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Heart's Ease with Balm Bomb

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I thought I would love this as a perfume, but mainly I got it because of the balm.


I don't wear it as often as I should because I think, as a perfume, I just don't like it like I thought I would.


However, I do like to wear it when I work out and I'm doing a lot of heavy breathing, like aromatherapy.


I know that seems paradoxical-- aromatherapy without it being used as a perfume, but for some reason that's what my brain came up with and seems to make sense to me.


Two thumbs up for sweating workout aromatherapy.

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Oh, I completely agree, MissHazel. This is VERY much an aromatherapy scent. I haven't even used it outside of my apartment yet. It's really not about how I smell to other people with this one at all!

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Heart's Ease is all soft smells and cozy feelings; I felt comfortable, no hard edges anywhere to be seen!


a rather sweet floral fragrance, with the lavender being the strongest note on my skin. It was quite relaxing to sit there and sniff on this; I can see myself using this one right before bedtime. I was actually fairly surprised at how quick the self-effects were. I had just returned from a fairly stressful day, and dabbed on a little on both wrists. After about 10 minutes, I found that I was perfectly content to just sit there and watch some TV.


This!!! ...nicely put and exactly how it is on me :D

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  • 1 month later...

This is one of my favorites. It is a super relaxing scent.


I work heavy hours in a pretty intense profession and combine that with having a toddler suddenly in my late 30's = stress. I therefore have many of LPs phero and fragrances aimed at relaxation :) Out of all the ones I have, this is my go to TOP choice for stress/trying to unwind.


I also have the UN version, however, I reach for the fragranced version even more! This is one where the fragrance's intent truly sings and enhances the phero. I get light mossy/woody lavender from this with a tinge of light amber for depth.


I purchased as a me scent, however, interestingly I also always get people complimenting me and asking what I am wearing when I put this on. :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice floral, lavender is strongest when wet. Then dries down to a blend of orchid and oakmoss for me, with the other scents blending together. So far the balm bomb has worked very well for me, not quite an instant calming but within the hour the PMS/anxiety/kid or work stress is either gone or almost gone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I get the lavender and the oakmoss mostly; in that way it reminds me a bit of NEW except this is much more floral, of course. But definitely a nicely soothing aura and so scent and phero are evenly matched. But this is too floral for my taste.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Surprisingly, this is the mone I use most. It can be spiced up a little with cops if I want it to draw attention, then I am just a chill-happy girl that has a sexy, youthful twist (great combo). I have used this when I am on my "monthly present" and when I'm just all-around stressed. It is a pretty floral at first, almost too floral for me but then as it dries, it becomes sweeter and "blue". I think it's the oakmoss that gives it a soft cuddly "blue" feeling (oakmoss is one of my favorite notes in LPs). It is sweet, soft, comforting, floral, and "blue"... quite lovely and perfect carrier for the mone. The uplift or calm I receive from it is also instantaneous. I have found that it will halt my flow or that of other females I may encounter and hang around for periods of time. But when I discontinue it, my period starts back up. Interesting. Could be a mental thing too. I am definitely investing in a FB, as this is one of my favorites.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like Heart's Ease a lot. It's not one of my main choices usually, but it's very relaxing and a very nice "rain" type of scent to me. It's a cool, calming fragrance which lasts a long time on me. I tend to prefer the more exciting, social fragrances, but this one's nice when I just need to chill out.



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I love reaching for this one, usually on lazy Sundays when I need to do errands around the house and clear my head for the upcoming week. This was one of my first samples when I discovered LP and it's the one that made me realize I LOVE oakmoss. I don't think I had even heard of oakmoss before. Now if I see it listed on the ingredient list, it is nearly always a for sure bet that I will fall in love. For me, oakmoss = snuggly love.

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I have to say, this is one that has improved with age. There was a note that popped on my skin and it had just enough of an edge.. that I didn't find it totally soothing. But with age this has become more evenly blended and that note no longer pops. It's now just a softer, aged spice note. As for the BB phero, it may be a gentle phero and the effects are so subtle I might not be picking up on it or i don't really respond to it. Not sure, I find the scent relaxing but not any more so that Sweet Dreams or LP Silver.

Either way it's nice to have a variety of relaxing scents to choose from.

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Been wearing this A LOT lately, and I'm still in love with this perfume potion! Going through huge amounts of stress, and I don't know how I'd make it through without my Heart's Ease! Thank you Mara for making this :)

I know this really is a good blend to help out with stress, I use this and just my straight up Balm Bomb when life takes over....

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  • 2 months later...

This is so great.. yes Virginia it really works. It took some time to get there but the effects are mellowing, a somewhat relaxing Xanax vibe that I really like.

Amazing that I wore this today. Originally I put it on just to mellow out and relax. To complete my tasks at a leisurely pace. I had no idea that my ex would try his BS. All I can say is, I don't care.

Love this vibe.

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  • 10 months later...

Knowing bf was having a hard time tonight, I put a little of this on him. Later he asked what it was and said it really helped. I find this better even than straight balm bomb, the scent is so soothing. This is my go to perfume for grief. Thank you, again, for making this. It's seen me through some hard times and if it helps bf too, then it's amazing. It fits the name so well.

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  • 1 year later...

When I first got this a few years ago I OD so badly that I was very afraid of this for a long time. Now, I was pretty dumb thinking I had to slather, this is *very* potent (to me it's as strong as lfm)


This is a sweet herbal scent on first application, it's not medicinal in anyway. There's a faint lavender standing out on the bed of oakmoss. Theres a vague fresh green smell.


As it wears on theres a more full bodied semi-sweet floral that has a hint of powder.

I can't vouch for bb, ive just recently (like, right now) overcame my fear of it lol

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  • 3 years later...
On 5/4/2012 at 4:33 AM, cinnamonmel said:


I find alpha-nol can make me ratty and nervy if too much.


Hmmm. I haven't noticed any problems with alpha-nol before, but I was a little more riled up today. I was wearing a fair amount of PP when something calming would've been more appropriate and I let my self fall into that pointless trap again. Not sure if it's because my ex is a mentally twisted ahole & I was looking for a fight, or he's a mentally twisted ahole who baited me and I once again took the bait. Either way, my bad. He's off to another country for the week so I'm going no contact/minimum contact for a bit. Just one more week where he doesn't have the kids at all, and my BF bonds with them, drives them around, cooks and cleans for them, and keeps them entertained. My 13 yr old actually thanked him today for doing so much for them!


Point is, the Heart's Ease and the BB helped me stop responding to his insulting texts. AND it smells so pretty! AND it has JASMINE in it! Jasmine and I do not get along! But, yet, this is so lovely. I reapplied after my nightly shower so as not to fall down any more holes. My man will not stop cleaning, like taking every damn thing off every shelf and taking shit apart, like he decomstructed the kitchen island tonight to really get it cleaned up. Earlier he cleaned MY desk. I want to tell him to knock it the fuck off because he's been cleaning like 12 hrs a day but I know it will be nice long term. But WTF? Can he please stop for an hour or so without falling asleep? Is he pregnant and nesting?                           :beggingpleasesmiley:

Oh, Balm Bomb, keep working your magic. 


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15 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

Hmmm. I haven't noticed any problems with alpha-nol before, but I was a little more riled up today. I was wearing a fair amount of PP when something calming would've been more appropriate and I let my self fall into that pointless trap again. Not sure if it's because my ex is a mentally twisted ahole & I was looking for a fight, or he's a mentally twisted ahole who baited me and I once again took the bait. Either way, my bad. He's off to another country for the week so I'm going no contact/minimum contact for a bit. Just one more week where he doesn't have the kids at all, and my BF bonds with them, drives them around, cooks and cleans for them, and keeps them entertained. My 13 yr old actually thanked him today for doing so much for them!


Point is, the Heart's Ease and the BB helped me stop responding to his insulting texts. AND it smells so pretty! AND it has JASMINE in it! Jasmine and I do not get along! But, yet, this is so lovely. I reapplied after my nightly shower so as not to fall down any more holes. My man will not stop cleaning, like taking every damn thing off every shelf and taking shit apart, like he decomstructed the kitchen island tonight to really get it cleaned up. Earlier he cleaned MY desk. I want to tell him to knock it the fuck off because he's been cleaning like 12 hrs a day but I know it will be nice long term. But WTF? Can he please stop for an hour or so without falling asleep? Is he pregnant and nesting?                           :beggingpleasesmiley:

Oh, Balm Bomb, keep working your magic. 


Glad you scored a bottle. I love HE. 

Definately wear it around the ex if he's a button pusher. I like any of the 3 relaxing blends around the ex. MLH or Dom work for me too. If it get's really bad try the B2. I know its hard. Its a situation that took me a long time to settle into. 

Then, I can't say why, maybe time? Its like a switch flipped. Maybe, i was tired of caring at all. But, I was like.. enough. I dont feel it anymore.

The last text he sent me that pissed me off, I was getting off work and there's this shit on my phone. Some all of a sudden faux caring bullshit abought my daughter. I. Could feel my BP rising, I was tired. I thought nope not tonight. 

Then later there was a text something like "Did you hear me?" Like he has a MF'kin right to talk to me like that. Like WTF? So... I after about 2 days. I wanted think about it. I sent him an email. 

I briefly & not too politely, laid out the reason I didn't care for his tone. He did NOT talk to me like that. The end. Then I told him he was not to text me.

He was to email me only. 

That's it. I basically suspended him for a year. After that, I have had 2 texts from him. It was ok for that instance. But, it's not at all a habit now and that's a good thing. 


There are a few different Jasmine types. There's one I dont like. Thank god its not in here. 


Maybe you can distract your guy. Go on a bike ride or something. At least tell him to leave your desk. You have it like you like it 😁






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@StacyK I wear CB around him always, my kids are young enough that there's still a ton of interaction. Cuddle Bunny is his kryptonite, he can't do shit to me when I have it on. I think he just had too much nonsense in his head and it flew out his mouth. It took me off guard since it started with me giving him a great pic of our son from when he was about two and him after he just got off a motorcycle trip. I gave it to him in a gift bag at our son's graduation and he barked at me something like, "just put my stuff downstairs if you don't want to look at it, I still own the house, you know." I was taken aback as I meant it in a sentimental way, he said it was "calculating and manipulative" to do it at our son's school in front of other parents. Um, no. And the family sitting next to us was separated, but he wouldn't know that. And exactly no one there cares about our relationship, no one is looking at us or finding us particularly imteresting, they're there for their own kids. And of course we all know that, somehow he does not. After I convinced him it wasn't a calculated attack, he admitted he loves the pic. Me having to apologize and smooth his feathers after he assumes the worst possible motive from me when I'm trying to do right by him isn't unusual. But that's how I got sucked in, I was blindsided by his reaction. 


It was when I asked to quit it with the financial digs that he attacked. He led in with a whole bunch of "been thinking a lot about the financial situation since our last meeting," the meeting we had about our house (that I live in with kids.) I did come in to that meeting swimming in CB, so he couldn't assert himself how he had most likely rehearsed in his mind. So now needed to make a few 'announcements' via text. I'm thinking he thought it was safe since he's leaving the country for a week? I dunno. But I'm not taking the bait anymore because it's just old news and fairly boring to argue about the same shit over and over. So he's on a texting time out. He is too involved with the kids to not be in regular contact, but no need for it this week.


 I'm sure he's not the first man to feel financially attacked when he's actually just paying child support and spousal support to the woman he talked into staying home with the kids. It's like the saying about death and taxes, you can't avoid them, I think maybe child support should be on that list, too, if one plans on breeding.


I just put on Unisexy w/ B2.2, it's such a win/win for the calming. My man just got home from work, maybe I'll slip some into his water. I did some vacuuming in the hopes that it will calm the cleaning beast. 

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On 6/6/2019 at 2:20 AM, Eastwood22 said:

@StacyK I wear CB around him always, my kids are young enough that there's still a ton of interaction. Cuddle Bunny is his kryptonite, he can't do shit to me when I have it on. I think he just had too much nonsense in his head and it flew out his mouth. It took me off guard since it started with me giving him a great pic of our son from when he was about two and him after he just got off a motorcycle trip. I gave it to him in a gift bag at our son's graduation and he barked at me something like, "just put my stuff downstairs if you don't want to look at it, I still own the house, you know." I was taken aback as I meant it in a sentimental way, he said it was "calculating and manipulative" to do it at our son's school in front of other parents. Um, no. And the family sitting next to us was separated, but he wouldn't know that. And exactly no one there cares about our relationship, no one is looking at us or finding us particularly imteresting, they're there for their own kids. And of course we all know that, somehow he does not. After I convinced him it wasn't a calculated attack, he admitted he loves the pic. Me having to apologize and smooth his feathers after he assumes the worst possible motive from me when I'm trying to do right by him isn't unusual. But that's how I got sucked in, I was blindsided by his reaction. 


It was when I asked to quit it with the financial digs that he attacked. He led in with a whole bunch of "been thinking a lot about the financial situation since our last meeting," the meeting we had about our house (that I live in with kids.) I did come in to that meeting swimming in CB, so he couldn't assert himself how he had most likely rehearsed in his mind. So now needed to make a few 'announcements' via text. I'm thinking he thought it was safe since he's leaving the country for a week? I dunno. But I'm not taking the bait anymore because it's just old news and fairly boring to argue about the same shit over and over. So he's on a texting time out. He is too involved with the kids to not be in regular contact, but no need for it this week.


 I'm sure he's not the first man to feel financially attacked when he's actually just paying child support and spousal support to the woman he talked into staying home with the kids. It's like the saying about death and taxes, you can't avoid them, I think maybe child support should be on that list, too, if one plans on breeding.


I just put on Unisexy w/ B2.2, it's such a win/win for the calming. My man just got home from work, maybe I'll slip some into his water. I did some vacuuming in the hopes that it will calm the cleaning beast. 

Yup. You nailed it exactly. God reading that was like a bad flash back.

Flash forward a few years an he's gonna wonder why you are not sentimental or wanting to talk to him at all, unless its really pertinent to the kids. 

I'm so sorry that moment was marred for you. I have had my share.

It can be a messy business. 

Just focus on the kids and try to be happy. 

If you ever try B22 around him let us know. There should be a totally seperate thread about pheros and divorced ex's or ex's with kids. As in we are done! What works in that tough spot. I am not talking about trying to get them back and that shit. Probably needs to be in a journal. Lol

20 hours ago, halo0073 said:

I know it’s annoying but I will buy your BF a plane ticket to come help me with my house. I have been organizing, purging, redecorating and cleaning for weeks and weeks and weeks and still have sooooo much more to do.

In my experience its endless. I think with ADHD it is too easy to find another part of that road to go down once you finish the 1st project. For me it almost always happens before I finish #1. 

Make sure you do before and after photos, at least so you can see your hard work. 

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On 6/6/2019 at 1:31 PM, halo0073 said:

I know it’s annoying but I will buy your BF a plane ticket to come help me with my house. I have been organizing, purging, redecorating and cleaning for weeks and weeks and weeks and still have sooooo much more to do.

Ha! I'd miss his busy body cleaning antics too much. He has been making me a nervous wreck but it does look so much nicer and I was glad when I had unexpected visitors today.Thankfully he will sit down to watch basketball, so I get a reprieve then, and he's sitting in on drums for a show tonight, and then working a festival all weekend. I'm gonna have to do my own dishes. If I use any! He made sure sink was spotless when he left.

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  • 7 months later...

Just put this on an hour ago, and I think I might always have same initial response. "Hmmm, it's okay, guess I have it for the phero." And then 45 minutes later it's mellow and smooth, like a Lavender root beer float. The green and the lavender are too sharp for me at first, and then I get these great big purple fluffy pillows drifting my way. The birch really seals the deal for me on this one.

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