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New Releases for DECEMBER 2009

Potion Master

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Just ordered my set in the case! So excited!! I love all of the ladies' scent artistry, but I love it even more when the potions are for a specific intent!

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I ordered full sz btls of Goddess Oil, Blessing Oil and Original LP (haven't ever purchased a btl of this :beggingpleasesmiley: ), still on the fence regarding the "Spell Kit".

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I just bought the Spell Kit. This is right up my alley and right in time for the New Year.


Me too!

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Hmm I wonder how fast the full size bottles will go? I think I'm gonna start with the sampler kit. Not sure if I neeed the metal case ( although I really should treat myself after the Christmas I had). :Polar-pressie: Cheezy I've missed you!

Edited by Beccah1
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So I ordered the regular sampler. I figured if I really like a specific oil, than I would rather put the money toward a full size bottle :Polar-pressie: Quick question would the protection oil be useful, when it feels like someone is draining you emotionally? & Doh 1 more. Would the Desire Me, be good for drawing friends, or is that romantically intentioned?

Edited by Beccah1
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Quick question would the protection oil be useful, when it feels like someone is draining you emotionally?

Absolutely! Protection puts a circle of light around you, deflects negativity away from you, and if you use it with the intent of doing so, can reflect energy back on the person directing it your way.


Would the Desire Me, be good for drawing friends, or is that romantically intentioned?

Desire Me is a lust potion, but Love Drawing Potion is for all types of loving affection, and certainly for drawing friends your way.



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Uuummmmm, yes. This was just fast to let everyone know what was being released this month. We always put up more expanded stuff as time allows!


This so's all of those get to see what's happening! LOL



Lol @ Danna, cuz when do you guys have the time :)

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I pruchased the monthly sampler w/ case....Merry Happy to me!!!... :beggingpleasesmiley:


Also, Lace in Beta spray 1x & OCCO White roll on..(likes to keep cops close) :)


I cant wait to try out the spell kit... :witchnaner:


Another great month M & D.. :love:

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Goodmorning Ladies,


I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Just placed my order for December. I decided to go with my monthly usual of $29.95. I thought there was a difference between the deluxe edition besides the case, but it seems like they are both in 1.5 mil vials so I just went with my monthly usual. Spent to much money on Christmas including bills and etc...gonna have to give myself a little less glamorous New Year present this year, but I still at least had to order the Spell Kit Vials for my well being and spiritual enlightment. :wacko: hehehee!


xxoxoxoxo ;)

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The new descriptions should be up soon. Dec-for-Jan is a series of twelve Voodoo/Hoodoo-style scents but you can get any of them seperately if you so desire; it's just that you have a choice with the trial vials of buying the Spell Kit or just buying the sampler in regular form.

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name='luna65' date='Dec 28 2009, 03:59 PM' post='84454']

it's just that you have a choice with the trial vials of buying the Spell Kit or just buying the sampler in regular form.



Did anyone else notice that this month is an even better value than usual? Normally you get 10 samples in the monthly sampler for $29.99. This month we 12 in the spell kit. Thanks PM, SG, & John :666:

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name='luna65' date='Dec 28 2009, 03:59 PM' post='84454']




Did anyone else notice that this month is an even better value than usual? Normally you get 10 samples in the monthly sampler for $29.99. This month we 12 in the spell kit. Thanks PM, SG, & John :party:


Yep I noticed that too. B)

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The new descriptions should be up soon. Dec-for-Jan is a series of twelve Voodoo/Hoodoo-style scents but you can get any of them seperately if you so desire; it's just that you have a choice with the trial vials of buying the Spell Kit or just buying the sampler in regular form.



That Sounds awsome. I love the Voodoo/Hoodoo style scents and spell kits. B)

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Really hoodoo oils are pretty easy to use. They are already charged with a general intent by the maker (in this case our Lovely Ladies). The key is to use them with intentionality. For example, you could anoint yourself and your property with Wall of Protection (just a dab,, not a slather) in order to protect yourself (erecting the Wall of Protection). But as you are anointing, you'd visualize the wall going up around you and your property.


Does that help?

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I was thinking about dabbing my cash with Return to Me before I spend it,lol.


Hoodoo wise, Return to Me is for having a lover return to you, but I don't see why it couldn't apply to money. I think it would depend on the specific ingredients. If there are ingredients that are specific to love, using it for money might not work as well. Otherwise, I don't see why.


The Hoodoo ones that are for money or can be applied to money are Lady Luck (especially if you buy a lottery ticket with the $), money drawing, wealthy way, prosperity oil, attraction oil (works for attracting just about anything you want), and money stay with me. When I used this one I somehow kept close to a hundred dollars in my wallet and didn't spend it for months. Next round I didn't use it and it didn't stay with me. I never gave it any thought until after the fact.


Check the ingredients or check with M&D. It might be more of an all purpose.

Edited by starlitegirl
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Excellent, Bookworm, thank you! Yup, that's how to use them. They are charged with intent when brewed, with extra talismanic charms and ingredients to boot. (Some of the full sized bottles are decorated with charms - will list in the expanded description which I hope/plan to have up today.)


When using them, visualize and concentrate very hard on your goal/wish/prayer before and while you apply the potion. Consider that the electricity generated by your brain is diffuse, normally, but when you concentrate, you are honing your energy like a laser point, and sending out a much more concentrated burst of energy into the universe. (Think of a bright halogen spotlight, vs a low watt soft bulb. Which one casts it's energy the furthest? Or radio signals....the more powerful the broadcast, the further away it is heard.)


The spell oils serve several purposes:

Via the ingredients, they are vibrationally tuned to resonate with the type of energy each potion is designed to attract.

The scent can attract (or repel) people, according to their purpose.

The scent acts as a gift/offering to the Gods or helpful spirits, who may bestow their assistance when properly asked.

And, to amplify and help you focus and hone your personal power and energy.


To use SWB's example, when I am feeling emotionally battered or ill, I use a Wall of Protection oil...I envision that I have a bright yellow sun inside me, located at my solar plexus. The energy is mine, it's inside me, I just need to activate it. I envision that the sun is growing larger, the heat is cleansing my body, burning up whatever is wrong with me. Then I make the sun grow larger and larger until it is a fiery circle around me. It protects me within, while warding off anything uninvited or with ill intent towards me.

Whenever I do this little ritual, I always feel much stronger for several days after.


You might remember another potion created by Ajia earlier this year called Castle Walls? She described how she envisioned the timeless strength of an ancient stone keep, and how those walls, still standing after many hundreds of years, were circled around her and protecting her. So you see, you need not envision your wall of protection in any specific way. It can be light, it can be stone, it can be anything meaningful to you. There's no right or wrong way to activate your spell oils. You just need to THINK about what it is you are trying to accomplish, and understand that the harder you think about it, the more honed your beam of energy will become.


A spell, a wish, a prayer.

They are different words for the same thing.

Just like you are making a wish on your birthday candles or a star, concentrating on what you desire sends your energy into the universe, and the universe answers. Action inspires reaction. That's magic.



And just a note - we've ALWAYS crafted our perfumes with intent. This is the whole basis for this company, and has been for going on 25 years. The difference with this month's offerings, is that we crafted them in a specifically traditional way, using a mixture of African, European and Native American lore.

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A spell, a wish, a prayer.

They are different words for the same thing.

Just like you are making a wish on your birthday candles or a star, concentrating on what you desire sends your energy into the universe, and the universe answers. Action inspires reaction. That's magic.



And just a note - we've ALWAYS crafted our perfumes with intent. This is the whole basis for this company, and has been for going on 25 years. The difference with this month's offerings, is that we crafted them in a specifically traditional way, using a mixture of African, European and Native American lore.


I'm sorry PM, I should have pointed that out as well--all of your scents are crafted with Purpose and Intent, not just this month's offerings (which I'm very much looking forward to). That's why I've been collecting so many!!! You and SG put so much time, thought, artistry, and Art into your work--hence the Magick! The synergy and energy that you use takes your work to a whole different level. ;)

Edited by SWBookworm
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I was thinking about dabbing my cash with Return to Me before I spend it,lol.


That's hysterical! Baha! Wiping tea off my monitor now....


Here's a quick run down of the intent for each potion:

  • Love Drawing ~ Draws affection your way. Romantic, familial, friendship, puppies, kitties, and helps build self-love and confidence. Mood elevation ingredients too.
  • Road Opener ~ Removes blockages, smooths your path, whatever your goal. Can be used for career goals, romantic goals, etc. Helps you get out of your own way, and helps you bust through barriers erected by others.
  • Lady Luck ~ We combined recipes for luck and money oils. Draws cash your way. Increases luck in games of chance. This potion is a quick fix type of thing, not to be relied upon as a permanent source of income as one's life retains balance by earning one's income.
  • Return to Me ~ This was crafted for romantic use, for effecting the affections of people. The scent inspires warmth towards the wearer, and re-awakens romantic feelings. Can be used within an existing relationship where one party has become somewhat 'vacant' in their emotions. Can bring them back to you spiritually, emotionally, physically. There's a really strong dose of persuasive personal power in this blend. Can help open the other person up to be receptive to you once more.
  • Jinx No More ~ Hex remover. Trick remover. Bogie banisher. Gossip stopper. Return to sender. Some people cast ill magic without even knowing they are doing it. This potion puts an end to it.
  • Wall of Protection ~ Helps the wearer build a psychic barrier against harm. Protects travellers too, (thank you, Odin! And St Christopher, too!)
  • Goddess Oil ~ For the building of female personal power, confidence and self-love.
  • Persuasion Potion ~ Opens people up to be receptive to your words. Excellent for sales people and other career work.
  • Desire Me ~ Lust baby, pure lust.
  • Peaceful Home ~ Just as the title implies. Can be worn on self, or used around the home in your oil burner, as a floor wash, etc.
  • Blessing Oil ~ A religious-based oil for the protection of loved ones, is cleansing and purifying, and is calming on strong emotions. General annointing oil, can be used in combination with other spell oils.
  • Mojo Oil ~ This is a wishing oil. Acts as an amplifier for your personal energy and charisma.

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