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Jubilee with Teddy BB

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This is like a cloud you'd want to live in!


I was commenting to Mara today that I thought the best part of making this a perfume spray is that normally these kind of notes would be very dense and rich, especially when combined. But using them in this format gives the blend a certain sort of lightness...it strikes me as "perky" which could also be attributed to the effects of the Teddy BB, I suppose.


What I get primarily is the rich quality of the vanilla with the other notes - especially the cherry - sort of dancing on top. It tends to morph a bit, I think, from first application to drydown as the alcohol burns off. But I'm not thinking of it so much as an actual scent but more the delivery mode for the pheromone mix. Once you get a nice buzz from the Teddy BB, then everything will smell good! But it makes me think of walking through a soda fountain or some place like that where you just enter a cloud of sweetness and immediately want to order the most caloric thing on the menu. Although I try not to even purposely OD on any pheros, this would be so easy to do because it begs to be sprayed all around. So there's a definite psychological component to this blend even beyond the phero mix.


(And yes it has a gorgeous color to it!)

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when I first saw there was going to be a female scented teddy potion I was so happy. This phero is something I only wear at home in bed, but I'd be curious to see how this goes in the daytime too. I wonder if it might work in a valium kind of way? I tend to use it for sleep now, i'm going to save my trial for when this arrives as i won't be able to resist instantly spraying. If it doesn't suit me Going to bed in a sweetly scented cloud sounds amazing too. I'm impatient for my parcel now!

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Got my sampler pack today. Jubilee is nasal comfort food. Teddy BB + the scent will definitely give us what we crave during PMS delicious chocolate & a soothing aura. I've been huffing this off of my knee & I don't really feel any desire to eat something that would taste like this, because I can almost taste this scent. I could wear this & drink a glass of water & feel the same satisfaction from having eaten a piece of black forest cake.

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because I can almost taste this scent.

Yeah that's a side effect of the flavorings used; which I haven't experienced yet...I kept trying but I was headed for an OD! :lol:


I get a nice layer of the sweet amber in the drydown, which is lovely.

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OK, I broke my promise and did a hit of this just now.

I get: CHERRIEZ!!, then sweet caramelly undertones...slight plasticky note? Hoping that is just wonky me right now blending scents. I'll give this a clean try tomorrow.

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I got some of this on my fingers by accident. Sniffed them and went oo, that must be jubilee! Nom, cherry ice crea--- zzz. Passed out cold, awoke 4 hours later, lol.


Halo I do amp the brown sugar, from what I remember of it in my several seconds of consciousness before passing out.

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When Mara said you could just about taste this scent she wasn't kidding! I got the same phenomenon when I sprayed it (not like I actually mind :lol:) This is like buttery pound cake drenched in the most delicious boozy cherry gloop. I love how the cherry note stays nice and tart throughout and my skin doesn't turn it to pure sugar like it does some fruits. Also, since I completely forgot what Teddy BB does since last reading the description, I was wondering why I felt so unusually calm until I went and read it again. This could be a very good thing because I'm high-strung as anything.

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When Mara said you could just about taste this scent she wasn't kidding! I got the same phenomenon when I sprayed it (not like I actually mind :lol:) This is like buttery pound cake drenched in the most delicious boozy cherry gloop. I love how the cherry note stays nice and tart throughout and my skin doesn't turn it to pure sugar like it does some fruits. Also, since I completely forgot what Teddy BB does since last reading the description, I was wondering why I felt so unusually calm until I went and read it again. This could be a very good thing because I'm high-strung as anything.


Oh god, me too. I might start using this on a daily basis if it stops the jumpiness. Can't wait to try mine out...pacing myself with my parcel.


ETA...I just unwrapped it. I could smell it with the lid on. This is going to be absolutely gorgeous I can tell. Dammit! I may need a back up!

Edited by cinnamonmel
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Lol at Invi, daily use of any phero can cause a tolerance to it's effects, but this seems like a perfect PMS soother ;)

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I'm loving my sample WAY too much. The brightness of the cherry burns off quickly, and leaves this wonderful nommable fabulously phero'd creation making my day more tolerable.



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I left this til last and just accidentally gave myself the hugest spray ever right in the chest...oops. I'm not sure cherry and I get along so well most of the time. I'm getting a kind of salted butter smell, sour cherries sauteed in salty butter, or maybe a buttery shortbread served with a side of sour cherries.OKay I scrolled up to read other reviews, I'm not so weird getting butter then after all. I know! Cherry Bakewells! I think it is maybe just the wrong kind of foody for me, coffee I like, chocolate too, but cakey scents less so, I just don't want to smell like butter perhaps.



I really really really thought I would love this and I don't so much. 2/10 isn't bad though, huge success rate this month, maybe a a record month for me even. Maybe I will boost something else with Teddy one as the phero is great, but for now I have unscented anyway.

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I agree with everything Luna Chick said...this is a wonderful delivery for Teddy BB and the scent is delicious as well as soothing...could not ask for a better combo of scent with intent.


I was very very upset after hearing the sad news from Colorado and this has helped my mood 1000% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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:burning-heart:I am LOVING Jubilee!!! :burning-heart:

I'm with Luna and Calii--this is great as a spray! It's a beautiful color and the label is gorgeous, too. I haven't gotten the flavor experience yet, but the scent is reeeeeaaaallllllyyyyy comfortable. I've been wearing it both on my skin and in my hair. The scent is perfect as a girlie vehicle for the Teddy BB phero. And, of course, that phero is always a total WIN for me and mine. Today at the street fair we were working, my friend said I smelled soooo good and she wanted to just keep sniffing me! Hee!!!


So when it first hits my skin, I get this tangy candy feel. It was so familiar, and then I realized that it's a Pixie Stix vibe! Like cherry Pixie Stix. I'm assuming that's the black cherry and rum playing with me. Then that backs down a bit, but it stays around enough to keep the blend perky (borrowing from luna--that describes this perfectly). The vanilla, brown sugar,chocolate, and amber take turns as the drydown progresses. They're all in a group, but each will step forward for a sec. ~Extra points: The chocolate plays very nice, and remains understated. Wowsers.~ I never get a distinct butter scent, but the blend is definitely foody. Kind of like a rich cookie, with dried cherries on the side and a shot of rum. I think the amber gives me a nice subtle layer of what can only be described as warmth. Amber is a common ingredient in blends that do this for me, so there ya go! In extreme drydown I get ambery vanilla-y goodness with a hint of the phero scent...which I like in this. I like how luna said it's like walking through a soda fountain.


I am so very glad to have a big bottle of this one!!! It has allowed me to work my patootie off, whilst remaining relaxed and happy. AND it's contributed to the happiness of my family, friends, and customers! :heart::w00t:

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I've been spraying this on my pillow before going to bed and I am loving it! I'm too scared to wear it on myself as I don't want to come off "like a boy", but I see some of you girls are trying it, so maybe I should give it a go too?


As for the scent, this is gorgeous. I find it actually really boozy. Perhaps that is just the alcohol from the spray, but it actually makes me feel a little bit drunk, in a good way! Like breathing in the fumes from a newly poured glass of strong red wine. Then I get the cherry and chocolate, but the chocolate is not a sweet milk chocolate, more a dark chocolate suitable for pairing with red fruits. This is probably the only way I would be comfortable wearing chocolate, normally I find it very weird to smell on my skin, but this I think I could get away with.


My first night wearing this I instantly felt very relaxed physically. My brain was still ticking over, but my body just went limp. It was pretty easy to fall asleep. The next night was much the same, although I think my brain relaxed more. I think Heart's Ease is better at inducing the "forget your worries" effect in me, this one is more relaxation. But more testing needed to be conclusive on that.


Loving this and plan to put a bottle of it in my next shopping trolley!

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Cherry caramel cake with a drizzle of chocolate syrup. So yummy & I feel happy when I first spray it on, but the scent doesn't seem to last very long on me. After a couple of hours, it's gone. :(

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Omg love this stuff! I gave a spray sample to the sis when she came by last week.

I wanted peace and quiet and I sprayed her arm and told

Her to dig her nose in there to get a good whiff. She smiled and said ...delici

Then she keeled over on my sofa and did The Tyvey.

She came to an hour later because her snoring woke her up.

I'm going to test on myself this week.

Maybe I should start tonight before I scream at BF for no reason.


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I just came back with my tail between my legs to say I am giving this another go and it's much better now. Maybe because I totally needed it? I sprayed this first on the fan blade, and my shoulders came down a little so I figured why not give a spray to my arms too. I feel way less sorry for myself now.


Smells much less buttery today and more cherry. I may pull this from my sales post, dammit, I need to get rid of something!

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I just came back with my tail between my legs to say I am giving this another go and it's much better now. Maybe because I totally needed it? I sprayed this first on the fan blade, and my shoulders came down a little so I figured why not give a spray to my arms too. I feel way less sorry for myself now.


Smells much less buttery today and more cherry. I may pull this from my sales post, dammit, I need to get rid of something!


Oh damn, I would have gladly taken it off your hands! :P

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The first time I sampled this I got a spritz of sour cherries which faded too quickly, and then heavy vanilla cake. But I've tested it again, here and there, and now I get a sense of the whole perfume. Now, for some reason, the cherries stick around longer. Maybe I willed them to? This smells like my mom's kitchen when she's making Black Forest torte. Relaxing, though it makes me feel like pouring over cookbooks, (which is one of my favourite things to do), and baking.


I'm not sure I've worn enough of this to feel any effects from the Teddy BB phero, (only 2 spritzes from the sample spray), but I did wear it to bed last night, and I slept *hard*. It was one of those near-perfect sleeps. The ones where you have no trouble nodding off, and even when you have to get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, you have no trouble getting back to sleep, and you dream great dreams that you remember with near-perfect recall the next day, and you wake, well-rested, gently prodded by a cold, sniffing pink nose and tickling white whiskers, moments before your alarm can jolt you into cruel daylight.

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This has such a sedating effect on me. I spray it on my pillow and within a few minutes of lying down I don't want to move an inch if I don't have to. I can feel my heart beat and the warmth of my own body, and it is so relaxing and soothing. Maybe partly it is now the association I have between Jubilee's scent and getting into a warm bed to sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tested this one out on late Friday at work. I was crabby and a bit angry. I spritzed this all over my arms and started doing lines of Jubilee.

Straight up the nose. I kept it there for about ten seconds and thought.. if this doesn't help me I am buying horse tranquilizers.

I went to the bathroom and was immediately stopped by self obsessed woman who is nice, and loves to talk about herself, ALL THE TIME ~ only this time she was gawking at me, told me I looked sooo adorable with my Batman shirt, and whole outfit. She could not stop fawning over me.

Had I lost weight? I have I said, a bit. I'm just getting over the whole.. FUCK I HAD A KID hormone imbalance and am losing weight..

Finally after about ten minutes I went in to the ladies room, and was stopped again! This time by a coworker.. same thing.. OMG you are so adorable and tiny.. look at you..like a little ballerina.. I smiled and said.. I know.. I wear flats now. I have discovered flats! We both looked down at my leopard satin ballerina flats and she sat there.. gushing. Finally my bladder could not take it so I had to run in and do my thing.. leaving the bathroom another woman I work with in another department stopped me and again said the same thing.. OMG you are so tiny and adorable.. did you lose weight? We've all been wondering who this girl was that we saw and it was you.

WTF was I a moose before??????




This is my new favorite black outfit, or leopard dress. You know the one outfit that makes you feel beautiful and you know you will get tons of compliments?

This is it. Teddy BB the only LBD you will need in an office of estrogen!

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I got a sample of this the other day, and in the vial, its ooey, gooey, chocolate strawberries. But after I spray, it reacts to my skin and turns platicy/stale like my fav Darling C does :( :( I think I should set up a trading post, as I have quite a few scents that can get more love elsewhere! I will admit, I got ibto the habit of spraying my pillow with foody scents at bedtime because they are relaxing, so for those who can't wear this scent without it morphing into sweet plastic, you will def benefit from the phero/scent combo! I wish the scent didn't morph on me :(

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I finally got my sample to test this out..I dont know how Mara does it..she's so talented!

I was worried this would be boozy cherries but no.Its smells chocolatey sweet on me with hints of the cherries and some cakeness..

after spraying 2 sprays on my neck and 1 one wrist,about an hour later its a soft chocolate bakery scent.yum!

Edited by tanya27
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Wow,this just gets better and better on me,it makes me smile :) Was wearing it just because of the scent and found the BB effects are wonderful on me,hmmm,I mean not wearing it for calmness or such as I was having a really good day to begin with...had to order a bottle :lol:

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Just got my sample and since I know it is sold out I will be very careful with it and only use it for special (really bad mood/agitated) occasions!

I love the cherry color!

I get NO CHOCOLATE (which is good for me) or brown sugar (which I generally like but that's ok).





eta: Definitely morphing and getting even better. Getting that baked brown sugar thing.

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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Oh I wish I got cake from this. Love anything cakey- vanilla. On me ths is all chocolate with a touch of cherry. This is the ultimate snuggle in bed potion. Teddy BB + chocolate = soothing yummy bliss!

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THAT IS SOOO WIERD!!! I get NO chocolate at all. I wish it didn't keep getting better and better. That is annoying because I wasn't all that upset that is was GGG initially.


Perhaps I should purge it from my skin before I really get pissed that I missed out. I don't think Teddy BB can alleviate LP nonbuyers remorse.

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I don't get any chocolate from this either. At first it's cherry oatmeal (that HAS to be the brown sugar and butter) which disappates pretty quickly and morphs into vanilla cherry noms. The addition of the Teddy BB helped me sleep like a baby last night. I'll be using this sparingly since I'll be heartbroken when it's gone.

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Just got my sample and since I know it is sold out I will be very careful with it and only use it for special (really bad mood/agitated) occasions!


Not gone...yet :)


Mmmmm,I get the chocolate cherry yumz,this one must be shaken vigorously, each time.

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Ooooh... there are two left in the cart! I'm almost tempted to get a back-up bottle, but I really can't justify it at the moment :)


I know, two bottles or no...I must not order again this month!!


Well Teddy BB worked amazing last night. I know I said I would save it for emergencies but I couldn't resist! Used 4 sprays from sample bottle (so I think that is probably 2 regular sprays?) I was OUT. I"m with Tyvey when she said one time that she could never wear this to work. I'll stick to my Topper for work but what a great relaxing phero this is. Velvet Kisses is my favorite bedtime scent. I would love Teddy boosted in that.

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Ha! Who can get sleepy with the threat of bee stings following you? I will clarify that I was not in any way in a low mood, so I don't know how the effect with that would be. Another thing is this... Teddy BB NEVER worked in the Teddy Man perfume. In fact I think it kept me up! That scent rubbed me the wrong way. The sleepiness this time was immediate and completely unexpected too! Maybe the spray works for me better.

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