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I couldn't even bear to come in here to see people raving about this until today. I love this in the bottle but sadly, my skin does not. After about 10 minutes, the lavender goes wonky on me. Bitter and medicinal. I'm going to try it again at a later date, but as of now, this isn't working for me.


I don't think it is really working on me either BB. Don't be sad. I love the Marshmallow part but the Lav part not sure about. But the Lav in Tyveys Purple Cupcake is beautiful on me so....who knows?

I'll defintely keep working with it...often it takes me awhile to fall in love. LAM is one of my phero staples so if I don't end up flipping for this Puff I'll get my first LAM love Pink Amber in a spray...

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I couldn't even bear to come in here to see people raving about this until today. I love this in the bottle but sadly, my skin does not. After about 10 minutes, the lavender goes wonky on me. Bitter and medicinal. I'm going to try it again at a later date, but as of now, this isn't working for me.


I had the same experience BB. No bitterness, but definitely medicinal. I plan to try it again, oooohhhh in about a week. ;)

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I don't think it is really working on me either BB. Don't be sad. I love the Marshmallow part but the Lav part not sure about. But the Lav in Tyveys Purple Cupcake is beautiful on me so....who knows?

I'll defintely keep working with it...often it takes me awhile to fall in love. LAM is one of my phero staples so if I don't end up flipping for this Puff I'll get my first LAM love Pink Amber in a spray...

I had the same experience BB. No bitterness, but definitely medicinal. I plan to try it again, oooohhhh in about a week. ;)


NOOOOOoooo these reviews are scaring me - keeping my fingers crossed this doesn't happen to me...i am SO EXCITED to try it :(

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NOOOOOoooo these reviews are scaring me - keeping my fingers crossed this doesn't happen to me...i am SO EXCITED to try it :(


No don't be skeered. It is a really cute scent actually. I just came back online specifically to clarify my review when I saw your fear.


I just picked up the shirt I wore to the pool and thought "What a cute scent! What was I wearing!?" And it was The Puff. So. Could be my skin...could be the mood I was in yesterday when I wore it. Sure smelled good on that shirt! I bet I end up loving it.

Definitely try it Crooked T!!!

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Yeah, try it crookedteeth!! It's a wonderful scent!! I just know that sometimes lavender doesn't work on my skin. But look at all the ladies it does work for!!!


Agreed--and the lavender in this is very soft, not the sharp herbal stuff you might get form L'Occitane or something.

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I keep having the urge to wear this today - I need to try it again. But I phero'd myself good and proper last night, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Anything with LAM in it can't possibly be bad. Happy sauce!

I can't wait for you to try it, now CT!

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This is most probably the best perfume of the month, though I have not tested all of this month' releases. What I'm trying to say: this one is phantastic! Main impression: powdery lavender, not foody, rather tart. Reminds me of Tyvey's Lavender Musk.

How to describe this one? I've sprayed it on my skin about 6 hours ago, right from the beginning: wonderful powdery lavender for me. Still now, after so many hours: intense powdery lavender. Amazing!

BTW: the scent covers the LAM perfectly.

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I wore Purple Puff out on Friday night to a friend's birthday party, which was the first time I wore pheros out of the house. I am a betrothed lady and had no intentions of "doing anything" with anyone, I was just curious. The birthday girl smelled it on me and asked what I was wearing and I told her it was just one of my e-tailer perfumes, a lavender and marshmallow mix. Anyway, I started noticing a friend of her's looking at me a lot, chatting it up, verging on flirty. As some point I thought to myself "hmmm is this stuff WORKING?" but I guess it's hard to say because a) I've never used them before in a public setting and B) it could all be coincidental. Oh well, I love this scent and it makes me feel good, definitely one of my favorites!

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Do you mean my Lavender Musk or tyvey's Purple Cupcake? It does not smell at all like the lavender does in my Lavender Musk to my nose anyway. I am going through this one so fast. I have used 20% of my bottle in the last week or less. I tried just spraying 2 sprays today but then I could hardly smell it.

:oops:, I'm afraid I've confused it. What I mean is the one with the cedar, your Lavender Musk, Halo. Sorry, confused the names. Of course there are some different ingredients in your Lavender Musk compared to Purple Puff, but I still get a similar tart and powdery feeling from both. I'm loving both :love: .

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I wore this again today. Still loving it's sweet soft smell. Panic bought another bottle yesterday! It really does make you keep sniffing yourself. A nice gentleman with a labradoodle was very friendly this morning when i put this on, people do tend to be happy around this one.

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This one is really soft and girly. I am surprised that I can't smell any cops at all! The lavender isn't sharp or medicinal. It is harder for me to smell the scent in spray than in oil so to me it seems like a subtle scent. i can't smell it very well, but I still like it.

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oh wow! This smells so soft and sweet.I get powdery lavender marshmallows.I put on 2 sprays before I went out today and I can still smell it..mm nice.

I need another bottle.

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Yummy, soft and sweet on me. I love Magnet, too!! I just wish I could get some lavender...it's all vanilla/marshmallow on me. But, that's not a bad thing, and if the Money Fairy comes I will get a big bottle!!

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I got a Purple Puff sample with LAM in it in my order. First off I was a bit surprised when I remembered what this scent was supposed to contain. To me it smelled nice, almost like a laundry fresh type scent. I love lavender but I couldn't detect that nor the mashmallow, even though my friend could tell about the marshmallow. I guess given the ingredients I was expecting something more "sugary" but it was more floral/laundry fresh, which isn't a bad thing, just what I noticed. I didn't notice the cops although smelling it straight out of the bottle had a bit of an odd undertone which may have been the cops. Please be careful with this, as I think it did give me a slight headache if I was exposed to too much directly....


Please take all my scent reviews with a grain of salt, I have hyperosmia so some scents really affect me and bother me in a way that they wouldn't with others :)


Honestly spraying it directly onto my wrists or neck area was WAY too much for me. It is even hard to wash the scent off to tone it down. I have noticed however that as the scent has time to fade and tone down I will enjoy it much more at the end of the day, it has almost completely different notes and seems more musky? I did layer this over LFM though the times I tried it.


The best way I've found to apply it is to spray it on a cotton pad, evenly distributing it around, giving it time to sit, and then very lightly rubbing it on where I want to apply. That will help speed up the more muted musky scent that seems to appear when the main undertones have worn off more. I actually really like the scent at this point, but straight out of the bottle and applied striaght to my skin, it is a bit overwhelming. Not unpleasant at all, just not as nice.


Like I said in my other LFM review I haven't been having much luck with pheros, and I've only just began to use this one out when I found out the way to tone it down, it's also been layered over the LFM so phero type reviews may be skewed. I will repeat what I said in the other forum which is that one male friend I don't know very well mentioned to me, "I'm not usually this cuddly!", but I don't know him well enough at all to know how true this is or how out of the ordinary that was...I will update this once I've had more experience wearing it out as for the effects to the LAM in it.

Edited by pkitty
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............I will repeat what I said in the other forum which is that one male friend I don't know very well mentioned to me, "I'm not usually this cuddly!", but I don't know him well enough at all to know how true this is or how out of the ordinary that was...I will update this once I've had more experience wearing it out as for the effects to the LAM in it.

pkitty, that sounds like a phero hit to me! A lot of times, it'll be a subtle shift you see in people, and it may not even register with you 'til after the fact. And your cotton ball method is interesting! Good way to deal with your hyperosmia!!!




:heart: I've been meaning to come back in here, and mention that each time I wear Purple Puff, it smells...richer, I guess. Not heavy-rich; more cupcake-rich, if that makes any sense! The perfume must be aging and developing. It's smelling a little more pillowy and sophisticated, and I really do love the Magnet phero. I'm with goddesslynne--trying to rustle up the $$ for a big bottle! :wub:

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I love this in the bottle but sadly, my skin does not. After about 10 minutes, the lavender goes wonky on me. Bitter and medicinal

Yeah I get something seriously sour in the drydown. *sadface*

I was hoping all the sweetness in this one would tame the lavender (which does happen once in a while) but alas no.

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I just love this one, it's so so pretty...I like lavender if it's well done but sometimes it's just so harsh and astringent. This is a perfect soft lavender, and the marshmallow and vanilla round it out really well. Pillowy is a great adjective for it, also fluffy, airy, light, whispery, but somehow still rich. It's like a really fluffy, sweet but not too sweet lavender cupcake! Maybe lavender angel food cupcakes with swirls of marshmallow on top? Anyway it's good.


I'm not really sure about the effects, I only wore 1 spray because I'm afraid to OD, baby steps right? I usually get male attention so I didn't really notice anything too out of the ordinary, but a guy in my class who's in my people-I-talk-to group held some doors open and I didn't have him pegged as the door-holding type. Maybe two sprays next time? Further testing is in order!

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I wore this on the weekend when I stayed at my mothers house..I brought my bottle..Its really powdery with lavender sugar which is good,and I dont know if it was the pheros but I was in a happy mood even though I was hungover on Sunday, which is unusual for me.

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Yeah I get something seriously sour in the drydown. *sadface*

I was hoping all the sweetness in this one would tame the lavender (which does happen once in a while) but alas no.


I kind of get what you mean with this. It goes a little bit not nice on me too after a while... but it really is only a little bit. I wish it would stay fluffy for longer.


Wrote this in my PT journal the other day:


Wore the Magnet blend in Purple Puff yesterday to dancing. Got loads of compliments, and mostly I think I gave off the "sexy" vibe.


Literally four people (or was it five?) commented on how good my dancing was and how well I "move". Two of these were females, who were genuinely discussing my style and how sexy I was on the dance floor, not trying to hit on me I think. In particular the comment about how well I move my hips was used a few times by people who hadn't heard someone else say it, and without me bringing it up.


At least three people said something like "I was watching you earlier and you did blah blah blah" or "I was watching you before and noticed how you blah blah blah...". So it seemed I had a bit of an audience! A few times when I was able to look at the crowd I definitely noticed people watching me.


No one was blatantly hitting on me, which was good because I didn't want that and don't think I projected that aura, but I did feel very admired and sexy. Not sure I can attribute this all to the Pheromones, maybe I am just that good a dancer haha



When I wasn't dancing people were very chatty with me, and one guy, I'll call him Eric, got very deep and meaningful, almost like he was drunk and spilling his guts. This was just after he had got a few serious whiffs of the Purple Puff as he commented on my lovely "vanilla" perfume, and then leaned in to smell it when I said there was also lavender in the blend (haha, good old "lavender vanilla" perfume!). His deep and meaningful was about how great his wife was and what a lovely life they'd had together these last 25 years. He told me that he was sure I'd meet someone special - I was sure to because I "have a good heart"


So sweet


Though he was on heavy painkillers so that may have been behind his words!


A lady I didn't think I knew (though I have a bad memory, so maybe I did know her) started talking to me as though I was her oldest friend. A lot of people seemed to want to talk and it was almost hard to escape some conversations.

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Hi All,


So I ordered Purple Puff and it arrived really promptly with some lovely samples (I'll post reviews on those separately). I thought I would love Purple Puff based solely on the description and the reviews and I'm happy to say that I haven't been disappointed. The fragrance is divine. On my skin the vanilla is very pronounced and there is a sweet smell like roasted marshmallows and a hint of lavender.

In my post in the Welcome section I did mention that I got it because I'm in the dating pool and I wanted to see if this gave me some sort of an edge. I've worn it twice in social settings; once to go dancing and another when out with friends.


On both occasions I noticed that people were very social. It seemed to me that they were more open and friendly than usual. I'm not 100% sure that I can attribute this to the pheros because people somehow generally do want to tell me about themselves. I haven't gotten any overt "hits" and maybe this just isn't the one to do that for me, but I love it and will continue to update this thread with my adventures while wearing it.

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well here i am 5 years late with the verdict, lol!


i do like it a lot, i get sugary fluffy and not much lavender, but it does have a "purple" vibe... but maybe that's the power of suggestion :) LAM doesn't do anything for me and never has in anything i've gotten with it. that's ok, i wear it with some un-PP and they are wonderfully congruent. the scent does stick around a long time on me - quite a feat - i've taken to spraying a lot on my hair and it seems a nice cloud around me :)


i'm not 100% in love, but i do like it a lot. i might order another sample - i think the phero doing nothing for me is what tips me away from a full bottle :\

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Crookedteeth, you sprayed Purple Puff on your hair? How about the cops-smell from LAM? Doesn't it stick too much on the hair? I'm afraid to put any phero blends with cops on my hair (except Lumina, Cougar and Intellectual/w where the amount of cops is very low).

What you said about PP and Purple Puff sounds interesting: Popularity Potion with cops & an increased amount of a-nol. I think I'll try it. B)

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Oh this is totally full bottle. First spray was scary medicine lavender. I was like oh noooo , but that disappeared and I'm left with soft powdery marshmallow sugar. Mmm... Someone else said this smells like the inside of a bag of marshmallows and they were right. Perfect carrier for LAM. Very faint lavender, lots of marshmallows.

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