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New Releases for JULY 2015!

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And one for the guys!! Thank you Mara and team LPMP!

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QG - that one is totally a "you" kind of scent, I think.



I think you'll like it!


It certainly seems to be my kind of scent and I am sure I will love it. Just the name made me smile. Plus women in bikinis, ughhh. :D


On a side note, I saw in the news where the roof of a record store collapsed under the weight of all the vinyl they had stored upstairs. I better keep my collection of scents on the ground floor although I know I have nowhere near the collection you or some of the other ladies have.

Edited by quietguy
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Yes, there's only a few groups of images of her that are pub domain. Her likeness and rights of publicity are now pub domain as of 2 years ago, but the photographers still hold copyrights. The available ones are general studio shots that were not renewed, stills from certain movies - as the movies were renewed but not the stills, and pix taken by the federal government...the ones used for the war effort of her as a teen with airplane parts. Very interesting stuff.

That's so intresting. I know various parts of her estate were under siege a few times. I have to see the war time "airplane" photos. I knew a photographer many years ago (1990) who was one of a few who photographed her pre MM days. I don't know if he ever released them. Of all the photos I've seen I have not seen those.

Even though she looks very different you can still see the Marilyn behind the eyes.

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On a side note, I saw in the news where the roof of a record store collapsed under the weight of all the vinyl they had stored upstairs. I better keep my collection of scents on the ground floor although I know I have nowhere near the collection you or some of the other ladies have.


Hahahaha! No you don't! ;-)

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Here's a great article:



Here's the wartime photo:



That's so intresting. I know various parts of her estate were under siege a few times. I have to see the war time "airplane" photos. I knew a photographer many years ago (1990) who was one of a few who photographed her pre MM days. I don't know if he ever released them. Of all the photos I've seen I have not seen those.
Even though she looks very different you can still see the Marilyn behind the eyes.

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OO I think I know! Squee !!

Tyvey. Do we get a hint, or is that a question I shouldn't be asking...? :kiss43:


And as for Marilyn! Since I do not refrain from asking dumb questions--as you all know by now :):):):heart: --is that Marylin in both Kissed by the Sun and H2O Oh Oh??? The H2O chick actually reminds me of Shirley Temple as a teenager, but I don't think she would ever have posed so sexy... :Emoticons0424:


And MARA!!! Are you going to do a Sniffathon at the store for every set of NRs??? Gonna have to bear that in mind, if so... B)





*scuttles off making lobstery pincer-hands*


ETA: Actually, my younger daughter and I have this thing we do saying "crab crab crab" in Japanese and dancing around like crabs...a lobster costume would sorta slide right in there...



Fun stuff! What great labels Mara, as always. :) I love all the vintage labels you find, but Ms. Norma Jean Baker and Bettie Page? Whoo! And Lobster people??? :lol: I'm so excited about these new releases - my first in a few months! I guess that means I'll have to get the sampler. Hee!

I'm chomping at the bit for notes, but I know Luna has been busy! (Thank you, Luna! :D )

EGGERS! Who is that in your avi? :D



And for my last dumb question...

Oh, Luuuunnnnaaaa!!! Do we get any hints yet...? :greensmilies-024:

Edited by luna65
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Today, I almost wish I were a guy because it would be so much easier to shop for FBs from this set of NRs. I want them all. My question is when they do a set and there are 12 (yes 12) new releases, how do they pick 10 for the monthly sampler? I don't think I will get any sleep tonight pondering that mystery.

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Quick question regarding the ambrosia: how much patchouli tended to come through in previous batches. It makes me crazy, but I tend to amp patchouli. I so want to be able to wear this.

Well I can only speak for the 2012 batch but honestly I didn't even remember there was patch in it so it must not reveal itself too much. I love patch and am usually quite aware of when it comes out and lingers....also I could be wrong but I don't think Hearts likes patch too much and she loves Ambrosia...so that might be a good sign for you.

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I'd like to know how those lobster people carry stuff too! I can't imagine having to wear that to work! LOL! I can hardly carry a tray as it is...


EOSP, it's Milo Aukerman, the singer for the Descendents, way back in the 80s. I love this shot of him - so intense! And nice legs! :lol: Wish I could have seen them back then! Descendents, not the legs!

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Hahahaha! No you don't! ;-)

Haha - IKR? And whenever I wonder how am I gonna actually use/wear all these scents when I am always buying new, I just think of you all and buy a couple more FBs lol!

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On a side note, I saw in the news where the roof of a record store collapsed under the weight of all the vinyl they had stored upstairs.

Yeah I saw that - it happened in San Diego! Not a store I've ever been to, though.

My question is when they do a set and there are 12 (yes 12) new releases, how do they pick 10 for the monthly sampler?

A monthly sampler is usually 10-12 scents, so none are omitted in that case. it's only when it's a bigger set that it happens.


And for my last dumb question...

Oh, Luuuunnnnaaaa!!! Do we get any hints yet...? :greensmilies-024:

You mean "lobster babes" wasn't enough of a hint?! :P

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Yeah I saw that - it happened in San Diego! Not a store I've ever been to, though.


A monthly sampler is usually 10-12 scents, so none are omitted in that case. it's only when it's a bigger set that it happens.


You mean "lobster babes" wasn't enough of a hint?! :P

I had no idea what "lobster babes" was but I did envision retro posters so it all made sense in the end. I'm really curious about the scent. Is it aquatic or a popular drink the lobster babes would have served :lol:.


How did they wait tables in those costumes?

Edited by StacyK
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Summer Crush is obviously lobster roll (lobster, a buttered roll, a shake of old bay. and coleslaw) plus corn on the cob

It's an indoor refrigerated scent only. Don't wear out in the heat. :) Now I'm hungry for seafood.


I can't imagine how hot those ladies were in the summer Atlantic City heat. Maybe it's Lobster Babe sweat?

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WOW!!! The NRs look fabulous!!! Of course there are a few already calling my name..;) Can't wait to read the notes on these and get my sampler!!! I am not usually one for relying on the internet for information which I consider valid, but this morning I was looking up Hedione to find out a little more about it...I came across this article which had some intruiging info on how it relates to pheromones...(moderators-if you find this article has incorrect information and need to delete the link, please do so..:))



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--is that Marylin in both Kissed by the Sun and H2O Oh Oh???


And MARA!!! Are you going to do a Sniffathon at the store for every set of NRs??? Gonna have to bear that in mind, if so... B)




H2000 is someone different.


YES! Sniffathon every month if we can, that's the plan!

Another plan, when you can, is to have you up here for a First Friday to display your sigils and talk about your artwork. The FF events are all about artists!

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! I am not usually one for relying on the internet for information which I consider valid, but this morning I was looking up Hedione to find out a little more about it...I came across this article which had some intruiging info on how it relates to pheromones...

Yeah that article is also linked in the previous discussion on Hedione:


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Yeah that article is also linked in the previous discussion on Hedione:


thanks, Luna..:) I hadn't even checked to see if there was a thread about it... Can the potions with Hedione be boosted just the same? If so, would having the Hedione in there with the pheros give it an extra "oomph" (for lack of a better word)?

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Summer Crush is obviously lobster roll (lobster, a buttered roll, a shake of old bay. and coleslaw) plus corn on the cob


A bit of drawn butter and a lemon wedge -- it's what all the sophisticated ladies smell of come summer.

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Can the potions with Hedione be boosted just the same? If so, would having the Hedione in there with the pheros give it an extra "oomph" (for lack of a better word)?

I would imagine, but then again it might negate the purported effect of Hedione to do so.

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I know you guys are working very hard to get everything programmed and I hate to bother you with this, but do you think they will be ready to order tonight? (need to place for June freebies)...:)

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