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Love Potion: Black


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I would never have thought to pair those two... My bottle of LP Black is boosted with Leather, and I don't like the idea of mixing two phero blends... Luckily I have a couple sample vials of LP Black so I can try this :)

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I only just now ordered a sample of LP Black. Can you believe it? Maybe because I'm just now opening to darker scents. Can't wait to try it!


I think you will love it.....truly a gorgeous blend!

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Dolly, you’re the one that convinced me that I needed to order LP Black and I’m oh so grateful, this one has such amazing staying power on me.


So glad my recs helped! Love my LP Black......

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I only just now ordered a sample of LP Black. Can you believe it? Maybe because I'm just now opening to darker scents. Can't wait to try it!


I need to order another sample too. A sample of this lasts a very long time for me because it is very specific as to when I wear it (like not around Michael, he said "throw that one in the terlet" when I wore it to his house one night)...and it does not take much. I like it best layered with Snowbound but I bet it is good with Occo White!! Or some vanilla to smooth it out a little. It's a little strong for me. i would like to try the Fuzzy Wuzzy thing for sure.

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it is fabulous with OCCO White!


I second that!

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Okay, my sample came...and I think it's a go! In the vial, it's thick, rich buttery vanilla. Once on my skin, the resins come out. At first, the honeycomb took over and started doing that thing it does in Sexology, and I was sad because I can't wear that scent. But as time went on, I started getting more vanilla and a hint of patchouli, and it really smoothed it out. This is not an overly sweet scent on me. In fact, it smells like LP Red with the sweet and cinnamon stripped out of it, leaving something dark, smooth, and sensual. It always takes my skin 2 or 3 wearings to "get" the Love Potions, so I'm thinking if I like it this much on first wearing, it's gonna be a keeper! I can't see me wearing it much in the summer; seems too rich for my taste, but you never know! I wear Red year round!


Man...I can't believe i haven't had this in my life for the 3 years I've been here!!

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Yeah, this is one of my staples....you can count me as one of the "very-happy-it-is-never-going-away" people......

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  • 3 weeks later...

Aw my goddess! I was too quick to dismiss this one!


Initially I tried it on and was like "hm. not as good as LP Red." and the sample was thrown into the bag. Whatever diabolical reasoning my mind pulled for me to try it on again, I am grateful for!!


I smell a VERY thick, creamy buttery vanilla, laden to the max with honey and purple/bluish/black resins. This is sooooo DECADENT. I love softening this one with Spider Silk. Any more vanilla and it would overflow. The soft sugars and moss of spider silk make this a little more like black velvet.

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Aw my goddess! I was too quick to dismiss this one!


Initially I tried it on and was like "hm. not as good as LP Red." and the sample was thrown into the bag. Whatever diabolical reasoning my mind pulled for me to try it on again, I am grateful for!!


I smell a VERY thick, creamy buttery vanilla, laden to the max with honey and purple/bluish/black resins. This is sooooo DECADENT. I love softening this one with Spider Silk. Any more vanilla and it would overflow. The soft sugars and moss of spider silk make this a little more like black velvet.


This is a lesson that I learned a looooong time ago......always try a sample more than once!!!

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I just ordered a bottle! I've been craving the dark vanilla loveliness for a while (plus patchouli) so I just went for it. My sample vial ran out ages ago so I think it's time.... The description of rich vanilla pushed me over the edge. Will update with a review once I receive the bottle! =)


I love the earthy edge to the sweet. Am hoping it's not maple syrup or brown sugar, though!

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I applied the sample vial to my wrists very sparingly in the bus yesterday, and two women about 3 seats away turned around and were like "what are you wearing?! that smells absolutely delicious!" So I told them and let them have a couple swipes from my sample.

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Whenver I wear LP BLack, I never ever smell the Apricot that is in this one, I love how this one just mellows as it ages on my skin hour after hour, it has the longest staying power of any of the LP's I have ever worn, I really love this blend ever so much. To lighten it up for spring / summer I wear it with BBM and AVV and it really makes this light and bright.

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LP Black was always one I was afraid to try. I amp resin and not in a good way. In still on the fence with this one and it might take a few more wears for me to "get" it. From the vial, it's buttery thick vanilla *yum but once it's on my skin the resins scream at me. Is it patchouli? Settling an incense-y type scent for now. I agree layering with OCCO White or BBM would be a great idea!

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feeling a little heartbroken with this one: from the description and most everyone's reviews i was CONVINCED this one would knock it out of the park for me. sadly - and weirdly - i get almost no vanilla with this one, and my skin seems to amp up the honeycomb in a weird way (experienced something similar with my Sugared Honeycomb sample, but i haven't tried that out enough yet to review). i tried this one immediately upon receiving it a few days ago and was disappointed, but opted to simply wash it off and wait a few days to let things settle before trying again. i tried it again last night, starting small with one wand swipe blended on the backs of both hands. again, didn't get much vanilla at all, nor was i getting any brown sugar or amber....but i was committed to waiting it out to see how things dried down. unfortunately it just doesn't work for me - something on my skin does something strange with the honeycomb and i started getting....dare i say it??...an almost, very very faint...pee smell?????


sigh...so sad! i went as long as i could but ended up washing it off. i'll put it aside for now, because MAYBE something can shift and i can get it to work - i really did have my heart set on this one - but might eventually have to get it together to make it available for trade. i can tell this would be gorgeous on someone. just, sadly, not me. (at the moment.)


ah well. excuse me, y'all. i'm going to go and do this now... :drinking-red-wine:



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Over 50% of the content is indeed vanilla, but yes, this one comes off resin and honey heavy. It smells *to die for* on my skin, but you have to have the right chemistry for it and get along with the natural aroma of honey, which is rather 'biological' smelling.

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Over 50% of the content is indeed vanilla, but yes, this one comes off resin and honey heavy. It smells *to die for* on my skin, but you have to have the right chemistry for it and get along with the natural aroma of honey, which is rather 'biological' smelling.


that makes total sense, i bet it smells delicious...i just wish i were in that chemistry club, too! i'll give it some time and revisit, but if it doesn't work out eventually i know someone else could get great use from it.



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I wanted so to love LP Black. I love vanillas, and I have few issues with honeys, but the resins come off smelling funky on me. Like freshly

sliced celery, which is really a shame, 'cause I hate fresh celery. It tastes/smells like salty soap.


I had the same crunchy celery thing happen with Balls! I should go look at the notes to see what they have in common...

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Eggers, I bet that might be the patchouli you're smelling that smells like celery. Fresh patchouli smells a bit green and growing to me, a little sharp--but it completely changes as it ages and gets really deep and mellow.

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Hmm... you might be right. I think it's the patchouli in LP Black, but I think it's the wasabi or peppercorn in Balls!. They both made me smell like I was almost soup! :lol:

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LOL. I wouldn't want to be around you wearing that when I'm hungry!


And I'm so super happy. My Love Potion Black came yesterday!


Ok, first I was really heartbroken because when I applied LP:B, I got that initial hit of delicious vanilla and patchouli I remembered--which was then completely replaced by maple syrup. That sticky maple scent aura. I HATE that. I was super sad.


But TODAY, I remembered that I'm a secret evil genius because I'd requested the original Love Potion sample (which was also weirdly disappointing--smelled like bubblegum--not what I remember this smelling like!) -- which was the linchpin to my subconscious plan. I siphoned away about a 1.5 mL of Black with a clean pipette and added the vial of LP, shook up the bottle, and voila! Delicious, rich Love Potion Black that's rounded and beautiful and multifaceted. (Before, it was just maple syrup central.) I can't stop sniffing myself!

Edited by cinderfallen
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  • 1 month later...

When I first got LP Black, I have to say that I wasn't a fan. I couldn't tell you what it was exactly so I put it aside.

A few weeks later...

Holy Man of Steel, this stuff rocks!! On wet, every bit the sexy, dreamy, creamy vanilla buttercreme that everyone mentioned. It did do this wonky smell for a little bit at dry down that reminded me of working out in my grandpa's vineyard (earthy?) but then when it fully dries down, it is so gorgeous and dark. I get a mapley scent to it to but I like that a lot.


I must not sample anything anymore straight out of the mailbox. I think that's what made me put this one aside.


So now, gotta know: should I be buying the OCCO Black to go with it?

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When I first got LP Black, I have to say that I wasn't a fan. I couldn't tell you what it was exactly so I put it aside.

A few weeks later...

Holy Man of Steel, this stuff rocks!! On wet, every bit the sexy, dreamy, creamy vanilla buttercreme that everyone mentioned. It did do this wonky smell for a little bit at dry down that reminded me of working out in my grandpa's vineyard (earthy?) but then when it fully dries down, it is so gorgeous and dark. I get a mapley scent to it to but I like that a lot.


I must not sample anything anymore straight out of the mailbox. I think that's what made me put this one aside.


So now, gotta know: should I be buying the OCCO Black to go with it?


LP Black and OCCO Black are absolutely sinful together! If you like LP Black, the combo is a must-have!

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I'm stilling sniffing my arms. Its just so darn pretty. :D Its dark and sexier than LP Red but I love that the bases are the same and they are all connected in that way. OCCO Black sounds like it needs to be added to my next order. I'm thinking maybe I should get the White too since I'm finally breaking down and buying FB of the LP Original. I can't wait to try to the OCCOs.


I KNEW that I'd end up having to get the whole line. Good thing I paid off the credit card. MissHazel was right, I need to catalog these for homeowner's insurance purposes!!!

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LP Black came across as mostly brown sugar. I mixed it with a few other things on different applications: bosom bows once, sugared frank&myrrh another time. It was nice enough but not for me. I will say I liked how strong ut was as a perfume and hope to find some more that I like better that are equally strong.

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  • 1 month later...

I never would have thought I would like this type of scent. I usually stayed far away from darker fragrances and the unfairly maligned Patchouli.

Well those days are behind me. I just LOVE this..

This is the Haute Couture of the LP signature line. Hands down, you have to understand it. I had to work my way up to it.

This is similar to some darker custom French perfumes I've smelled in the past. I find it a welcomed relief to the over abundance of white musk fragrances littering department stores and taking over today. Don't get me wrong I like a nice sheer "white" scent but IMO, it has being overdone. If you want EVERY nose to point in your direction ( In a good way!) fucking wear this. I wore it with LFM to a charity, school function. LOL. "Mmm you smell so nice" covertly from a man I did not know and "where did you get that its so pretty?" from the women. I sure did stand apart from the white musk cloud that floated through the room. I swear if I have to endure another room filled with the what's it called .." Aqua something.. I'm going to scream. No, I don't want to be one of the Heathers..Tangent.. sorry.


This is sensuous. deep, a little spicy and resinous with out going overboard. I get a deep, thick sexy "black vanilla" scent with this. I never fail to get complements on LP Black.

I wish I could get three more bottles all boosted with something different depending on my mood like LFM, LFN & GOTCHA

:purr: :purr:

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I wish I could get three more bottles all boosted with something different depending on my mood like LFM, LFN & GOTCHA

:purr: :purr:

haha - I have two bottles, one with Leather, and one with SS4W

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