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Mara...is there no end to your wonderfulness

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My package came today. That was so super quick and the email had come right after I had just deleted my last notification so I thought that maybe I hadn't deleted it after all because it couldn't possibly have been already made and ready to ship. :abfx:


As a side note, I also got this other package in and it wasn't wrapped so well and it clinked and rattled and I thought, OMG, who is this from that didn't wrap the bottles so that they wouldn't move around. And I didn't recognize the name on the package but it didn't look like anything was leaking. I cautiously opened it, expecting LP carnage...because LP's seem to be the only thing I am ordering lately. And it was the Co2 canisters I ordered for my soda maker. >_> I had totally forgotten about them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have many belated thanks after 7 orders. I have loved everything I've ever gotten -- the scents, the Halloween globe, the stockings, all the bags, the free bottles, and all the little sniffies that have come over the months. The sniffies being contributors to all the reorders! :Emoticons04263: Everything is always packaged so well and it's such a delight to open up your package wondering what little surprises might be contained inside! I just want to shout out to the whole gang of you that I know of -- Mara/John/Luna for their scent concepts (and anyone else responsible for these delicious fragrances), Heather for her excellent customer service and quick responses, John whom I believe packages my order, whomever selects the sniffies, and Luna's (Julie's?) wonderful descriptions which tempt me into buying every time. My orders come from the west coast to the east coast in record time! I have many reviews to write. If I could only write them while I am driving to work smelling my wrist!


Thanks to everybody!

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Thank you thank you thank you so much for getting out the spell potions set in just days! They arrived so fast and at a time when I could use some magickal interventions in my life. Also, the bags they came in were green, which is the first time I've ever seen green ones and also the same color as my birthstone. I felt as though there was a powerful connection between the color and the powerful little trials within. It couldn't have just been a coincidence!


Anyway, I appreciate the swiftness and awesome collection. I'm way overdue because I forgot about this particular thread unfortunately, but thank you for everything all the way back to corrections to my order from October. I appreciate y'all!!!!


All the best, until next order!

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So excited to get my latest two orders, well within the 2 week period even with the store opening, which allowed me to spend another grip on much, much more as soon as I got the shipping notice. I feel luckier than I should and totally blessed to have found this company and this new addiction!!!

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Ohhhhhh... am so happy. My package of arrived yesterday, and I am so very grateful for Mara's magick. Thank you so much for having created these beauties. Thank you too for the lovely bag and extras. Receiving my LP orders always cheers me up and makes my heart smile! :purr: :love592::Love09751:

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My stash is here! I must have ordered a LOT because I had to go to PO for signature!


Thank you sooooo much Mara and John. . .you guys are so helpful as I embark on this journey. And as soon as I hit upon one I love, you pop it in the mail as soon as I order. You are my most favorite people right now! And your quick advice about how to blend, combine, make sprays, etc. is so valuable. I always feel like you are right there to help me.


I immediately slathered myself in Stone Cougar, added some of my Free Gift smell and I am absolutely BUZZED on life right now! So much that I have decided to give up Starbucks and food and just order more scents.


SO KEEP 'EM COMING. Love you guys!

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I love you guys! My package made it from WA to VA in 3 days! Thanks so much. I couldn't believe it when I checked my Stamps notification at work to see where was my package was and it said "in mailbox". Yay, LPs are waiting for me at home! I was so excited about my sniffies because I got some PEs (Spring's Lusty Cherry, the one everyone was going absolutely nuts over before actually joined the forum and two more of Tyvey's). Can't wait to try them all. Thanks, again for being so fast. It's always exciting to see what little samples are awaiting. As always, thanks for the silver bag, too.

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I thought I would share a story about my package. I got the shipping notice and the postman attempted to deliver on Friday while I was at work and apparently signature was required (that tells you how much I ordered!)


So after an hour of trying to redirect the package to arrive on Saturday and rescheduling all my Saturday things to be there for the postlady, I went to the store for a brief 10 minutes and alas, I missed the postlady again. So ensued a 45 minute street by street search for the errant postman which included me stalking her at a Sizzler to tell her of my plight. This darling woman said the redirect notice never got to her, so she went back to the post office, got my parcel and returned so that I could have my package before my date later that evening. Essentially, the universe conspired with my stalking to bring me LP Red for my "dinner at home" with my new man.


Some may think I have lost my mind, that I am utterly crazy, to care this much about my package. But you all don't think that, do you?


Thank you Mara and John for all you do!

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FANTASTIC. He is a great chef.


He loves the way the perfume smells (and has no idea why he is so utterly besotted by me so indebted to LFM and AJA). I mean besotted. It's almost unfair, really. And I love that I get selfies too so it isn't just a one-way fascination. Love every single molecule in the pheromone mixes, even the ones that don't seem to do much for me like cops. This guy is a total keeper.


Oddly enough, though, its mostly women who compliment me on my perfume. But everyone. ..every single person I have seen over the past week. . has remarked on my glow and sparkle. So again, it's probably 50-50 puppy love and the glamour from the LFM.


I wish you guys had a pheromone mix that would "glamour" him into being a poor musician with a multi-million dollar trust account, however. Got anything like that? I hope he never finds out that I've spent more on perfume then he might for rent. HAHAHAHAHA!

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Guest cutie.pie

Thank you John and Mara, got my package today... It was just what I needed to cheer me up :) *hugs*



FANTASTIC. He is a great chef.


He loves the way the perfume smells (and has no idea why he is so utterly besotted by me so indebted to LFM and AJA). I mean besotted. It's almost unfair, really. And I love that I get selfies too so it isn't just a one-way fascination. Love every single molecule in the pheromone mixes, even the ones that don't seem to do much for me like cops. This guy is a total keeper.


Oddly enough, though, its mostly women who compliment me on my perfume. But everyone. ..every single person I have seen over the past week. . has remarked on my glow and sparkle. So again, it's probably 50-50 puppy love and the glamour from the LFM.


I wish you guys had a pheromone mix that would "glamour" him into being a poor musician with a multi-million dollar trust account, however. Got anything like that? I hope he never finds out that I've spent more on perfume then he might for rent. HAHAHAHAHA!


I'm very happy for you Lisa! :)

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My orders have arrived, in perfect condition!

The evening before my trip to the salsa congress - perfect timing as well!

Thanks for the sniffies, they enable me to try Eternal sunshine on my guy and see whether basil works with his skin chemistry.


Thank you Mara and team, this is beyond pleasing! :love:

Edited by reincarnated
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Thank you so much. Everything was perfect as always and worth the wait. I'm in love with LP Bittersweet (but I bet you knew I would be).

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Thank you for the quick service! Notification on Monday and delivery on Wednesday? On my birthday coincidentally? Across the continent. That's nuts! As others may have seen in my birthday thread -- my family stole my package, unpackaged it, and rewrapped it as a birthday gift causing me great concern when it was not in mailbox like Stamps said it was. Thanks for the burgundy bag and sniffies. I got lots of male sniffies this time, so I guess it's time to start trying stuff out on the husband. ;) I cherish every sniffie I get, especially the discontinued ones which I just smell and hang onto like collector's items that they are. :lol:

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Yay!! I got my package this morning. The PO called me and asked if I wanted it delivered or? and I just went to get it!!! :) That was because if their error yesterday see other thread. They were all very nice :) Shit happens.


Everything is great!! I guess I'm wearing my new Stone Cougar spray !!!

humm & Fairy cake... Magnolia with some FC Honey!!


Thanks Mara for the extra goodies and I love the Greenness of that pretty bag. :heart:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest cutie.pie

The most fun part of opening the package is seeing the sniffie surprises!! :cat690:

IKR??!!?? :D


I can't believe how Mara and John always guess what I wanna try! :) They are the best!

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Mara, you and your LPMP family are nothing less than AMAZING! Thank you all for every big and little thing you do for all of us. I hope you all have some breaks and loads of pampering coming your way soon! ~♡~♡~

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Mara thanks for being the best PM! Seriously, I don't know how you manage everything. I'm so excited to try the NRs and all these amazing PEs. I hope you give yourself a break soon to cuddle those kitties and have a drink or just some time to spoil yourself. XO

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Got my glorious package of magickal wonderfulness today! Thank you SO much for such fast shipping and the generous goodies! Our kitty, Ronin grabbed the bag of bottles and was stealing away with them when I got a blurry pic of him in the act! :)


Adorable. Ronin has great taste! :purr:

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Super-excited to receive my first LP package in months and months! It's as wonderful a feeling as I remember! :D And thank you very much for shipping the extra label! Off to sniff! :w00t:

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Thank you! Thank you! A thousand timrs, thank you all for the beautiful summer delivery! Everything is perfect, and so pretty. Thanks for all the yummy sniffies! You have all outdone yourselves this month.. Applause!!!

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Thank you Heather & John for helping me with my order and getting it out so fast, and Mara for the wonderful spells! Going through them today, they smell amazing and I can't wait to test intent.

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Oh, Mara, thank you for the gorgeousness and the magic!! I can't believe how generous you are in taking time out from the eleventy million things you already have to do to craft the PEs. They are such an amazing experience for me and one of my all time favorite things about LP. Thank you!!!

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I love, you guys!!! I've been so busy with work that I haven't been able to post, but I have gotten two packages in the last week - one with NRs/FB purchases and another with Lina's Cherry Rum Yum. Both times I was also delighted with the bags, especially the small green/gold iridescent (sp?) one. That one seemed like it was custom-made for me. Also, the sniffees! I've gotten some of Lina's other creations and a Sugared Honeycomb!!! :cat690: Yay!!! I can't wait for this upcoming sale!!!

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