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hmmm, on my chemistry, it's like I poured a whole bottle of gourmet vanilla extract over my head and let it drip down my body, inviting someone to lick it off me. It's stunningly delicious and sexy on me. One of my favorite vanilla blends I've ever done. I am surprised how different skin chemistries are reacting to this one, but all I can say is, YAY, MORE FOR ME! :lol:


Your description for some reason made me think of Rosie's wedding cake. Any similarities? Think I may try at least a sample

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Wishing you luck! Let us know how it works out! :)



Wow what difference a week makes. I wore Nola yesterday. I had a birthday in the evening and the scent was still going strong. I slathered quite a bit. I was determined to get this full complex scent.


I got the initial blast of Bourbon but that was closely followed by a lush scent of spiced, bourbon vanilla. I was so glad to get the full, lush vanilla. The brown sugar and praline mingled well with the other notes. I was sweetly drenched in vanilla with a splash of bourbon.. Happy Birthday.

This is a wonderful deep scent that just needed a little time to settle.

I want a FB. This will be fabulous in the summer. I can just imagine this deep, spiced, bourbon vanilla on a warm night. Very rich and clinging to my warm skin. A super sultry scent for the summer. It was just made for the Heat!!

Oh yes! the "woodsmoke" note. I wish I got a little more of it because this is my fav of the smoke notes. What I get is the faint hint of smoke mingled in amongst the other standout notes.

Edited by StacyK
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From Nola I get a very wet and sweet carmelized brown sugar and pure vanilla extract with mmm more brown sugar. 20 min into drydown it dissapears to a vauge smoke and faint brown sugar that sticks close to the skin. I get no Bourbon but that's not to say Nola isn't intoxifying, more like a sugar high :).


This would be fun to slather on with some Bourbon Vanilla Hydrating water for a layering effect or as Stormey suggested with MAW to get a Banana Fosters going.

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LOL Donise! True. Either that or whiskey! :)


Ah, I see. You mean you don't want people thinking you brushed your teeth with gin!


Nice report StacyK! I am glad it settled and worked out for you. It gives me hope. :) Btw Happy Birthday! I hope you had a nice time! :bday1032::2182:



Wow what difference a week makes. I wore Nola yesterday. I had a birthday in the evening and the scent was still going strong. I slathered quite a bit. I was determined to get this full complex scent.

I got the initial blast of Bourbon but that was closely followed by a lush scent of spiced, bourbon vanilla. I was so glad to get the full, lush vanilla. The brown sugar and praline mingled well with the other notes. I was sweetly drenched in vanilla with a splash of bourbon.. Happy Birthday.
This is a wonderful deep scent that just needed a little time to settle.
I want a FB. This will be fabulous in the summer. I can just imagine this deep, spiced, bourbon vanilla on a warm night. Very rich and clinging to my warm skin. A super sultry scent for the summer. It was just made for the Heat!!
Oh yes! the "woodsmoke" note. I wish I got a little more of it because this is my fav of the smoke notes. What I get is the faint hint of smoke mingled in amongst the other standout notes.



Thanks Cherise...cool report. :)


From Nola I get a very wet and sweet carmelized brown sugar and pure vanilla extract with mmm more brown sugar. 20 min into drydown it dissapears to a vauge smoke and faint brown sugar that sticks close to the skin. I get no Bourbon but that's not to say Nola isn't intoxifying, more like a sugar high :).

This would be fun to slather on with some Bourbon Vanilla Hydrating water for a layering effect or as Stormey suggested with MAW to get a Banana Fosters going.

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So I shouldn't really be reporting on this one yet...it just got here, so it could smell different in a day or two, plus I'm still all stuffy from this cold...but I just couldn't wait to try it on. I have to say - it's weird. Not in a bad way though! Just different from everything else I can think of. So far I'm not really getting the "uber-vanilla" which is why I wanted to try this one out in the first place. Thankfully, though, the smoke isn't going all cigarette-y on me, but I honestly don't smell the smoke much at all. I do think I can smell the bourbon, but so far this is one of the few alcohol notes I've tried that actually smells good on me. Something in this reminds me of Absinthe of Malice - it must be the anise, or the combination of anise and vanilla, since that's what the two have in common. I really like it, and if it smells the same in a few days (once it settles and once my nose is working properly again!) it will definitely go on the full-bottle wishlist.

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The smoke note in this isn't the ashy ciggie type. I wish I got a bit more of the woodsmoke from this but what I do get is great. This one is a morpher, probably due to the complexity. One thing I do know is that, you have to slather this on. It's not the type that works by dabbing. For me, I had to slather a good amount on and let it do it's thing. On my second wearing I got the full effect which was delightful. This is a FB for me.

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I nearly ordered a second bottle and I haven't even sniffed this yet :lol:


I am going to TRY to practice NOT hoarding (more than 1 bottle - except for ABSOLUTE musts...whatever that will look like in the future!)


For goodness sake! I haven't even gotten my Feb order and I also have 5 bottles of my PE on order...but here I am - reading these fantastic reviews and anticipating "the love" already wondering if I should have gotten more than 1 bottle! :D

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Ok, third try's the charm here. First and second tries left me kinda ho-hum, but the THIRD try today was a home run. As suggested by StacyK, this is NOT a dabber scent -- you need to apply it fairly liberally to get the full effect. I'm finally getting the rich, dark bourbon-y vanilla everyone's mentioned. The smoke is a bit more pronounced than I'd expected. This probably isn't my kind of scent, but I can certainly appreciate how well crafted it is and how perfect a scent it must be for those who love smokiness.


I'm betting the fourth try is going to make a believer outta me.

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The smoke note in this isn't the ashy ciggie type.

I don't believe Mara even has a type like that in her library, tbh.

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I don't believe Mara even has a type like that in her library, tbh.

Lol.. I sure not that specific type. It may be just on me there is one (or maybe more?) smoke note that does that with my chemistry. Not the woodsmoke tho. I love it. I think I have loved every LP with this note. :)

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Argh, this is why it's so good to try samples. Wet, in the vial, I get the fabulous blast of uber-vanilla. Rich and only the tiniest bit boozy and just delicious. Unfortunately, I've tried this 3 times now and my skin just does something ridiculously awful with it. It goes on wet, and for a moment I get something quite different from the vial but still intriguing -- much smokier, like burning leaves, quite earthy underneath that amazing vanilla. I get a huge nostalgic wave everytime I smell it, and in that instant decide I must purchase a full bottle. But then within five more minutes the vanilla departs, the smoke departs, and it gets plastic and weird and I end up having to wash it off because it starts to turn my stomach.


So jealous of those for whom it's working! Especially since I am among those who generally adore smoke notes. But no doubt something else wonderful and smoky-vanilla-esque will come along that I can wear. And clearly Nola itself is wonderful. Just not a match for my chemistry.

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Are you slathering enough? Just reading up thread that slathering makes a difference for some.....


PS - as a slatherer...of course this the route I would choose :lol:

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Lol.. I sure not that specific type. It may be just on me there is one (or maybe more?) smoke note that does that with my chemistry.


I agree. Everyone loves Allumette, adores it even, but on me I get cigarette smoke:( Or maybe I'm just so sensitive to cigarette smoke, that any smoke at all makes me think cigarette smoke. But when I sampled Nola, I didn't get smoke as an individual scent - I guess it just all blends together to make something different that my brain doesn't read as smokey.

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This is just the deepest, darkest, sweetest, juiciest scent...


In the vial, it's a pretty innocent vanilla; rather foody, almost like vanilla essence.

But as soon as it hits my skin the scent starts to get deeper and darker and darker and darker until it feels like the voice of Vin Diesel sounds....


The vanilla is still there, a light haze over everything else, but underneath is something like Cuban coffee, very sweet, with a caramel so dark it's almost black. A faint whiff of woodsmoke, but very vague, almost more like a memory of fire.

And there is something... Spicy is not quite the right word, I want to say salty?

Like the salt in salted caramel, or in very dark chocolate with salt crystals.


I'm going to have to try this several more times at least; right now, I sort of feel the way about it like I felt about LP Black the first time I tried it - which was that I liked it, but that it was just SO incredibly dark and intense.

This might be one I will just get an extra vial of, rather than a FB; then again, I can see myself falling in love with it to the point that I will need several bottles. It's just too soon to tell right now.


It is very fascinating, and I keep smelling the back of my hand where I applied it.

There is something melancholy about the scent that reminds me of tears at the back of my throat; that might tie in with the saltyness which I seem to get.


It's a thrill to smell this one, that is for sure! :banana052:

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There is something melancholy about the scent that reminds me of tears at the back of my throat;

This is the way I feel every time I see the pictures of the devastation the area endured. But then seeing how they did not give up in the face of such disaster is so inspiring. The money for this scent is going to such a good cause I wouldn't care how it smelled on me, but while I get smokiness, I do get the deep dark Bourbon vanilla. I had mine spiked with Leather and it seems to be a perfect match. Love it.

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Okay, I wore Nola as my perfume today, so maybe I can give a better review. I'm still a little stuffy, but it's better than it was. I'm surprised that so many people said they had to slather - I wore about my regular amount (since I have a trial vial, that's about a swipe of the little stick across my neck, a drop in the cleavage, and a drop each wrist that I smoosh into the opposite inner-elbow, and a swipe of the little stick on the back of my neck). With that much, which is probably alot less than it sounds like, Nola was strong - like probably one of my strongest LP's. Oddly, though, it was strong for probably four hours or so, and then it totally disappeared!


I still say the scent is weird. Not bad-weird, but just weird in that I don't necessarily know how to describe it. Since I wore it longer this time than when I tested it before, I have to say that after it dried down completely and settled a while, I did get the vanilla, which I did not get before. I still didn't get any smoke, which is absolutely fine by me! Overall I really like it, but I can't quite decide if it goes on the fb list for me.

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Firstly, given that I am *still* melted over the story that our lunaScribe brilliantly put to this one, I am probably predisposed to a certain...ambience...to Nola. She smells like a wonderful, laid-back, after-dinner party! I get liquor around the edges, like we've all got drinks sitting around. And there's a desserty smell, and sort of a warm friends smell (!). There's a vague feel of resinous perfume. The smoke note--surprisingly for my skin--just blends right in and I don't get it as itself. I would guess it's supporting the warmth of this, though. This perfume is a warm sexy hug from a well-dressed dear friend with a drink in her hand!!!


I adore Nola. No ifs, ands, or buts. I am SO glad I just went ahead and got a full bottle. The fact that this supports what's probably my favorite charitable organization is the cherry on top! THANK YOU MARA AND LUNA!!!


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I am about to just get this unsniffed so I don't have to play the sample/waiting game because these reviews are driving me crazy!!!

Especially Stormey W's and this last one from Elizabeth. The ONLY thing that worries me is the pecan. Wasn't that in Wink at the Moon? That didn't work but it could have been something else in there.

But the bourbon and vanilla! And smoke! Sounds amazing.

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I just saw your post MDC and I really don't think you have to worry. Others may have found it to be more present but I didn't. It seems very in the background.


What I was going to add is that I've been layering this with my maple scents and I LOVE it. It's great on its own and it's also turning out to be great with others as well. I wore it the other day with Moon Sugar Candy and I smelled so good. The guy that took off running after whispering behind me that I smelled so good while wearing Armed and Dangerous also seemed to hang around me a lot that day. It's sad when our chemistry keeps us from loving this one - I've experienced that a few times but Nola, ah Nola, how I love thee.

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I am about to just get this unsniffed so I don't have to play the sample/waiting game because these reviews are driving me crazy!!!

Especially Stormey W's and this last one from Elizabeth. The ONLY thing that worries me is the pecan. Wasn't that in Wink at the Moon? That didn't work but it could have been something else in there.

But the bourbon and vanilla! And smoke! Sounds amazing.

I amp Brown sugar & "praline" so I'm cautious with that note.

This scent is pretty complex, I find the pecan present. The pecan & brown sugar mix together to make a "praline" scent. To me it's somewhat similar to the "praline" in PCMP. But, it plays out differently in Nola, being drenched in the bourbon vanilla scent.

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I was hoping the 2nd time I wore this the fermented alcohol would play nicer on my skin but I'm getting a sour milk vibe and I had hoped this would go away the 2nd time I wore it but alas no. I'm not giving up on this blend as I love the anise note

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I went FB unsniffed as well :lol: we can wait in frenzied anticipation together :D I wonder which note(s) it could be that would seem to go sour milk?

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I don't know!! Maybe Vanilla and booze? Well, I have smelled things in perfume that were not even in there so who knows what our noses read sometimes. This is making the wait even more nerve wracking. Ok...we can't judge at first sniff if it doesn't work out, I didn't like Kat Suit at first I don't think and now I just DIE of passion when I wear it.

You will get your first so I can't wait to hear what you think!!!!

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I just ordered mine and I am so hoping not to get a sour milk vibe!! I have no blend with anise so I have no idea what to expect with that note.

I love LP's anise blends they are simply divine…. I think its the alcohol note that is giving me problems with this blend...

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Hmm. I like Sat Night Special, the rum note is quite noticeable to me - but I like it! - and LOVE Jubilee so I'm hopeful for this one and my chemistry playing nice together because Nola is a Bourbon note too :)


MissD - I haven't gotten my shipping notice yet (I made my initial order for this along with a PE, so it will take a bit longer to ship, I think) so you may be first!


In the mean time I'll try to keep from drooling on my computer while reading these reviews! :lol:

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The second time I tried this, it seemed a bit flat and even a bit musty. I am not sure if it was the alcohol or the smoke. It wasn't completely unpleasant but it wasn't pleasant. Third time I tried it it seemed to have changed a bit and is not as flat and not musty. I think it will get better with age and some just need to sit for a while. I get into such a hurry trying things and have learned from reading and experience that even if something crinkles my nose, I will give it another chance.

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Ordered a FB unsniffed, I religiously wear vanilla extract with my perfumes. When you guys say brown sugar is it comparable to LAM brown sugar? I got it cop boosted, seems like it would cover pretty much anything with the boozey notes.


It's a much more complex scent than LAM Brown sugar, but at least as strong; I think it should cover any amount of cops, no problem!

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^^ That sounds great. It can really cover cops. I think that will make it very sensual. I almost copped my bottle but I've copped my Cherry D & Hummingbird so I took a break. I do love getting the bottles copped. Mara & co know just the right amount to add for a scent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, I just got my Nola amped with La Femme Mystere and cops. Mara, you have outdone yourself with this scent! It is beyond fabulous.


In the bottle it is all vanilla. I've been wearing it for a couple of hours and the caramel, pecan, and amber has developed richly.


I got just a hint of anise while it was wet, but now I'm not. The bourbon is just making the vanilla seem rich and complex. This is not a cupcake kind of vanilla and caramel. It is much darker and more sophisticated.


I'm not really detecting smoke as a separant entity.

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Ok so YEEEEKS! I could NOT be happier with my risky decision to get this one unsniffed.


It is ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS!!! So I get a lot of boozy vanilla WHICH I LOVE. It is that DEEP RICH GROWN UP VANILLA. The brown sugar/ pecan thing is not too nutty and then there is something so strange peeking out and about that makes it very unique (that must be Sambuca?) that is a weird note to me and that is why I like it! It has the same effect that the Cannibas has in ...and I feel fine to me. Turns the scent into something with texture for the nose.


I've only worn it once so far! It is one of those that at the first wearing of it I start getting scared of running out already!

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So I let myself wear this today even though as I said in my review I'm already fearful of running out.


It is coming off very mapley today! I guess that is what brown sugar, bourbon and vanilla do when they get together. I love it soooo....I still get NO SMOKE at all but there is something very DUSKY in the background so perhaps that is the smoke note.

Katerina Suit better watch her back...Nola is slinking up behind to steal the position of my all time favorite sultry sexpot scent.

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I have Bang x2 in spray. This covers it nicely. Wow I'm loving this. I smell like a drunken baker.

So grown up & yummy! This screams, eat me!


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I *almost* like this. I almost like it a whole, whole lot. I love the creaminess, and the vanilla. It feels really rich and thick, and I like that a whole lot. But I'm not a fan of the boozy notes. They seem to take over on me, and spoil scents that otherwise, smell great to me, (Peach Sparkle, Flambe). Additionally, there's one very mysterious note at the bottom of this that gives the whole thing a really intriguing feeling, almost a spooky dank-basement-and-ghost feeling, that I like in theory, but apparently not in practice. It's perfectly evocative of my idea of one of those beautiful old New Orleans cemetaries. If it weren't for the booze note I might be tempted to hang onto my sample for further testing. As it is, I've listed it on my Tr. pg.

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