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Remind Me Again


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I agree with any- and every-one who says that this set is the best purchase they've made all year. I can't believe I almost didn't buy the Legacy edition; I would have been kicking myself. This is my favourite LP ever.


The concentrate in the moon bottle is gorgeous. The two main notes I get from the dried-down oil are rose and patchouli, both rich and dark, so beautifully blended. The fragrance loves my skin, works well for me, lasts...I could have had a perfumer working for months on my own personal scent, and this likely would have been the result!


The phero bottle is wonderful too, and has really come in handy these last few days, which have been very stressful. I bought this perfume hoping to strengthen the bond between my soulmate and me; we've had a few difficulties lately. I've worn this perfume while reconciling arguments and noticed that we resolved and decided upon a lot, and did so in a very tender and loving way. I feel that it's a healing scent, ensuring that you keep your soulmate, as well as find him/her. It also seems to serve as a funny and delightful confirmation: three times I've applied the scent from the phero bottle, and three times he's shown up at my door within twenty minutes of that!


Since I'm quite devotedly childfree, I decanted out half of the smaller bottle for a friend, and am giving the other half to my darling to see if he would like to wear it on occasion.


Marvelous work, everyone! Remind Me Again is a masterpiece. :)

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wearing it today and im surprised everytime i wear it that the waft i get from time to time is really me!

ever just be running errands or your so involved in what your doing and the scent wafts to your face and you have to stop for a minute and think

where is that scent comming from?

OMG its me.

i think i am my own soulmate,lol



I have that thought when I am wearing it, too....what is that gorgeous smell? Oh, it's ME!!


I wore the phero version with my sweetie this weekend....he absolutely LOVED it....after an hour or so on my skin, it reminded us both of a very hard-to-find, single-note amber that I used to wear (before Ail convinced me to come here and check out LP). We both only had one complaint......but I think it's my skin and not the perfume. The concentrate lasts forever on my skin, but the phero version gets sucked up and disappears within 2-3 hours.....my man would walk over to PURPOSELY sniff me, and would say.....with a sad face.....it's gone....you need to put some more on....


Thats ok though, because the little 5 ml roller bottle is the perfect carrying size....makes re-apps easy.....

Edited by Dolly
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It does.


It's not the concentrated pure scent, but it has the INTENT amplified with the SOULMATE pheromones.


BOTH versions were included in the ceremony; both were passed through the smoke and empowered at the same time.



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(before Ail convinced me to come here and check out LP)


ha Ail really is the piper leading us to all the groovy things,isnt she?

she shows you....you showed me.....


Thats ok though, because the little 5 ml roller bottle is the perfect carrying size....makes re-apps easy.....


i picked up some 5ml bottles just for that reason.

you would think you would have plenty of room to carry one LP in your purse...

but what IF we like to carry several?


you know, like 11?


lol omg im so bad i have applied while waiting in line at checkout counters!


Remind Me Again is something i have been limiting to when HE is home.


i feel like its something magical between he and i, even if im the only one that has the details. We argue less on those days . (?)

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ha Ail really is the piper leading us to all the groovy things,isnt she?

she shows you....you showed me.....


She sure is....such a good friend to share all of the neato stuff with us!!




i picked up some 5ml bottles just for that reason.

you would think you would have plenty of room to carry one LP in your purse...

but what IF we like to carry several?


you know, like 11?


lol omg im so bad i have applied while waiting in line at checkout counters!



I bought a bunch of small roller bottles myself.....I never go anywhere without 3 or 4 LPs....or 5 or 6.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

This one got his TOTAL approval last night, I chose to wear this to bed but then had unexpected company, I've never worn this w/him (he's not a huge Patchouli fan)


you have something new on, do you like it ? I LOVE it, it has Patchouli in it, it's intoxicating, I bought the last bottle, come here, I want to.........


and we did


when he left this morning, he called from his cell, what did you have on last night ? Remind Me Again, ummmmm.....

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I'm properly wearing this today instead of just a bit for testing & it is so gorgeous!


At first the rose attar is dominant which is worrisome 'cuz rose & me do not get along well, but then it mellows out into a haunting resin/amber.


it is an amazing perfume. :J001:

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when he left this morning, he called from his cell, what did you have on last night ? Remind Me Again, ummmmm.....


And it did its' job perfectly it seems. :2182:

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I bought one of the 5ml bottles with the Soulmate pheros and wore this potion for the first time today. The fragrance stayed with me all day, and I truly felt like I had all of you gathered around me . . . a great feeling of love and centeredness that stayed with me all day. The fragrance is so lovely . . . deep and complex, yet soft. I really like what Lor said about this scent aligning with spirit. I don't think there's a better description than that.

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My man LOOOOOOOOOOVES this scent.....and so do I!!

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Stevie Nicks really does fit the fragrance.


I want this little bottle to last, so it's one I won't slather or wear often. It's got to be for special times and that special person.



im willing to bet the ladies do something similar to this in the future, maybe with a different intention.


its funny;

just when you think its doesnt get better,

something equally as lovely comes along.

Better? no. Equal in awesomeness? My,yes.

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im willing to bet the ladies do something similar to this in the future, maybe with a different intention.


its funny;

just when you think its doesnt get better,

something equally as lovely comes along.

Better? no. Equal in awesomeness? My,yes.



I was having this conversation with a neighbor last night. You've hit it, Lor. I think as long as one can relax and go with the flow, the good things come, The better it gets, the better it gets.

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I was having this conversation with a neighbor last night. You've hit it, Lor. I think as long as one can relax and go with the flow, the good things come, The better it gets, the better it gets.



wow, perfect.



better it gets,

the better it gets.


You sometimes have to look

for what starts you on a roll

of seeing things as good,first.

then it avalanches into an appreciation-fest.

imagine all the good that comes from that!


i am in Xev's situation lately;

feeling things a little tight.


husband lost his work and we were scrambling but

the idea that if this economy wasnt this way,

we would never have tried NEW things we have always wanted to do

because we were comfortable in our income.

Now we are discovering like little kids

new ways of getting and doing what we love.


and I smell GOOD.


better it get ,

better it gets.

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And any little thought that starts you seeing things as good will start the roll. Just get something that makes you feel better going on in you mind and milk it for all it's worth. More good thoughts will come, and then more . . .

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And any little thought that starts you seeing things as good will start the roll. Just get something that makes you feel better going on in you mind and milk it for all it's worth. More good thoughts will come, and then more . . .




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  • 1 month later...



Remind me again is absolutely lovely... I scored some in a swap (whoever sent it I forgot...got your happy package today, and thank you)


anyways...this one really surprised me and I only decided to swap for it cause I was curious and but nor really sure about the roses, now I am wondering where was I when this was around... I get some florals yes, but thee rose is like way in the back for me, whatever else is in this totally amps on me, I get more a creamy vanilla like scent. OMG, I am in Love with this one...it is amazingly beautiful, I have not smelled anything anything anything like it.... the scent absolutely says " Remind me again to tell you how much I love you"...this one does not last long on me at all, but it is so beautiful I would slather happily all day if necessary, gonna try it with some D5 as well to see if that will make a difference.


stkatz summed it up well when she said "a great feeling of love and centeredness that stayed with me all day"...thats how I felt wearing this, like some kind of energy ball of love was wrapped all around me.


will this ever be re-brewed?


and if anyone has some that they are willing to part with I promise to make it worth your while


be blessed -djac

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I was lucky enough to get a small sample of this from a friend. I actually was part of the energy-giving ritual for this blend, and it felt powerful even then. But this blend just radiates all of that energy...and it has an amazing effect, both on me, and anyone around me. The scent, too, is just perfect. I can never stop smelling my wrists when I have it on. Luckily, it seems to last a long time on me, because I just have this tiny "imp" sized sample of it. I am KICKING myself for not buying it when I knew that some bottles were still available. *headdesk* I really, really need that energy in my life right now. *sigh*


(If anyone has any that they would like to part with, please let me know. I would happily work out a worthwhile exchange.)

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Good afternoon my friends. I have a phero bottle of this coming to me (if I ever stop ADDING THINGS TO MY ORDER EVERY FEW DAYS!! Haha, honestly, I want to save the ladies shipping fees and just yesterday I threw more onto my order-including some lovely customs I think y'all will like --not to be a total spoiler, but as they say, Miss Djac-THIS ONES FOR YOU! Wink wink, nudge nudge...your getting a suprise! And you deserve it for all you do for everyone else! )...

anyways, I digress-like I say, I have a small phero bottle of this coming to me, and I'm very curious--What was the ritual that you gals did when creating this stuff?

That magical feeling of comfort and closeness to you all, dear friends, makes me even more excited to get this blend!

How was this potion empowered? :angelstar-kaos058:

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I was lucky enough to get a small sample of this from a friend. I actually was part of the energy-giving ritual for this blend, and it felt powerful even then. But this blend just radiates all of that energy...and it has an amazing effect, both on me, and anyone around me. The scent, too, is just perfect. I can never stop smelling my wrists when I have it on. Luckily, it seems to last a long time on me, because I just have this tiny "imp" sized sample of it. I am KICKING myself for not buying it when I knew that some bottles were still available. *headdesk* I really, really need that energy in my life right now. *sigh*


(If anyone has any that they would like to part with, please let me know. I would happily work out a worthwhile exchange.)



Hey Tidesong-


What would you have to trade? I have one of those little phero amped roll-on bottles of REMIND ME AGAIN that I would be willing to trade for something phero enhanced.

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Hey Tidesong-


What would you have to trade? I have one of those little phero amped roll-on bottles of REMIND ME AGAIN that I would be willing to trade for something phero enhanced.



Tell you what...pick out a bottle you want, and I will purchase it and send it to you in trade. Does that sound good? *hopeful beyond belief*

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Tell you what...pick out a bottle you want, and I will purchase it and send it to you in trade. Does that sound good? *hopeful beyond belief*



I pretty much have everything that's available now. What I really would like is something like Scented Cougar or SS4W...


If you don't have anything like that or know anyone who does, I can still part with the Remind Me Again. Not sure how to exchange email addresses though.



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I pretty much have everything that's available now. What I really would like is something like Scented Cougar or SS4W...


If you don't have anything like that or know anyone who does, I can still part with the Remind Me Again. Not sure how to exchange email addresses though.




Mine is my username @ gmail. Try that :) Let me know what you'd like for it. <3


I have a bottle of Scandalous with Cougar coming to me that I might be able to trade. Drop me a line. :)

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  • 4 months later...

My man seems to love this scent more every time I wear it.....makes me praise myself for having the foresight to get the legacy edition with the concentrate! It needs to last, as he loves it so! I wore some last night, and he was just sniffing with complete abandon!

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My man seems to love this scent more every time I wear it.....makes me praise myself for having the foresight to get the legacy edition with the concentrate! It needs to last, as he loves it so! I wore some last night, and he was just sniffing with complete abandon!



oooh i might change-up to the phero-version of this tonight.

i try to keep it for special occasions .... until someone here reminds me of it and i cant wait.

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Wore RMA New Year's Eve, SP LOVES this one on me and I LOVE the connection we have when I wear it, ohhh...Starlightgirl I just may want your un-Soulmate !

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Wore RMA New Year's Eve, SP LOVES this one on me and I LOVE the connection we have when I wear it, ohhh...Starlightgirl I just may want your un-Soulmate !



I took a little bit of the concentrate and added it to a bottle of Unscented BI.....it is GREAT.....I wish I could have bought a big vat of this one!!!

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm I had to take of advantage o fthe original being up for sale in Dolly's thread, lol. I have on the rebrew today, amber tends to go powdery/soapy on me, but I like it. It gives it a nice clean finish to my nose. I wonder how the original will smell on me.....

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  • 2 months later...

I admit I'd never have tried this based on notes, but got it as a free sniffie (thank you Mara) and gave it a shot... it's quite perfumey and 'classic', and feels *very* emotional to me -- meditative, almost melancholy but not in a bad way, in the "aching for your faraway lover" way. Not my thing, but very beautiful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mara this is a *very* beautiful fragrance. While it was wet at first all I could smell was floral and sharp but it softened down to a soft, musky like, pretty smell. This one doesn't fit my personna at all, but if this fragrance type works for you, then I would reccomend it wholeheartedly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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