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Private Editions for MARCH 2014

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ETA: Squeezed one more bottle of Molly's blend out! There are now 2 available. Great blend too, highly recommended!!! :D

Molly: including your additionally reserved bottle in with this box, if that's ok.

Thank you, Mara!!! :abfx: I just paid for it

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Oops I've been waiting for an invoice. We are just paying through the PE page like last month. Old habits. Are we ok to order the Sugared Bon Fire there too?

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Oops I've been waiting for an invoice. We are just paying through the PE page like last month. Old habits. Are we ok to order the Sugared Bon Fire there too?


Yes, please!


Anyone who needs an invoice, let us know via email.


Thank you!



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Dear Mara: Could you please mark me down for a bottle of Clarissian (not sure I spelled it right). Sounds wonderful. I sooo love Tonka Bean, plus my Stella (a Belgian Malinois) looks like the doggie on the label, lol. She'll want to wear some too, no doubt. Thanks!


It looks like all of those are gone, OBW, sorry! I will put you in as an alternate in case someone else decides against their reservation.

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OHWOW! I'm sure I should have waited until at lest tomorrow - but I had to test run Sanctuary! That Myrrh and Sandalwood with the carnation - OHMYWOW! I've only just applied and am headed to bed but this is WONDERFUL - Mara, you truly are a worker of wondrous things!


I'm not recognizing the marshmallow root but that could be my nose or travel shock. It seems spicy even...hehe, I'm enjoying it right now...it's got me giddy.


I wonder how it will change in a day or 2 when it's acclimated to my house? I...can't....stop....huffing....myself....!!! :w00t:


Edited for missing words and horrid spelling due to excitement :lol:

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Oh, NuTrix, SO HAPPY for you!! It sounds amazing!


I can't wait to hear the full report, when it's had a chance to settle down from all that travel, and you've been able to try it out thoroughly... inquiring minds want to know!


I am really excited to try this out when my bottle comes.... I would have gotten it for the intent alone, but the scent sounds like it is to die for!

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OHWOW! I'm sure I should have waited until at lest tomorrow - but I had to test run Sanctuary! That Myrrh and Sandalwood with the carnation - OHMYWOW! I've only just applied and am headed to bed but this is WONDERFUL - Mara, you truly are a worker of wondrous things!


I'm not recognizing the marshmallow root but that could be my nose or travel shock. It seems spicy even...hehe, I'm enjoying it right now...it's got me giddy.


I wonder how it will change in a day or 2 when it's acclimated to my house? I...can't....stop....huffing....myself....!!! :w00t:


Edited for missing words and horrid spelling due to excitement :lol:

I think it sounds good. :)


Like Halo said Carnation is spicy. To my nose it's often a bit peppery.

Your PE is so close to the "Winter Blanket" PE I wanted to do. At first I thought Sugared Myrrh (w/o the Frank) then I thought of a softer blend. I wanted Myrrh, some type of woods, a white musk or amber and maybe a soft Lavendar. Something to capture the quiet, contenplative time of deep winter. But I have put it aside for next winter as this is about over.


Anyway... I'm so looking forward to yours.

I'm finishing up my Pink & Green PE for spring. That's my next order. :)

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Thanks BC, Stacy & Halo!


Yes! Spicy, almost peppery like. It's incredibly complimentary to the sandalwood and Myrrh.


This morning what's left is an ever so slightly peppery marshmallow sweetness with hints of the myrrh and sandalwood barely there. I MUST wear it today to see how it plays throughout it's dry down. It doesn't strike me as uber feminine but I wouldn't say it's masculine either - especially now with the sweet marshmallow coming through.


As I was lying there in bed last night right after applying, I couldn't HELP thinking about the smell at first :D But then my mind drifted to the feeling of it. It feels grounded, strong and powerful. The word shaman came to mind, someone you go to for healing or understanding, who presents and/or possesses an inner and/or other worldly strength and wisdom. I can see how these attributes would be beneficial to bonding :)

So there it is. Protective, deeply spiritual feeling - to me at least - and the receptive/giving nature of those 2 things lending to bonding. This is some potent shiznet!


For myself, maybe because of all the intent I was willing from the moment I requested the PE, the feelings it garnered were pretty intense last night. I'm going to wear it today solo. I may have to think about the perfect phero combo a bit more before making that decision. This is some pretty powerful stuff here! It will be interesting to see how each phero choice steers it :)


Now Blackcat...I'm lying in wait for some Black Cat Mojo! :lol:

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:D Sorry Amalthea...then I won't mention how I LOVED smelling this on me all day today...how every time it caught my attention it took me to my zen place...won't say a word....:Emoticons04263:

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Thank you Rose Blackthorn ~ this is indeed a very special place in the ethers, thank you for your warm welcome.


Welcome Skydancer! You've found a great source of inspiration here - no doubt about it! Spread those wings and soar! :heart:


NuTrix, thank you! It is a certainty! <3 bless you for encouraging me <3

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So I had to put this somewhere..... it turns out on Saturdays the post office opens at 9:00 instead of 8:00... :fright04238:


I can just picture the Black Cat Mojo and Siamese Cloud sitting there, in their little box ... waiting.... desperate to come home... so close and yet so far....


Updates soon!




Forgive the shouting, I am just so excited! So -- the labels are beyond beautiful, and even more so in person, if that makes any sense.


I have Black Cat Mojo on my left hand and Siamese Cloud on the right (I am going somewhere in just a bit where I need not to be wearing perfume, so these are just tiny tester dabs because I could not wait):


Black Cat Mojo -- oh, ladies, you are going to die! Wet out of the vial and in early drydown it it is the perfect balance between coffee and leather.... rich and intoxicating! And this raw straight out of the box.... I cannot imagine how gorgeous it's going to be when it has had a chance to settle down and mellow!


Siamese Cloud -- I love it, right now it's hard to pick out distinct notes, but I get this lovely soft pillow of cool silky goodness. The only problem is that when I am huffing this hand, I just want to crawl back into bed, snuggle up with a kitteh under each arm and head off to dreamland.


Oh, Mara, your genius never ceases to amaze me! Thank you for these beautiful creations... I can only imagine how much pleasure I am going to take in using them over the coming months!


I will do a full review in the appropriate place when I've really had time to sit with these and when they have mellowed a bit from travel. But it was so great to get NuTrix's fresh-out-of-the-box report I had to follow suit.


Thank you again, Mara!

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So I had to put this somewhere..... it turns out on Saturdays the post office opens at 9:00 instead of 8:00... :fright04238:


I can just picture the Black Cat Mojo and Siamese Cloud sitting there, in their little box ... waiting.... desperate to come home... so close and yet so far....


Updates soon!




Forgive the shouting, I am just so excited! So -- the labels are beyond beautiful, and even more so in person, if that makes any sense.


I have Black Cat Mojo on my left hand and Siamese Cloud on the right (I am going somewhere in just a bit where I need not to be wearing perfume, so these are just tiny tester dabs because I could not wait):


Black Cat Mojo -- oh, ladies, you are going to die! Wet out of the vial and in early drydown it it is the perfect balance between coffee and leather.... rich and intoxicating! And this raw straight out of the box.... I cannot imagine how gorgeous it's going to be when it has had a chance to settle down and mellow!


Siamese Cloud -- I love it, right now it's hard to pick out distinct notes, but I get this lovely soft pillow of cool silky goodness. The only problem is that when I am huffing this hand, I just want to crawl back into bed, snuggle up with a kitteh under each arm and head off to dreamland.


Oh, Mara, your genius never ceases to amaze me! Thank you for these beautiful creations... I can only imagine how much pleasure I am going to take in using them over the coming months!


I will do a full review in the appropriate place when I've really had time to sit with these and when they have mellowed a bit from travel. But it was so great to get NuTrix's fresh-out-of-the-box report I had to follow suit.


Thank you again, Mara!

Dang, I will need to be quicker next time BC Mojo sounds so amazing.

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I can't wait til Monday when my Siamese Cloud gets here. It's a genius concept. I know it's going to rock so hard.

I agree. it sounds fab!!! May the shipping fairies be with is.
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OMG - I got mine yesterday too! I couldn't wait, of course, and sampled a bit - SO PRETTY!!! I'm going to let it rest a day or so and then do a proper review, but it was just what I was asking for! I can close my eyes and picture it exactly!! Thank you so much, Mara!!

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I can't wait til Monday when my Siamese Cloud gets here. It's a genius concept. I know it's going to rock so hard.


I agree. it sounds fab!!! May the shipping fairies be with is.

Thanks so much, you guys! I hope it works for you.... but I figure, if nothing else, you are getting the world's cutest label ever made! :-)


I am going to wear this one to bed tonight to really get the full effect. It's getting a little overshadowed by the Black Cat Mojo at the moment...


... which is becoming so amazing I may simply wear it every day for a while. The musk is coming out and, and I do not know how Mara does this, it is somehow both dark and sparkly.

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Blackcat! They sound amazing and you've got me all wound up with excitement! Stalking my email for the shipping notice! :w00t:

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Black Cat Mojo -- oh, ladies, you are going to die! Wet out of the vial and in early drydown it it is the perfect balance between coffee and leather.... rich and intoxicating! And this raw straight out of the box.... I cannot imagine how gorgeous it's going to be when it has had a chance to settle down and mellow!

Oooh yummy! I was attracted to the concept because it reminds me both of Voracious and of my Coffee & a Cigarette PE I did a couple years back.

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Dang, I will need to be quicker next time BC Mojo sounds so amazing.


With you 100% on that, DD. I wish I had ordered this!


:hypnotic: Mara! Are you reading this? I reserved a bottle . . . oh oh, and DD reserved one, too! Yessss, we both reserved bottles of Black Cat Mojo. You will put them in the mail today . . . k?

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With you 100% on that, DD. I wish I had ordered this!


:hypnotic: Mara! Are you reading this? I reserved a bottle . . . oh oh, and DD reserved one, too! Yessss, we both reserved bottles of Black Cat Mojo. You will put them in the mail today . . . k?

haha, add me to that list, JD...

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It is conceivable that someone might be ordering a rebrew of Black Cat Mojo at some point because she intends to wear it every day in order to have magical kitty superpowers and smell like a little slice of heaven forevermore. Just saying!


Oooh yummy! I was attracted to the concept because it reminds me both of Voracious and of my Coffee & a Cigarette PE I did a couple years back.

That makes total sense, since I came across the review thread of your Coffee and a Cigarette while I was mulling over what true black cat mojo might smell like and thought, oh dear GOD I wish I'd been around for that! Definitely an inspiration!


Molls, I have your Blue Magnolia coming and I can't wait!

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Is this a unisex fragrance?


I've been considering that. I will have to put it on my man beast to see. I think it's woodsy and resinous enough to work on him, especially with the carnation being so peppery rather than floral, the marshmallow doesn't come out until much, much later. I will try it on him tomorrow and report back :)


Update: I couldn't wait!


Upon application, man beast proclaimed "Not a guy scent. It's too sweet."

Five minutes after app, "Def NOT a man scent...if I smelled it on a guy I would think - cream puff" :o

The longer he wears it..."I think I would ike it on you, but definately don't like it on me, it definately seems like a girl scent. The longer I wear it, the more I want to wash it off."

Funnily enough, even the DOG doesn't approve of it on him...he keeps turning his head away from my husbands app spot...however when I have the pooch sniff my app spot, he's all love-n-kisses and climbing all over me for attention :lol:


The carnation IS sweeter on him and less peppery...I think it smells fantastic HAHAHA! But I have to agree - this is definately NOT a guy scent. Mystery solved!


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With you 100% on that, DD. I wish I had ordered this!


:hypnotic: Mara! Are you reading this? I reserved a bottle . . . oh oh, and DD reserved one, too! Yessss, we both reserved bottles of Black Cat Mojo. You will put them in the mail today . . . k?

I'm so bummed because I love scents with Leather in them

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I've been considering that. I will have to put it on my man beast to see. I think it's woodsy and resinous enough to work on him, especially with the carnation being so peppery rather than floral, the marshmallow doesn't come out until much, much later. I will try it on him tomorrow and report back :)


Update: I couldn't wait!


Upon application, man beast proclaimed "Not a guy scent. It's too sweet." Five minutes after app, "Def NOT a man scent...if I smelled it on him

Funnily enough, even the DOG doesn't approve of it on him...he keeps turning his head away from my husbands app spot...however when I have the pooch sniff my app spot, he's all love-n-kisses and climbing all over me for attention :lol:


The carnation IS sweeter on him and less peppery...I think it smells fantastic HAHAHA! But I have to agree - this is definately NOT a guy scent. Mystery solved!



The things we do to our men beasts in the interest of science! :smiley-sex002:

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:lol: I was surprised he agreed! I think he was a good, if not fussy, sport about the whole thing :heart:

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This is what happens when you go to Florida for a week, you completely blank on the fact that hello new month new PEs. If anyone isn't loving their Black Cat Mojo or Clarissian, you know who to call and it ain't Ghostbusters. :lol:

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I GOT A PACKAGE!...addressed to "STINKY Fox" :lol:...and it turned out to be gift bottles from Jan of Calrissian and Bonne Belle!!!!!!!!!!!


Yay, Thank you, Jan! That was so very sweet (and funny) of you. I will definitely wear them and treasure them.




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Mara, you always let all of us have the fun and put us before yourself. I knew they would be gone and you had put yourself as an alternate so I wanted to make sure you got to enjoy. I addressed it to "stinky" because that's how I always envision you - walking around sooooo "stinky" in a cloud of the most beautiful scents. LOL.

I have been very busy and will later do proper review of Calrissian and Bonne Belle, but I can't tell you how IN LOVE I am with the scents. Bonne smells exactly like fresh clean kitty and is to die for - peaceful, comforting, happy. Calrissian is Soooooo sexy. I was rushing out to lunch with friend when package came, put bottle of Calrissian in purse. Our server was gorgeous tall blonde 20 something. Friend and I were looking at bottle, trying and sniffing so I put some on our cute server. Over the course of an hour she keeps coming back to tell me how everyone was telling her how sexy it smells…..and it does.
Mara, I hope you enjoy your bottles - they were sent with great appreciation and much LOVE!!
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