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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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Congrats on fab first orders to the newcomers!


TheBirkeys, you've gotten great advice here... the only thing I would add is that I approached my monster sampler list by looking at categories. Like I'd get all the honey scent samples together on the theory so that I could compare and figure out which one(s) I liked best. Or the tropical ones. That helped me to sort out a bit what I liked from what I loved, and kind of helped keep the full bottle list a bit !

That's really good advice about ordering in catagories like that. I never would have thought to do that! I bet that really does help when trying to pin down your tastes.

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Yep I'm going to have to start looking for summer scents too - most of my collection is foody and a bit "heavy" for summer. I foresee me wearing a lot of The Sand Witch, and I might actually go for a PE...

I seem to have managed to get about an equal amount of both! I have two full racks pretty much sorted into cool/warm weather (although I do cross the weather borders sometimes) but I am surprised at how about even they are.

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The Birkeys...I have so many of those samples hanging around. I don't have a trade page because I am lazy and don't want to deal with the payment thing. But if you get an email exchange I can go through my trough and see what I've got to send you. Some of those I have given to my mother but I still have plenty on your list I can throw in an envelope and save you a few dollars.


missdarlyncherie...that would be fabulous!! Thank you so so much!!! How do I get an email exchange? Or I can just post it here also. That is so generous of you...we will discuss details in the email....yay!!! You have made my day!!! :D




****I just sent an email to cust service for an email swap :) forgive me for taking so long to respond..I am off and on the computer all day while cleaning... ;)

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NRs for April/May - as soon as I know how I should order them! And the PEs I have reserved! :) :) :)

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missdarlyncherie...that would be fabulous!! Thank you so so much!!! How do I get an email exchange? Or I can just post it here also. That is so generous of you...we will discuss details in the email....yay!!! You have made my day!!! :D




****I just sent an email to cust service for an email swap :) forgive me for taking so long to respond..I am off and on the computer all day while cleaning... ;)

No problem...I've been gone all day anyway...just got home and see NR's are up!! I'll sort through my samples tomorrow!!
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No problem...I've been gone all day anyway...just got home and see NR's are up!! I'll sort through my samples tomorrow!!

hey! Yes, NRs are up! Hooray! I forgot to give my forum name to her so just replied to her with it. Will you email me or do I email you....Im so excited and thanks again...I will return your good deed in some way.... :wink88:

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Easy decision. Sampler sets for April and May have been ordered. I'm also going to start fleshing out a few PEs I have been thinking about. I'll wait until I get the NRs though and order PEs along with another must have bottles from April/May. Fun, fun, fun!!!

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Ordered April & May samplers plus reserved PEs!..........so far :lol:

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I think I will be in the "I'm ordering as soon as they're posted boat" from now on. That will hopefully give me time to sample and order "necessities" before they are sold out :lol:

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My first order I got: unscented pheros DHEAS and Levitation, both in sprays; samples of Gamboge, Gypsum White and Blush and All Hallows Eve w/Lumina because it was the last one. I love everything I ordered which makes it even more difficult to narrow down my order from what I would love to what I can afford! lol I want to try things before buying a fb only because I am not familiar with different notes of a fragrance. So......


I am looking at: The Sampler Sets for Women and for Men (my fiance and father)(It has Sneaky Clean w/SS which was recommended to me)


FB: X Appeal w/Sexology (also recommended by the same person-thank you!!)

Gypsum White w/Lace

Gamboge w/Levitation

Flying Potion


Samples: Sandy Bottom for Men

Love Potion Gold

A Treasure of Copper

Agua Fresca

Alabaster Queen

Beth's Blushing Milkmaid

Atomic Mandarin

Elixir of Worldly Delights

Eternal Sunshine for Men

Frambuesa Y Coco

Glass Slipper

Goldie Fingers

Grow a Pear

Guavas in the Mist

Honey Bunny (FHW)


Naked Dawn

Orange Almond (FHW)

Passion and Envy

Pizzazz w/Cougar

Pouncing Potion w/Cougar

Sarasvati: Creativity Potion

Skool's Out

Spell 2013 Love Immortal

Sugared Amber

Summertime Blue

Trianon esque

Tropical Cupcake (FHW)

UNE for Women

Velvet and Steel

New Releases (haven't decided if a full set or specific ones yet)


As you can see, the samples list is extremely long.!! This is my full list of fragrances I would currently like to try. What I will probably do is order between 5-10 with each order. Any input would be greatly appreciated as far as how I can try different ones...lol It's insanely long!! :P


Well, I placed my second order today! Spent an hour putting things in and taking things out and changing things around trying to get everything I wanted without breaking the bank! lol Still didn't get everything I wanted..some things will have to wait, but I'm happy with the end result....


2 Gypsum White (one roll on and one spray)...I absolutely love this! I have almost used up my sample. Wore it for Easter dinner w/the whole family and everyone was commenting how good I smelled and they were all over me with kindness and smiles!!


Women's and Men's Newbie Sampler


Gamboge with Levitation (roll on)


X Appeal w/Sexology sample (I wanted a fb of this, but it wasn't in my budget, so at least I have a little that I can use until next order)


Crayon Sampler Set (I only ordered the 3 with pheromones my 1st order. I came to LPMP only looking for pheros and fragrances with them, but after smelling all of the great samples I got, I am now falling in love with it all so I had to get a full set...plus they come in that great crayon box I saw!! ;) )


Plus...thanks to missdarlyncherie, I am getting a whole lotta samples from my list of "want to try"!!!!! Oh, Happy Day!! :cat690:



My next order I am already looking at X Appeal w/Sexology fb, Sneaky Clean fb, Flying Potion (hope it's still available!), and our fabulous Spring Collection for April and May...who can resist all of those cutie animal pics? and I'm sure the fragrances that go with each of them are fantastic!! :)


I'd love to do a couple of PEs when I'm more familiar with notes of fragrances...I love clean, light scents so the idea of some spa scents with ginger, white tea, white flowers and citrus intrigues me!! We will see how that develops!!


Now I just have to find a way to pay for all of this!!!! lolol ;)

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Pinnacle! That's a great one!...and everything else too of course :D Great idea boosting AM with CB...such a scrummy scent to cuddle up to! Love your phero choices :heart: Lace and BANG! have always been at the top of my list...now that I have tried H&S, it's quickly climbing the ladder to favorites as well! YOU will have SO much fun when you get that order ^_^



When I first sniffed Atomic Mandarin on my wrist, I instantly thought it would be great boosted with Cuddle Bunny -- as a matter of fact, i deleted my fb of scented Cuddle Bunny from the cart in order to buy the boost for the At Man. :) I cannot wait to try this on!! (I also thought it would be a great scent base for Bang! but for some reason it didn't feel right to me to boost it with the Lace)


I am also very anxious to try the Heart and Soul with BF to see how he responds to it. he's turning out to be a great responder to all the pheros that I like the best -- he's an awesome responder to Cuddle Bunny, which ramps ups his sexy-cuddle behavior to the nth degree. :) (Yes, he does know i phero bomb him and he doesn't mind. I think he likes the experiments and I'm starting to believe that he actually likes the phero effects the same way i like the self-effects.)


Love love love Lace! I'm using up my bottle of Gypsum White very quickly and I'm soooo looking forward to that Unscented bottle! As for the Bang!, I could not resist - I had such great results with it last time I wore it in Raspberry Rose Confite. :)


The Pinnacle is for my son -- i bought him a sampler of Captain Fantastic and he liked it so much, he asked for more samples of other scents.

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I like the Pinnacle scent, and the Cocked and Loaded, oh! Oh! And Un for men and Voracious AND SUPER FOR MEN! Sorry - got carried away...I guess I'm trying to say is that I hope he likes the samples because LP has a lot of really nice scents for the guys too :blushing:


Lace is wonderful. 2 little magic molecules - that work magick together :) Glad to hear you're BOTH having lots of fun with this new hobby you're procuring ^_^

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Bought both Spring sample sets AND a new New, because I never had an opportunity to try the old New.

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Reserved a Pinky Sweet (hopefully) and Egg will be a fb for sure. Trying really hard to skip the NR's this month but once descriptions come out I'll probably be doomed. Also really wanting the body cream on the artfire site.

Oh crap! I forgot about body cream as I plan my monster May 1 order.... which yes, does not even take into account NRs past the sampler! I need to plant a fast-growing money tree in my basement because I always want ALL THE THINGS.

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2 bottles from the PEs. EGG 2014 for sure, how many bottles? Undecided. I have decided I WANT to love the Totem Goat but want to wait for all my samples because there are so many that look good...I hear rustling coming from my credit card....:moneyfairy13:


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I will get samples of the two male/unisex scents.


ETA: Ordered!

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I got Tyveys Paradis Island....Fluffy Bunny for my mom and I decided on the May sampler and samples of Bat, Bunny and Goat from the April sampler. I'll wait for reviews on the ones I missed...that's enough treats for now. I hope I get the Paradise Island before my trip!!


Eta: I just realized it was called Pleasure Island...even better!

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I ordered both sampler sets when the labels went up. I can't wait now to try them.


I have been working on a PE for the past month that has sweetgrass and now something like 3 of the NRs have it listed. So cool!!

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After reviewing all the wonderful notes, of course I could have bought the whole collection hands down. Alas, I bought three: Horse, Ducky and Wolf. All three have ingredients and associations that I can surely use right now.

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I ordered both sampler sets when the labels went up. I can't wait now to try them.


Me too! Me too! :cat690: I've been stalking my email for the CataLunaLPMP has sent you a package message!


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Just totally panic-ordered a bottle of Egg and forgot to pay for my reserved PE's!

D'oh! I just ordered both samplers and also forgot to buy reserved PE's! Hoping Mara doesn't mind if I do it all in one ginormous order once I have sampled all the goodies and figured out which ones Must Be Mine.

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NEED samples of:

North Pole for Men

Encens de Café

Steamy Daydreams


Sand Box

Sands of the Nile


The 2 PEs I reserved and whichever totems capture my heart once I snuffle them all! :heart::)

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My reserved PE's and most likely one of the NR samplers. I have other LP needs in May like a PE or two so I'll have to draw the NRs out.

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I have no idea what I am going to order. I know for sure my reserved PEs.. but I don't know if I will get along with all these earth notes that I see a lot of the totems have. I would have to narrow it down to a few.

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I am having the same fear. The earth notes and the woods and grasses are giving me pause. Glad I get the samplers!


I am afraid to get the samplers and then everything will smell terrible on me and then that's like 2 LPs that I want lol.

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Aww forget all that..

just ordered both samplers... done


I need a drink :lol:


Whoa .. 2 Cherry Ds just popped up on AF. I bought one and out of the kindness of my heart I left one for someone else... Lady V hope you're around. :lol:


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NEED samples of:

North Pole for Men

Encens de Café

Steamy Daydreams


Sand Box

Sands of the Nile


I probably have samples of all the above if you want to request an email exchange and work something out.

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I probably have samples of all the above if you want to request an email exchange and work something out.


*Swoons!* Truly? Absolutely interested!!! Off to request e-exchange now! :heart:


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I have no idea what I am going to order. I know for sure my reserved PEs.. but I don't know if I will get along with all these earth notes that I see a lot of the totems have. I would have to narrow it down to a few.


I am having the same fear. The earth notes and the woods and grasses are giving me pause. Glad I get the samplers!

I am afraid to get the samplers and then everything will smell terrible on me and then that's like 2 LPs that I want lol.


I was wringing my hands over all of this too. I did get one sampler just so I would have something to stick up my nose. But I am very afraid.

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I just had to order another bottle of Flying Potion for my sweet neighbor. Every time I wear it around her, she can't stop saying how much she loves it. Since she is like another Mother to me, I thought this would be a great Mother's Day present for her.

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I also ordered 3 bottles of New. Anyone else go New crazy?

I tried to find the review thread but no luck.

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