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Decadent Diva


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Even though this one is a little bit different from Resin Ho, my man says he loves it just as much.....it has some throw, too! I walked through the house a while ago, after putting a little bit on my wrist pulse points ONLY......my man stopped me, saying....."This is not fair! You're working, and you come through the house, smelling all good and shit, and you have to go back out to your office!" LOL

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This is just beautiful! I was a bit skeptical about sandalwood since it seems to have a strange effect on my moods oddly. I think it is a negative association thing, but whatever. The sandalwood was NOT a problem at all. In fact it is so very well blended and balanced that even the patchouli did not steal the show which is rare on me since I seem to amp that. The Amber, the Musk, the Patch and the Sandalwood all seem to melt together beautifully on this one with a pretty and sweet hint of sugar topping them all off nicely. This is a rich and heady potion as one would expect of a resinous blend, but let me assure even those who are intimidated by dark resins, this one is NOT too intense or too dark at all. Somehow, it manages to be sharp and smooth at the same time. Dolly mentioned its remarkable throw and I do have to agree with that. Just the tiniest dab on one wrist and that was hours ago and I can still smell this wafting off of me as I move around. This is going to last me a long time. When people think of the resin scents, DARK comes to mind. This one is a bit dark and nicely sexy, but it is not the total darkness/blackness that might make you hesitate. I could personally go much darker without woods in it, but this is lovely. i do think that this could easily be a unisex fragrance. I think this would smell just as nice as a man as on a woman. If you had this on and walked into a room, people would definitely be wondering what that exotic smell was which is something I really like. I am a fan of the old Purple Pitch and to my nose this is similar to Purple Pitch but without the Violet. So having said all of this, my final thoughts on it are don't be afraid! I went FB on this one and don't regret it a bit! Beautiful job Mara and great input Dolly!

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I think it would wear nicely on a man!

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In the vial straight up from first sniff impression, it smells very cold and earthy to me. Like you know when earth is wet after it rains a bit or on a very cold morning at the beach.. this reminds me of this cute little Hindi shop in Venice beach. To me it has an incense type of smell. We were having a stare off the vial and I.. no it was more like a Mexican stand-off ... this went on for about 26 seconds.. and I recapped and the vial won. I'm scared. I'm scared if put this on, my head will be split down the middle and my cheeks will melt into the soles of me feet. I don't think I am that brave. Not right now. Day number one of Red Dawn. I am not ready. Stay tuned.

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I tested this out early in the am. I did it. I did it to see what would happen. I think I figured out my aversion to the patch/sandal/resins combo.. it reminds me of church for some reason. This one kinda reminded me of church in a way, if the church were inside a Jiffy Lube. There was a very distinct smell of oil almost like motor oil, sweet incensy motor oil. It was strong at first then it simmered a bit down and smelled like regular frying oil. Clearly my skin does not like this. I am bummed too because I wanted to get the sugary smooth elegant scent other have gotten from this. I half expected 3 wise men to pop out of wrists bearing gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and chocolate.

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Agreed! To steal LV's great comparison, my skin takes this one and turns it into burnt motor oil. I love how it smells in the vial, and it's great for dabbing on my pillows and bedsheets, but my skin says "No."


I guess I'm just not diva enough for this one. Gotta go google diva lessons.

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Don't feel that way JD! We all have our own version of La Diva within. I'm sure you have a potion that summons your's to the surface! :you-go-girl:


Aww, Rose, you are so sweet! Thank you! Yes, I do have one. Melissa's Exotic Carnation with Dominance. It rocks! Unfortunately, the gauge is fast approaching the big orange "E" on my bottle, and there's no more to be found for love or money.


We need a new thread, "Your Inner Diva" where we can all share what potions summon our Inner Divas!


I just wish mine could be Decadent Diva!

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Aww... I'm sorry this didn't work for you Lady V. I know what you mean about the "churchy" type smell, that would be the resins that they use in the incense, but I don't get the motor oil or any oily smell really at all. Could be a PH personality clash?


I think that must be it. My inner Diva is bleeding out so that could be why also, but I think my skin does this with the darker resins, because there are some resins that smell so great on me, for example Midnight Craving and Amber Enchantment smell like burnt sugar on me!


Agreed! To steal LV's great comparison, my skin takes this one and turns it into burnt motor oil. I love how it smells in the vial, and it's great for dabbing on my pillows and bedsheets, but my skin says "No."


I guess I'm just not diva enough for this one. Gotta go google diva lessons.


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OH MY GOD those duckies are just ADORABLE, LV!! Ducky Divas!


You know this means I'm going to steal one for an avi . . . . :Emoticons04250:


ETA: AGGH! The smokin' diva duck was too big for the avi frame. I'm looking for a smaller version of it cuz it's so perfect!

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OH MY GOD those duckies are just ADORABLE, LV!! Ducky Divas!


You know this means I'm going to steal one for an avi . . . . :Emoticons04250:


ETA: AGGH! The smokin' diva duck was too big for the avi frame. I'm looking for a smaller version of it cuz it's so perfect!


lol I googled diva duck

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lol I googled diva duck


LOL 2 -- That's exactly what I googled to look for a smaller version!!! Brilliant minds and all that . . . :wink88:



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It's weird, but I wore Agent XXX this morning and it hit my nose as a less-resiny (is that a word?), softer version of Decadent Diva. Hooray!

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So this is the one I spilt all over me. Lucky I love it. I thought agent xxx was my fave sample vial but it's this. I've obviously got it on my wool friendship bracelet as I kept getting whiffs of something fantastic all day and tracing it to my wrist. Bf hated it but I love it. It's darkly patchouli but not in a vile earthy way. I love mara's patchouli.


Jd I want to make more exotic carnation if you want to go in on it with me?! I remember the notes!!


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I'm having high hopes for this one; ordered a bottle unsniffed, which should be here soonish, hopefully!


Is the sandalwood in any way like the (very subtle on me) sandalwood in the Bam! sandalwood & resins variety?

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I'm having high hopes for this one; ordered a bottle unsniffed, which should be here soonish, hopefully!


Is the sandalwood in any way like the (very subtle on me) sandalwood in the Bam! sandalwood & resins variety?



The sandalwood in Decadent Diva is much more in the forefront.

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Decadent Diva doesn't like me. I didn't expect that it would - dark scents rarely seem to sit well on my skin. I don't know why. That being said, it smells kinda neat in the vial. It smells rich and incensy with just a hint of sweetness around the edges - literally like something I wish I could scent my bedroom with. On my skin it's all incense. I know there's none in here, but my nose is reading something like nag champa. :huh:

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FINALLY wearing this one today!


This is wearing much like OCCO Black on me except it actually seems a bit less sweet and the patchouli doesn't seem quite as intense. When I get home I will have to put on some OCCO Black to try to figure out the nuances between the 2.


This has awesome throw AND I didn't need much to be envolpoed in the deliciousness either! I've already had it on for 8 hours and it's as if a just put it on! I'm REEEEEALLY liking this...

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Just to report: I got my spray bottle of this! I was a little worried it might not work as well in that form, since sometimes it seems like the rich dark scents do best in oil on my skin, but this one is wonderful! It's just as potent and rich, and as others have commented, has serious throw-- a little goes a long way! And I love being able to spritz a little cloud on my hair.

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<_< I get home last night and hubby hugs my and announces, "Trees!" Now he's smiling, so I know it's not intended as a bad thing but as hugs me he says again, "Trees! You smelled like trees when you left and you still smell like trees when you come home :) "


Can I just say - "UG!" :faint::moodswings::question-mark:

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NuTrix, it's funny that you mentioned that. I wore this yesterday and something about it reminded me of Sex & Violins. There's a note in it that I smell when first rolling on and then it blends in with lovely with everything else but I think trees is maybe a good description for that note!! I need to go back and double check the notes in both and see if I can narrow down what that specific one is. I can smell it in Raven Moon too (love that stuff so much).


I really like this one a lot. LP Black is a bit intense for work so it's a weekend love but this resiny scent seems a bit lighter on me so I may need to try it out and see how it goes during the work week.

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LOL! Well...S&V has a "woods" note and RM & DD have sandalwood so I'm going to go with maybe the sandalwood? At least he meant it nicely :rolleyes:

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This, on me, is Pure Wood.


Just woodwoodwoodwoodwood, one big heavy block of solid wood.

I can't find a grain of sugar, or even a whiff of any resins, patchouli, or anything - just wood.

I guess I am one of those people that amps sandalwood, then?


If I were looking for something to build heavy, heirloom furniture out of, this would be fantastic... But as a perfume, it's rather blunt and one-note on my skin.

Which sort of breaks my heart, because it sounds SO good (and I went FB on it unsniffed)!

So far I've not opened my bottle, only tried my sample vial.


I think I'll let it age for a bit and see if it goes any better a couple of months from now. I'm hoping also that the vial, being a smaller volume, will age faster somehow. ;)


It does layer quite well, with sweet and vanilla type scents - but I need such minute amounts for that (a tip of the sample vial wand, barely touching my skin) that even just the vial would last me years and years.

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Try shaking it as well.....sometimes resinous scents "settle out" a bit.....I always shake mine before application.

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Try shaking it as well.....sometimes resinous scents "settle out" a bit.....I always shake mine before application.


Thank you - I shook it like I shake my bootie!


I shake all my perfumes before putting them on (been using a different perfume oil brand for years) - it's sort of crossed over to shaking stuff like lip balm from time to time. ;)

It didn't help, unfortunately.

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- it's sort of crossed over to shaking stuff like lip balm from time to time. ;)


*wipes tears of laughter from eyes* Thank you, I needed that :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was feeling slightly heartbroken that this did not work on me - the description sounded SO good!

And I was thinking, 'if only it could be a little sweeter, somehow....'


And then I remembered my bottle of pure cops!

So I decanted about a third of the bottle of Decadent Diva into one of the small roller bottles from Artfire (DD is a gorgeous golden colour, by the way!) and added a few drops of Cops.

Shook well, waited a night and voila: a beautiful, woodsy, but still slightly warm scent! :witch02738:


I wear it like an Occo, although it probably has a lot less cops; apply it on my torso (a bit around my belly button and a tad on my lower back) well before I get dressed.

The only odd thing now is that the smaller roller bottle has a metal ball - it's cold!


So, I guess, when in doubt - add cops? ;)

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I was feeling slightly heartbroken that this did not work on me - the description sounded SO good!

And I was thinking, 'if only it could be a little sweeter, somehow....'


And then I remembered my bottle of pure cops!

So I decanted about a third of the bottle of Decadent Diva into one of the small roller bottles from Artfire (DD is a gorgeous golden colour, by the way!) and added a few drops of Cops.

Shook well, waited a night and voila: a beautiful, woodsy, but still slightly warm scent! :witch02738:


I wear it like an Occo, although it probably has a lot less cops; apply it on my torso (a bit around my belly button and a tad on my lower back) well before I get dressed.

The only odd thing now is that the smaller roller bottle has a metal ball - it's cold!


So, I guess, when in doubt - add cops? ;)

Hee!!! COLD roller! Brrr!!! And I agree completely about the cops. They make a scent a little deeper and richer for me. :)


The very first time I wore Decadent Diva, it was fresh from the P.O. box and it came off as very, VERY dry woods. I started to think, "Oh NOES!" Then I realized it was probably in travel shock and my skin might have been in whatever shock. I waited a week and tried again.


Oh Emm GEE!!! The wait made all the difference. It's now a sweet, deep, sexy, resinous coating of NOM on my skin. It's everything I'd hoped it would be. I LOOOOOOVE sents like this one. It smells like the label looks. Decadent Diva indeed!!!


P.S. Condolences to my Ladies who can't wear this one. Skin chemistry is endlessly fascinating and endlessly annoying, yes? :P

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  • 11 months later...

This one reminded me quite a bit of Crayons: Burnt Umber. I was getting a lot of "smoke" as a note, which I now see it doesn't have, so I don't know what that was from. It was a little overwhelming.


After pretty much the entire day, the "smoke" finally settled down and left me just with a perfumey scent. Nice enough, but not really a standout. But since the "smokey" part lasted almost all day, I don't think I could wear this one. It was too much and it was annoying me. Maybe I'll give it one more shot sometime.

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I bet it's the resins, maybe mixed with the black musk, that's giving you the smoke impression.

I don't get smoke, but I know resins can have that smokey or incense quality. I like this, because it doesn't go "incensey" on me.

I love the black musk in this.

This & Carbon Black are 2 of my most favorite Dark LP's. I wish I had a bottle boosted with Dom.


Definitely give it another shot or try just a tiny bit of cops mixed with it to sweeten the scent.


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I bet it's the resins, maybe mixed with the black musk, that's giving you the smoke impression.

I don't get smoke, but I know resins can have that smokey or incense quality. I like this, because it doesn't go "incensey" on me.

I love the black musk in this.

This & Carbon Black are 2 of my most favorite Dark LP's. I wish I had a bottle boosted with Dom.


Definitely give it another shot or try just a tiny bit of cops mixed with it to sweeten the scent.



Could very well be! That makes sense.


Cops to sweeten? Cops smell awful! :P

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Could very well be! That makes sense.


Cops to sweeten? Cops smell awful! :P

Lol, they can go pretty cheesy.

But, dark scents (and real fruity scents) really cover the scent of cops. Some of Mara's darker scents not only completely cover cops but smell better with the addition. Sort of like putting a little sugar in coffee.

I'm sure the original version of this was just begging for cops because it's based on Dolly's PE and she the original "Resin Ho" ;)

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  • 2 months later...

I just saw this convo ya'll were having....I was probably busy with tax season and didn't see it....am the QUEEN of the Resin Ho's......All Resins, All the Time....LOL.....No, I am not quite THAT bad.....but almost!!



Actually, Decadent Diva has aged quite nicely. Wet, it still has an almost sharp feeling, but once it dries, it is very smooth and silky.


I put it on one side and Resin Ho on the other this evening, because I wanted to compare. Wet, they are quite different. Dry, not so much.....BUT, Decadent Diva is quite a bit sweeter and softer than Resin Ho.....on me, it seems much softer after it has aged. Resin Ho is much more my type.....much darker after drydown......but those of you who are holding Decadent Diva for aging should definitely try it again!

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Funny that I see this tonight, I was just thinking this afternoon about how awesome this scent is. I'm completely in love with it, and if anyone is dissatisfied with the aging process of their bottle, you know where to find me ;)


I was initially surprised by how sheer it is. I don't normally think of resinous scents as being sheer, in fact I don't think I've ever had that experience before. But after the first hit of sweetness, it calms down into this sensual, velvety-soft veil of scent. THIS is what I wish my skin always smelled like!


Now I have to tell you a bit about my man...I love him, but he's all cupcakes and fruit by way of scent preferences (on me, obviously, haha). I do my best to accommodate him from time to time, but man, it's hard. I'm not a very foody/gourmand kind of gal. I have exceptions (thanks completely to Mara!)


Well I put on Decadent Diva and find myself being huffed, "oh you smell so good." I'm just :D :D :D because I also don't smell like baked goods or fruit salad! It also has a cops-like effect even though I do not wear it with cops. Not only from my beloved, but pretty little waitresses flirt with me ; )

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Yes this is Heaven, and aged well.

A great scent for me, someone who likes the idea of darker scents but has a hard time finding one that works.


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