke a sexual response out of him. This isn't a minor thing; granted that I haven't used EoW, Sexpionage, or any sexual blend on him for quite some time, but his sex drive has been non-existent for a few months now.

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But I do need to go to Best Buy in the next couple of days. I will give it a go then.

Bwahahahahaha...a gal after my own heart...try Home Depot :001_302: My bottles will be here soon,but SP won't...soo will have to torment Mr TD&T this weekend :eating-pie:

Beccah... :you-go-girl: but he does not deserve you!!!

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I noticed that with my sample also, I felt very frisky while it was on & my nose was glued to my application points. I don't get the smut factor though, just a sweet, floral honey.

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I think my poor little Aja bottle needs a good rest before I try it again. The scent I got from it is largely indescribable- in a bad, bad way, lol! It was nothing like honey at all, more like a strange, cooked vegemite rubber smell. But it has travelled round the world, from late Autumn into humid Australian spring weather, and no doubt has been cruelly jostled along the way (the poor thing had leaked slightly and smeared the label, but the bottle is still nicely full). I was so excited by this mysterious new phero-beast that I had to try it straight away, but think I'll give it a few days now to calm down and behave like the honey beast it should be.

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I tried my sample last night and I really like this a lot. Dolly's right, not like EOW, it's a sexy honey, mildly sweet. I haven't tried for effects yet but I could totally see having a bottle of this just to give some scents a bit of a sexy edge. I can still smell it this morning and it does have a bit of feel like OCCO SLF. Ok, want a bottle. Think this would go great with LP Original.

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I actually have this on with Garland and Lace today. Did what I would normally do with EOW: a couple of little swipes between the girls, a little swipe on inner elbows. I probably should test alone but I know others are. I just wanted to test it with other scents and it seems to blend amazing with G&L. I get a spicy holiday glow with a touch of creamy honey sexiness.


It's definitely different from EOW. There's no tang like cops. It's very much a honey scent so I think it would blend great with a lot of others. I'm tempted to try this out with my NOCO Blue and see which I like better NOCO with AJA or OCCO with cops.

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I am curious to know ( for those living in warmer areas right now) Does the wearer attract unwanted attention while outside for extended periods of time....as in attracting bees or gnats or anything else? Since insects have an intense need to get to food sources that may smell like this, I just wanted to know if any of you had experienced anything like that. I love dining at places that have decks or patios when it is warm and spend a lot of time outside so I wondered if there was a difference between this and other pheros in that manner.

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Interesting question Irish eyes. I'm in Australia, so once my sample has rested for a couple more days I'll test it and let you know. A couple of months ago when it was just warming up into spring here and all the bees were out, I went outside wearing some blends like Pherogirl and Sneaky Clean, etc and they loved me! I didn't get bitten by anything, just had all these little bees flying around me repeatedly. I actually thought it was quite sweet- but then I like bees.

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Thanks for the answer Vlamyra. Winter is just really getting started here so bugs ( other than fruit flies) won't be a problem here for months. I do have a friend who is very allergic to bee stings and while I don't see her very often...I would like to keep it in mind so I am not a bee magnet standing next to her. Personally I don't have a big problem with bees. Used to live in the country and that was just part of it.


Just don't want to go out for a nice evening with some future date and make the wrong choice to sit outside if I am wearing a natural attractant. I would just remember to limit my outside time. I probably watch way too many nature shows. LOL

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This smells a lot like OCCO SLF on me,but it is not sticky!! in fact it sinks right in,maybe cause my skin is dry ?? this just feels really Good!..and then it just becomes a part of me. Oh and I get effects too,granted I have on half the new Phero releases now but earlier umm,when ya start bumping and grinding to...Amadeus? :w00t: :w00t: ...sheesh there is surely somethin going on :smiley-laughing024: I don't know if I trust myself to even wear this around Mr TD&T.I felt like smearing this on my inner thighs,being nekid,a rose between my teeth...with one small thorn,well maybe two :smiley-sex010:

OK,lol,opted to put a few drops on legs,wet my hands and spread around...silky smooth...luv it :hearts09793:

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OK, so I am going to be wearing this tonight, under Resin Ho.....let's see what happens!!

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Aja doesn't start off smelling like honey on me. It initially smells like super sweet heady white florals, and that lasted for a few hours before I started getting the dirty syrup. I don't really know what to think of this one; it was really sweet on my skin, and I usually don't favor syrupy sweet scents. The scent, however, lasted a really long time on me. I fell asleep, and around 12 hours after my initially application I can still smell Aja faintly. It's less sweet and a tiny bit sour. I'm going to test this out a bit more before wearing it out, but I'm really excited to see how others might react to this!

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Nope. no negative reactions from other women. It did amp up to high heaven on me today, though. I also took my littlest one hiking in teh woods with me & didn't notice an excessive amount of bugs being attracted to me. It's November, but it hasn't been cold enough to kill off the bugs where I live yet.

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Tried this out 2 nights ago. The scent while wet is a pleasant honey scent, but turned to a dirty honey after it dried and agree with others that this has staying power! My issue with it was it triggered my hay fever. I got horribly congested, runny nose etc. Considering its plant based I'm not surprised with my reaction. I will try it again with benadryl and also want to layer it to mask the dirty honey scent.

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I really enjoyed this one yesterday. Layered it with Garland and Lace v5 and it does have longevity. It didn't give a tangy feel like EOW does. It was a very mild, background dirty honey note and only got a wee bit dirtier after having worn a few hours. I really like it a lot. I can see adding this to a lot of scents to change the tone. As for effects, nothing noticeable to the extreme. No female competitiveness noted, no bugs or dogs attracted more than normal. My husband did however impulsively buy me a .357 magnum. Very nice gun and he's been wanting to get me my own for awhile. Does that count? He is certainly not the impulse shopper so even I was surprised when he just said "I'll take it".


Overall, I've not had enough chances around others to see any effects (been with husband, kid and in-laws this weekend) but I really like the scent a lot and want to try layering again with some other perfumes.

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LOLZ,oh yeah that is a nice impulse and hell yeah it counts :lol: :lol: umm,is this the 1st time you've worn G&L perchance ? one of my favorite shopping combos...ever...is cops boosted G&L !!


I had a few interesting reactions from my cats,nothing extreme,but the first time I put it on yesterday my male woke up ,from another room,came in and snuggled by me and went back to sleep,this was out of the norm for him at that time of day...this morning while brushing my Lil Wild Girl she sniffed my hand and started nipping at me,not really rough just cat play,she also did the butt up thing which she usually does not do...funny. :purr: oh and no bugs,more than normal,that is.


I ordered more...heh

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My husband did however impulsively buy me a .357 magnum. Very nice gun and he's been wanting to get me my own for awhile. Does that count? He is certainly not the impulse shopper so even I was surprised when he just said "I'll take it".


Overall, I've not had enough chances around others to see any effects (been with husband, kid and in-laws this weekend) but I really like the scent a lot and want to try layering again with some other perfumes.

This is funny! I read this and thought "eh...if she was wearing est it would most certainly count!" being that est is the "I want to protect you" phero...forgot the G&L is Lace...duh.

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Calii, MDC: around my husband, I guess I'd have to say that this is the first time I've really worn G&L. I've worn it to work a few times and it works very nicely in the location I currently work at. If this is an awesome phero/scent combo for shopping... I am so all over this. Interestingly, I did do some shopping yesterday with my MIL and daughter and hubby didn't even blink an eye. That's a bit unusual for him because he's very conscious of the cost of everything. I NEED TO TRY THIS AGAIN... on Black Friday maybe? LOL

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