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I had on balm bomb on my wrist earlier today,I just applied SLF and immediatly got self effects..weird. but good :)

this smells like dark smutty honey..love it! reminds me of pouncing potion,minus the peach and chocolate...I cant wait to get a bottle of this! its soo sexxy!

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Every single time I wear this it makes me smile, with or without any other scent and/or phero :cat692:


If someone told me two years ago I would love this, would not have believed it :w00t: ...considering getting a third bottle,cause it is going to get even richer as it ages!

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Damn based on these reviews I'm sorry I missed this one. I'm not sure how it would smell on me, because I love phero girl and when I sniff I smell honey, but to other people I smell like baby powder.


You didn't miss it at all. There are still 19 bottles available.

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I got this in oil and my skin messed this one up something awful. On me, it smelled like a stack of wet newspapers and/or wet dead leaves.


LOVE amber, and thought I might really adore the honey so I don't know why it turned sour. Is there civet in this? Could that be it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, this just happened: I took a bath, then applied some OCCO SLF. When I walk in the living room (clothed), my husband says, "your pussy smells good."

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So, this just happened: I took a bath, then applied some OCCO SLF. When I walk in the living room (clothed), my husband says, "your pussy smells good."



LOLOLOLOLOL.....I need a raincoat for my computer!

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Does anyone know what note in this makes it smell powdery? The amber? Civet?


Some varieties of amber will go powdery on me.....but YMMV......

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Ahha I put this on the other day and my brother was over hes like...waaaa my weed smells like ass! (he was rolling a j) I just put SLF on so it didnt dry.I got him to sniff my wrist and he didnt like it..lol

Although I dont think it smells gross,just got to let it drydown.

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I had to give this one away, the powdery note gave it an older lady smell to me. I didn't like the super sweet and powder combo. I like powdery scents, so I think maybe Civet doesn't play nice with my skin chemistry.

Edited by Lexy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Have to admit, the powder aspect (honey turns that way on me a lot) has me worried. I've been wanting to get this forever, esp since I missed out on HAM aka original SLF way back when... Sooo stoked that there are samples of this, had no idea... now I just gotta pray that if it doesn't powder out (and SLFs like a good little LP) that it's still here to order! Crossing fingers on both counts!

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I really like this one, actually. I don't even need to let it dry down first, I get no ass from it, lol...to me it just smells like mellow honey with something a little floral-y. Which is kinda weird since if I recall correctly this has no floral notes in it. I think the amber gives it a little powdery something that my nose interprets as flowers in this particular blend.

No idea about the effects, I'm afraid to go overboard on cops so I haven't really tested the intent.

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Mostly civet on me, which apparently my husband is ALL ABOUT because this is his runaway fave of my package. Regretting I didn't just buy the bottle already! Anyway, not too sweet or powdery to either of us, thank god ;) He calls this 'the musky one', it's so cute. I'm thinking it shares the 'gnarly' civet that's in OCCO Purple? Funny though how they play with the other ingredients. He also says it's 'honeyed, like a dark honey' ... I'm just glad it's not like 'suprise, I'm really baby powder!' honey, might be that ingredient interplay? What I know for sure: I will be getting a bottle or two to wear for him, absomofolutely.


eta: We couldn't wait, he bought me 2 bottles! That's why I loves ma bebe ;) Can't wait to slather this, and pay him back, mmmm...

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I asked my sister what this smelled like to her and she said, "Like flowery vagina ass." It definitely smells "dirty" to me but I wouldn't have described it as vagina/ass. My skin seems to amp amber harrrrddd. I get some honey but it's all underneath the amber, there's some muskiness to SLF on me, but not a whole lot.


The final stage smells very powder like. I liked how it smelled until it got to the very last stage, very powdery and old lady like. The staying power on this is mad. I took a shower that night and half a bath in the morning and I could STILL smell it on my wrists.

Edited by MeriendaTime
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I wonder if there's something wrong with my nose? Everyone always says they can smell "ass" in things containing cops, and I've yet to smell ass, at all, ever. Well, not in a perfume, anyway. Nor do I smell vagina in anything. I'm starting to think I need to get myself a bottle of straight EoW, so I can figure out what cops actually smell like to me, 'cause so far I got nuthin'. I'm probably running around offending all kinds of noses when I wear stuff with cops in it, 'cause I don't know when the cops smell goes away! :huh: Maybe I just don't know what smell I'm looking for? This is kind of alarming! Me and my super-sniffer - HA! <_<


ETA a horrible thought: have I been running around with ass and vagina smell *on my clothes*???

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Oh my gosh, Eggers, I feel the exact same way! Not that I've tried everything with cops in it, but the ones that I have tried are scents that everyone else says smell like ass/vagina at least for the first 10-20 minutes.

I've actually asked my mom to smell some of these things as well and she just says they smell nice. I really hope I haven't been smelling like ass and vagina to other people O_O

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I know! Lol! I generally wait for the dry-down before I put my clothes on anyway, but there are a few exceptions - mostly things that other people have said they can't detect the cops in, like Velvet Kisses, and Cougar Potion. For the most part, though, I think I either just don't smell it, or I don't know what smell I'm looking for. I have UN Bang!, and it smells a tiny bit cheesy, but that's the only time I've ever smelled that smell. Ambrosia smells like perfume, SLF smells like perfume... IDK. I guess as long as I wait for the dry-down, I'm not walking around smelling like ass & vag! :lol:

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I'm starting to think I need to get myself a bottle of straight EoW, so I can figure out what cops actually smell like to me


Why yes...yes you should :666:

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I know this is controversial but...I don't believe anyone needs to use EoW neat. But that's just my opinion and you can feel free to think me an idiot (I'm sure some people already do). But although EoW is an analog for vaginal secretions I don't believe it's an exact duplicate of those odors. It's a very subjective experience in regards to what we all perceive and therefore you can't assume that everyone is perceiving the same type of scent when it comes to copulins. Plus, it's not always effective if someone is huffing the 'fumes, as it were, rather than being steered with the suggestion of what it represents, which means giving it time to meld with a person's chemistry. It's not that you're necessarily going to be smelling like said orifices, but that you will be STINKY, and culturally that tends to be a taboo. But with time (and patience) that quality will transform into the suggestion it's meant to represent.

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I don't smell vagina/ass in OCCOs or any perfumes boosted with cops either Eggers. Though some mixes with EOW smell like a "sweaty woman" wearing perfume if that makes sense. Often times I don't wait till dry down and put on clothes too. And to me, it smells like I went for a run and then tried to cover up my sweaty musks with perfume.

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I don't smell any ass in the Occos or the perfumes I've had boosted either. I have applied a cops boosted perfume and immediately had Michael smell it and he obviously cannot smell it either. I've thrown freshly applied Unwrapped (cops boosted) at him and he said it smelled lovely and Closer also he loved with no dry down.




HG has a VERY SUSPICIOUS NOSE when it comes to cops boosted "fumes. He is definitely like this :blink: . He starts asking weird questions.

I have to be careful over there. I spray UN BI in his bathroom and it is very nerve wracking trying to make excuses as to why I won't come out for a while. Luckily I have my own bathroom over there but still...


That said...I probably won't ever get EOW straight up. I'm Ok with getting boosts in perfumes.


Audacious stink kind of took me by surprise but I sprayed while driving...obviously close quarters...and I didn't realize it had cops at the time.

Yeah that one scared me for a minute.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I HAVE to get more of this, despite the powdery scent it leaves behind. Not only is the staying power INSANE on me....but it keeps the cops covered. I finally figured what that musky weird scent that got left behind whenever I wore occos, cuddlebunny or pretty much anything that's supposed to cover cops. The cops CLING to my skin like crazy. It stays on my skin for so long that it *always* outlives the fragrance.


But OCCO SLF? This...stays just as long as the cops, or maybe even outlives it.

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HG has a VERY SUSPICIOUS NOSE when it comes to cops boosted "fumes. He is definitely like this :blink: . He starts asking weird questions.

I have to be careful over there. I spray UN BI in his bathroom and it is very nerve wracking trying to make excuses as to why I won't come out for a while. Luckily I have my own bathroom over there but still...



LOL. Mine does too.


SO:*Sniff* "Did you put on more perfume?" *crotch nudge* "It smells different for some reason...or is that your smell?"


Me: *Knows the perfume is gone and he's smelling the cops*"Erm...maybe...but the perfumes I have morph. Not that 2 dimensional bath and body works stuff. Maybe the musk is coming out towards the end."


SO:"Well. Whatever it is, I like smelling it. Turns me on."

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I put this aside for a while as the last time I tried this, let's just say it was opposite of my first review.


Anyhow, I had some of this one over the weekend and I fell in love with it again minus the horniness I got (initially). It's prob because my period has just finished and thus changed the way this turned out on my skin. It's still quite musky with a little incense in the background. I do notice that the cops is very prominent on wet, unlike OCCO Ambrosia and OCCO Red.

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I am STILL looking for my missing bottle!! *cry* But, I wanted to mention that I get no ass with this one, not at all like joire de. This is great as a "first layer" under the richer, muskier scents!!

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I think my skin chemistry was a bit off when I first tested this. Maybe the scent has grown on me....or maybe it's because I shook the bottle this time. The powdery smell is gone. I smelled honey! Soft dirty honey. mmmm. SLF indeed. Strong amber with underlying honey then the amber fades and I'm left with a delicious naughty honey.

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Whoa. This smells just like Jouir De to me -- raunchy!! But without the subtle floral note. (As if there could be anything subtle about Jouir De!)


Now that it's drying down more, SLF is much raunchier (dirtier?!) than Jouir De. (Gotta get the lingo down!)


This one definitely stays inside the house!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very sexy honey and amber is what smell :) love this one, and I love to layer with this. Again, I tend to wear this to bed with the hubby, like I do with Cops & Robbers. Although, I haven't noticed any difference in my hubby, when I wear cops (or really anything else I've tried). He already has a BIG sex drive, so I don't think pheros do much for him. They do help me though, so that's all that matters :)

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When I first put this on all I could smell was..um... feet/cheese/ass, in that order LOL. It dried down so it's not so in-your-face smelling, but now it's powdery. I LOVE amber and sadly am not getting any. I asked my FH what it smelled like (about 20 minutes after applying) and he said "just like a hippie". At that time, I was still smelling the feet-ness. It's very interesting how he didn't get any of the bad smells I was sniffing. I think I'm going to come back to this one in a month or so.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I read that in the daily thread,gave me all kinds of ideas :) ...decided to wear SLF with Pink Amber Bam,and a bit of Baskery today,mmmmm,delicous. Had such nice self-effects from Dolce Far Niente last night,forgot how much I enjoy just b-nol & cops,course that scent is amazing :hearts09793:

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