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Love Potion: Red


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I think I had LP Red, I can't remember, it was very spicy on me just like OCCO Red, but LP RED LACE is PURRRFFFEECCT

It doesn't do the crazy cinnamon spice thing that OcCo Red or LP Red did.

That's because Red Lace had a dash of apricot added to make it juicy ;) I just wore some LP Red last night, you can't go wrong with Red :)

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I know that OCCO Red has apricot in it. Did Red Lace have more? I would have liked to try that one but I don't think I will ever see a bottle up for trade so I concur, time for a rebrew!!!

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I thought LP Red has apricot too though?

I thought so too, but it's not mentioned in the notes overview & I don't catch any on my skin while I'm wearing it. I think the LP base is vanilla/amber/patchouli & the variants are all constructed from that.

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It's not in the base...but lol this was discussed before, apricot does pop up in some LP Red descriptions. I personally don't smell it, but did wonder if it was there. Then I decided I didn't care because I love Red. :)

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I agree.. I think the first mention of this started on the OCCo red thread, but it was in regard to LP Red.

I don't think there was a definitive statement as it was not the LP Red thread.

Now that I think of it, the only place where I saw Apricot listed as a note in Red was on the Amazon description.. I remember thinking it was odd as I smelled no fruit. Typo?

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LV.. I do remember it listed on the Red Lace description on the LP site.

Were the Boho Cats scents all variants on existing scents? Or something like that...


Maybe it a secret ingredient ;) All great chefs have a right to protect their recipies. ..or maybe it's so small an amount it's just not mentioned .. or maybe it not there at.all. ..or.......Lol

Edited by StacyK
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thursday I wore this to work because I knew that I wouldn't be around my sensitive co-worker and as usually is the case (aside from her), this was everyone's absolute favorite. Everywhere I went, everyone commented on how good it smelled. One of my leaders commented that it was the most beautiful perfume she had ever smelled and I explained to her where I got it and all about LPMP. As it turned out, I just "happened" to have a business card in my wallet and gave it to her along with the idea that if she found any she was interested in, to let me know because I might have a sample of it she could try.


Ah LP Red, how I have missed wearing you... I love the idea of having extra cards in my stash because they come in handy for days like this. And, since I will be moving soon to a different department, who knows who else I might be able to pass along the goodness to!! :D I will have to remember to ask Mara for additional cards when I get my super duper sales to end all sales box.

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I miss wearing my LP Red too, I have been hoarding the last few drops. my plan was to order another one along with another Occo Red to get my sale bottles but I ended up needing Bond Girls and other things...but I can't face the fall/holiday season without those two so I will need to get them soon.

Facing the holidays without Occo and LP Red is like facing family gatherings without alcohol. Just should not be done.

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LOL. MDC, that is too funny!!! I completely agree. I can't imagine not having Red to grab. I've got a back up for time being. ;) I will also keep it in mind in case there are family functions I need to attend during Christmas. Between LP Red and alcohol, I just might actually have fun!!!

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I thought LP Red has apricot too though?

I have never tried Red Lace as I took it for granted that it was LP Red with Lace. A while back, I added a dab of Sugared Apricots to LP Red. It makes it sweeter and a different dimension to the scent, just as adding OCCO Red does but in different direction.

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I have a bottle of LP Red with Gotcha and Cops... yeah, maybe went a little overboard there but that's the one I wore to work this past Thursday and everyone was all googly eyed over it. I wasn't sure I would like the addition of a bit of apricot but now that I've tried it, it's a really wonderful addition. It doesn't "change" Red, it enhances it. The change is what I was worried about. I have a spare bottle of unpheroed LP Red saved so I don't run out because otherwise my eye would twitch.


DD, did you get tired of Red Lace for awhile or did the scent seem to change during that time?


ETA: apricot note being added when I use OCCO Red... forgot to mention that part. ;)

Edited by StoremyWhether
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OMG really?!?! I just swiped on some LP Red for the heck of it. It's usually too spicy and I'm about to shower anyway. And.... It actually is behaving? It smells sweet and creamy but delicious! My scent chemistry must be on point today because this smells good! Usually it's soooo spicy it stings my throat and tends to go incensey. Maybe Im finally getting used to it? ... Idk but I need to keep testing this because it smells really amazing today - so weird!

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I love wearing LP RED enhanced with EoW, it just adds that extra zing, I'm looking for....


I just got a bottle of that. DD, do you notice it smells different than regular LP RED? I noticed mine doesn't have any cops smell but is lighter in color and doesn't smell as spicy as reg. LP RED. Maybe just needs to age?

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OMG really?!?! I just swiped on some LP Red for the heck of it. It's usually too spicy and I'm about to shower anyway. And.... It actually is behaving? It smells sweet and creamy but delicious! My scent chemistry must be on point today because this smells good! Usually it's soooo spicy it stings my throat and tends to go incensey. Maybe Im finally getting used to it? ... Idk but I need to keep testing this because it smells really amazing today - so weird!

I think you are just getting bit by the LP Red bug! It took me and a few others here a while to get it for some reason. I didn't buy my first bottle until a whole year after I tried it! Then I got another sample and couldn't believe I didn't love it when I first tried it! Now it is a staple of course.

Me too, I didn't like it at the beginning. It was simply too spicy when I got my first sample. I returned to the sample a could of months later and fell in love with it, particularly when I use it with OCCO Red. I haven't used it as often as I like but I make sure I don't run out of it.

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This is all super good to know. I have my sample of LP Red and I'm still not quite sold on it but I always keep reading such amazing reviews and reports from you all that I felt like I was the only one who wasn't feeling the amazement. I think I just have to let it age a bit and return to it or let my own tastes evolve as well to appreciate it more. Right now, whenever I wear it, it just wears as heavy cinnamon til it softens. I never mind it after it softens, but I've personally never been a cinnamon gal.

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I never mind it after it softens, but I've personally never been a cinnamon gal.

Me neither! (or is that... "me either") Believe me that is what I didn't like at first! I don't know what happened but somehow it grows on you. Have you tried Occo Red? To me it is less cinnamon and I just really wore that for a long time until I got into Red. Maybe the Occo is a gateway drug to Red?

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I so wanted LP Red to work for me, but as much as I love cinnamon in food or as a home scent, I just can't wear it on my skin. ( Amps like CRAZY! I have the same prob with certain Vanillas). Good ideas here. I have a trial vial from years ago that I had sort of written off. Maybe I can play with it and blend with something else to quiet that cinnamon right on down. MAYBE... just maybe, some Phero Girl with it?

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I miss wearing my LP Red too, I have been hoarding the last few drops. my plan was to order another one along with another Occo Red to get my sale bottles but I ended up needing Bond Girls and other things...but I can't face the fall/holiday season without those two so I will need to get them soon.

Facing the holidays without Occo and LP Red is like facing family gatherings without alcohol. Just should not be done.

I had been hoarding my last few drops as well and I finally just had to use it up, so I could make room for my new goodies...

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I so wanted LP Red to work for me, but as much as I love cinnamon in food or as a home scent, I just can't wear it on my skin. ( Amps like CRAZY! I have the same prob with certain Vanillas). Good ideas here. I have a trial vial from years ago that I had sort of written off. Maybe I can play with it and blend with something else to quiet that cinnamon right on down. MAYBE... just maybe, some Phero Girl with it?

What about something sweet or vanilla? Pherogirl turns out as floral baby talcum on my skin and I'm uncertain if it will make Red better on my skin.

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I have my sample of LP Red and I'm still not quite sold on it but I always keep reading such amazing reviews and reports from you all that I felt like I was the only one who wasn't feeling the amazement.


I think you are just getting bit by the LP Red bug! It took me and a few others here a while to get it for some reason. I didn't buy my first bottle until a whole year after I tried it! Then I got another sample and couldn't believe I didn't love it when I first tried it! Now it is a staple of course.


cinnamon ... Amps like CRAZY!


I didn't get Red for almost a year! And when finally order a bottle, I got Red and OCCO Red together. Like Rose, sometimes my skin will amp the cinnamon in things like CRAZY and power out the other notes. I think that may be why when I first sampled Red I was kind of "meh" about it...but like MissDarlynC said, it "grew" on me...and pairing it with OCCO Red does wonders! - or OCCO Red on it's own even :Emoticons0424:


What about something sweet or vanilla? Pherogirl turns out as floral baby talcum on my skin and I'm uncertain if it will make Red better on my skin.

I'm in JOC's boat here. I get the baby talc from Pherogirl (and Sugared Honeycomb and Un) and it takes time for the sugary honey to come forward...you would have to try it out and see what your skin does with it...If you get golden honey right off the bat then it could work...baby talc...not so much :D

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LP Red mixes well with original Love Potion. It definitely tones it down. I find the patchouli is more prominent on my skin than the cinnamon. Love OCCO Red, but it decided to start smelling like coffee on me.

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  • 2 months later...
Going to put this here cause while Red Lace is sold out,it has aged and bloomed into the full extreme yumz that is LP Red!! :icecream: ... was at at Home Depot and wearing a goodly amount of Red Lace,a tiny touch of OCCO Red and a spritz of Cougar in my hair,damn I smelled and felt amazing and everyone I know there reacted with huge welcoming smiles...too too funny,I spied a newbie and asked where the restrooms were,well he walked me all the way there talking a blue streak and started following me IN before he realized what he was doing,blushed strongly and almost ran away :Emoticons04263: ...ok now I have had Great reactions to my Cougar boosted Red w/cops,but the extra Est & A-nol of Lace just put it over the top today. My shirt is hanging in the bathroom scented with Red and it is soo Delicious,I am not washing it till it fades away!

*go easy if you combine LP Red & OCCO Red,please,my only uncomfortable experience was with that combo,and had No Pheros added then either.

eta: ...oh gosh just thought of ,LP Red and the new Aja...just sayin

Edited by Calii
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Haha! Loved that cute post Calii. I got LP Red boosted with SS4W...going to wear it to the Chips for Charity poker event my group is hosting on Sunday. It will be a 90% male turn out...


I want LP Red boosted with EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! It does stick on clothes so well and I love smelling them the next day...

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Calii, that sounds so wonderful. LP Red is such a glorious scent. I need to see if I purchased a back up bottle. If not, I may need to do that before November 25th.

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I cant believe i didnt review this yet!


Anyways, i got a sample pack some time ago and tbh this one was my first test run of the main LP line


I liked how warm it smelled and it didnt scorch my nose hairs lol. This was before i changed my application method, i did a 'V' along my jawline n smelled it all day while chillin at bf's house--touching his shit and moving tiny things around. Very nice scent, the cinnamon is a tad over pronounced but its not offensive to me at all. if it offends everyone else well tough titty if they cant stand the delicious smelling heat thats me..jk i meant lp red :Emoticons0804:

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This is the first bottle I ever purchased from LP, at least 3 years ago, and I just dug it out of the back of the closet again. Amazing! It's even better than I remembered: spicy, soft, yummy, and comforting, and yet with that grown-up flirty edge.


Question: if a person wanted to get their second bottle of this boosted with a phero, what would you recommend? Social or sexy?

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