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Garland & Lace

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You sound like another synesthete! The heat of the spices and the opaque weight of the nog.... I say damn the consequences and wear whatcha like :) I wear reindeer bait in the heat of summer and lp sunfire in the cold of winter... Counterprogramming! :D


I had just read up on this: i knew what it was, just not the name of it. I sort of have it with words, like the word "trust" tastes like peanut butter. Not all words though, just a few.

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I was really hoping for eggnog to be the prominent one but I didn't pick up any of that, just a flash of nog then it was lots of gingerbread ! Ssssoooo much gingerbread that I kinda want to make some cookie dough and just eat that :D


The spices are very prominent but no mistaking that its cookies, its a very "just out of the oven" type deal. I need to get some milky scents so I can complete this whole 'milk n cookies' :)


ETA; whoa you guys its eggnogish and delicious pie right now, the eggnog got crazy and creamed it up and the pie--so rich it smells better than (bear with me) the real thing! The gingerbread is still there but it piped down and letting everything else have a turn

Edited by Anonymous2F
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I need to get some milky scents so I can complete this whole 'milk n cookies' :)



Ooooo! Now I have to try it layered with Beth's Blushing Milkmaid JUST b/c I have to try the cookies and milk/cream idea!!!!! :w00t:

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is a really good idea Nutrix!


I really like this scent, at first it reminded me somewhat of Rocket Fuel, but it is more rounded with a sweeter spice. Plus it's way creamier! I felt like a delicious Christmas dessert walking around wearing this stuff. I would get hungry periodically and binge-ate sweets all day lol. I kept thinking it would be awesome if I could get a Starbucks drink that tasted as good as this smelled. I went there and got a gingerbread latte with a pump of pumpkin spice... not even close to G&L's deliciousness. Oh well, I tried.

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NuTrix, everything is good with BBM!! I think this would be a good combo for it.


I have to say though, I've never had this reaction with anything else but every time I wear this one, it's makes my skin red. I had forgotten and wore around Christmas. I didn't feel anything but when I looked at myself in the mirror about an hour later, I had red blotches all over my neck. I looked like my husband choked me for not getting him a better Christmas present!! My first thought is cinnamon but I adore LP Red and haven't had that effect. It was only on my neck so whatever it is that causes it, I just know now that I need to limit to tougher areas.

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ohmy! Has it happened each time you wore it on your neck - or is this the first you noticed it? I amp the cinnamon on occasion in LP Red but I haven't had a problem with that with G&L - or red blotches...yet. I wonder if it's one of those things that depend on our monthly cycle? Our skin & hormones doing strange things w/o our permission...or causing extra sensitivity?


That's when you take something scrummilicious like this - since it doesn't have cops - and make it into a spray and anoint your clothes...hair...scarves...accent pillows on the furniture....or bed covers even...you could roll all over them after a good spritzing and smell positively DIVINE! :w00t: WHOAH! Sorry - went on a bit there...I get distracted so easy lately! I THINK where I was going is that there are lots of options to wear this blend even with sensitive skin...I'm pretty sure that's where I meant to go...

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I love your tangents, NuTrix!!! The more you go off on one, the better ideas we get. :D


And yeah, I'd had it happen before with G&L but it had been awhile since I last wore it so I forgot about it. I've never worn anything else that did that but there appears to be something that makes my skin a little sensitive. It wasn't painful, just a blotchy red all over my neck. There wasn't anything on my arms or chest. I just saw it and draped my hair around my neck for awhile. It finally went away and I'll try to remember next time to skip the neck in my slather frenzy!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Okay, I've been on the fence about ordering a fb of this...it's been in and out of my shopping cart so many times! But I found a bottle on the trade board, so I felt like with it being a tiny bit less expensive, I would go ahead and buy. So here's my actual review, not that this needs many more!


First, phero effects - I have to say that UN lace for me was a big disappointment. I have it in a spray, and I've tried different amounts, applying to different places, etc, with just no luck. Usually a-nol heavy blends seem to be a no-go for me anyway, but Est is usually SO good for me that I thought Lace would work. But no luck with my UN Lace. It will probably go up for trade at this point. I tried out the G&L right after November's trials arrived, and I don't recall alot of phero effects from it then either. But then Tuesday (Snowpocalypse day! - lol) this sample was just sitting there, and I do really love the scent, so I decided to give it another try, and holy moly - HELLO LACE! Suddenly I see why everyone loves this phero blend! How have I not had this in my life? Me and the guy at work were pretty irritated because we had to come to work early due to the weather, but even that couldn't stop the lace. The guy was absolutely giddy-happy after a few minutes of being in the phero-cloud. It may have affected others too, but I'm just so used to tuning in to his moods that he's my best "test subject" lol. And it definitely worked! I was a little dizzy, actually, but I do get vertigo sometimes, so until I see that being consistent with use of this phero, I can't definitely say that's what it was. And that would actually be a negative for it, because it was a very vertigo-like dizzy feeling, which is not good. But it didn't last too long, so it's not a big deal.


As for scent, I love it. Most of you here have a more discriminating nose than I do, so all of the reviews up there probably cover everything I could say about it, and more. I also haven't been around long enough to compare this one (version 5) to any of the other versions. I will say that I don't find it strictly a seasonal scent, at least not just a "Christmas" scent, although I'm not sure I'd wear it during the summer. But I think the rest of the year, it's good to go. I don't think anyone's compared it to Glitter Kissed, and to me they're very similar. I think Glitter Kissed is a bit...darker or denser, maybe? If that makes any sense. GK was one of my very first lps that I immediately wanted a full bottle, and I think I might like G&L just a tiny bit better because it is a little lighter.


The big downfall for me, I've already mentioned in this thread, and now I see a few others have as well. This is the only lp I've tried so far that breaks me out in hives. I see that some people say their spots don't hurt, but mine are truly hives - big, red, raised itchy hives. I'm used to it though, I have a crazy skin condition called dermatographism that causes hives whenever pressure is applied to the skin. Whenever it flares up I just take some antihistamines, and that usually keeps it in check. I would imagine it will control the G&L hives as well. This was the one downfall that kept me from wanting this right off the bat. But I'm excited now to have a bottle on the way!!!

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I'm thinking of converting my unopened bottle of this into a spray after reading people's allergic reactions to it. That way I could spray freely all over my clothes to get the effects and deliciousness, without skin contact. I'm just waiting for the hot summer weather to pass before I start wearing it.

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It worked a bit better on me as a spray. Not because of any reaction but because my skin amped the spice and morphed it into something I didn't like as much as when I first put it on. I keep it to my sweater and it is fine, keeps the lovely scent and is wearable for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Smells just like a Yankee Candle in the bottle but wet on the skin I got a lot more of the spice. It dried down to spicy holiday candle, though: creamy warm spices and baking. It's a nice scent but the real gem here is the phero.


I felt a bit disappointed because my target this evening didn't seem to respond (I'm not sure anyone this evening did, actually). I thought, though, that I'd just read through here about what kind of effects Lace can give before I dismissed the day is hit-less. I especially because suspected the Anol might have been at work. OMFG was it ever. I missed a massive hit, or should I say a series of them!


I wore this to the office yesterday. There's not a huge amount for me to do as my whole project is being made redundant at the end of next month, so we are winding down. We have a pretty chatty and jovial office but always balance that with work. Well, today it was like a party all day long. Our Opps Manager could not stop laughing (mostly at my jokes) like I have never seen her laugh... even though this morning her partner and one of her dogs were attacked by someone else's dog in the park (both are fine, by the way)! My manager for one of my other projects came down and just sort of hung out in our office. She even helped me collate paperwork while we all sat joking and chatting. Even my line manager who can be really brusque and rude came in and, when she would normally have snapped at me about something instead she spoke to me like a normal person, then relaxed and joined in with that chatter.


As I keep reading from all the experienced phero folk on here, it was in keeping within the realms of the plausible given the usual character of the office but taken to a new level by the pheros. I wouldn't say I felt anything particularly myself but it sure made the office lots of fun, so I felt the benefits of that if nothing else!

Edited by donsie
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  • 1 month later...
Guest cutie.pie

This one is my favourite! :love-you:

Not only do I love how it smells, but whenever I wear it I'm stuck with Pharrell Williams' HAPPY playing in my head :sleazy:

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Not only do I love how it smells, but whenever I wear it I'm stuck with Pharrell Williams' HAPPY playing in my head :sleazy:


YAY! That's awesome! I love that song!


Hehe: Edited to add that I agree this is an incredibly scrummy scent as well...the Lace phero is just PERFECT for it :)


Edited by NuTrix
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  • 8 months later...

I tested a trial vial Lace in Garland and Lace in December 2013 and June-July of 2014. The weather was either in the 60s or the high 80s.


This fragrance smelled awesome in the bottle. It was very juicy, berry-ful, minty and sweet. On my skin however, it was horrible. Other people had to get very close to me to smell this and sometimes when they did get close they often said they couldn’t smell anything. Suffice to say, the throw on this was not very far.


I did not feel any self effects. The hits I received from others were both blatant and inconsistent. Men would look at me. Very young men (teens) would look at me. I couldn’t tell if the looks were just normal or due to the phero. (I was dressed up when I wore this phero.)


Now (when it did work), it was a huge hit with women. Women aged 20-40 acted as if I was their best friend and they were so happy to see me and happy to be in my presence. They were so chipper and happy and I received the most awesome service from women tellers, cashiers, and salespersons.


I let my mom test this phero multiple times. She got awesome hits each time she wore it. She had older men and younger men (late teens to 20s) openly flirting with her and complimenting her. Women of all ages complimented her. She had people giving her free stuff, refusing her ID at the bank when it was policy that she must show it, and allowing her to jump ahead in line at the grocery store. She was a walking party.


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I finally got Garland & Lace with my last order, and it smells absolutely delicious on me. It's a great x-massy scent and I've been wearing it a lot during the dark cold days. The hits I get are not as obvious as with other mixtures, but it makes for an easy, sweet vibe. Put some Topper on with it and you have yourself a marvelous concoction to wear to a christmas party. I did that yesterday, and 5 minutes after arriving and standing there with my drink in hand, a guy - very young, very cute, great excentric styling and I'm pretty sure gay - sneaks past me, beams at me and says: your hair is just sooo lovely! So that was a nice way to start the evening, and Mr. Maroon and I had a great evening with lots of laughs and making out in the cab on the way home

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I've been wearing this since last night, (V4, that is). Not only do I smell eggnoggy and delicious, but BF's been really sweet too. I haven't worn Lace around him in a long while, which is a shame, because it effects him so nicely. Last night he kissed me good-bye before going out with some friends for the evening. He went outside, said something to his buddy, and then came right back in to kiss me good-bye again! :lol: And this afternoon, before he left for his jam session, he kissed me about a million times, too. For a few minutes I was like, "WTH???", and then I realized: Lace. I really need to wear it around him more often! (All the EST-y stuffs, really).

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I've been wearing this since last night, (V4, that is). Not only do I smell eggnoggy and delicious, but BF's been really sweet too. I haven't worn Lace around him in a long while, which is a shame, because it effects him so nicely. Last night he kissed me good-bye before going out with some friends for the evening. He went outside, said something to his buddy, and then came right back in to kiss me good-bye again! :lol: And this afternoon, before he left for his jam session, he kissed me about a million times, too. For a few minutes I was like, "WTH???", and then I realized: Lace. I really need to wear it around him more often! (All the EST-y stuffs, really).

I love V IV. Est just brings out the attentive, caring MAN in most men. I absolutely love the type of hits you can get when it all comes together.
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  • 9 months later...

This scent (v5) is DELICIOUS. It is christmas spice in a glass of creamy, warm, steamed milk for me! This is fairly reminiscent of AHE w/Lumina, of which I purchased 2 bottles because I love it so much. The lumina makes me very happy and floaty, and I'm wondering what Lace would do for me.


ETA: Well, after about an hour, the gingerbread man has come out to play! Still smelling strong.

Edited by belle-ville
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Oh no! Is Garland and Lace v5 sold out? I got a sample in the sale, and it was glorious. All creamy eggnog and spicy gingerbread; the perfect happy, christmassy scent. I practically had my nose glued to my wrist the entire day I tested it, and was thinking I would need to buy, ohh, maybe a dozen bottles. :Snow-Angel:

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  • 4 months later...

I got this from the trades and I love love it! It's much creamier and cake like vs sugared gingerbread. It's the perfect gingerbread scent I have been craving! I get some dairy but more like a crystalline sugar frosting that appears at a half hour into dry down. Sadly lace seems to do nothing for me...no ditsy or giddy. I almost get quieter when I wear it which probably means no effect. I need to figure out what in Lace is my issue.

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Lace is pretty simple. It's A'nol + EST.


In all the time I've worn Lace it's never made me "giddy". It's not a blend i'd pick for concentration. But it usually gives me a Lift.


I usually top of a Lace enhanced scent with a spray or 2 of Un Lace for a little extra boost. You just need to find your sweet spot.

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  • 1 year later...

Garland and Lace Perfume Oil. Smells very good but, is very foody. You smell delicious in an edible way. It smells like eggnog and nutmeg and pumpkin pie to me. While wearing it several people ( men and woman ) commented to me that I smell like maple syrup. This has EST in it and I really love that stuff because I do notice a gentler, kinder vibe from men while wearing it.

This morning I had a meeting with a work coach who has a bit of a 'bad boy' reputation - he made a sight impaired woman looking for work actually cry one day :nope02716: . Now, the last couple of weeks I have been concentrating on preparing for my interviews and I have only submitted 3 new applications in the last couple of weeks. So I was nervous about the meeting to say the least.

I had received a gift of Garland and Lace with my latest order - Thank you Mara :love577: . So I decided to review the thread attached to the perfume in order to assess whether it would be a suitable scent to wear to help smooth the situation. After reading KD77's comment, "...I do notice a gentler, kinder vibe from men while wearing it" I decided to give it a go.


And yay! It worked. My 'bad boy' coach and I ended up having a lovely conversation about interview preparation and the lack of new application forms was not even commented on :PolarChristmas: .

I did notice however, that this is STRONG stuff. I had a huge head rush, almost a headache. It reminded me of when I first wore the stone Lapis Lazuli; it literally burnt my skin for the first three hours until we accepted each other. So, I went off, lit a candle and just breathed for half an hour. And now I feel so calm and centered and focused while bathed in a lovely, spicy, warm scent.


Definitely a winner for me. And I am going to find out more about Lace.


Have a fabulous day one and all.

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