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Luna, you weren't kidding! I'm still on my WOW kick. I have *never* been able to distract him from a video game before. This stuff is a miracle in a bottle!


Yes, m4mitchell, this is definitely one for the World of Warcraft widows!



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Can I just say, "WOW"?

He pounced. Man oh man, did he POUNCE!

Not only did he pounce, he dropped his controller in the middle of playing a BRAND NEW VIDEO GAME in order to make the pouncing!

Shocked the hell outta me.


Now *that's* power. hehe...

If my browser wasn't so crappy, there would be the BIGGEST, wiggly-browed happy face right smack where this puny one is: :-)


Wow, congrats and enjoy!

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Can I just say, "WOW"?

He pounced. Man oh man, did he POUNCE!

Not only did he pounce, he dropped his controller in the middle of playing a BRAND NEW VIDEO GAME in order to make the pouncing!

Shocked the hell outta me.


Now *that's* power. hehe...


Loved This :rofl222: ...welcome to your new world :001_302:

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I grabbed some of this, not able to decide what to wear this morning... it had settled a bit, so I gave it a shake. I love all stages of this! Wet, it's a little strong, and coppy. After it dries down, it becomes a mouth-watering, almost "chewy" honey.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I will never get over how powerful this stuff is. I love it. I wore this the other day - one measly little dot between my breasts - and all I can say is, 'WOW!'. I can wear any of the Occos and get a great response from BF, but none equals the response I get from him while wearing this. PG drives him crazy, no matter how much, or how little of it I apply. I've yet to wear this around him and have him approach me for sex less than twice. Seriously. It's almost instantaneous. I put a dot on, and he's nearly knocking the bottle out of my hand trying to get at me! I'm not sure if it's the honey scent that gets to him, (because I get a lot of nuzzling reactions from him while wearing Sugared Honeycomb), or if it's the cops, or the combo of the two, but this stuff is Potent, with a capital 'P'. And damn! Does it ever smell good!

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Seriously. It's almost instantaneous. I put a dot on, and he's nearly knocking the bottle out of my hand trying to get at me!


Stock Up! :P


Linking a scent with great sex is an instant turn on ...ask me I know :001_302:


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  • 4 months later...

So, I put on some Snake Oil bath oil as moisturizer in the shower this morning. And after I got out, I dabbed on Phero Girl - inside of elbow, wrists, cleavage... I smell AMAZING!!


I rode in the elevator this morning with this guy who recently started working on my floor. He's quite a bit younger than me, and so adorably eager in his new job. He was just chattering away about it today. Later, he comes over to tell me about how he had to call the Help Desk for an IT problem, and was so embarrassed because it was a "user error"... I then realized that I probably phero-bombed this poor guy!! LOL

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Woohoo,work it Molls :P


to enhance the Sex Juice vibe, I dabbed some Phero Girl on my torso this am and smeared it around. Here's a free tip: don't get it on your nipples. Don't say I never gave you anything, my friends.


Well...am I the only one who tried this :huh:




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to enhance the Sex Juice vibe, I dabbed some Phero Girl on my torso this am and smeared it around. Here's a free tip: don't get it on your nipples. Don't say I never gave you anything, my friends.


I saw this before I left for work today... What gives?


Calii - you still got nips?

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Apparently, my little vial of Phero girl leaked slightly and got on the outside of my lip balm, because when i put it on last night, all I could smell was Phero Girl. Then i proceeded to have some of the raunchiest dreams all night long. Holy moly!! :blink:

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Apparently, my little vial of Phero girl leaked slightly and got on the outside of my lip balm, because when i put it on last night, all I could smell was Phero Girl. Then i proceeded to have some of the raunchiest dreams all night long. Holy moly!! :blink:


Well, at least you know what to do if your dreams need more spice ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a sample of this a little over a year ago, and I didn't like it. It didn't smell too dirty, per se, but it went really, really waxy on me. But I've found that lately, I can wear small doses of this with other things. I'm really glad i held onto this because it's growing on me!!


I put on a tiny dot on my torso and a dot split between wrists while i was dressing and then dashed off to work. i walked into my meeting and nodded hello to one of the executives as I took my seat behind him. Now, i see this dude every single day of the week, and he usually just smiles hello and that's it. today, he talked my ear off. Then throughout the course of the meeting, he kept turning around and looking behind him. Not lecherously or anything, just very confused-like, like he was unsure what was happening. (Note: there was nothing happening, save for us all trying to stay awake in a boring-ass meeting.) And not at me directly; he was looking at all three of us sitting in that row. No doubt it the the Phero Girl, and so little of it, too!

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Yes, Pherogirl is teh awesome. There is a reason you seldom to never see certain scents (including this one) on the swap page. It is very, very sexy.


For anyone trying this, remember that products with cops must dry down and meld with your skin before they reach optimal smell-goodness. Yes, it smells overly dirty and naughty at first, but it really does dry down to just plain ol' sexiness.

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  • 9 months later...

so ive just tried phero girl.. and so far, its not a bad mix.


ive gotten some negative comments on the smell tho, :( :( idno why.. my friends have asked me if i put on incense before i came out (i actually gotten that comment more than twice from different people :( )


i wore it on my neck, wrist and right between my cleavage. i noticed that i got a lot of attention from a lot guys. cute little teases, and i found myself to be in the center of the attention a lot.


i think i can def. play around with this a little bit more and see if there would be any way to cover up the smell a little bit because i think i smell better fruity..


other than that, i love it!


<3 remmy


I got my first order of Phero Girl...still thinking it over..wore it today when I went out shopping..not sure if I really like it yet...it smells kinda on the incense side on me. Will shake up the roll on a try again tomorrow...maybe I used too much...this is the first honey scent I have ever worn. I am leaving to meet someone in a few days...wanted something special..have to decide if I want to use this one...or maybe my other order will come in time...Shadow Dance with Gotcha... Aislie <3

Edited by Ailsie
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OK I have been reading the posts about Phero Girl...here is the situation. I am in my late 50's. I am doing the dance with a man in his late 30's. It is long distance , but we see each other often...we travel together. He has been attracted to me from the start...he initiated the whole thing...I tried to ignore it, but the attraction was too great...well we have gotten closer and closer as this thing progresses...dinners...kissy face...long stares...lol...he makes me feel like I am 16 again...I want to finally want to go to the intimate level...we've both been frightened of it...so I think maybe Phero Girl might be the thing...I will see him again in 3 days...hoping this does what I want...I'll see him again 3 weeks after this...I want to tantalize him...then pounce in three weeks..I'll be staying with him in his home....that's my strategy...so I'm testing PG out like crazy between now and the time I leave....

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OK I have been reading the posts about Phero Girl...here is the situation. I am in my late 50's. I am doing the dance with a man in his late 30's. It is long distance , but we see each other often...we travel together. He has been attracted to me from the start...he initiated the whole thing...I tried to ignore it, but the attraction was too great...well we have gotten closer and closer as this thing progresses...dinners...kissy face...long stares...lol...he makes me feel like I am 16 again...I want to finally want to go to the intimate level...we've both been frightened of it...so I think maybe Phero Girl might be the thing...I will see him again in 3 days...hoping this does what I want...I'll see him again 3 weeks after this...I want to tantalize him...then pounce in three weeks..I'll be staying with him in his home....that's my strategy...so I'm testing PG out like crazy between now and the time I leave....


Well, PG is quite possibly what you need! It has a lot of cops in it.....should create a strong sexual reaction in him. Be careful wearing it in public.....creates a strong sexual reaction in ALL males.....even if they don't show it!



Definitely do shake PG before applying......

Edited by Dolly
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DD give it a trial.. it can make some if your fave LP scents super sexy. I find it powerful so I treat it as I do EOW. I tried it with LP Black today. Yumm

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  • 5 months later...

This is such a gorgeous, sexy, golden scent.... It makes me feel strong and cheerful and ready to handle anything.

It's one of those scents that makes me feel 'me' only more so & better.


At first it starts off a tiny bit heavy, almost musty, but on my skin it blooms within seconds to something that is like golden honey with red and yellow and orange petals of flowers still in it.


From reading the descriptions here I was worried it would be really heavy and strong, but to my nose it isn't; it just melds to my skin and makes me feel like a Golden Goddess of sexyness. ;)

I keep catching whiffs of it all day but it's not overpowering at all, it just swirls around me lightly in sparkly golden whorls of goodness.


After that initial change it doesn't morph much during the day, it just stays warm and golden.

It reminds me of sunshine and summer - makes me want to stretch out and purr like a cat.


Great self-effects as well, it gives me a nice little buzz each time I wear it.

Have not had the opportunity to really see it's effect on a man unfortunately, but most people I came into contact with while wearing it were nice and friendly and helpful.

But it makes me feel so great that I am sure I just radiate strength and good cheer when I wear it!


I am SO happy this is one of the permanent scents!

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