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Spell Collection 2015 - Sigils!

Potion Master

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I'm wearing Road Opener today. And when you focus on the intent of the oil it really works. Driving to work today it seemed as if all the cars and trucks moved out of my way. My mind also feels more open to the thoughts of others. I feel clearer, like my head was in a fog but now it's not. I love the scent and now that I've had it on for hours I get the herbal watery aroma thing, which is clean smelling and for me a little earthy. I LOVE IT. Of course I've already bought a full sized bottle and will probably get more. I'm hoping to change jobs and this potion would be perfect for opening the doors of opportunity. I give it 4 thumbs up. :Emoticons04235:

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Thanks for that video Rose, I love it. I saw it years ago and don't understand how it's done but the message and feeling behind it is wonderful! And thank you for the kind words, too.


I popped in to say that I received my order today from Elizabeth, a Peaceful Home print, and it's phenomenal! The print quality is stunning, and her matting and mounting is such high quality. I LOVE my print, and will certainly be getting a few more for the house and some for the shop too. Beautiful, beautiful work...such a treat to see the sigil so large too. :) Thank you, Elizabeth!!!

I love mine too. So creative and beautiful. :)

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I love mine too. So creative and beautiful. :)

Me too!! I received the Peaceful Home and Harmonious Self prints and love them! Such great quality and Elizabeth is a sweetheart. Now I need to find the perfect frames to put them in.

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Not sure if this is the proper place to post this, but am confused as to where else it would be at home, and I really wanted to hit upon this topic. Many of you may be familiar with the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto, whose book I have. I love his work. Some have claimed to have debunked it, but I am a believer.

He suggests that water has memory and retains things such as positive and negative intent and emotions. Everyone here knows that Mara's Magickal Potions WORK, and they work some mad magick!!! I know this all too well also, and this left me wondering why this batch of Spell Potions seemed even stronger than usual. I mean STRONG and with fast results!

It occurred to me that having ElizabethOSP's beautiful and powerful sigil labels on the bottles must be working very much the same way that Dr. Emoto's theories on water do. Even if you have not read his work, so many of us have seen, and used the little reusable positive message labels that you can stick on water, ( or any liquid) bottles) which are believed to impart positive intent. Words such as health, love, energy, light, etc. The words, or in this case sigils, impart additional power to that which is already good for us.

So I am thinking that just the presence of these magickal labels on the bottles, combined with Mara's own magick has amplified the intensity and speed with which these potions work. I really do believe they are somehow different and on a higher level. Here I am, STILL gushing about these Sigil Spell Potions, but I truly am in awe and more than a little mystified. If you are interested, check out the following video on Dr. Emoto's work. It isn't very long, and you'll get the message. Thanks again to Mara and ElizabethOSP!!! If this was your intent, it was a stroke of genius. If it wasn't your intent, it is still a stroke of genius! :)


:heart: Rose, I love Dr. Emoto's work. And what you're saying--and other Ladies *waves at other Ladies* *hi Ladies!* have been agreeing--about the "oomph" these potions have? OH, YAY-YUH!!! I was thrilled to see your post! I talk to my water. I'll thank it before I drink it :) I thank jars of it and keep it on my windowsills as a house blessing.


Mara was very specific to keep the mantras worded positively, which I LOVE. I think that she and the LP Peeps put a great deal of good energies into these potions!


I haven't gotten through the entire collection yet, but I've been wearing them one by one as I work on the art for the prints. Some I've worn for days in a row, and some I've just tested. I've probably worn about 3/4s of the collection now. ALL OF THEM are packing a magickal punch. Every single one. They're working quickly, too. I hadn't really thought of what it would do to them to have sigils on the labels. Dangitty-dang!!! Stuff is charged, charged again, and *then* charged yet *again* by the wearer. Woot!


Each time I wear one, I read its mantra, sort of muse it into place in my head, and then let it go.. So, I'm using them with intent...but it's the kind of almost subconscious intent that works best for me when working on things in this life. This is creating a veeerrry interesting journey! Also, I've enjoyed every one of these as a perfume, too. Wasn't expecting that. BONUS! :)


Also--and I'm trying to think how to best say this--I'm not afraid of over-zestful effects from these potions. This is a new thing for me. Many, many years ago, I dove into some workings and got huge, wonderful, quick effects...that were really too much to handle at the time. It was the "be careful what you ask for" thing, good results notwithstanding. Thus, I taught myself to lay back, get focussed properly, exercise some caution, and all that. But with these Spell Potions, the focussing and centering seems to be built-in for me. Maybe it's because I drew those sigils? Maybe not. Maybe the potions are already tempered with positiveness.


And Everyone? THANK YOU for the compliments!!! This project is an ongoing life-changer and blessing!


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You are so welcome ElizabethOSP! I adore Dr. Emoto too! I feel it is so important to impart positive energy into our lives in every way we can. I do agree though, that these are phenomenally potent! If I can ever pull myself away from One True Love and Road Opener, I need to sample MORE!!!!!! :Love09751:

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I just got my order with all my bottles. OMGGG!! They are gorgeous!! I absolutely love these labels with E's artwork. I am just mesmerized by them. I got Lucky Van Van, Liquid Mercury, One True Love, Road Opener and Hamonious Self. They are going to look so perfect displayed together. Thank you Mara, the whole LP Team and Elizabeth for the collaboration!

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These sigils are absolutely breathtaking. Last night I was browsing through the spell collection on the website and found myself transfixed by the images. I don't know anything about magic but even I could feel the energy coming off these. When I got my sampler sets I could feel energy coming off those too, so much so I try not to hold them in my hands all at once lest I inadvertently alter them in some way. Makes sense now, being doubly powered.


I don't know where I'll find the money, but I'm seriously considering buying a full bottle set (my first ever!), not in small part because of the sigils. I don't know if I could bring myself to burn them, though. They're too beautiful. :hearts0425:


This spell collection is amazing. I love almost all of them just for their scent. Haven't had much chance to use them for intent yet, but I'm really feeling this collection is not to be missed.

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These potions are POWERFUL. They have set in motion things that I wasn't expecting and are too crazy to be coincidence.

On Tuesday I wore Blessing- just to test the scent. Later that day, totally by accident, I found out a lot of truths about a person I considered a friend. Stuff that I consider a blessing that I had an opportunity to have found out, because this person has been fake, lying and hurtful. It's given me the opportunity to cut this person out of my life. This came out of nowhere. This person has been a "friend" for a long time- thank goodness I found out this info!!!! - and totally by chance!

Well, today, without thinking, I put on Quarrel Mender because it smells so good. I'm just wanting to wear it for scent. And what do you know? The fake ass friend texts me this morning asking if she could meet w me and explain and try to make things right. ISNT THIS TOO CRAZY TO BE COINCIDENCE?! I washed Quarrel Mender right off (even though it smells amazing) because I'm not ready to mend this quarrel lol!!!

Seriously, these potions are no joke!!!

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Seriously, these potions are no joke!!!


Agreed! Each time I've put on a spell potion, I'll hold the sample/bottle and say it's corresponding mantra. I am not kidding - I feel a buzzing in my hand and a lightness in my head. There are no coincidences ;)

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DANG! Y'all, I was just talking about the EXACT SAME THING with Mr. Matt tonight. The same stuff is happening to me and mine! My life is being readjusted in ways that are much needed. It's seemingly coming out of nowhere, and then I realize which potion I've been wearing. WOW!!! There are indeed no coincidences.

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Agreed been wearing Road opener and have copied the sigil onto my computer as a desk top background.

Felt the energy and like Loquacious felt lightheaded.....awesome stuff.

Using it to clear my way /path to buying a House

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Do you guys have a sigil you'd recommend focusing on to get a job? (Yes, I'm still looking, been looking since August 2014...)
I'm trying to decide if Whisker Wishes (wish for a job!), Road Opener (clear the path for me to get a job) or Money Multiplier (any way to get me financially stable) are most appropriate?

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maiea, I'm still looking for a new job too. I am going to start using Road Opener to clear the path to a new job that is better, positive, peaceful, and makes me happy. I'd probably use MM or Liquid Mercury for interviews. I'm curious to see what works for you! Good luck to you!

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Okay, thanks guys! Looks like the consensus is Road Opener. I sort of felt that way to but wanted to make sure my hunch was right. I have a phone interview tomorrow (later today as it's past midnight, lol), wish me luck!

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Hey guys,


iam busy now a days, but, iam doing good. Everything looks delicious as usual. Love your products every where and will always be a fan of the goodies. :purr::Emoticons10311:

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Okay, I had the Road Opener sigil visible while I was on my phone interview. The night before I burnt RO on a small orange candle onto which I enscribed "The way is clear to [company] job", wrote down the job duties and title on a piece of paper which I also anointed with RO. So far it seems it went smoothly, now the HR recruiter for the company said she'll pass my info onto the hiring manager (who is currently on holidays). *fingers crossed*

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I have a Road opener sample from a previous release. I'd like to use it in some way to help my brother find a job, but i don't know how... Would that potion work with this sigil? Anything you can suggest would be great help.

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Guest cutie.pie

I have a Road opener sample from a previous release. I'd like to use it in some way to help my brother find a job, but i don't know how... Would that potion work with this sigil? Anything you can suggest would be great help.

I would say let him apply it on himself focusing on getting a job. The focus and the intent is everything!

Also check DD's thread: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8545&do=findComment&comment=381998


I'll email you something ;)

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If it's jobs you want...if it's an in-person interview, I'd say MM. The intent is great, and it's got the Swimming With Sharks phero, too!


SWS seems to make folks let their guards down enough to LISTEN. I know I'm great all by myself, but I credit the SWS I wore during my interview days with giving me the edge that got the offer.


Recently I have been wearing Road Opener or Money Multiplier (or Mean Business, which also has SWS) in group meetings, and Determination Potion or UNMegawatt when I'm in my office. Pendulum Potion for tough decisions, Liquid Mercury for touchy communications...


I could not have had better results.

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Fyi - rebrewed several of these today as they are sold out, so the second edition might smell the tiniest bit different than the original brews but I am doing my very best to match them as close as I can.


Rebrewed today:

Star Power

One True Love

Harmonious Self

Determination Potion

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Guest cutie.pie

Wow, thank you Mara!


I'm not surprised Determination potion was sold out! It's amazing!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I think Protection Potion is the next full bottle. I love it for all purposes, hubby loves the scent.This is a definite win/win!

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