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I really really like this delivery for LAM, but not a Calii scent so much,although I do enjoy it,especially on my clothes,and hopefully that does not turn from the cops...ummm,if this has ever happened,you will know what I mean :666:



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Over a week ago I sprayed this on a purple dress/floatie that hangs behind a bathroom door in case a quick exit is ever needed... it still smells good !! :w00t:

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I'm going to disagree, on me LAM pink is totally different. I think I like the smell of Purple Puff way more than I like the actual effects of LAM.


Oh I agree they are different for sure! But if all else fails and you are unable to get actual Purple Puff, LAM Pink Amber in spray is the next best substitute IMO. Personally I think I like them about equally - they each have different qualities I enjoy.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I put this on last night in hopes I would like it better than last year. That happens most of the time. Something I didn't like a year ago will suddenly become delicious and then of course it is GGG. sadly (or not since this is indeed GGG) it still doesn't work. It became very cloying and sickening sweet. The upside to those who like it is I think it has gotten stronger in the past year. I tried to cover it up with And I Feel Fine and it still overtook it!

It also lasts FOREVER. This morning it is still GOING STRONG. So again, if you like it you are in luck there!

The concept is not wrong for me though because I love the Lavender Marshmallow Hydrating Water!!

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This is in my top 5 faves and I sooo wish I had got a FB. My 2 samples are dwindling. This came out right as I was feverishly learning about LP and it was gone before I had a chance to claim one.


I find that this mixes well with unexpected scents. That is how I tried it over cops & robbers and found it goes incredibly well together. At least on me. If anybody has a bottle that isn't working for them, I'll be overjoyed to take it off your hands! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

I wore this to Target today with a dirty t shirt, jean shorts, dirty hair and flip flops.

I had zero make up. While in the grocery section my body decided it needed to go drop deuce. I told bf I would

Be back in two shakes- I really am a fast deucer. I'm like the Superman of numero dos.

So off I go walking very fast to the restroom when a man says -

I guess they don't call them flip flops for nothing.

I looked at him and did a half smile because : number one - he was older than me - not old enough to be considered grandpa old, which would have been cute, and he wasn't sexy old like Liam Neeson and not amusing old like Pat Sajak, and number two - well, number two. Anyhow he creeped me out because he was really tall and was wearing a polo shirt. Polo shirts are fucking creepy, and he said it like he thought I was 16 or a toddler. You know that weird baby voice creeps in polo shirts that are too tall at Target make?

Yeah that one. I ran for my life and chose the middle stall to throw him off in case he decided to follow me in.

Luckily he didn't, but I took a lightning dump just I'm case and ran back to Bf.

Maybe he had a flip flop fetish. I mean they are cute ones. Hot pink with little gold sea shells.

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You know that weird baby voice creeps in polo shirts that are too tall at Target make?


. . . and that's why I shop at K-Mart.

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  • 3 months later...

I wore Purple Puff the other night. Interestingly, the LAM garnered more responses from the females than the males I was with. The girls with whom I was hanging out were like "I really like the scent you're wearing" and were extra chatty and enthusiastic. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary with the guys (in their defense, I couldn't quite tell if one was acting extra nice because he's such a sweet guy, or if it was the work of pheros).


That all out of the way, I really like the fragrance of Purple Puff. I guess I'm a purple person now thanks to LPMP. It's sweet and not overwhelming or cloying in any way. It feels gentle to me, but peppy at the same time.

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I wore Purple Puff the other night. Interestingly, the LAM garnered more responses from the females than the males I was with. The girls with whom I was hanging out were like "I really like the scent you're wearing" and were extra chatty and enthusiastic. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary with the guys (in their defense, I couldn't quite tell if one was acting extra nice because he's such a sweet guy, or if it was the work of pheros).


That all out of the way, I really like the fragrance of Purple Puff. I guess I'm a purple person now thanks to LPMP. It's sweet and not overwhelming or cloying in any way. It feels gentle to me, but peppy at the same time.

That's funny because LAM is usually boner time for guys.. maybe they were suppressing .. I know Lam and CB can occasionally draw ire from some women (bitches!) But I have also had good responses too. Yea to having fun with friends.

I've also had good feedback with BAM.. who knew?

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I have a feeling that maybe I didn't spray enough or maybe sprayed too much. I have a small trial size spray of it, and did 2-3 small squirts to my arm/chest. That was about it. I usually need a bit more on the phero-side of things. So next time I try it out, I'm going to do an extra spray or two and see what happens.

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  • 4 months later...

Wow. I have to say I was very cautious with this, being a spray with LAM. But the scent, which is delightful, is deep enough to mask the cops.

I have not worn LAM in awhile so the first thing I noticed was that LAM Buzz I get from the phero blend. A bit more intensified due to the spray.

I loved it. Had to run some errands and got lots of help and even a very friendly postal worker (man of course).

This will be a hit for date nights. I really love the scent. It's probably my Fav LAM scent.

.. Please make more Mara. beg.. beg...


Thanks Chrissy I love it. :D

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  • 2 months later...

How many sprays did you use Stacy? I just scored a bottle from BV's trades...

2 or 3 sprays is good for me. I pull my hair back and spritz chest/neck area. Or chest neck and body, depends on what I have time for.

Edited by StacyK
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I have ODed on this bad! My BF got so irritated with me and I was emotional and had a horrible headache. I know not to overdo it now! I'm good with no more than 3 sprays.

Oh dear - it's hard not to spritz away when it smells so good! Thanks for sharing, I'll tread lightly.



2 or 3 sprays is good for me. I pull my hair back and spritz chest/neck area. Or chest neck and body, depends on what I have time for.

Thank you, I'll lean toward the low end at 2 sprays. I didn't think LAM could go that high up tho...is it because it's scented? I would have kept it to the abdominal area due to the LAM...


I have never gotten to try either Purple Puff or LAM yet.

Sugar, you're going to luuvsss LAM when you're able to try it. Purple Puff I believe is no longer in the Perfumerie but I'm sure you could find some in Trades.

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Oh dear - it's hard not to spritz away when it smells so good! Thanks for sharing, I'll tread lightly.



Thank you, I'll lean toward the low end at 2 sprays. I didn't think LAM could go that high up tho...is it because it's scented? I would have kept it to the abdominal area due to the LAM...

It does smell great!


I don't get it high on the neck but the way I spray hits the cleavage, chest and say the lower half of my neck (if I were to draw an invisible line in the center. Nothing near the chin, ears or anywhere on my face. I should note that's only with Purple Puff tho. For me the others stay well below the neck. :)

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