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Guest cutie.pie

Bang is SS4W with a bit of Cops and additional Est so that may work better for you.

Hmmmmm, SS4W never worked for me. Maybe I should try Bang...

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  • 2 months later...

Tried this for the first time last night. Really good response. Lots of kissy face straight from the get go and a sudden announcement that maybe we need to just head straight to the bedroom within half an hour. After we had really good attentive conversation with lots of eye contact and continued touching. I love this one! Thanks!

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  • 8 months later...

Grabbed what k thought was Ambre Amour from sample box, hastily applied, left home, didn't think til later "uh this smells like MRF." Confirmed when got back home. Had gotten a SS4W hit that was so funny and I thought of Bluebear and how cinematically she describes hits sometimes: I got in a semi-crowded elevator, past and behind a guy who standing right by the door. The guy pirouetted in super slow motion, like a ballerina on a music box, in the direction I had passed him, toward me, and just stood there like that with his face in my face, with his back to the doors, while wveryone else stayed facing forward like a normal person. The other groups of people who had been quietly talking fell silent. I think they might have thought the guy was gonna start a fight with me or something! ROFLMAO. The slo-mo was so hilarious because I *knew* what he was going to do and why and there was nothing I could do to stop it and I had no choice but to stand there and let it super slowly play out :D

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I'm new on here but have been lurking for quite some time!


I was wondering how people find women react to this one? I've read people saying it can be used as a social but has anyone ever had negative reactions from ladies while wearing this? I'm kind of wondering the same for LAM too.

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Hi, I'm new on here but have been lurking for quite some time!


I was wondering how people find women react to this one? I've read people saying it can be used as a social but has anyone ever had negative reactions from ladies while wearing this? I'm kind of wondering the same for LAM too.


I get a lot of DIHL (deer in headlights look) from women when I wear this. I haven't worn it enough to properly write a review though; some of the veteran members can probably answer this one better than me! (Also have LAM, but have been saving that one as well...)

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Hi, I'm new on here but have been lurking for quite some time!


I was wondering how people find women react to this one? I've read people saying it can be used as a social but has anyone ever had negative reactions from ladies while wearing this? I'm kind of wondering the same for LAM too.

Welcome. I've never had an issue with women wearing this. It's considered a sexy/social. Meaning, It's a sexy feminizing blend, But, not an overtly sexual mix. If this is one you like it's not inappropriate for office or other social situations IMO.

LAM is a sexual blend. It has a lot of copulins. Some women might react negatively to you. I've had one woman just "side eye" me all night at a party. But others were fine. It's just a chance you will take wearing a cop heavy blend.


Also, just a warning, please be careful wearing cop heavy blends in public. You'll hear a lot of "I wear cops in public" ect ect. Well I do, sometimes. Usually I'm with others though.

In the 3 years I've been here I admit I've only had one seriously, scary experience in public (check the LAM review thread) wearing LAM. We call these random types " people with low social filters". The kind that follow you around corners or in my experience stalk you through a convenience store and their scurvy buddy blocks the door so you can't get out. Seriously.. it's not fun or flattering. These types are usually gross & creepy. So just be alert and start out easy if you take it for a spin. Don't get me wrong I really like LAM. But, it's really not an office blend.


And as we say, since it all comes down to chemistry, YMMV (your mileage may vary).


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Thanks. I've tried both and both make me feel much more confident and outgoing. I used to be naturally that way inclined but for some reason over the past couple of years I've become very anxious in public. Both SS4W and LAM seem to blow that away and I feel like my old self. I haven't noticed much from other people yet but it's still early days and I'm just getting the hang of it.

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Thanks. I've tried both and both make me feel much more confident and outgoing. I used to be naturally that way inclined but for some reason over the past couple of years I've become very anxious in public. Both SS4W and LAM seem to blow that away and I feel like my old self. I haven't noticed much from other people yet but it's still early days and I'm just getting the hang of it.

Yes, I undrstand what you mean. IMO, many here can identify.

It can take time to find your "sweet spot" with pheros. If you 're getting self effects then you are doing good. :)

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Everyone has great responses; my experience with LAM is I wear it very lightly (like dabs) and have selfies and hits. I once wore more in public and wish I hadn't as I was very self conscious.


For SS4W, I was pleasantly surprised with this blend bc I didn't notice selfies at first (which is my first 'testing' of pheros); but noticed that my body language seemed more languid or at ease or something. Or as someone else ( can't remember who) labeled this one a 'hip opener'.


For whatever reason, for me at interview - cougar has been a hit. Just a few wand swipeys helped my confidence and the interviewers (all women) were very receptive throughout the interview process. I think cougar helped me with those interviews. Not sure I'd wear on a reg basis in work atmosphere, but worked for me in those instances.

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  • 3 months later...

I think I had my first proper hit with this. I wore it today because I had my new PE boosted. There is a guy at work who is quite quiet and will often not really say a word to me. I mean he's so shy and quiet or just plain anti-social that if he can avoid saying hi or bye, then he will.


Well today I got into work late and he was walking past my office with a load of other people. He glanced at me as he was walking, went out of sight and then suddenly backtracked, just popped his head around the door and said hi. I know this isn't a big deal but in the case of this guy, it's unusual behaviour.


Then I had to walk past him again, moments later and made a brief comment to him out of politeness and he was remarkably chatty back. I walked away pretty quickly because I had to get on and he was the one who actually shouted bye to me.


This is the first real 'out of character' behaviour I've seen with SS4W.

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  • 3 months later...

Took this one out for a spin today with amazing results. I love Bang, but since I tend to mindlessly slather, I thought SS4W might be good for office days. I have really grown fond of puttin pheros on the back of my neck and also along my inner arms. I did add some OCCO to one wrist, for good measure. And since I usually bustle about before I leave for work, my body temperature amps the pheros nicely.

And today, people all around noticed me as if I was covered in sparkly gold glitter. Literally everyone in the streets that I passed looked up, stared, and wouldnt look away. Same on the tube, I got in, sat down, up came the heads from the smartphones and books. It was intense. Like they were seeing something for the very first time. One young dude looked at me so long I thought he was going to say something. He just kept looking, kinda spaced out.

At work, I added two spritzes of DHEAs, and now things got almost weird. A colleague kept wandering in fiddling with papers, looking dumstruck. He chatted a bit, left the room, came right back. He did that about four times, and there was nothing for him to do in my room. It seemed like he just had to come in.

At one point I was leaning over some work with another female colleague, and he stood behind us all of a sudden, and leaned on me. His head right at the back of my neck where I put the phero. It was not inappropriate, a lot of us hug and touch a lot at work, we've basically grown up together. This is a gregarious and flirty guy, but he hardly ever touches me. He leaned on my back like a kid. I was really grinning inside, cause I thought, well, I got you all messed up, huh?

Got intense looks from my boss and strange remarks about how he hopes I know how well he takes care of me. He seemed a little posessive almost. Women who usually hardly notice me talked to me forever, staring at me like they were somehow enchanted.

The day was an experience like being some fairy queen walking the earth. I was in great spirits, clearly had self effects. Really exhausted at home, but it was definitely worth it.

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  • 6 months later...

Could someone please link me the thread where we can add to our perfumes? I do remember reading it but I can't seems to find it.


I brought the unscented roll on and I want to add/mix this to my TF Velvet Orchid perfume. How many drops should I add?


Thank you.

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Could someone please link me the thread where we can add to our perfumes? I do remember reading it but I can't seems to find it.


I brought the unscented roll on and I want to add/mix this to my TF Velvet Orchid perfume. How many drops should I add?


Thank you.


How much you add is largely going to be determined by what base the perfume is in, and that can even cause variances in consistency (you may have to shake it every time you use it, etc). I would apply the unscented roll on and then apply your perfume over top.


Mara will "boost" or add pheros to a scent bought here at LPMP, though, which basically uses her perfume as a base for the pheros.

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How much you add is largely going to be determined by what base the perfume is in, and that can even cause variances in consistency (you may have to shake it every time you use it, etc). I would apply the unscented roll on and then apply your perfume over top.


Mara will "boost" or add pheros to a scent bought here at LPMP, though, which basically uses her perfume as a base for the pheros.


Thank you! I love mixing scents but if I have shake it every time I use it, nah ain't nobody got time for that. :Emoticons04269:

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How much you add is largely going to be determined by what base the perfume is in, and that can even cause variances in consistency (you may have to shake it every time you use it, etc). I would apply the unscented roll on and then apply your perfume over top.


Mara will "boost" or add pheros to a scent bought here at LPMP, though, which basically uses her perfume as a base for the pheros.

I agree - I would just apply the UN phero, and then apply your perfume over it :)
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  • 4 months later...

I had a lot of fun with this one last night :Emoticons04263: Super friendly, approachable, sensual vibe. The selfies are as important to me as the hits, because it means congruence in the interaction, and a great time for myself as well! I felt feminine, acted with a feminine touch, and was perceived that way; I'd say it's that "certain elegance" like the description advertises.

SS4W is lovely, and I love the alpha-androstenol and DHEAS in this - such a grand old time in every way. I sometimes top this off with 2 sprays of Topper, which makes for an even more certainly upbeat experience. LPMP's pheromone blends are invaluable

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  • 7 months later...

Any ideas? Everytime I wear this one my hubby and I but heads. He is in an instant funk towards me! I have gotten awesome results elsewhere, but don't wear as often because of hubby.


Try wearing less of it, cut your application in half. Let us know how it goes with a smaller amount.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally got some amazing hits with SS4W, FROM MY CAT! Seriously. I have one very "cat like" cat, meaning that she can more or less take me or leave me, but we have a good working relationship. Charlie Cat says hello to me at least once a day, she likes to come by for a few scratches, but has more important non-human related activities to attend to other than my once or twice daily greetings. Tonight, I had on SS4W, and she climbed onto my chest when I was laying down and was divebombing me with purrs and rubs and kisses, and kept going on and on. My kids were blown away, as was I. It should be called SS4Cats! 

One to each wrist and one to the throat was the spray sweet spot for catromance, btw.

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  • 4 months later...

Is this available in UN I looked and there’s none listed. So I’m guessing sneaky clean or MRF III are the only ones with it... Do I have to wait for Pherotines again or can I request it via invoice? ?

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We are no longer doing biz with the co that created the Super Sexys. The Men's version is sold out, the Women's version is very low. We have around 20 doses left. Thanks for letting me know it was showing as sold out, I just posted the last 20.


And yes, anytime you can't find something or something is too complicated, you are welcome to email us and ask for an invoice. :)



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20 minutes ago, Potion Master said:

We are no longer doing biz with the co that created the Super Sexys. The Men's version is sold out, the Women's version is very low. We have around 20 doses left. Thanks for letting me know it was showing as sold out, I just posted the last 20.


And yes, anytime you can't find something or something is too complicated, you are welcome to email us and ask for an invoice. :)



Also not to be rude @Potion Master will there be a search bar embedded into your Etsy hosted website anytime? The only way I can find old LP’s is if I got to google and type “luvpotionperfume Super Sexy for Women/ Goddess of the Blue Moon/ Etc.” 

And also will there be a spin off? I read in the UN PoP thread a few years back that it was dying off but one of your lab workers was able to make a new/similar formulation. 

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We are replacing the Etsy hosted site...it was just temporary and yes we know it sucks. There is no search option available for it. Our regular website is almost ready.


Eventually we do hope to replace the SSs with other blends, yes. Mark's Love God blend may be just what we needed for the dudes. For the ladies, there are already a ton of alternatives, but we will keep experimenting.

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1 hour ago, Potion Master said:

We are replacing the Etsy hosted site...it was just temporary and yes we know it sucks. There is no search option available for it. Our regular website is almost ready.


Eventually we do hope to replace the SSs with other blends, yes. Mark's Love God blend may be just what we needed for the dudes. For the ladies, there are already a ton of alternatives, but we will keep experimenting.

Oh that was just a temp?! Wow, it’s still not too shabby. ? I can’t wait to see the new, improved, and official one! ? And true us ladies already do have a large selection at hand... Hmmm well I’ll probably just go ahead and buy UN Lumina and Stone Cougar and play with those since this one ☝?  after 20 bottles will say it’s final fairwell. ? I’ll just try SS4W in your Rocket ? fule, and Sneaky Clean ??‍♀️.

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On 9/17/2018 at 1:45 PM, Potion Master said:

We are no longer doing biz with the co that created the Super Sexys. The Men's version is sold out, the Women's version is very low. We have around 20 doses left. Thanks for letting me know it was showing as sold out, I just posted the last 20.


And yes, anytime you can't find something or something is too complicated, you are welcome to email us and ask for an invoice. :)



Oh no! That's an arrow through my heart! 

So no more SS4W? No more Bang? No more Sneaky or MRF awesomeness? 


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58 minutes ago, Eggers said:

Oh no! That's an arrow through my heart! 

So no more SS4W? No more Bang? No more Sneaky or MRF awesomeness? 


I happen to have SS4W on right now, never get selfies so not even sure if I get hits or if I'll miss it, but I do know what Bang does! 


 Wait, that was last night that I had on my UN SS4W spray. I guess I am suffering from a shortage of coffee at the moment. I forgot that it was cops and EST that turned SS4W  into BANG. It's pretty amazing to realize the power of cops and EST. SS4W  is almost like a baby leather for me, I am in charge and respected, but not necessarily anyone's good time.  But I don't know if it's the pheros that make me serious, or if people are responding to me as if I am serious so my personality falls in line. 

Edited by Eastwood22
Siri is clueless
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Eastwood, I felt the same thing about SS4W. I always say it's a 'look but don't touch' kind of blend. It's a tight black dress, but it's a power suit, and I have not given you permission to get that close to me. It was one of the first blends we started carrying but it has not been a customer favorite for a long time...I think we have others that can cover for it, such as Leather, as you say. And Eggers, maybe we can Bang up the Leather with some cops.


We won't be getting anything else from this supplier. I won't be trying to reconstruct SS because it was not my blend. Gotcha was my concept, as was Popularity and Sharks, so I will be reconstructing those with a different scientist.

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Oooh, yeah, @Potion Master, SWS is important! Just to clarify, you will absolutely positively still be carrying/making/re-making SWS? I'll need back ups otherwise and I'd rather save for Weenies at the moment. Not only do I wear it all the time, but it's a big turn on for me when it's on my man. He's told me that it's his #1 for getting lucky, but also threw in that it's also the one he's most likely to be wearing on the regular so it could be a numbers thing. (I doubt it.)


 @Snoopyace's V2 is the one he says gets me naked in under 10 minutes every time. Love God is on my list but I'm a little scared....

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I just ordered another bottle of each one. I love Bang, especially in Odalisque. I will use them to mix with unpheroed perfumes.  I love SS4W as well. I don't know what it does for anyone else who I come into contact with, but it makes me feel happy and playful. I don't get the untouchable feeling with it. I usually use the pheros for how they make me feel.

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28 minutes ago, Eastwood22 said:

 @Snoopyace's V2 is the one he says gets me naked in under 10 minutes every time. Love God is on my list but I'm a little scared....


Ahahaha!  Be afraid...  be very afraid...  Seriously, though, I think you'll find it works at least as well as V2.  :Emoticons04263:

I have found that especially for shy people, V3/Love God is a bit more social, that it also brings out the attentiveness of others even more than V2 did.  In other words, other people will be more likely to open the wearer.  The um, more fun aspects that are present in V2 seem to still be present in Love God.

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2 hours ago, Potion Master said:

@Eastwood22, we've got over 200 doses of Sharks at the moment, so we are ok with that for a while. And yes, when it gets low I will have it reformulated.

I was about to say! SWS is a very vital Phero for the workplace and should never EVER disappear EVER! It was my very first one ☝? that made me a believer ??!

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8 hours ago, Potion Master said:

@Eastwood22, we've got over 200 doses of Sharks at the moment, so we are ok with that for a while. And yes, when it gets low I will have it reformulated.


Glad to hear that - it is an almost daily work wear for me.

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8 hours ago, Snoopyace said:

V3/Love God is a bit more social, that it also brings out the attentiveness of others even more than V2 did.  In other words, other people will be more likely to open the wearer. 

If the young gent whom I'm going to be purchasig Love God for doesn't pick his scent soon, I'm going to kill him. Really it's my fault, I've prob given him up to 10 men's samples, but I want to see this stuff in action!

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6 minutes ago, Eastwood22 said:

If the young gent whom I'm going to be purchasig Love God for doesn't pick his scent soon, I'm going to kill him. Really it's my fault, I've prob given him up to 10 men's samples, but I want to see this stuff in action!


Maybe you just need to make an executive decision and choose for him!  

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Just now, Snoopyace said:


Maybe you just need to make an executive decision and choose for him!  

I probably should since he is often where I am and I'm going to have to deal with when he over slathers and I can smell him from the other side of the room! He did pick 2018 Girl Nip but that's just too close to home for me, even if the choc is different. Maybe when he actually snags a girlfriend.

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If he likes that one, he may go for LP: Homme.  They are both more gourmand type scents.  That’s my ‘signature’ scent.  I wear it more than any other and it complements the phero blend quite nicely.

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