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Love Potion: PINK


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Ah, LP Pink, how I love thee.... :Emoticons04235:


When I got my second ever LP parcel, something smelled divine when I opened it;like anything you had ever wanted to smell in a perfume (and in a food, and in a very sexy person) rolled into one.


Now, of course, that parcel was full of delicious goodies; I did notice that a few labels were smudged and there were a couple of drops of oil in one of the plastic bags, but it took me a while to figure out that what I smelled was LP Pink.


It's funny; I never considered myself a pink person, not even a grown-up pink, and this scent might not even be one I would have picked out for myself initially; but that whole fragrant parcel on my desk just kept calling me.

I even thought about it when I was away from home.


So today, I finally figured out that the leaky, delicious sample was LP pink, and I put some on... Then put on some more, and then some more.


At first, on my skin, it is barely there.

A soft, whispering, golden musk with a hint of sweetness; like a balmy summer night, that pink and golden sky in the west.


But then after a while it grows warmer and sweeter, until it envelops me in a warm, pale golden cloud (it reads as more 'gold' to me than pink, for some reason) of delicious sweetness.

But it's not cloying sweet, or even dessert-sweet to my nose; very warm and happy, not precisely light (I might slather on a little bit less next time, if only to make what is left of my sample last until the full bottle arrives) but it is light-hearted.


I don't really get any fruits, fortunately; when I am conscious of a strong fruit note in a scent it usually reminds me too much of cheap shampoo, which puts me off.

I barely even get florals; perhaps some juicy, candied edible flowers.

(and yes, ok, in that case I would think of pink flowers. Something large and lush, the kind of flower that makes the plant it's growing on sway under it's weight)


There is something almost tropical about this scent. It is lovely and cozy in this chilly weather, but I felt perfectly comfortable wearing it in a nearly overheated (lots of glass with bright sunshine on it) café and I think this one will work in summer just as well as in winter.



A happy smell, calm and relaxed, very sexy but in a languid, almost slow kind of way; it is a scent that strokes my skin with soft, sensual fingers.


It made me smile all day, and I think it made everyone I met smile as well! :witch1095:

Edited by ssupytalp
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  • 3 weeks later...

Im so in love with Pink! I seriously never considered 'pink' because all the descriptions sounded too sweet and cloying to me. Come to find out its right down my alley!!

Everytime i wear it; i want to put something girly on and be fabulous or something.



To me, its like tart berries had a quick toss in some sugar to sweeten it up and slowly drizzled with some vanilla cream then garnished with tiny kisses of candied apricot

Its not cloying at all, it almost coaxes you to get closer with its smooth base then down right seduces you with a light tart n hella sweet surprise once youre in--not that it would be a bad thing :say09752:

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Me too! I'm a late bloomer. Strongly dislike LP Pink at the beginning and for more than my first year. Then, boom. Had to buy backups. I have finished a full bottle within a year, that's kind of fast considering that I almost use a different scent every day and night.


I love it for its "weight" - the LP base. It's quite versatile. I can wear it to work, meals out or "sex" it up. I usually wear with OCCO Pink. Sometimes with a little Pure Sugar and Sugared Egytian Musk.

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  • 7 months later...

I dusted this one off for today, wanted to give it another try to see if me + patch still amps like crazy. It does, but I went easy on applying it for the sake of my coworkers. I love the pink fruity scent with the lite-patchouli when wet and about an hour into wearing it. Then the scent becomes a vanilla/patchouli combo, which smells great and isn't overpowering. But I miss the "pink" now that a few hours have passed since applying.


I'm scouting out some ideas of other scents that I might be able to wear with this one to sweeten it up for me (e.g. Glass Slipper?), am open to sugary/fruity suggestions too!

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I find that LP Pink goes with a lot of LPMPs...Lindee's Pinky Sweet, Cougar Potion, LAM Pink Amber, OCCO Pink, etc. to name a few....I tend to use it to add a little oomph to some fragrances when they begin to fade thruout the day. It's one of my all time favs.

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Try Pure Sugar or OCCo or NOCO Pink.



I wear my Pink Amber LAM with it, that helps it stay pinky :)



I find that LP Pink goes with a lot of LPMPs...Lindee's Pinky Sweet, Cougar Potion, LAM Pink Amber, OCCO Pink, etc. to name a few....I tend to use it to add a little oomph to some fragrances when they begin to fade thruout the day. It's one of my all time favs.

thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So rec'd my trial size LP Pink yesterday - just dabbed a bit on - so will write back once can do full review and some other playing/ testing.


That aside - OMG!!! So far, I am full on head over heels, spin me around, IN LOVE with this! I'm going to read up on any boosters, but I **MUST** have this in FB and get boosters separate. I'm already thinking of 2 FB to start hoarding - seriously - soo glad part of PERM collection.


It is sweet, light, delicate, buttery, smooth, sexy, sensual, I can't express myself.Gorgeous, stunning, uplifting, feminine (good balance of girl/ woman). In love.


I don't know if what I rec'd is from 2009 or another re-brew (most likely re-brew given it's 2014 now) but I didn't want to start a new thread when LP Pink already has its own. And rightly so!!


I 100% understand how this can be versatile as noted in other reviews & forums - fantastic alone (most def), super layerable with other similar scents, and would be good to cover any boosters. I'll write a 'real' review soon to give this justice - bc it deserves a whole lot of time and testing. :kisses:


Really love this - FB for sure as soon and fast as I can! Ok - going back to sniffing myself and the air around me - fragrance wafting. Yum super pink sexy vanilla butter berry LOVE.

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  • 1 month later...



I did a fresh brew of LP Pink yesterday, and had to replace two ingredients that are no longer available.


Side by side, they smell a bit different in the bottle, but once they dry down, and I mean after only about 5 minutes, they are nearly identical.


Hope you enjoy this brew just as much as previous editions. :)

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I did a fresh brew of LP Pink yesterday, and had to replace two ingredients that are no longer available.


Side by side, they smell a bit different in the bottle, but once they dry down, and I mean after only about 5 minutes, they are nearly identical.


Hope you enjoy this brew just as much as previous editions. :)


I can't wait to try it. LP Pink is a fragrance I think I would enjoy no matter the variant. I've been wanting to get an unscented phero spray lightly scented with LP Pink.

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Oooh, I want to try the new brew, too! LP Pink is a staple for me, because even though sometimes it's "not my thing" - just about every guy I encounter while wearing it tells me how amazing I smell.

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I'm sure it'll be fantastic, I admit part of me whimpered inside when I originally saw Mara's post - because LP Pink is one of my super-super loves. But I know there's been a few re-brews over the years and Mara does magick... can't wait to try new batch and SO very glad LP Pink is PERM.


I'd freak out if it wasn't PERM, talk about plotting to hoard - have my hands full doing that as it is, nice to breathe easy knowing LP is fresh-brewed. :Emoticons0804:

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VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness, riches, lust inducing.
BERRIES ~ Attraction, love inducing, stamina, vigor, draws fortunate circumstances in all areas of your life.
APRICOT ~ Love, love, love, romance, passion, femininity.
AMBER ~ Fertility, love, luck, riches.
PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts, sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money.
BUTTER ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships, Goddess energy.
VERBENA ~ Mood uplifting, makes one attractive to the opposite sex, everlasting love.


I haven't gotten a chance to try the most recent rebrew. I'm am running low on my G2 boosted bottle, & I'm definitely intrigued by Mara's announcement; I think I will definitely need to get another bottle.

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I received a trial vial of this in the women's sampler. It's not one I ever would have ordered on my own: for some reason, anything with cotton candy or candyfloss notes either 1) is a nearly instant migraine trigger (Aquolina Pink Sugar has been 100% reliable for this IME) or 2) smells burnt on me. In either case, it is definitely my brain and/or skin chemistry screwing things up, not the scents themselves.


Thankfully, LP Pink did not fall on the instant migraine side of the spectrum, but it does do the burnt thing on me. :( My daughter was a good sport and tried some on for me, and on her it smells delectable, fluffy pink cotton candy and juicy berries with just a hint of patch when it dries down. She loved it and kept the vial, so it still found a good home!

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I am STILL loving your adorable avi Memorare :heart: So sorry PINK didn't play nicely :( There are so many wonderful scents here at LP that you WILL find many others to love. With scents I have found that my chemistry makes wonky, if it's in a spray form, I can get away with putting it in my hair or on clothes...so my chemistry can't meddle with it. But truly - you will have your hands full with so many of the other delectables that I'm sure alternate methods won't matter :D

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I am STILL loving your adorable avi Memorare :heart: So sorry PINK didn't play nicely :( There are so many wonderful scents here at LP that you WILL find many others to love. With scents I have found that my chemistry makes wonky, if it's in a spray form, I can get away with putting it in my hair or on clothes...so my chemistry can't meddle with it. But truly - you will have your hands full with so many of the other delectables that I'm sure alternate methods won't matter :D


You are so right about that! I didn't get the sampler til my second order and this is so far the first and only scent not to work for me. My problem with LPMP is not that I can't find things to love but that I am finding too much to love ^_^

Edited by Memorare
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I was not a fan of LP Pink at first. It just had a weird smell, and didn't seem appealing at all. A couple of years went by and I wanted to try it again. It still smelled weird to me. Not sweet, not even very pink. Kind of dry and flat. But this time, I wore it in front of people. OMG. Everyone, but ESPECIALLY men, LOVE this on me! I never fail to get compliments when I wear it.

I wore it again last night, and my b/f would NOT stop huffing my neck, lol.

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This one is a man magnet! LOL Like, stop in their tracks, head swivel, "Is that you?", move in for a deeper breath, kind of reactions. :heart:

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You are so right about that! I didn't get the sampler til my second order and this is so far the first and only scent not to work for me. My problem with LPMP is not that I can't find things to love but that I am finding too much to love ^_^

Hi Memorare - which sampler was that? Sorry all if this is off topic - I know there are the monthly samplers - was this the woman's sampler or something else? Just curious as I have yet to order a sample - I stalked the threads/ reviews a lot prior to ordering so my orders (almost all samples) have been pretty specific.


Sorry to hear @ LP Pink, but glad your daughter likes it. It is one of my biggest loves here - and I agree with you - there IS soo much to love at LP.

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Hi Memorare - which sampler was that? Sorry all if this is off topic - I know there are the monthly samplers - was this the woman's sampler or something else? Just curious as I have yet to order a sample - I stalked the threads/ reviews a lot prior to ordering so my orders (almost all samples) have been pretty specific.


Sorry to hear @ LP Pink, but glad your daughter likes it. It is one of my biggest loves here - and I agree with you - there IS soo much to love at LP.


I got the women's sampler, it's the very last one on the sampler page (http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/articles/Sets ). It has trial vials of all the permanent LPs (as far as I know anyway): original, pink, black and red. I'd recommend it to anybody, I've been trying a scent a day and loving it :)

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I got the women's sampler, it's the very last one on the sampler page (http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/articles/Sets ). It has trial vials of all the permanent LPs (as far as I know anyway): original, pink, black and red. I'd recommend it to anybody, I've been trying a scent a day and loving it :)

Thanks!! - will likely be in my next order -if I can resist my usual style... I have a thing with ordering samples - I always order (if I can) at least 2 bc if I like it I know I'll panic knowing I only have 1 sample. Yes, it's sad that I pre-panic during ordering. And there's a few LP variants I haven't tried that I must order more than 1. :)


So far I've ordered a sample of LP Pink each time (bc I love it and slather this like mad) - I think I have FB equiv now. YAY!

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  • 1 month later...

I love the smell of this. I'm going to order a full bottle and was wondering what people have paired it with pheromone wise.. I was thinking lace. Has anyone tried this combo? And what cops scent would go best?

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I think OCCO white or Beth's Blushing Milkmaid would be good copulin blends to layer with LP Pink.


In terms of pheromones, I think what is congruent with your personality is more important than matching to a scent. LP Pink is really feminine, so Lace would probably match up with it in that regard, but I think Cougar, La Femme Mystere, or Lumina would work as well.

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BBM is delicious with Pink. I have Perfect Match in Pink - LOVE. Lace is good, CB too...

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Ok so LP Pink is my all-time favorite (yea I've posted quite a bit about it). Adore. Love. Super Love. If I literally had to choose only 1 LP scent ever - this would be it, hands down.


Then the re-brew happened and I whimpered inside. I ordered FB. When I rec'd it was not at all the same on my skin. The berry notes (to me smelled like super amp''d piercing rasberry), and I was devastated. LP Pink made me fall in love with all things LP and also the scent alone made me feel so happy. someitng about LP Pink was so good for me, and I thought it could be lost.. Though other PINK scents are avail w LP or in other areas, this is the scent that worked for me the most. I would bath in it if I could. :)


I emailed Halo and Mara/ John for advice - the advice was to let it age and mellow to the more well-rounded scent I was used to with prior LP Piink brew. This totally worked, and I am sooo happy. It's taken just a bit of time (@ a month to 2 months for my sniffer), but am so (beyond) happy to say that scent is now well rounded and the berry notes aren't stabby anymore. Happy Day for me, bc I ADORE LP Pink.


FYI- I don't know if this makes sense or not, but the FB for me aged less quickly than samples. I'm thinking it's bc in sample amounts, there's less volume of notes to 'mix and age' , but maybe it's placebo effect on my part;


Anyway so happy that LP Pink is 95 percent ''back" for me. So if you order and find the raspberry(or anything else) amping, or anythng spiking. let it age a bit.. It will mellow, be rounded, and the luxurious buttery vanilla berry LP Pink you remember. This is a fresh re-brew, so to be expected.


Bottom Line- back in happy land again as I thought I'd "lost" LP Pink forever. But re-brew is spot on, just may need to let it age several weeks. It is DEF worth the wait;

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That is great info, Beach Goddess! I've read about this a little bit here and there but it is good to read stories like this to know just how much aging can affect the scents. I need to remember this.

Also, I'm definitely going to have to give LP Pink a try! It sounds so good! I'm getting a sample of this one with my next purchase. It's already on my list. (I make LPMP wish lists but I'm 100% positive I'm not the only one!)

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That is great info, Beach Goddess! I've read about this a little bit here and there but it is good to read stories like this to know just how much aging can affect the scents. I need to remember this.

Also, I'm definitely going to have to give LP Pink a try! It sounds so good! I'm getting a sample of this one with my next purchase. It's already on my list. (I make LPMP wish lists but I'm 100% positive I'm not the only one!)

Glad to help, and the aging of this may have been due to my skin chemistry or sniffer or whatever. When I ordered prior, it was bliss out of the bottle scent wise.


It's a Love Potion variant too - so makes it valuable. If you like PINK scents, you'll love it. It's warm and happy, and when all blended together has the buttery and sugar candy floss swirled together. Luscious.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think this had happened to me as well as far as the needing to let it age. Finally had gotten a couple samples of this one and really did not care for it. Figured it was one of the scents that just didn't do it for me and I moved on to other samples. While I was looking at things in the threads to pair with cougar potion, I saw the use of LP Pink with it. I knew I still had most of the samples but after 2 or 3 months, it had morphed into a scent I don't seem to be able to get enough of. Wearing it now and will be going out to a Christmas party tonight. I did add some Cougar potion but just a touch. I think the Pink would have been fine alone but I have been in a grapefruit kick as of late and really enjoy the smell f them together.

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I think this had happened to me as well as far as the needing to let it age. Finally had gotten a couple samples of this one and really did not care for it. Figured it was one of the scents that just didn't do it for me and I moved on to other samples. While I was looking at things in the threads to pair with cougar potion, I saw the use of LP Pink with it. I knew I still had most of the samples but after 2 or 3 months, it had morphed into a scent I don't seem to be able to get enough of. Wearing it now and will be going out to a Christmas party tonight. I did add some Cougar potion but just a touch. I think the Pink would have been fine alone but I have been in a grapefruit kick as of late and really enjoy the smell f them together.

Irish eyes, glad to hear about another LP Pink fan. It may not be as 'complex' as other scents, but I feel it should be given so much proper attention given it's LP Varient and it's so gorgeous.


If my first sample had been of the 'non-aged' batch, would not have been right for me. But when this scent is fully 'melded' together, it is beautiful. I want mine to age more to get it to return to the true original scent (when I 1st tried it). I adore this. And men like it too, at least they do when it has the 'true' LP Pink scent.


It's beautiful, bubbly, pink, happy, warm scent. Once it's truly smooth, I can huff on it forever. The fact guys love it is just a bonus for me.


I'm with you as far as adding Cougar sometimes. I tend to always take a swipe or 2 of the sample Cougar 'wand' regardless of what else I'm wearing. LP Pink in its truest form (IMO) is sultry, sexy, girly, womanly, flirty... pretty much everything that you'd want if you like this scent genre.


Hope your Christmas party went well, and I'm sure it did given what you are wearing. :)

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The party was great. All I can say was when they had the song "I'm a Woman" by Peggy Lee come on, I felt that I was that song. I'm a woman W-O-M-A-N ....I'll say it again. LOL Just had the swing in my hips all evening and lots of good compliments from both men and women on the scent. Men seemed to hang in a little closer when they talked to me. I wasn't on the prowl but it was very fun having the extra attention. It was funny because to me Cougar always reminds me of that song where LFN reminds me more of Fever by Peggy Lee.


I knew I was in a good mood this morning when I put on some Etta James, dug out my Sugared Honeycomb and trimmed the tree while I was still in my nightgown. Sugared Honeycomb is another one I washed off to begin with only to have it age so beautifully. I amp honey in some scents so just left the bottle set thinking I just couldn't wear it. Boy was I wrong.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Okay, I bought a sample of this over a month ago and I'm finally trying it out today. In the bottle this smells so yummy and bright! When I first applied it, it seems a little too something. I feel like it was almost cough drop smelling and I was worried but it lasted for only moments. I'm not sure why I got that smell. Now that I've been wearing this for awhile, I cannot stop huffing myself. Good gods this is delicious! That is the best way I can describe it right now. It's like I'm wearing a creamy vanilla custard with sugared berries. So far, I'm loving this one! :)

Edited by tink333
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Tink, that cough syrup thing you're getting on application may well be from the berry + verbena. I've gotten a similar effect from certain fruity LP notes in the past, especially berry where it was paired with a camphorous lavender. The zing of the verbena might have caused a similar wonkiness in your LP Pink. I'm glad it settled quickly and turns into something you love on your skin!

Edited by donsie
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Thanks donsie! That is really good to know! Now that I've been wearing this longer, it is more berry sugary scent with this subtle patchouli/amber depth underneath it. It's still somewhat bright still. I'm really happy that initial cough syrup scent went away because this is very pretty.

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I'm not really a pink person but Beach Goddess and the rest of you on this thread are such great advocates for LP Pink that I might have to try it. You all make it sound so... necessary!


I am not a Pink Person AT ALL (I don't really get along with Occo Pink for instance... :Emoticons04277: ) but this is still one of my favorite scents ever - just SO good and cheerful, and not too pink, if you know what I mean. :wink88:


Just get a sample vial to start with?

Edited by ssupytalp
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