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Cataluna LPMP Has Sent You A Package


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YAY ! I got one today too !! :ladybird-Pushup:


Me Too!!!! :666: ...gosh the house elves are working overtime again. Now if my internet connection would improve I woud be a happy camper,going to try another access number...could just be our local thundershowers,even though our monsoon "officially" ended yesterday,we need every drop we can get,and I am grateful :cheers04251:

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Sqweeee...I just checked and my package has landed, I repeat, my package has landed. :Emoticons08045: Now if I can just refrain from stationing myself as postal sentry outside. :OU1D43~112:

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Mara, Le Wiz and all at LPMP Towers - I love you! :lol:


My Halloween sampler arrived today and they all look so good, such a cool set and they all smell amazing, although I think I went over board and will need to try them one at time and give them the love and respect they each deserve.

Edited by Elliebellikins
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My package arrived today and I'm really excited to try all of my new samples, and although I was kind of nervous about ordering a full bottle of Tyveys's PE unsniffed, I'm so happy I did!


Thank you Mara, and all of the LPMP team out there, for your great costumer service.... I asked for a phero and cops add-in and it was ready to ship in less than a week....wow, is that magic or what? I'm really grateful to you and confess I'm becoming addicted to your potions...

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i got my package. thanks for the cakes mara. i was a little sad though as 2 of my bottles leaked. I lost a quarter of my Abby Normal and some of my Gianduja. i don't know why but i seem to be getting at least 1 leaky bottle an order..

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i got my package. thanks for the cakes mara. i was a little sad though as 2 of my bottles leaked. I lost a quarter of my Abby Normal and some of my Gianduja. i don't know why but i seem to be getting at least 1 leaky bottle an order..


I'm so sorry about that sweetie! I think the longer the travel time, the more chance of this sort of thing. :(

John's putting together a box for you right now to make up for what was lost + new labels.

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Shipping notice means my very first PE is on the way. I wonder what the label looks like. (Eep! So excited.)


ETA: See my new avi? Pretty huh? Mara is awesome.

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Last time I got my order I never got a shipping notice. The first time I ordered I did. I am now waiting on my 3rd order, no shipping notice yet. Is there a reason I'm not consistently getting them? Not that it really matters to me, as I am happy jus to get the orders!! Thanks so much, everything I have bought from here is FABULOUS! Absolutely LOVE the Bonnie's Honeyed Lilac in my last order!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

got my 2nd order today (yesterday, found it at my back door today) Thx for the fast delivery :)

and a SPECIAL THANKS for the wishing schutfz Mara, the girls will LOVE IT !!

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I got my order in record time! Thank you. So be honest, did you guys clone yourselves over there???? Idk, how you guys have managed to speed up TAT, but I'm impressed all over again every time I make an order.

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So sad! Was hoping my order would arrive before I left for vacation on Thursday but I haven't received a shipping notice yet. Guess that's what I get for ordering the week before Thanksgiving!


PS - I apologize for placing 2 smaller orders but it was my first order and I wanted to try things out first. Now that I know about the shipping costs/issues, I will certainly try to keep it to one order from now on! Thanks for a great product!

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YAIS!!!!! Got my notice already...will have my xmas scents by Monday!!!!! I don't know how I am gong to keep out of them until my mother/daughter LP Xmas party.

Ok. I am going to let myself sniff ONE scent of my choosing when I get my package. I have been keeping secrets from my mother for most of my life...one more shouldn't hurt.

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My purchase is on its way. Iam giving myself a holiday present. I have had dreams about this potion in this order. :moon452:

Out of all the potions on this site, this particular one was calling out to me for quate sometime now, Iam really excited, eeeeee :goldfish5::heart106::choochookris7fo:

Edited by AncientGoddess
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Ok guys, after a bit of a process...lol, my order has arrived. They will be delivering it tomorrow morning. :bday639:

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