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Teddy Man 2

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Oh yeah, it's absolutely wonderful for bedtime as well as taming the raging PMS monster. I would recommend it to any woman for hormonal issues (and sleep is related to that) as well as the occasional slather on an XY.


I took a few days off and tried again and yup, dramatic difference in both quality and length of sleep. AND I had forgotten this note of Luna's but can confirm that this actually alleviated a PHYSICAL pms issue that I have- lower back pain. I swear you guys. Just unbelievable.

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AND I had forgotten this note of Luna's but can confirm that this actually alleviated a PHYSICAL pms issue that I have- lower back pain. I swear you guys. Just unbelievable.


ARE YOU SERIOUS?? :w00t::o:O WOW. May be i should get some... :party:

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I know right? Usually if I sleep deeply and for a long time, it makes the back WORSE (because I'm not moving) but this was the opposite...


Will it work the same if i order UN-TEDDY BB?? Is there any strange smell in the UN- TEDDY BB??? :w00t:

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I've never smelled it un so I have no idea...


I just learned that my dear elderly aunt has terrible insomnia - she can only sleep 2-3 hours a night :D and apparently it is torture.


I was thinking of sending her some of this.


She is on Prozac and a beta-blocker though. Anyone have experience/thoughts as to whether the Teddy would be problematic?

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  • 1 month later...

ok, giving this a try and my first impression is omg this is so yummy! manly foody goodness! i bought it to tame the pms monster but this is just soooooo good smelling. maybe i can slather some on Darling....

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ravenwing, I strongly advise that you slather some on your darling. Teddy Man 2 smells great in the bottle, great on the skin but it is something else when it is on the man you love. Does your man need some coercing to let you put the LPMPs on him? Mine was reluctant at first, but then I tried the old baby voice and 'would you let me put just a little bit on you tonight, just for me to smell on you? It will wear off by the morning...' He caved that night and now he lets me slather away, well, when we are alone anyway...all the more for me :D

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The old "back of the neck" trick works pretty well too, if you say, "No one will smell it but me" but of course this entails lots of cuddling and if you don't feel like cuddling it won't work. But that's how I got Q to perceive wearing scent as a good thing. :D

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, so PMS combined with speaking of my ex-SO to Mara yesterday triggered a major crying jag from about 2-5 am. Literally pitiful. Got all the horrible helpless, hopeless feelings that are such a hormonal deception and literally cried until my pillow was soaked. I know that tears contain stress causing enzymes, so I am glad I got rid of them, but it wasn't until I slathered Teddy Man that I started to feel better. I am now snuggled in a ball in my bed thinking that today is another day...

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  • 10 months later...

I was a bit nervous reading some of the notes in this but figured its main purpose would be for calming self-effects rather than wearing out and about. The scent is very comforting; rich and nutty with a well rounded and soft outdoorsy green presence, softly merging into clean linen on drydown. Man, this works almost too well for me. I first dabbed some on my wrists after an emotionally draining noon appointment. I felt my mind empty, my body droop, and 5 hours later I woke up :0 I used it again at my proper bedtime later that night and slept a restful 8 hours despite having slept a good portion of my day away. Considering I have nights that neither Ambien or Melatonin can hold me down, I was pretty impressed. The true test came last night when my friend, too exhausted to drive home after a daylong tournament, flopped on my bed and started snoring. After ascertaining he had not been abducted and replaced with a chainsaw, I wondered how the heck I was going to sleep with this new soundtrack of the night. Teddy Man 2 to the rescue! I swiped a line of it down the nose of the Teddy bear I sleep with and was out (and possibly also snoring) 5 minutes later. Very, very nice.



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I was a bit nervous reading some of the notes in this but figured its main purpose would be for calming self-effects rather than wearing out and about. The scent is very comforting; rich and nutty with a well rounded and soft outdoorsy green presence, softly merging into clean linen on drydown. Man, this works almost too well for me. I first dabbed some on my wrists after an emotionally draining noon appointment. I felt my mind empty, my body droop, and 5 hours later I woke up :0 I used it again at my proper bedtime later that night and slept a restful 8 hours despite having slept a good portion of my day away. Considering I have nights that neither Ambien or Melatonin can hold me down, I was pretty impressed. The true test came last night when my friend, too exhausted to drive home after a daylong tournament, flopped on my bed and started snoring. After ascertaining he had not been abducted and replaced with a chainsaw, I wondered how the heck I was going to sleep with this new soundtrack of the night. Teddy Man 2 to the rescue! I swiped a line of it down the nose of the Teddy bear I sleep with and was out (and possibly also snoring) 5 minutes later. Very, very nice.

WOW mcreepers--those are GREAT results!!! I'm going to try Teddy Man 2 for sleeping with Mr. Matt!
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Nice review :) ...see,now that is what we get exited about,those undeniable hits/effects will make a believer out of ya real quick :lol:

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Everybody needs a bottle of Teddy Man 2. I cannot do without mine. When my hormones are bouncing off the walls Teddy Man turns me back into a (semi) normal human being again, not to mention stick some on the hubbs and it protects him from my irrational PMS grumblings at him. Not to mention it smells uber yummy.

Edited by Elliebellikins
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  • 2 months later...

Another rave for Teddy Man, this time on behalf of my brother, who was the lucky recipient of the remainder of my imp after I procured a full bottle. Within a week of his wearing it he reported a young lady becoming unusually interested in conversation with him (as he puts it, "I was rambling on about things she couldn't possibly care about, but she seemed very interested"), and he was asked out on a sort of date. He's not the most outgoing guy, but definitely sweet, so I'm glad he is finally getting the sort of attention he deserves. He's so funny with it too ; every time I see him and he isn't wearing it he says, "I'm scentless today. I forgot to put on my Wear Bear". :D

Yep, I plan to make an addict out of him yet. He calls me his scent broker. ;)

Edited by mcreepers
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  • 2 months later...

Oh cool. I have this but I could see getting this for a friend.


I explained to my manbeast the whole ghosting effect, and being of a scientific mind, he now has no problems putting on PE colognes. :)

Granted, I have to chase after him with my sample sticks, but he still lets me put them on.


stubborn boyfriend: 0

sneaky girlfriend: 1

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"I'm scentless today. I forgot to put on my Wear Bear". :D

Yep, I plan to make an addict out of him yet. He calls me his scent broker. ;)


Now you know what to get him for every giftable occasion! I wonder what would happen if you get him something with Charisma?

Edited by perfumesniffer
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If your PMS leans in the self-pity/sad direction, I also recommend Balm Bomb most highly. In my entire life, it's been the ONLY tho that helps with my particular brand of PMS self-pity. For PMS or other rage, I've found B2 to be the best.

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Maybe I just put on too much but this one didn't do it for me. I put on maybe six draggings of the little plastic vial topper stick on my arms and chest before bedtime (about the same as I did for odalisque yesterday when I went back to bed) and it was just up my nose and in my face until I dragged a washcloth over the parts of skin it had touched.

It reminded me of a fruitier aqua de gio men's cologne, and as I lay in bed I was trying to figure out why it was annoying me so much. Now, it could be that the odalisque that I'd put on twelve hours before was messing with it (I hadn't showered before bed.) But scent-wise, the best I could come up with was a more "rounder" smell of apple cider. I don't know why "rounder" fits, but it does. I'll try it again another night, less so, but this wasn't the restful fall into sleepy-time scent I was hoping for (at least for me--I know there's a ton of fans out there.)

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I might try that. The good news is I applied it to my boyfriend as well last night (he was bundled up on his side of the bed so I'm sure the scent that was bugging me was just from me) and when I kissed him goodbye this morning he smelled DELICIOUS. So, even if it's not for me on me, it's great on him. I definitely did get kind of a pine-y clean uppy smell from it on his skin.

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Maybe I just put on too much but this one didn't do it for me. I put on maybe six draggings of the little plastic vial topper stick on my arms and chest before bedtime (about the same as I did for odalisque yesterday when I went back to bed) and it was just up my nose and in my face until I dragged a washcloth over the parts of skin it had touched.

It reminded me of a fruitier aqua de gio men's cologne, and as I lay in bed I was trying to figure out why it was annoying me so much. Now, it could be that the odalisque that I'd put on twelve hours before was messing with it (I hadn't showered before bed.) But scent-wise, the best I could come up with was a more "rounder" smell of apple cider. I don't know why "rounder" fits, but it does. I'll try it again another night, less so, but this wasn't the restful fall into sleepy-time scent I was hoping for (at least for me--I know there's a ton of fans out there.)


I had the same experience. It just gets way to strong for me and actually keeps me awake. Have not tried it on my pillow case though. I much prefer North Pole for Men for my boysmell sleep scent.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Omg...i have waited soooo long to try this. Stressful eve, this fixed my mood totally. It's Not just the teddy bb, but the scent. I have teddy bb un, but i like this more. I don't exactly know how to describe this, I'm going to try again tomorrow, but it clearly works so well on my skin. This is totally not too masculine on me. Yum.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So last night was a night I needed some relaxation in a bad way so I decided before nap time to dump the remainder of my Teddy man 2 (which was about 75% of a sample vial so.....probably the most I've ever slathered.) I felt the need to kill off a vial and this was readily at hand.


There's the pillowy fluffy sweetness at the forefront and then the back thirty percent or so smells like a lot of green, some chemically cologne, and boy/man smell.


To me, this has never been a scent I've responded all that well to. I like it with just a tiny bit but even using the dip stick and putting one spot on me...I don't know. You know the snuggie white teddy bear in the laundry commercials? I think it smells a lot like how that sweet pillowy laundry bear if it had been eating a lot of fruit (doesn't smell like fruit just has an overabundance of sweetness rolling out through the laundry smell) and just dived into a pile of grass-stained, cologned dirty clothes (but not too dirty) with boy/man smell on them.


I'm glad the sheets smell like it though. I'll be curious to see if my boyfriend sleeps more deeply tonight. Laundry day's not for a few more days so I'll appreciate the lingering smell but I don't think it's an on-my-body smell I can really appreciate.


I'd like to see that laundry bear again though! Just minus the fruit, greens, and cologne smell.

Edited by MissHazel
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  • 3 months later...

I'm so glad to have a reason to get a bottle of this! Not only do I think it'll smell wonderful on BF, I freaking love the scent & find it so comforting that when his bottle arrives, he may have to fight me for it! :lol: I hope he wears it for me often. But I hope to wear it myself, to bed! I love it! It's soft, sexy, comforting... it kinda gives me that curled-up-on-the-sofa-with-a-warm-fuzzy-blanket-on-a-snow-day feel. You know those kinds of days, when all you want to do is stay in your jammies, snuggle on the sofa & watch movies? Yeah that. :D Total dig.

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  • 1 month later...

I think Teddy Man 2 is the perfect embodiment of a teddy bear. After this dries down, the first thing that comes to mind is that scruffy brown teddy bear that is normally associated with a kid. As soon as I saw Eggers description I could see a fuzzy brown blanket during fall before it gets really cold. Its a fresh and clean scent that's soothing. The teddy bb has a really calming effect.


Compared to other lp's for me this one was hard to pick out individual fragrance notes but I really like it.

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I have been having the hardest time sleeping over the past month, due to a series of things that have stressed me out and yesterday when I got home from work, I put this on at 6pm and it really helped me deal with some relatives that popped over unannounced.

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