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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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:heart: HEE!!!!!!!!! Ladies, it's easy--just relax and repeat after me:


Hello. My name is (insert your name here) and I am an LP Addict.






Embracing my Inner LP Addict? Done!


Keeping her from sending all our grocery money to Mara every week? Still working on that one!

Edited by Just Ducky
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Hmm..embrace her...but she's such a slippery lil' minx!


,,,I always say eating is over rated.... :hi5::smiley-laughing024:

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I am thinking about an Agent Null novella for y'all as an Xmas present. :D

YAY !!!! can't wait !

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Embracing my Inner LP Addict? Done!


Keeping her from sending all our grocery money to Mara every week? Still working on that one!


Hmm..embrace her...but she's such a slippery lil' minx!


,,,I always say eating is over rated.... :hi5::smiley-laughing024:


I think that the skinny potion we've been wondering about is actually any potion found here. The more I buy, the less I eat. That's ok. I've accepted my addiction. I've embraced her. She keeps me smelling good and eventually, I will fit into that skinny pair of jeans. It's all good!!!

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I think that the skinny potion we've been wondering about is actually any potion found here. The more I buy, the less I eat. That's ok. I've accepted my addiction. I've embraced her. She keeps me smelling good and eventually, I will fit into that skinny pair of jeans. It's all good!!!


*snuffles, wipes tears from eyes while climbing up from floor* AMEN SISTAH!

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Here is how you are seen after using meth:



Here's how you feel after admitting your addiction to Mara's perfumes and pheros:







Pretty powerful.... and flexible too. :Emoticons0424:



Yeah... I'm not really seeing this as a problem.

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Mysterious made me think of Midnight Masquerade immediately!LOL!

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Oh my gosh, it does!!! I just picked it because I have a thing for masks. LOL Now if I could just get my husband to wear one....

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK..who has just gone completely mental on the $10 sale? I know I'm not the only one...fess up...

Blood and Snow

Lava Rain

Candle in the Wind

Marigold and Amaranth

Saturday Night Special

Spontaneous Combustion

Sugared Moon Dust

Voodoo Fondue

Wax Poetic


AND I STILL HAVE MY WISH LISt YET...that I'm saving for "the other" sale :smiley-laughing024::moneyfairy13::moneyfairy13::moneyfairy13:

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Well, a few I had on my "sale" list ended up on the $10 thread so I have reserved the following:


Voodoo Fondue - might get a back up

Shadow Dance

Vamp Cafe

Sea Find

Armed & Dangerous

Prophetic Pie

Skelly Head Flambé

Rowdy Raunchy & Rude


I'm scared. The other sale hasn't even started yet!!!

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I'm scared. The other sale hasn't even started yet!!!


Me too. I REALLY don't have spare cash this month but omg, the $10 sale had some bottles on my "I want to buy these sometime when I have extra cash" list. I may have to cash in some forum post credits to last this sale. lol.

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I'm with you Maiea!!! I really wasn't planning on spending as much on the $10 sale but once I saw how many were left, I thought maybe I'd better get my faves while I can and try a few new too that I probably wouldn't otherwise. No one was kidding about the huge boxes from Mara's sale, huh?


AND LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I just thought the most scary thought... We don't even know what August's NR will be!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!

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I'm thinking a second mortgage may be in order.....

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I'm thinking a second mortgage may be in order.....


We won't need to hand over our firstborns, will we?


Oh I was very good so far! Just Mistress Christmas and Vamp Cafe for me and my mom is going to be so excited because her Sinister Pink was in the $10 bin...yippee!


Now on to the next sale...


Nice control!!!

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Thank you! I plan to stick to my specific list and budget for the next sale too, and a present for my sister.

It's the Bond Girl collection that is really foiling my budget plans. There are so many more from this last collection than I thought I would even consider that it is becoming a real problem. :arf:


eta: uh oh...my resolve is wavering. I just dragged out my sniffee box and I am sniffing some others on the $10 list that i forgot I loved. I will hold out until I see the next sale though.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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I have to be good for this sale. (Cat expenses). :( But I've scooped a bottle of Unwrapped and a bottle of Shen Tao (one of my faves) from the $10 bin, and I got a bottle of Shen Tao for our "Larder Girl" at work, (she makes the salads & appetizers). Whenever I wear Shen Tao to work, she always tells me how good I smell, and her eyes roll back in her head. :lol: She'll love it! :)

Waiting now, to see what's going to pop up in the other sale. I must show some restraint. Boo. :(

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Eggers, good for you!!! I wish I had some restraint. :( I have my list and a good portion were over there so maybe I won't be as bad a girl as I think I will be!!! However, I have to say that Tyvey's impassioned thoughts of Sea Find did make me add that to the list and I certainly wasn't alone!! If she keeps going, Mara may have it sold out soon!! LOL

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OK..who has just gone completely mental on the $10 sale? I know I'm not the only one...fess up...

Blood and Snow

Lava Rain

Candle in the Wind

Marigold and Amaranth

Saturday Night Special

Spontaneous Combustion

Sugared Moon Dust

Voodoo Fondue

Wax Poetic


AND I STILL HAVE MY WISH LISt YET...that I'm saving for "the other" sale :smiley-laughing024::moneyfairy13::moneyfairy13::moneyfairy13:


I did, but these were all on my list with the exception of Sea Find, which Tyvey convinced us we all needed (once I saw the notes in it, I knew I had to have it) and Luna's Sungold Mocha which I have wanted to try forever but it had been long gone from when I started here....Here is my list below.





That Kind of Girl
Sinister Pink
Spontaneous Combustion
Sea Find

That Kind of Girl

Lisa's Sugared Amber Patch
Luna's Sungold Mocha
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I really love Lisa's Sugared Amber Patch-- I don't know about the others, but that one is awesome. Since I already have a bottle, I'm going to get other bottles first but it is one I would consider getting a second bottle of-- especially if you like strong fragrances. I wouldn't have said I'm a big patchouli fan at all (actually, I hated it since I associated it with "dirty hippies") but it strikes just the right earthy note balanced out by the sweetness and resin smell of the amber. Good stuff!

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I really love Lisa's Sugared Amber Patch-- I don't know about the others, but that one is awesome. Since I already have a bottle, I'm going to get other bottles first but it is one I would consider getting a second bottle of-- especially if you like strong fragrances. I wouldn't have said I'm a big patchouli fan at all (actually, I hated it since I associated it with "dirty hippies") but it strikes just the right earthy note balanced out by the sweetness and resin smell of the amber. Good stuff!

I got my first bottle of Lisa's Sugared Amber Patch, ​last year in September and I have just a few drops left of this baby, if you like this try it enhanced with EoW, it takes this scent to a whole other dimension.... It is awesome.

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I'll have to try that-- I bet it's an awesome dirty-sexy scent. The amber and the patch are just so WARM and strong (in a good way.) It's the exact strength level I want in all of my LPs but only a few are able to attain. I'd wear mine more often but it's amped with a pheromone from another company (got it like that in a trade.) Great bedtime scent for me, or great out and about scent. Man, it's making me think about how to do a PE with amber, patch, and something wood-y.

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We won't need to hand over our firstborns, will we?



Hmmm.... My first born is a single 30-year old male whose mommy taught him manners... So, might be I could arrange for a sizable number of FBs in exchange for him.... He's kind of a good one.... Anyone interested in a trade?
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Hmmm.... My first born is a single 30-year old male whose mommy taught him manners... So, might be I could arrange for a sizable number of FBs in exchange for him.... He's kind of a good one.... Anyone interested in a trade?


:smiley-laughing024: You know, when you put it like that, it doesn't seem like a bad thing at all!!!

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Hi everyone! This is my first time for the sale event, I am so excited. I scooped up 1 bottle each of Shen Tao, backstage pass, and S'more than a Feeling. I love sugary, vanilla-y smell so hopefully these will be good.


I couldn't resist but ordered 3 more: Mielihyvä, Wheat Siren, and Empress of Persica.


I guess I will have to skip lunch for awhile :)

Edited by LazyCat
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Hmmm.... My first born is a single 30-year old male whose mommy taught him manners... So, might be I could arrange for a sizable number of FBs in exchange for him.... He's kind of a good one.... Anyone interested in a trade?

Dang, if he was a bit older, I would grab him in a heartbeat....

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LazyCat, it's my first sale event too!! Woo hoo!! I don't think you can go wrong with just about vanilla here. Hope to read your reviews once you get everything!!!!


Dang, if he was a bit older, I would grab him in a heartbeat....



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Dang, if he was a bit older, I would grab him in a heartbeat....

Oh my! This made me think about my youngest son's experience in California last week. He's 18... In walks this smoking hot gorgeous Asian woman in her late thirties... With a smoking hot Australian accent... And he is ENTHRALLED but struggling with this attraction (because of her age). And she's obviously smitten with him. I was laughing so much about this! Watched it go on all morning then, at lunch, when she's purring and cooing at him and practically in his lap... Seriously, he's very attractive and intelligent and mature, I can see why she's into him... but he speaks to me in Hebrew, calling me mom... And THE LOOK on her face is priceless! Turns out some of her best friends are Jewish, so she says "That's your mom?". Man, does the direction of the convo shift then!


Later that evening he says something about how hot she was... And then says something about how now he gets how his friends feel around me... LOL!

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We won't need to hand over our firstborns, will we?



I have no first born! But I'd offer any of our pooches...house broken, well mannered, don't get up on the furniture, short haired, shots all up to date, walk well on the leash, don't bark all day long at every noise (or worse yet at nothing)....what might they be worth?

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Uh...not consciously taking anyone's son in trade for anything, thanks. ;)

I was teasing.... Just so everyone knows I have a wicked sense of humor...I'm not looking for anyone right now, I just need to get my last one graduated and into college and then I will feel like I made a success of my life...

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No I wasn't commenting to anyone in particular, I know it's all in fun. None of us would actually trade our sons for perfume, lol.

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And I thought we were all teasing :) and all in good fun :) :) after all, people aren't really commodities to be traded ...


And regarding the whole concept:

Still, every man is someone's son after all... And introductions are made in some form or another.... And all relationships involve compromise and give-and-take exchanges if they are to be successful (one partner can't always have it their way if the relationship is to be balanced)...


But back to the topic: just ordered from the sales bin:

Prophetic Pie; S'more Than aFeeling; Wheat Siren; Ghost Bumps; Lost Highway; Pumpkin Juice Cocktail... Now I have some Pesach Scents and Halloween scents with which to gift the Bears :)

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I was teasing.... Just so everyone knows I have a wicked sense of humor...I'm not looking for anyone right now, I just need to get my last one graduated and into college and then I will feel like I made a success of my life...

*^ Yup! Thats the deal^^

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And I thought we were all teasing :) and all in good fun :) :) after all, people aren't really commodities to be traded ...


And regarding the whole concept:

Still, every man is someone's son after all... And introductions are made in some form or another.... And all relationships involve compromise and give-and-take exchanges if they are to be successful (one partner can't always have it their way if the relationship is to be balanced)...


But back to the topic: just ordered from the sales bin:

Prophetic Pie; S'more Than aFeeling; Wheat Siren; Ghost Bumps; Lost Highway; Pumpkin Juice Cocktail... Now I have some Pesach Scents and Halloween scents with which to gift the Bears :)

Chai, what peach scent from that list is your favorite? thanks

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And I thought we were all teasing :) and all in good fun :) :) after all, people aren't really commodities to be traded ...


And regarding the whole concept:

Still, every man is someone's son after all... And introductions are made in some form or another.... And all relationships involve compromise and give-and-take exchanges if they are to be successful (one partner can't always have it their way if the relationship is to be balanced)...


But back to the topic: just ordered from the sales bin:

Prophetic Pie; S'more Than aFeeling; Wheat Siren; Ghost Bumps; Lost Highway; Pumpkin Juice Cocktail... Now I have some Pesach Scents and Halloween scents with which to gift the Bears :)


And see, I was just going to say that this place could be a great mother's matchmaker site. You can get to know some ladies within the age bracket of your choosing AND know that your LP collection can grow exponentially because you will have a partner in crime!!

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Chai, what peach scent from that list is your favorite? thanks

DD... Sorry, not peach... Pesach. The Hebrew name for the Jewish holiday of Passover. This past year I started wearing Chametz (bready) scents throughout Pesach/Passover as kind of a joke (inspired in part by Luna's theme-based weeks) and my girls thought the idea was a hoot. So, this upcoming Pesach/Passover I'm going to give them their own Chametz scent :) And, it's a lovely thing to be able to do so from the sales bin :)


Hmm, I'll have to ponder what my favorite peach scent is and get back to you. Anyone else, feel free to chime in with suggestions!

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