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I am wearing this scent today, I SLATHERED it on, and oddly enough it is reminding me of Allegro. I am really not sure why, but it is. The sun baked scent isnt coming out as much today. I am untimately getting the scent from my cleacage and it is almost like that area is not letting it drydown enough to give the less bright side to this scent.


Still gorgeous and I am fully in love with this scent :2143:

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Still gorgeous and I am fully in love with this scent :2143:



You and me both....this one is really a winner!

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  • 1 month later...

I really liked the smell of the this one. A tropical fruity aroma, light for daytime use and I couldn't smell the cops at all. Tail works so good for me by scent alone that I ordered another bottle. Maybe because I'm in Florida the tropical scent works. :sunnysmile:

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I wore this one last Saturday night, and was THOROUGHLY ravished by my sweetie.....I love this one! Good thing I have 4 bottles of it, huh? It will definitely be going to Florida with me next month, on my beach vacation....

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  • 3 weeks later...

O to M to the G!


Tail is going to be tons of fun!


I haven't worn it with my target but I just got my sample of Tail that DJ kindly sent and ran out to the grocery store and Target to take Tail out for a Spin. I thought I got huge hits with Instant Sexiness A, but the hits were always kind of intrusive and aggressive when out in public. The men were leering, drooling javaboys who's aggressive looks were a bit unsettling. Although I felt sort of empowered and bitchy wearing it, which I like feeling, it kind of gave me a ballbusterish edge. Tail didn't give me these sort of feelings. I felt sexy, feminine and confident but didn't have the need to crack skulls like I do with is/A. The self-affects were more subtle and I didn't get that "high" feeling like I do when I first spritz is/A. I just seem to get a little extra pumped up the first few minutes.


I got a lot of hits with this today. Interestingly enough, like is/A I got a lot of super young hits and old men reacting the most. Except, the looks and prolonged glances didn't have the aggressive edge to it. They didn't seem to be all intruding on my space like they did with is/A.


I always have a problem deciphering whats natural hits and whats phero hits because I generally get a lot of looks when I'm out and about. I'm 6ft tall. I stick out in a crowd. People see me. But I notice a very different feel, and different behaviors when I wear pheros and a complete different type of men seem to be attracted to different pheromones. The ways they react and the intensity of their ogling ...is just "different."


Unfortunately is/a attract super young guys to me. And I mean REALLY young...13-23 year olds seem fascinated with me when I wear pheros. Teenage boys start following me around the mall and grocery stores. They stare, they loiter, they walk into each other. It's plain weird. Old men seem to get almost hypnotized with it. So yeh. is/A also tended to attract more annoying, aggressive, alpha douches. Tail seemed to attract more respectful, non-intrusive guys. Their looks were softer, more mesmerized, more grateful to be looking. It's hard to explain.


I had a piece of furniture delivered today. Both men were very deer in headlights. The oldest one seemed worse off. He kept looking, looking away, looking, loitering, commenting on my truck, my flower beds, my sandals. He was all smiles. I swear he was blushing. Guy was old and fug. Disturbing.. but mondo hit. The other guy was dreamy eyed, he called me sweetheart several times, which usually offends me..but the way he said was so moony, I couldn't really get ticked off about it. They were very careful not to scratch my paint. Did I want it here or there? "Come sit on it and see if you like it", they said. They both watched me sit on it with hearts in their eyes. It was a hoot. Before they left, the scuttled around my living room looking for grass they might have tracked in and picking up a few packing papers that had slipped off. They were all smiles. They lingered at my front door, trying to chat me up. They seemed like they didn't want to leave.


Went to grocery store. It just seemed like the looks that I got were more attentive, more admiring then sexually aggressive. I got LOTS of looks. Passed a teenaged boy and his father, both did the turn the head and stare thing...the young boy stopped walking to do it. He was probably 14-16. Oh joy.


Another huge hit. Check-out boy. Maybe 18. He seemed to flush red too. He stared, he smiled, he googly eyed me in this bashful way and asked how my weekend was. I gave him a generic answer. He asked what I did. I said it was a boring weekend consisting of mostly yardwork. (I left out the part abotu spending hours on end searching a LovePotion forum on pheromones). I'm in my mid 30's. Why is this freckled youngster asking me about my weekend? He is batting his eyelashes or something. He tells me there won't be anymore boring weekends because Ohio Buckeye season is starting. Do I like Buckeyes? Oh criminy, I'm getting hit on by a damned twink. The only time teenage boys hit on me so aggressively is when I'm wearing pheromones. I just don't get it.


2 more hits as I walk from bagger boy to my truck. Unreal.


At Target Store a lot of looks and a big hit from an attractive guy who tells me my hair is "just reeeeally beautiful". All the hits the men were just nicer and more respectful than they ever were with is/A. What's in this stuff?? Is it just pure COPS? Is there EST in it too or something?

So there's my first day of Tail. I can't wait to see what happens with my target. I tried wearing EOW before, but I never could wear but 2 or 3 drops and I just don't think it was ever enough. I didn't get all these oozy sweet, fawning sort of looks like I do with Tail.


Oh, me and Tail...just CLICKED. I love the scent, it's very Mermaidy and clean. Kind of floral, kind of liquid and mysterious but not in a musky, ornamental way. It goes on and sort of mysteriously metamorphoses into something else. I think of big blue and purple butterflies when I smell this stuff. It's kind of dreamy and ethereal to me. It kind of has a "head shop" smell to it..but not that incensey, patchouli "hippie" smell that I don't like. I really enjoy this scent. I'd wear it if it didn't have pheros in it! I'm sooo glad I bought a big bottle! The one thing, I think might be a problem, is that it seems to fade fast on me. I love it when I first put it on ...but after a few hours, I just don't smell it like I did. :hello: Nonetheless, I see myself seriously stocking up on this stuff. Tomorrow I will try on the target and see how he reacts. What kind of reactions did others get with this on their S.O.'s? I can't wait to see how it affects him.



Edited by Geena
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Damn girl!!! I LOVED your report!!!


You make me want to try this again! Sheesh, what are you doing to me?! LOL :P

Edited by esmeralda
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Damn girl!!! I LOVED your report!!!


You make me want to try this again! Sheesh, what are you doing to me?! LOL :P


Tell me about it! Some of these reviews make me go straight to the shopping cart! Pushers I tell you! Making us all into Phero-Junkies!


Can anyone tell me what pheromones is in it besides COPS? I just got such sweety hits on it. It wasn't those posturing, peacocking, stare-down type of hits.

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I put on a bunch of this stuff, I'll tell you. It was light enough to really drench myself in it, something I NEVER could do with other cops blends.


Tell me about it! Some of these reviews make me go straight to the shopping cart! Pushers I tell you! Making us all into Phero-Junkies!


Can anyone tell me what pheromones is in it besides COPS? I just got such sweety hits on it. It wasn't those posturing, peacocking, stare-down type of hits.

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I just amped one with Betanol. Est is a good idea! I amp with it alot. Betanol and est are my two relationship glues. When we need to have a bit of fun I up the alphanol.



I wonder if you mixed Heart and Soul Pheros into Tail what would happen? I'm sure his head would explode.

Edited by Geena
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Great report Geena! My man LOVES Tail....it cranks him up!


Oh, and don't worry none....you're in good company.....we're all pretty much addicts here!

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Thanks for the great report Geena.

I was torn between Tail & Beth's Blushing Milkmaid (BBM) this order. I went with BBM this month. NOW I am gettting Tail next order...

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or you could say it's just EoW ... and Magickal Intentions! never to be discounted around here!


I'm with Carrie on the magickal intentions too!! I love LPMP mainly because of that, it just makes each perfume so special and unique!

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GREAT report Geena. I love the smell of Tail and find the cops in it work fabulous!


You may find that different pheromones will attract men of different ages. I find LAM is great for guys in their 20's and thirties but cougar was great for older guys for me (and maybe young guns, but I dont tend to be near this age group much).


I have a feeling this one is going to be sold out pretty soon... :blue_dancing_banana:

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i have something with heart and soul already mixed in, and i always wear everything with EoW.


the combo is out of control.

i outa post about it, actually.

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i have something with heart and soul already mixed in, and i always wear everything with EoW.


the combo is out of control.

i outa post about it, actually.



Yes, I think you should.... :great:

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  • 5 weeks later...

I went to a discussion/conference yesterday and wore about 5 sprays of IS A from Androtics and a generous dose of Tail, on chest, neck & wrists.

IS A for a boost of confidence and Tail for an extra sexy vibe.

It was a great combo!

Took the subway, no blatant hits there, although I usually get hits there, it was mostly insisting looks here & there.

On my way to the conference, this guy on his blackberry notices me, kinda turns around while I walk past him. It was like a block from the building where the conference was. The conference room was 4 flights up, the guy followed me inside, and sat in the conference room like a few seats next to me. Kinda like a shark, if you ask me! ;-)

I felt like this guy was definitely keeping an eye on me the whole evening!

After the discussion which was very interesting, I tried to have a few words with the journalist/author of the book. He was very nice to me, very approachable, although a wee bit nervous. I got his card, because I wanted to get an interview with him later for my own research (I'm writing my Phd).

Another guy gave me his card, wanted to talk to me again etc etc.

This young woman also wants my name and number, because she studies energy strategies, foreign policy like me.

Later on I went to do some shopping real quick with my neighbour. I got the 'shark effect' again. This guy was kind of circling around me, first I thought I was paranoid, but then I realised he was just trying to approach me. Poor thing!

A few other DIHL effects in the street and the subway back home. Fun night!

Interestingly enough, I felt like I got more hits by the end of the evening than the begining.

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If you wanted more cops, I suppose. But I'm thinking adding more pheromones to a scent which already has pheromones (well in this case EoW) might dilute the scent to the point where it would no longer be an effective cover (or just enjoyable as fragrance period).

Edited by luna65
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Well, Allegro and Mermaids of Atlantis were before my time, but I loves me some Tail!

It vaugely reminds me of Nymph, I'm sure its only because its also an aquatic though, the similarity ends there. I can definetly detect the mango, cucumber, and melon in here, as well as the florals, not so much coconut-maybe a smidge-but its very heavy on the aqua blue feel, and I adore it, its a very ethereal scent-the label art fits it perfectly I think.


Now for the effects! I waved this under my boys nose(Geena, I know I told ya not to wave bottles under guys noses, but my man is really into scent and pheros too), before we went to the mall shoppin for dresses for my cousins wedding the other day (What a guy-going to the mall...NO other man I've dated has ever set foot in a mall with me!).

"Like this one?"

"mmm, yeah, wear that."

"It's called Tail."

"haha, realllllly......?" I show him the label art, "Ooo, very pretty baby, yeah, wear that one"

"Mmkay, theres cops in it too"....

So, I wear it to the mall, and he's very very affectionate, arms around my waist at kiosks, face buried in my neck, sorta possesive while walking around, ya know, and offering to carry all my stuff.

When I actually got to the dress store I had to shoo him off to the bookstore because honestly thats just torture for a man. Not in a good way either(listening to horrid mall music while I try on ten dresses and flip out about stuff).

We get home--I am ATTACKED.

IMMEDIATLY. In the kitchen. Bags are dropped, clothes ripped off...you know the rest.

Tail. It smells Beeeeeyooootiful. And does it work? Why yes. Yes it does.

I'm a happy camper-gonna need me some more of this one! :lol:

Edited by cheeseburger79
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  • 5 months later...

I had never even read this review thread because I have zero interest in copulins. My SO has a high enough drive without me throwing copulins at him, and I have no interest in attracting anyone else sexually. If I could get this scent to replace Mermaids of Atlantis I'd love it, maybe adding a-nol for happy effects. But after reading Geena's review that the guy effects seem softer, I might have to consider this.

Edited by Darbla
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I had never even read this review thread because I have zero interest in copulins. My SO has a high enough drive without me throwing copulins at him, and I have no interest in attracting anyone else sexually. If I could get this scent to replace Mermaids of Atlantis I'd love it, maybe adding a-nol for happy effects. But after reading Geena's review that the guy effects seem softer, I might have to consider this.



The scent of Tail is very close to Mermaids of Atlantis, but the main difference that I note is that it doesn't have the seaweed-y tang from the bladderwrack.....I still love it, though! I think it would be very nice amped with A-nol, or maybe even Open Windows.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Something in this made me feel fluttery - I know it doesn't have a-nol but kind of like that. Wet, I was skeptical, it did smell a bit fussy and old-fashioned in a floral way I didn't enjoy (maybe the plumeria, which I tend not to like). But pretty quickly it mellowed out and all the notes are blending together swimmingly (see what I did there?). It has had a very cool-translucent-blue feeling throughout, like chalcedony. It's not very me, but it's intriguing, and I plan to continue enjoying it anyway :Blusher:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am really enjoying the mango fruityness, I find this scent bright and cool at the same time. I need a bottle! Completely different from Nymph, IMO, other than the mermaid theme, as Nymph is more of a green watery scent.

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I am really enjoying the mango fruityness, I find this scent bright and cool at the same time. I need a bottle! Completely different from Nymph, IMO, other than the mermaid theme, as Nymph is more of a green watery scent.

Hi Sara, I could part with my Tail bottle - it's on my trade thread. Please LMK if interested :lol:

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So I'm at the post office, I'm slathered in Tail, I think I smell goood (like a tropical mango drink) and the man behind me kept edging away, until he is standing away from the line with his arms crossed, in my peripheral "blind spot". Everyone else (men and women) seemed to respond pleasantly. I'm not trying to be attractive to everyone, just wondering if he was reacting to the pheros?

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I'm not trying to be attractive to everyone

ROFLMAO!!! That is one of the funniest things I think I have ever read! That could be like the "worst advertising tagline ever" for pheros.


I can't imagine anyone objecting to Tail! It's so pleasant. Must be one of those people super sensitive to cops (and immune to its effects)?


Or, maybe he hates that mango smell. A lot of people are allergic. Maybe he is and thought you were a mango.

Edited by tyvey
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Well there's that...or he could have just been freaked out if he was feeling aroused in what he would consider an inappropriate place. I'm thinking that's what happened to the guy I was in line behind at the PO the other day. Or he was thinking Why am I sexually aroused by this woman who is clearly not my type? I figure if I had been his type he would have been more blatant about checking me out, but he went out of his way not to stare at me in an obvious fashion.

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