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Really! She looks so familiar it's been driving me crazy!! I think she looks like someone on a show I watch but I just can't place it. It's a very engaging face!

All the new labels are stunning and I agree Rose it will be sad when the surprises end. I am constantly checking for new faces from my phone.


I was thinking the same thing! She looks very familiar to me too but for the life of me I can't figure out where I recognized her :)

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Amyrose, your label is beautiful, as are you!


And good lord, everyone connected to LP has the most gorgeous children!


I feel a little stupid not to have put together from the beginning what an astonishing big deal the Sugareds are. I am so excited to start collecting notes; I think it's going to give me much more confidence in designing PEs. And the ever evolving list of faces -- as others have said, it's been a treat every day to keep checking back for new lovelies.

^^I know. I'm so glad to see your gorgeous photo too. So glad so many were able to get photos in.

I won't be able to start out with every bottle but I will steadily build the collection. I'd really love to have every members label and of course I'm curious to try these scents. I have Pure Sugar and Sugared Frank & Myrrh. Love them. The F&M is layerable but so nice on it's own. I can't wait to start. originally I was going to start with the fruits & musks but now...? :)

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Blackcat is the one who seems so familiar to me. She looks like part of our big group of friends that turns up for Venice Beach parties and rock and roll events. As soon as I saw her pic, I was like, wait, I know her!

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Blackcat is the one who seems so familiar to me. She looks like part of our big group of friends that turns up for Venice Beach parties and rock and roll events. As soon as I saw her pic, I was like, wait, I know her!

Yes!! I totally get that too. So funny. She looks like someone I grew up with and honestly, in your leather Pic, you do too. Lol, "Straight Out Of Venice" :lol:

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Not to split hairs, but in order to qualify for the 2 freebie bottles (total of $150), could a combination of different sized bottles also be used as long as the total was at least $150? For example, if someone were to purchase 2 sprays ($80) and 5 5ml roll-ons ($75), could they still qualify for the 2 freebie 5ml roll-ons ($155 total)? Don't want to cause any more headaches with everything that has to be done, but I *had* to ask.....

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Good question. What I was thinking: If you buy 10 bottles, you get two free. If the 10 you buy are larger, you get larger ones free. It's not about the total dollar figure, it's the quantity at issue. Does that make sense? Does it seem fair?

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I'm hammy, I'm sappy...I'm Maple Sugared Bacon!!! :o

Honestly the idea and execution of these labels is brilliant. It is wonderful to see the beautiful faces of so many of my old forum friends and the many more I hope to soon make. I haven't been as active here as of late and had totally missed this thread, though I managed to spy a few of the gorgeous labels posted by several of my Facebook friends I met through here. I am touched and over the moon that Mara messaged me asking if I'd like to be featured as well; she really is the sweetest for remembering me and I am honored to be immortalized among the friendliest group of people I have ever had the pleasure of communicating with.

This is truly special, and I feel blessed to be a part of it. :D

-I want to pepper this post with a ton of flashy emoticons but I have no idea how to find them on my Speak and Spell tablet. Use your imagination folks ;)

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StacyK, Cuddle Bunny, Sugared Pineapples .... the imagination runs wild haha! :lol:

HA! Well I do love a good clean musk. :lol::lol:


McCreepers, good point! Where are the emojis? I'm don't see them on my mobile version but I'm on the Kindle and they are not here??? Anyone know why?

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Thank you Rose! :) I adore your label as well as your ability to hold a cat with one hand. ;) My boys weigh approximately a ton and my face would be shredded if I tried.


Hmm... I thought the emojis issue was mine alone since I have never been able to access them,though I've never been the sharpest crayon in the knife drawer.

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Blackcat is the one who seems so familiar to me. She looks like part of our big group of friends that turns up for Venice Beach parties and rock and roll events. As soon as I saw her pic, I was like, wait, I know her!



Yes!! I totally get that too. So funny. She looks like someone I grew up with and honestly, in your leather Pic, you do too. Lol, "Straight Out Of Venice" :lol:

Oh, wow, this makes me think of Terry Pratchett and the parallel universes, because of quantum... I wish I could access my Venice Beach life with you amazing gorgeous women!! I bet we have one hell of a time of it there!

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mcreepers! Love your photo! We're fans of smooshed faced, four-legged pooches like the one with you in your photo :D We have a frenchie that is ALWAYS being mistaken for a pug, lol. That big smile of yours makes the photo - though your little charmer friend is a nice accessory!


There are SO many more photos now than last time I checked! It's so great to see so many of you! :heart:

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I just heard Jessica scream from her bottling studio and ran to see what was wrong....scared the hell out of me. She was actually squealing with delight. She says, I LOVE THESE, I LOVE THESE, THE DOGWOOD AND CHERRY BLOSSOM ARE THE BEST! :lol:

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So...Kush Resin...kind of like cannabis?


Yes, it's cannabis resin, but doesn't actually smell anything like pot. It's kind of a greeny plant resin smell, very dense and rich. Masculine on it's own but I am lightening it up with the sugars. It still comes across as unisex in any case.

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I really don't know if it would be illegal or not, but I'd be nervous about putting a spotlight on us or on you, just in case someone comes along with bad intent and tries to mess with either of us for it. And just to be clear on the point, the oils I am using for it are cosmetic grade perfume oils, they aren't essential oils, and would not be safe for consumption of any kind.


Curious though, what do you and the Mr. think about this? If you can't see it, I will post another way:


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Thank you for the kind compliments NuTrix, BlueBear and Cinnamonmel! The handsome smooshy face is my littlest brother, Tucker. I love the kinds of dogs that you can't help but giggle when you look at them :D

I adore the coloring in your pic NuTrix; your eyes are haunting and so piercing against that vivid violet.Just gorgeous.. And Cinnamonmel, jeez oh man, are you and your entire family professional models?! Your labels are stunning.

BlueBear, did you not make/admit to a label or did I miss it? I enjoy seeing everyone's so much and can't wait to read some reviews once people start sniffing these. I'll have to either narrow the list or learn how to construct a home Lincoln Logs style out of LP bottles...hmmm...


ETA- BlueBear is Berries! Of course! I love it :) Beautiful and glamorous!

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I really don't know if it would be illegal or not, but I'd be nervous about putting a spotlight on us or on you, just in case someone comes along with bad intent and tries to mess with either of us for it. And just to be clear on the point, the oils I am using for it are cosmetic grade perfume oils, they aren't essential oils, and would not be safe for consumption of any kind.


Curious though, what do you and the Mr. think about this? If you can't see it, I will post another way:


This is what Michael does with certain strains of his crop. He makes what is commonly known as Rick Simpson Oil and ingests it every week... You can use it on skin cancer or on burns...etc. He is an activist for this sort of thing...You can google Rick Simpson Phoenix Tears to learn about his hero!

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Lol Mara. I have tons of literature on that. I've been studying the research for 4 years. I can say that I'm behind it.But it's not a catch all either. It's very helpfull for cancer and a number of other diseases including lesser, but important, issues like ADD/ADHA. It amazing what seriously dangerous chemicals people will pump into their kids but freak at the idea of using a form of THC to treat them. I think it's the whole "Cheech & Chong or Spicolli image s that pop in their heads.


It's not as much conspiracy that has kept it off the shelves as it is politics and prejudice/ignorance. Of course there is always a D bag lobbyist who's up to something but that's not exclusive to Pot.

You be surprised at who has been for legalizing, decriminalizing, and or making use of it for medical use.




We have lots of farmland around us and it grows everywhere here. I've been trying to get my family to go in on some land with me. I see rotating pot and Kale. Lol. I will let everyone know if that ever works out.


MDC I may need to talk to you sometime. ;)

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Heh, I have a feeling if I layered Coffee, Bacon and Kush my man would never let me leave the bedroom...;)

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I was wondering about the oil because I have a family member going through bout #2 with cancer and chemo, and is the type that thinks anything "alternative" is absolute bullshit. I have not approached them about this yet because I wanted to learn more...especially about how anyone can assure a regulated dose if it's commonly produced in people's kitchens. Thanks for keywords to use on google, I will look it up later. xoxoxox

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The cherry on the sundae is that apparently the stigma around & illegality of pot has a deeply racist history, as I've recently learned thanks to current events too upsetting to discuss here.


Back on happier topic, I've never smelled the plant growing - may get brave and try the kush....*adds to list*

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teetering on Sugared Kush Resin TOO

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Well, again, the Kush Resin doesn't smell anything like pot. Please don't order it with that expectation.


I also have oils that smell exactly like fresh cannabis, so if you want me to add that to the offerings, I am happy to do so.

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The cherry on the sundae is that apparently the stigma around & illegality of pot has a deeply racist history ....


The racial component is also seen in sentencing guidlines depending on the drug. Cocaine, bad. Crack, worse.

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I was wondering about the oil because I have a family member going through bout #2 with cancer and chemo, and is the type that thinks anything "alternative" is absolute bullshit. I have not approached them about this yet because I wanted to learn more...especially about how anyone can assure a regulated dose if it's commonly produced in people's kitchens. Thanks for keywords to use on google, I will look it up later. xoxoxox

You're welcome. It is a pretty long process. Depending in how much he is making it takes 4 to 8 hours!

But I know...most people just think it's smoking a joint or something.

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