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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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There was a Jan's Bonne Belle on Artfire for like, 5 seconds. So yeah. That's coming! I also went ahead and got Valerie's Misty Melon Patch which I have been contemplating for quite a while!


I don't even want to think what my bank account is going to look like when notes for NRs go up and June PEs are listed...


Blackcat, I'm so glad you got a bottle of Bonne Belle. I hope you love her.

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UG! Bittersweet, Blue, Exotica, Latte....maybe Incandescence....Oh! Decisions, decisions!!! Common samples - hurry home to me so I can know for sure :lol:

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Amalthea I am in the same boat!!! Trying to stick to a budget but GRRRR....this is a very exciting collection. No way I can resist Rouge! Or Exotica! Or Blue!!! Oh God this is horrible.


Lol MDC, I hear you! I think the trick is to wait long enough to see which ones are in danger of selling out quickly, and then catch up on the others a little at a time. Of course, with Mara putting out such gorgeous new scents every month, it's hard to EVER catch up! But I'm slowly whittling down my wishlist, and who knows, maybe sometime soon I'll win that lottery:)

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HAHAHA! I am already down almost half a bottle of the 2 I have - so I will probably blow through these. I slather quite heavily...or re-apply....I almost never re-apply things...I love TG! OH - and hubby quite likes it on me so, yea....I plan to go through quite a bit. I keep forgetting it has cops, it just smells so yummilicious! Roll in like cat nip worthy for sure!!!! :w00t:

You're killing me :lol: my next order is already bursting at the seams. Now here you are with this TG business :) . Just curious, do you use a lot of sprays? This one I wouldn't necessarily get a spray because it has cops. I'm speaking in general terms...I have this fearsome love relationship with sprays. I love them but worry about waste. With the oils, I know everything goes on the skin.


:Emoticons0424: regarding hubby quite liking TG, 'nuff said! Build your stash 'gurl' - build yo' stash :say19:


So, is there gonna, like, be ANY Totem Goat/Cops left, lol?


:lol2: she seems to be a nice girl, if we catch her on a good day perhaps she'll leave two bottles for us :belly-dancer:

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CuR - I can name those that I have in spray - Topper, DHEAS, PP, PM, Stone Cougar, OW, Jubilee (which has Teddy BB) and FP (w/Levitation). I consider all of these "socials". I also have all but Levitation in oil too. Literally EVERYTHING else I have ordered as oils and very few I have made into sprays (little 5ml from LP or 1/2 oz from amazon.com) for myself, Papal Purple (with H&S) being one of them. I prefer oils for 2 reasons:

1. I wear EVERTHING to work - everything. Work IS my testing ground. I can't have things like BI and Sexpionage (in Compromising Positions - gads that smells delish!) just winging out any ol' where!

2. When I wear most of my stash, selfishly, I wouldn't want anyone to mistake the signature I'm projecting to belong to someone else, I like my closely clinging oils :)

My sprays are different because I wear them when I want to effect the most people and don't concern myself if they confuse my signature with those around me....I wear those just to spread happiness where ever the phero cloud goes ^_^ So, for me, it depends on the goal :heart:


CuR & OBWiser - Weeell, I haven't got any Totem: Goat on my current order list... atm.... :lol:

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Blackcat, I'm so glad you got a bottle of Bonne Belle. I hope you love her.

Seajammarket, you can't know how thrilled I was when it popped up! Your review melted my heart and I am so excited to experience the magic!

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I spent way too much last month...so today I only ordered the June Sampler (after reading the descriptions, I wanted to try them all!) and a bottle of Flying Potion. They are holding UN Lunima (love it in the All Hallows Eve I got) and the last of the New samples for me..so all of that will be coming together. I was hoping to find at least one of the new LPs that I would love, but after looking at all of them...there are going to be several favs I think! My hoarding days are over...lol...only will be able to afford maybe 2 bottles from the June NRs...unless I win the lottery!! (in which I will share my fortune with all the forum members ;))...it could happen!! :D

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got the sampler and a FB of LP Rouge (went w/roll-on), teetering on LP Exotica and LP Flutterby

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CuR - I can name those that I have in spray - Topper, DHEAS, PP, PM, Stone Cougar, OW, Jubilee (which has Teddy BB) and FP (w/Levitation). I consider all of these "socials". I also have all but Levitation in oil too. Literally EVERYTHING else I have ordered as oils and very few I have made into sprays (little 5ml from LP or 1/2 oz from amazon.com) for myself, Papal Purple (with H&S) being one of them. I prefer oils for 2 reasons:

1. I wear EVERTHING to work - everything. Work IS my testing ground. I can't have things like BI and Sexpionage (in Compromising Positions - gads that smells delish!) just winging out any ol' where!

2. When I wear most of my stash, selfishly, I wouldn't want anyone to mistake the signature I'm projecting to belong to someone else, I like my closely clinging oils :)

My sprays are different because I wear them when I want to effect the most people and don't concern myself if they confuse my signature with those around me....I wear those just to spread happiness where ever the phero cloud goes ^_^ So, for me, it depends on the goal :heart:


CuR & OBWiser - Weeell, I haven't got any Totem: Goat on my current order list... atm.... :lol:

Ok, I know you have a ginormous collection so the fact you're able to name all your sprays says a lot! Good for you for having strong convictions on how you use your potions and blends! I wanna be like you when I grow up xoxo ^_^. I'm familiar with the reasoning you outlined...it's good to hear it reiterated from different folks so thanks for that :) . I'm in the same boat as you, work IS my testing ground. However I'm a victim of timing :( . If I would've started using pheros before I started at my current job, I could have gone in swathed in whatever I wanted and things would've been good. Sadly, they met me as a demure, sweet-n-quiet, somewhat shy, cute girl. To go from that to resident bombshell is disconcerting. The 'mens' can't handle it. Therefore, I have to move painstakingly slow in changing views of self. Sigh. :frown:


What does atm mean?

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I spent way too much last month...so today I only ordered the June Sampler (after reading the descriptions, I wanted to try them all!) and a bottle of Flying Potion. They are holding UN Lunima (love it in the All Hallows Eve I got) and the last of the New samples for me..so all of that will be coming together. I was hoping to find at least one of the new LPs that I would love, but after looking at all of them...there are going to be several favs I think! My hoarding days are over...lol...only will be able to afford maybe 2 bottles from the June NRs...unless I win the lottery!! (in which I will share my fortune with all the forum members ;))...it could happen!! :D


It could happen Birkey! And thank you in advance for sharing :say09752:

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Well it is safe to say I went over budget.

I haven't made an unsniffed FB order like this in like...never. I have (IMO) an excessive collection so I am pretty picky about what I allow in these days.


THAT SAID...THIS IS AN AMAZING COLLECTION. LUNAS STORIES HAVE DRIVEN ME OUT OF MY MIND...I AM PRINTING THEM ALL OUT TO KEEP...I JUST ABSOLUTELY DROOLED OVER ECHO'S ART WEBSITE!!!! I really really really want the print of the artwork for Rouge. But I went ahead and went this crazy...FB's of Rouge (added cops!), Blue, Exotica and Frais C. Oh and samps of Tropique and Latte. I am super excited. AND COMPLETELY CUT MYSELF OFF FOR JULY. AND I AM SERIOUS. I ONLY DID THIS BECAUSE IT IS AN EXTRA SPECIAL COLLECTION. (yes I am lecturing myself...pay no mind please.)

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Well it is safe to say I went over budget.

I haven't made an unsniffed FB order like this in like...never. I have (IMO) an excessive collection so I am pretty picky about what I allow in these days.


THAT SAID...THIS IS AN AMAZING COLLECTION. LUNAS STORIES HAVE DRIVEN ME OUT OF MY MIND...I AM PRINTING THEM ALL OUT TO KEEP...I JUST ABSOLUTELY DROOLED OVER ECHO'S ART WEBSITE!!!! I really really really want the print of the artwork for Rouge. But I went ahead and went this crazy...FB's of Rouge (added cops!), Blue, Exotica and Frais C. Oh and samps of Tropique and Latte. I am super excited. AND COMPLETELY CUT MYSELF OFF FOR JULY. AND I AM SERIOUS. I ONLY DID THIS BECAUSE IT IS AN EXTRA SPECIAL COLLECTION. (yes I am lecturing myself...pay no mind please.)


:Emoticons04263: a girl's gotta' do what a girl's gotta do MDC. I completely understand. Really and truly :rolleyes: . You have a great order there...

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:Emoticons04263: a girl's gotta' do what a girl's gotta do MDC. I completely understand. Really and truly :rolleyes: . You have a great order there...

Thank you CUR, I have no business making this order coming off the heels of my vacation and in two weeks going to the esthetician convention but I felt as if I had no choice. I am in love with this set. Oh by the way "atm" means "at the moment." :)

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OMG! I said I would do it and I did! I ordered Un Cougar triple boosted! Also, I could not resist. I went FB on LP Rouge and requested samples of Terra Mater and Exotica. I have been very wicked indeed! I can'T wait! Jumping out of my skin! :perfume-emoticon:

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Well it is safe to say I went over budget.

I haven't made an unsniffed FB order like this in like...never. I have (IMO) an excessive collection so I am pretty picky about what I allow in these days.


THAT SAID...THIS IS AN AMAZING COLLECTION. LUNAS STORIES HAVE DRIVEN ME OUT OF MY MIND...I AM PRINTING THEM ALL OUT TO KEEP...I JUST ABSOLUTELY DROOLED OVER ECHO'S ART WEBSITE!!!! I really really really want the print of the artwork for Rouge. But I went ahead and went this crazy...FB's of Rouge (added cops!), Blue, Exotica and Frais C. Oh and samps of Tropique and Latte. I am super excited. AND COMPLETELY CUT MYSELF OFF FOR JULY. AND I AM SERIOUS. I ONLY DID THIS BECAUSE IT IS AN EXTRA SPECIAL COLLECTION. (yes I am lecturing myself...pay no mind please.)


I hear you so loud and clear on this!! I am still waiting on my last monster order from the Totem madness, but I went ahead and ordered full bottles of Tropique and Bittersweet (with cops added) because if they are even half as good as I think they are going to be I CANNOT WAIT to sample, then order and wait again... this collection is so amazing, and there were about 5 other things I was this close to ordering (OK, full disclosure, I considered the Full Bottle set very seriously) but in each case there were notes I wasn't quite sure about, so I will stick to the sampler for the rest. But oh wow, I've been meaning to take a month off from even sampling since April and Mara and Luna keep making me offers I can't refuse!

OMG! I said I would do it and I did! I ordered Un Cougar triple boosted! Also, I could not resist. I went FB on LP Rouge and requested samples of Terra Mater and Exotica. I have been very wicked indeed! I can'T wait! Jumping out of my skin! :perfume-emoticon:

Rose, you are DA BOMB! You go, girl! Can't wait for reports on triple boosted Cougar because I know you will rock it!

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Thank you CUR, I have no business making this order coming off the heels of my vacation and in two weeks going to the esthetician convention but I felt as if I had no choice. I am in love with this set. Oh by the way "atm" means "at the moment." :)


:love: MDC, not to worry, the fabulous-ness of these potions will more than make up for going over budget. This is such a special occasion! Of course you have to make concessions :) . We're of the same mindset, head over heels in love with this set. That's a great idea to print out the stories and descriptions, I think I'll do that too. Will read them when I get anxious while waiting for my order to arrive, lol. Thanks very much for defining "atm." Now I know :P

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I almost feel guilty posting but....I was given a handsome gift recently and the practical thing would be to spend on existing bills.....but naw......I went full bottle set for June. :cat690:

Well, under those circumstances, I think it would have been wrong not to!! The bills you will always have with you. These are LIMITED VARIANTS!

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I almost feel guilty posting but....I was given a handsome gift recently and the practical thing would be to spend on existing bills.....but naw......I went full bottle set for June. :cat690:

Guilty?! What for pray tell?!. LOL!!! Good stuff in getting the full bottle set. Excited for you :018A1D~14:


Well, under those circumstances, I think it would have been wrong not to!! The bills you will always have with you. These are LIMITED VARIANTS!

Wow -- ok, LOVE that rationale. Way to go BC :lol2:

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Guilty?! What for pray tell?!. LOL!!! Good stuff in getting the full bottle set. Excited for you :018A1D~14:


Wow -- ok, LOVE that rationale. Way to go BC :lol2:

If I were one of the X-Men, rationalizing would be my super-power!

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:10_small16: that would be a great super-power to have, lol. That trait means you think quick on your feet!!! Always the best way to get out of a jam :P. You should consider a law degree :)

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Following the LP golden rule ( & life lesson)


Getting the monthly sampler of course!!!!

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I almost feel guilty posting but....I was given a handsome gift recently and the practical thing would be to spend on existing bills.....but naw......I went full bottle set for June. :cat690:

This is definitely THE full bottle set to get if you can swing it! You did the right thing! These bottles are going to look GORGE as a set....

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OMG! I said I would do it and I did! I ordered Un Cougar triple boosted! Also, I could not resist. I went FB on LP Rouge and requested samples of Terra Mater and Exotica. I have been very wicked indeed! I can'T wait! Jumping out of my skin! :perfume-emoticon:


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:emot177: Limbered up, massaged my typing fingers and "had at it!" Pressed 'send' y'all. I ordered the NRs and also (finally) got Topper. Ordered MRF and Lumina as well. A few things on ArtFire also in the works :^^:. A special shout out to OBW, Maroon and Vladmyra for the great reviews. You ladies were instrumental in helping to put this order together. Wheeeww, this month's LPMP package is going to be something else :heart:

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Hard-pressed to NOT immediately go FBS...but I resisted and will wait for my b.d. gift sampler from my sweetie...and LP Blue!

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Yes definitely .... no more impulse orders paid for my PE, sampler ect so now.. wait.. wait.. wait :D

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well, I am currently waiting for my June sampler and some other things, but Mara did something else wonderful...made another batch of LP White!!! :hubbahubba: Soooo, all of my plans to be conservative with a couple of fbs of the new sampler have now flown out the window!! :666: Right now I am scheming to determine just how many bottles w/boosts of LP White I can afford at this time!! ;)


I am beyond excited and trying to be a good girl and wait for my current order to arrive...it is killing me!!!


**To anyone who doesn't know...Mara Maravillosa has given us a new batch of LP White..it is in the system to order!!!! Thank you so much Mara..I am one happy camper!!!! :woohoonaner2gy:

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