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The Big Easy w/ Teddy BB

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OMG...I just had the most hectic day at work and came home just full of anxiety. But then, I checked my mail and there it was....The Sparkling package!! Yes, for me it is sparkling because I see all kinds of happy dancing lights around that little box when it arrives.


So, while my dogs are pulling on my shirt and trying to get my attention, I start ripping at the box to get to "The Big Easy!" And, there is was!!


Once I unwrapped it, I immediately put it on. At first, it smelled like men's cologne and I felt a little disappointed. But then, something wonderful happened....a sense of calmness wrapped around me like a hug from and Angel. Yes, Teddy BB is for me!! And then, after the sense of calmness came the most nice powdery chamomile scent. Every few seconds, I'm getting something different but my "LIKE" for this scent is getting stronger by the minute.


I love it...Glad I got two of them!! I think Teddy BB works better on me than Balm Bomb.

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I think Teddy BB works better on me than Balm Bomb.


Isn't Teddy BB the most wonderful phero for selfies!? Balm Bomb did nothing for me -- but Teddy BB makes me smile and melt.


The Big Easy scent goes so nicely with it, too!

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Oh My Gosh....I'm so calm right now that I just want to crawl in bed and snuggle with my little doggies! I planned on working some tonight...but, I'm now going to just enjoy the Calm!! The scent is now a nice sweet, powdery scent. I'm not sure what the Sweetness is but I love it. Heck right now, I love everything. HAHAHA!!



Isn't Teddy BB the most wonderful phero for selfies!? Balm Bomb did nothing for me -- but Teddy BB makes me smile and melt.


The Big Easy scent goes so nicely with it, too!

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Balm Bomb gave me a mood boost, made me happy and giggly...basically helped me put my woes on the back burner and put other around me in good spirits too. Teddy BB is different. I don't get giddy wearing it, but it does put me in a really good mood and makes others - hmm - affectionate? Not sure if that the word I'm looking for. Makes everyone friendlier and pleasant. I will praise it any chance I get :D

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Oh My Gosh....I'm so calm right now that I just want to crawl in bed and snuggle with my little doggies! I planned on working some tonight...but, I'm now going to just enjoy the Calm!! The scent is now a nice sweet, powdery scent. I'm not sure what the Sweetness is but I love it. Heck right now, I love everything. HAHAHA!!



Good for you ^_^ so glad this potion was a hit given your particular need for it that day. You described it well with the sweet powdery scent! With two bottles you can bask in clouds of Calm for many days to come. Personally, I 'luvs' this potion! Thanks so much for the great review :Like2:

Edited by ComingUpRoses
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I'm really pleased with this one giving me selfies. I don't tend to get them but that's exactly why I wanted this potion, so it would have been a bummer but not a surprise if it hadn't affected me. It's a much-appreciated outcome that it does after all.

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Isn't Teddy BB the most wonderful phero for selfies!? Balm Bomb did nothing for me -- but Teddy BB makes me smile and melt.


The Big Easy scent goes so nicely with it, too!

Ducky, I agree, Balm Bomb did absolutely nothing for me, but Teddy BB makes me very calm and at peace when I'm stressing….

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Well, bf agreed to test. Neither of us were keen on the scent on him, the phero smell is way stronger on a male, and there was a kind of air dry clay smell to it. It smells way better on me. However, I asked him what the effects were, and he said it makes him go stupid! Right after applying we went to the park where he wore himself put playing football with the girls and doing handstands and grazed his elbow! He had fun though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Strangest hit ever:


I had on 3 sprays of this when I went to pick up some naughty fish and chips from the local takeaway the other evening. I'd been doing cleaning and organising things all day, so had on some old clothes. I'd also managed to put a large smear of black paint down the front of my shirt, and had washed my hair and let it dry without styling it (which meant out of control waving curliness). I had on no makeup either.


The older Italian man who owns the shop served me with a very appreciative eye, and kept calling me darling and "my lovely", etc. He doesn't know me, so it wasn't familiarity, and he's not usually so effusive with people, from what I've observed. When my order was ready he called out "Here it is, beautiful!", and told it was his pleasure when I thanked him, and to come back soon. Would never have thought of this as an attractant.

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It really is Nutrix. I love using this one for work now, because it really lends a friendly but calming, harmonising vibe to the day. I've noticed when things are a little stressful that this soothes the work tension for women particularly. And men are nice and friendly and chatty. Sometimes I add a little spray of EST though, because I can't quite subconsciously shake the feeling of giving off boy vibes. And that's just not me.


However, I can honestly say that's the first time it's made someone seem so overtly sexually attracted to me. And it can't be the boy vibes, because the fish & chip man is definitely not gay (and I definitely do not look like a man, lol). Once I caught him having a good long geeze at a pic of a very well endowed woman in a very small bikini. His eyes were so glued to her chest he didn't notice his female co-worker trying to talk to him. The worst part was that the computer he was viewing this on is in a corner of the store that can be seen by all staff and customers. That night I felt a little icky before I ate the fatty fried food.

Edited by vladmyra
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That night I felt a little icky before I ate the fatty fried food.


D'oh! :lol: He sounds like a handful! Could be your just hat beautiful and need to learn to deal with that super power ^_~ The good, the bad and the "Eeesh!"


I've worn Teddy BB with Un CB for a more girly feel just for me. I never wear pretty much anything without adding cops anyway :D


I like it for work and play. I work with mostly guys and having that comaraderie feel is invaluable! Glad it's playing nicely for you...even if you have to suffer an occasional weird fish~n~chip fella here and there... :heart:

Edited by NuTrix
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  • 2 months later...

So really a question on how this works on men..

I know Teddy BB is a super calming phero for women. But I'm not that versed with the effect of the Phero works for men. The herbs should be good. Anyone have any firsthand info on using this on a man or just giving it to him?

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BF wears this mostly for the scent - he LOVES it. It's his favourite LP to date. As for the phero effects on him, I'm not sure. It seems to be his comfort phero. He seems like he feels really at home in his skin, & confident when he's wearing it. And he's been a lot less spazzy since he's been wearing it regularly. (Thank God!). I don't know if that helps or not...

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BF wears this mostly for the scent - he LOVES it. It's his favourite LP to date. As for the phero effects on him, I'm not sure. It seems to be his comfort phero. He seems like he feels really at home in his skin, & confident when he's wearing it. And he's been a lot less spazzy since he's been wearing it regularly. (Thank God!). I don't know if that helps or not...

Thanks Eggers, that helps. I wanted to give something to my 18 year old to help with stress and encourage relaxation. I'm not a fan of him using pheros. But occasionally for those tough times I thought this might help. He can be a worrier and he's been having trouble sleeping etc. I just wish I could give him a big chill pill. :lol:

Edited by StacyK
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Completely OT, but valerian root tablets might help a bit with stress/sleeping issues too. I use it sometimes when I know I'm going in for a stressful night at work, and sometimes when I'm having a heck of a time turning my brain off so I can sleep. I use half the amount to curb stress as I do to "relax my brain" for sleep. Stinks like horse puckey though. Smells nowhere near as lovely as The Big Easy! :lol:


I don't know if Teddy BB actually makes BF calmer or what. But to my mind, he doesn't seem to find as many reasons to be pissed off when he's wearing The Big Easy (the most perfect name for a scent if there ever was one!). So maybe it does actually relax him? Like Balm Balm works for women? Maybe a dude can chime in to clarify?

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It tried TBE and combined with some stress relief tea it did appear to help. He done it a few nights with some success. I will look at the Valerian Root tables, that could be useful. Thx

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I wore this yesterday and I felt sooo relaxed like when they put me under for wisdom teeth removal. When I came to, I was a bit hazy and stoned

This is what TBE feels like to me. It's not a bad thing I just didn't want to do a damn thing around the house., not that I should have to feel like I am supposed to be doing something- but there is only so much online gaming you can do before it becomes bad for your hands. I felt stoned. Like completely stoned, Like a shower at 5pm sounded like the best idea in the world. So did Oreos, chips and cheddar cheese. The great thing though is how super nice my husband was. I mean I think he is always really nice to me anyhow- but he went to the market, did the recycling and kept kissing my head like I was a pet. He always does those things but he's supposed to be studying for exams.. and I need to be supportive and all that shit- so it should be me that is doing all that laboring.. but I couldn't because I was stoned. I have also tried valerian root and it gave me really bad anxiety.

So did St. John's Wort. Isn't that funny? I remember taking it for stress and I had the worst panic attack in the world.

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I got bad anxiety using St. John's Wort, too. I even got hand tremors from it!


I'm anxious today, (stressed, over-worked, over-tired), and you guys have me thinking about wearing TBE for my training session tonight, but I think if I did, BF might shoot me for wearing what precious little he has left! lol!

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I got bad anxiety using St. John's Wort, too. I even got hand tremors from it!


I'm anxious today, (stressed, over-worked, over-tired), and you guys have me thinking about wearing TBE for my training session tonight, but I think if I did, BF might shoot me for wearing what precious little he has left! lol!


Can you maybe do a shot of tequila? That shit always helps me not lose my mind when I am at the mall. Maybe not really good for a training session though. You know what is helping me today with staying a bit focused and I noticed it even is helping me think fast- SWS. I am wearing PCMP #2 and it has given me a bit of - oh whatever fuck you attitude and my brain seems to be responding with the answers to questions I didn't even know I had.

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GAH! No tequila in the house, but GREAT SUGGESTION!!! (I'll have to keep it on hand for future anxiety attacks! :lol: )

I think I have PCMP #2 here still... Maybe I'll wear that instead?

My initial thought was Levitation... I need the little energy boost. I need to seem intelligent, bubbly & friendly. ATM I think I'm just going to radiate STUPID because I'm so tired! :lol:

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GAH! No tequila in the house, but GREAT SUGGESTION!!! (I'll have to keep it on hand for future anxiety attacks! :lol: )

I think I have PCMP #2 here still... Maybe I'll wear that instead?

My initial thought was Levitation... I need the little energy boost. I need to seem intelligent, bubbly & friendly. ATM I think I'm just going to radiate STUPID because I'm so tired! :lol:


I tried Levitation on Friday and I noticed it gave me short bursts of energy and happiness then all of a sudden I crashed and wanted to cry- It's the first time I have worn it for work anxiety instead of social anxiety. Usually I wear Lev- to parties and family get togethers and it's always a blast! I think with work and the stress level it was probably too much for one one phero to handle.. and my hormones are really jacked up right now.

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I tried Levitation on Friday and I noticed it gave me short bursts of energy and happiness then all of a sudden I crashed and wanted to cry- It's the first time I have worn it for work anxiety instead of social anxiety. Usually I wear Lev- to parties and family get togethers and it's always a blast! I think with work and the stress level it was probably too much for one one phero to handle.. and my hormones are really jacked up right now.


Yeah, suddenly I was thinking, "do I want to wear this to something I'm supposed to be paying attention to?"

On the spur of the moment, I decided to go with something that always makes me feel confident *and* competent: SS4W. But - dammit! - I'm putting on some Teddy BB when I get home.

Must be something in the air, hormone-wise. I've been all hormone-wiggy for the last couple of weeks, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm actually in search of another The Big Easy spray bottle now that I've tried it out more. I think I was one of the last ones to grab a bottle on ArtFire. I feel like such a fool 'cause I let it just sit there so dang long without my love!


This is sprayed on my bed at night so I can drift off happily to sleep. I've probably only worn it four times, but the rest goes straight for the sheets. Thankfully, the clean, green ingredients don't build up and turn sour on my comforter between washes. Something about this is so airy and powdery, even though all I see are floral/herbal notes. It's pretty amazing.


Oh, and I think the Teddy BB is pretty rad. I dream so vividly and deeply with it. :emot107:

Sometimes I take melatonin to help me sleep, and sometimes I spray The Big Easy, which is honestly like crack in a bottle for me lately. I posted more on Mara's journal about the dream I had. The stuff makes magical and imaginative dreams, even for daytime conservative, by-the-rules me. I think the Teddy BB is mostly at work. I dream so vividly and deeply with it, and everything seems so... ethereal. Hard to explain. It's almost like, I am aware that I am dreaming in a wonderous world/dimension not like my usual one, but still fully ready to participate and act through my dream persona/avatar. It may be the clary and the lavender. Dunno. Most dreams, even the bad ones, seem more along the lines of peculiar and curious before turning better. It's fab.

Edited by VerrryVeronica
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  • 4 months later...

It's a sunny, almost spring-like Saturday in mid February here in the PacNW. I just got home from my bi-monthly trek from Virginia. I opened my LP locker (yes, I keep all my LPs in a red upright double decker locker that I got from IKEA years ago) and The Big Easy just about jumped out at me. This is so comfortable to wear. Just a breezy, herbal goodness with just a twinge of sweetness. If I wasn't so paranoid about having the bottle break when traveling, this would be my absolute perfect travel buddy. Now that I think of it, I do have smaller spray bottles that could manage the trek. Awesome!!!

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  • 4 months later...

This one was a bit of a surprise to me. At first, I didn't really like it. One of the notes just kind of got on my nerves, if that makes sense. However, I was in a different frame of mind today, so I decided to try it, and I really liked it!


The scent is pretty unique, at least to me. I think it's the basil that was annoying me before, but I think that this is one of those scents that depends on your mood, as to whether you'll like it or not. Today, I found it fresh and happy with a little hint of spice. Very nice.


And the phero...well. At first I didn't realize that it has Teddy BB in it, and I had already sprayed on some Instant Shine from Androtics. So I don't know what it was, but I was feeling depressed this morning and it quickly went away after putting both of these on. In addition, I got a LOT accomplished today (I feel like it's important to note that I'm a terrible housekeeper), but I don't know if I should credit the pheros or the fact that I found a good online program to remind me to do things.


Overall, I like it. I'm glad I have a little spray vial.

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  • 3 months later...

i was sifting around in my bag of samples and I could smell a wonderful scent wafting up. i sniffed vials until i found the culprit. It was this one! I had initally sniffed it, but it didn't rock my world, and I forgot about it. But now I am slathered, and it is magnificent! The lavender is more floral than medicinal on my skin. The basil adds a hint of green and summery vibe to this. i smell the phero through the fragrance during the first couple of hours, but i think it helps make the scent, actually. Like Molls, I am getting a Purple Puff feeling from this. however, I couldn't wear Purple Puff but I can wear this. Love!!!



ETA: Also, I hadn't really tried the Teddy BB phero before. I think I like it! Some events took place in a meeting this morning that should have had me on a hormonal, muderous rampage, but i just smiled and flounced away to get my coffee. This phero may keep me out of jail! ;)

I knew we had discussed this somewhere. I also get the phero smell coming through, but it's not all the time, and it's not overwhelming. The last couple days have been super stressful, and this is definitely helping.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been wearing this at night after I put the baby to bed. Its absolute perfection for winding down for bedtime. I feel like I've been wrapped up in a comforting blanket. To me, this smells like a masculine Purple Puff. It's very cuddly, but the lavender is not sweet. It's a pretty herbal scent. I swear I smell marshmallow or vanilla here... But it must be my imagination. I haven't used pheros for awhile and I can definitely say- I get major selfies from Teddy. I love this so much!

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I've been with LPMP for 1.5 years now, and only just discovered the self-effects of Teddy BB. Perhaps it's because I've worn the other blends so long that my body has gotten used to them. I tried Teddy BB in a wax melt and there was no selfie effect. But in oil, ohhh yeah I get so calm and feel bonded and nurtured. I, too, am wearing it for bedtime right now. Maybe I'm just at a different stage in my life, maybe my body just needs it...but I'm reaching for this phero blend more than the others right now. It will be interesting to track whether the selfies will decline over time and then I have to rotate to another blend. Thoughts ?

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  • 11 months later...

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