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BAM! Please review ALL "flavors" in this thread

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far I have only tested BAM Orchid-Rose. I'm very much into light floral scent so this scent works out beautifully for me. If the scent it stronger, it can definitely work on its own.


I will review the rest of the scents when I receive them in August but I guess this will be my favourite among the five.

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  • 5 months later...

I have this in pink sugar and it smells divine, sweet, girly like a delicious sexy young sugar plum fairy...as for effects I have both LAM and BAM, as someone else mentioned LAM is for fun to funky sexy times whereas BAM is more for the serious, intense throes of passion......

Edited by Indigo
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5 months later and I have yet updated this thread ..... tsk, tsk, tsk .... !


Okay, in my opinion, I can use BAM without an cover scent. As for its (pheros) effects as I do not have many opportunities to test my pheros (so I don't know if this is good or bad ...Lol) so my contribution is limited to how they turned out on my skin.


Orchid & Rose - I'm a sucker when it comes to orchid-based LP scents so this won me over the first time I got hold of it. Will go very well with most of my flora scents.


Spicy Brown Sugar - to me, this smells like a lighter version of OCCO Red. Nice and I love it too. I will be able to use this with my cinnamon, sugary scents or some of my honey-based scent to give it another dimension.


Pink Amber - Somehow this does not have the 'sourish' tinge which OCCO Pink turned out on my skin so I like it and I'll have to look for pink scents to go with this.


Sandalwood & Resins- I can smell the sandalwood in this. Very light and very nice so I love this too. I realise that I have this thing for scents with sandalwood content recently. One would link sandalwood to Indian/Hinduism, etc. in my part of the world but I think they turn out great on my skin, my personality, etc. So I'm comfortable with this no matter what others think.


Original - I believe this is vanilla and honey scented but I don't honey. So this is good for layering under most of my scents.

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Nice,JOC :love:


I never thought I was a Bam girl,until Dolce Far Niente! Think I will be getting at least the Pink Amber soon too now :)


Do you have LP Pink ? There are so many great pinks here...Don't know if they still have the PE Terra's Tickled Pink,I really like that one...oh and Touch Of Ebil & Sinister Pink. Think I am gonna have an all pink week after the holidays :huh:

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@Calii, LP Pink goes wonky on me too. I have Sea Monkey's PE among my stash to try out. If it works, it'll mean a bottle to keep.


Ohhh,I forgot about that one,I have a sample and it is in the "like Very much" area of my fire safe :) ...I have on too much Garland & Lace,and now added CompP to check it properly,but put a dab on my hand and its is really yummy.

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Ohhh,I forgot about that one,I have a sample and it is in the "like Very much" area of my fire safe :) ...I have on too much Garland & Lace,and now added CompP to check it properly,but put a dab on my hand and its is really yummy.


"Fire safe" .... Lol! Unfortunately my safe is way too small to hold my stash, otherwise it is really a good place to store them .... hmm .... maybe I should 'spring' clean my safe this weekend. Can you believe that I haven't tried G&L and CompP? I'm almost sold on getting a bottle each based on the reviews .....

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"Fire safe" .... Lol! Unfortunately my safe is way too small to hold my stash, otherwise it is really a good place to store them .... hmm .... maybe I should 'spring' clean my safe this weekend. Can you believe that I haven't tried G&L and CompP? I'm almost sold on getting a bottle each based on the reviews .....



go for it. I did and have no regrets!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like spicy brown sugar BAM, it seems to cover up the smell better than the pink amber one does. It actually isn't spicy to me, it is just like warm brown sugar. I wore it along with sugared amber massage oil, and the two make a good pair. I smelled amazing. ^_^

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go for it. I did and have no regrets!!!


My last order was finally delivered to me (via a friend) this morning and Mara was so kind to tuck a sample of G&L3 into the box. I'll have to give it a go soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...
MRF is much more complex, the spicy brown sugar BAM is just the brown sugar part. It is good for layering if you want to add brown sugar to any other fragrances.


In addition, BAMs are lightly scented while MRF has a great throw.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really had a good experience with BAM (sugared honey) layered with Occo White.


I wore it out to a party at a friend's house- and women were really sweet to me- these were girls that I was friendly with, but they seemed to open up to me quite a bit and had a very tender reaction that I never saw before.


The guys were very sweet and attentive. A few guys that I've never really talked to were very chivalrous, wanted to talk and opened up to me (again, I'm seeing a pattern here). The vibes I was getting from the BAM/Occo combo was intimate and bond-y from both men and women.


Is there something in BAM that makes people want to open up to you?

Edited by kittenkat
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I really had a good experience with BAM (sugared honey) layered with Occo White.


I wore it out to a party at a friend's house- and women were really sweet to me- these were girls that I was friendly with, but they seemed to open up to me quite a bit and had a very tender reaction that I never saw before.


The guys were very sweet and attentive. A few guys that I've never really talked to were very chivalrous, wanted to talk and opened up to me (again, I'm seeing a pattern here). The vibes I was getting from the BAM/Occo combo was intimate and bond-y from both men and women.


Is there something in BAM that makes people want to open up to you?



BAM has Beta-nol in it. Here's some info. that is found on LP's site when you search for it in the gift shop.


"Beta-Androstenol is known for creating rapport and a sense of bonding between people, and instilling trust. It lends an impression that you have known a person a long time - even if you have only just met. Used in high concentration, it can have a truth-serum type effect on people. May be worn by both women and men."

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

It may have just been me... but today I wore Happy Ending, which has BAM in it... and I was a raging B. Well, maybe not that bad, but I had no patience for anyone... even people I like, lol. And my feelings got hurt easily. I just felt "off".

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No mixing with anything else, Molls? Just the Beta-Nol effect? Yeah, that can happen. But it usually happens with Beta-Nol+EST, and BAM has no EST. Personally, I am more of a Magnet girl than a BAM girl, so I understand that, but it's a rare response.

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It may have just been me... but today I wore Happy Ending, which has BAM in it... and I was a raging B. Well, maybe not that bad, but I had no patience for anyone... even people I like, lol. And my feelings got hurt easily. I just felt "off".


Molls, are you eating enough? (I'm thinking my fitness pal here). Sometimes when my blood sugar is low because I'm trying to shed a few and not eating properly, I get super bitchy and off. Mainly because I freaking starving! LOL


ETA I just got my nocco brown sugar and cinnamon, Love it! (I know this is the BAM thread, but just saying')

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No mixing, just Happy Ending. I think I'm more of a Magnet girl too :)

Raq, I'm not on a super restricted diet, just trying to make good choices. I eat 5-6 times a day. Lots of water, too

I'll try it again sometime and see how it goes..

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Molls, are you eating enough? (I'm thinking my fitness pal here). Sometimes when my blood sugar is low because I'm trying to shed a few and not eating properly, I get super bitchy and off. Mainly because I freaking starving! LOL



Thats funny you just wrote this...I just wrote an example of this in another thread...about being hungry and accidently blaming the phero for crankiness! LOL!

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Gosh,Molls,I am sorry,that has never ever happened to me...Bam makes me feel extra nice to people,the only somewhat negative effects and that is combined with too much caffiene <sp ohh that doesn't look right> is I talk too much,ummm but same with LAM :lol:

...I really like your diet plan,it is all about choices :abfx:

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Since I'm single (Le Sigh), I don't have an at-home-crash-test-dummy to spring this on. So I have no idea what this is supposed to do. But, going by the scent alone? I love the Brown Sugar the best. I think I'll order a bottle of the NOCO next month.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a bit late coming to this thread and I haven't even had a chance to read through it all yet but here is my impression:


In alphabetical order, to avoid any potential bias:


Orchid Rose: Subtle and florally. I could definitely smell the copulins when I first put it on. It has that tangy, citrusy, fresh smell of roses outdoors. Unfortunately to me it reminds me of my grandma’s smell, so I am thinking in retrospect that she must have been a rose fragrance wearer. Perhaps for that reason it makes me think it is more of an old person’s smell, a bit more mature and respectable. It could also be that I tried this the day after trying Pink Amber and there is an obvious contrast there with that being a very young, girly smell. It did grow on me more throughout the day though, and the cops smell definitely died down after dry down. For some reason I was thinking about what it would be like in a linen spray, aside from the cops I think it would be a very nice, subtle, clean linen spray.


I must say, one thing I am learning about Love Potion’s scents is that they actually smell like what they are supposed to. You know how when you get a strawberry flavoured lolly, you expect it to taste like strawberry lolly, not like actual strawberry? That was similar to my feeling with scents before. Now I am starting to appreciate these fragrances smelling like actual things, not candied imitations. This one really does smell like roses.


Pink Amber: I’ve become a massive fan of pink scents recently. This one was no exception. I think I still prefer Passion in Pink, for the extra spicy depth to it, but this one was still beautiful. A bit fruity and florally at first, and very sweet, but the fruit notes seemed to weaken after dry down (maybe they were the copulins?). Very girly and to me it was foody, in fact the hungrier I got, the better it smelled. I literally felt like I wanted to eat this smell!


Sandalwood and Resins: I’m sorry to say I really didn’t like this one. It actually smelt quite masculine to me. I wouldn’t mind it on a man, but not on me, it was a bit too chemical and woody smelling. I will say for it that it was quite fresh and clean, but unfortunately, for me I think that meant I could smell the pheromones bleeding through in a less than pleasant way. This was the only one where I really thought I could smell them well after dry down.


Spicy Brown Sugar: Oh how I loved this smell. I can smell the cops just peeking through, and it adds to the overall scent in a really nice way. It dries down to a dark, sultry, honey smell. My biggest problem with it was the smell didn’t seem to last. I kept putting more on as my skin seemed to eat it. I also wondered how well the smell would disperse for this reason. With the Pink Amber smell I kept catching whiffs of it throughout the day, but not with this one. A shame as I really loved it and thought it was such a sexy smell.


Vanilla and Honey: I had a similar problem to the Spicy Brown Sugar with this. It smelled delicious when it went on – just that lovely, sweet vanilla – but shortly after I couldn’t smell it at all. I guess these honey/vanilla scents just don’t last on my skin sad.gif Probably a lovely smell for someone with the chemistry to wear it, but didn’t work out for me.


So after trying all these out I came up with the bright idea of combining Spicy Brown Sugar with Pink Amber to see if I could add a spiciness to the Pink Amber, as well as capture the sexy honey of Spicy Brown Sugar and help it linger a little better using the diffusion properties of pink fragrances on my skin. I cleaned out the trial vial of Raven Moon as thoroughly as I could and mixed 1/3 Pink Amber with 2/3 Spicy Brown Sugar. Yess!! This smell is JUST what I was after! Pink and sweet but with sexy, dark honey undertones. Seems to last a little better too. On careful sniffing I conclude that maybe it could have used more pink, but oh well, I can always top it up with some later biggrin.gif

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Nice reports! I also am a huge Pink Amber fan (but I am more of a LAM girl) and the Brown Sugar one has been on my full bottle list forever. Good idea to mix the two. The scents of these are indeed very light but they come in handy that way because you can layer them with all the other LPMP scents.

I wear Pink A under just about everything.

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  • 5 months later...

Was I wrong to be so afraid of the BAM? I got a bottle of this in a trade, which I received today and promptly rolled on, 'cause I love the Pink Amber scent any day of the week. Pink Amber blends so easily with pretty much everything that I often find myself reaching for my bottle of LAM PA to layer with stuff.

Anyway, BF was home with me this afternoon, and we had a great day puttering around the house, (I KNOW! WTH is UP with him lately?). We chatted while we worked, and went through two whole pots of coffee. He rubbed my back - TWICE - because it has been a bit crampy & sore lately, and didn't complain once about my asking him to do it. AND THEN... when he left for his band practice tonight, I got a BIG hug and then kisses and kisses and kisses and then more kisses, and then even a few *more* as he was heading out the door! I'm flabbergasted. For real. Imma have to test it some more, but *I think* I like BAM. :)

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I have! I *just* tried it in the UN spray form a couple of weeks ago. It made for a nice, cozy feel, too. IDK why I'm so surprised, but I am. "Cozy" just wasn't what I was expecting from Sexology or this. It's pretty sweet though! I like! :)

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  • 1 month later...

I got BAM! in Pink Sugar and HOLYCOW! :w00t: So sweet, so delectable, so need to get the Spicy Brown Sugar! This blend mellows me out and gives me the "let's contemplate life and all it's beautiful meanings" vibe. I slathered a bit of this between "the girls" one day and the whole time I was at my desk the delightful aroma kept wafting up to distract me each time I moved, It would flutter up out of my blouse and flit to my nose...and I loved it every time :lol:

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I love bam. I have the original version - honey vanilla, it's a clean honey and smells mostly sweet vanilla. This would probably go with about anything :D

I've got LAM in that flavor and you're right, it can be worn with lots of scents...now that I'm beginning to understand layering. You know, at first, I didn't care for this flavor (crazy right?!) and now I know eventually I'll get the BAM! in it too :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

BAM pink amber has been my first cops experience... can't say I'm crazy about the scent, because I do get hit with the fruit Cops smell when I put it on and that is what I most remember about it...the dried down scent I feel is a light background perfume that I forget I'm wearing..


No crazy DIHL hits seared in my memory yet, but I have had variable responses and am still tweaking amounts.

Soooo, I wear it the first night after I recieve my order to meet up with my best female friend I hadn't seen in forever and some guy friends. My bff was actually super gushy over me, pointing out to all the guys how "Wasnt i just so beautiful and like a model"etc etc....awkward hah. But she's always super sweet, si I don't know if that could have just been seeing me for the first time in a long time. That evening I had rolled a strip on my chest and all down my torso, plus one dot split between wrists. I'm 23 for reference as to probable natural cops production. Not sure if that was too much, or not quite enough, or if it's supposed to be that subtle with this blend?


Another few times I wore it I did notice a few double takes while at bars just walking through the crowd, but none of those felt compelled enough to stop or talk to me. So I'm guessing this is about what to expect if you don't actively solicit the attention with a huge smile and eye contact ... this time just chest and torso.


Last night though, i think I must have been toeing the line with some ghosting effects...because I put a generous strip on my chest, plus on both sides of my neck and one drop between wrists.... and then 3 hours later right before heading out door to friend's party and bars, I couldn't resist the urge to roll another light strip on my chest...:x bad bad i KNOW!


i didnt get anything near DIHL, nor any special attention, and i was looking pretty sexy that night! I did end up getting horrifically obviously hit on by my one guy friend whose friend hinted a bunch how beautiful he thought i was.. then eventuall my guy friend talked about how he had been upset and left the night before from our friend's place when I said I was over there and he came to find me there with another one of the guys in the group making me Old Fashioneds...basically confessed that he hoped I had wanted to hang out with just him and was upset to see another guy wooing (according to him, not me) me or trying to or whatever. Ugh, that was awkward though because I just want to be friends with him, And i have a feeling his hitting on me/confessing was encouraged by the B-nol and despite the Cops overload...I think the beta-nol illicited that feelings-sharing on his part eeek. Annoying situation though now cause it will be awkward to try to keep him in friend zone ahh. Ohhhh, Beta-nol, you cruel wench.


Anyway...sorry to ramble but basically, I'm pretty sure I ODed by refreshing my chest twice and i shouldn't have done the neck...next I will dry just one dab on chest and one strip EITHER down torso OR behind neck. Any advice for which body parts are most effective for putting the Cops or whether diff. parts elicit different potency of cops emission?

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Aniko, you're right to put cops on your torso. They meld best with the body heat there. There's a pinned thread in the "General Questions About Pheromones" (or whatever that section is called), that deals with wearing copulins. Lots of good info there. Just make sure not to get them in your hair or on your clothes - allow them to dry before you dress - or you'll smell unclean, rather than sexy. Plus, the ladies here have mentioned that if you get cops in your hair, they're damned near impossible to get out again.


Also, another thing to keep in mind is that the LAMs & BAMs are very strong. At 1000 mcg per bottle they're as strong as the UNscented phero blends available here, (the other perfumes with pheromones added are 333 mcg per bottle - still very strong), so you may not need to use as much as you're using. Also, the LAMs & BAMs are purposely made to have a light scent, so that they can be layered with other perfumes, should you choose to.


I'm not sure what the concentration of the Occos is - whether it's 1000 mcg or 333 mcg - I suppose that's something I should know...


Anyway, happy reading! :)

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@ aniko "Ohhhh, Beta-nol, you cruel wench." :lol: Uh-huh. Yup. Now you know, lol. I have this in the same scent and like to circle the belly button and make a line from belly to sternum and then smoosh around with my wrists. I love this scent, sooo yummy to me. I've not gotten DIHL with this one on it's own yet. I've used it combined with LAMs honeyed vanilla, LFM and Sugared Honeycomb all together and got mad crazy hits with it! While wearing it solo I have had people open up unexpectedly like you did, lol. It's kind of like TMI except the A-nol is swapped with cops ^_^ So long as you're aware it can happen, it's less bizarre when it does. Nice post & Happy experimenting :D

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Oooo! I'm making a note of that. I'll still try to avoid it, but just in case....

Thanks for sharing that! :love:

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Oooo! I'm making a note of that. I'll still try to avoid it, but just in case....

Thanks for sharing that! :love:


Even with a clarifying shampoo, it's difficult, especially if your hair is porous like mine! It takes three washes in Prell (which is almost like paint stripper) to get cops out of my hair........the coochy-head smell is not a good thing!

Edited by Dolly
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