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Mara's Rocket Fuel

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Wore this to meet my friend for a drink tonight. Went outside to say hello to a (different) friend who I haven't seen in a few months. The man he was with looked at me, got this big, slow grin, and said, 'Well if you aren't just the most gorgeous little thing I've ever seen!' That was cute, and there was a lot of good-natured banter going back and forth between them. But this guy just went on and on so much and for so long that the buddy I'd stepped outside to say hello to started to get a tiny bit irritated, ('cause we have a bit of a past together), & told his friend to bugger off! I guess I found my 'sweet spot' with SS4W? (In MRF, anyway). Maybe a little less next time. Heh.

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Less? What for? (evil laugh)


:yeahthat::001_302: ...seriously tho,E,I am thrilled that you have found a "sweet spot" ...and take note to all reading,that many many times the lesser amount of pheros paired with Mara's scentual expertise is all you need!

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:yeahthat::001_302: ...seriously tho,E,I am thrilled that you have found a "sweet spot" ...and take note to all reading,that many many times the lesser amount of pheros paired with Mara's scentual expertise is all you need!

Calii, you said that perfectly. This stuff is magic. Eggers, I'm glad you had such a roaring good time with it!!! :D
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Thanks, Calii & EOSP - I have been having a great time with this one. First time I had BF try the scent he wasn't too keen on it, but man, does he ever love the Super Sexy! Wearing it again today. I put it on, then had to run out to the store for a second. When I came back into the house, I could smell MRF in the air. I commented to BF that the living room smelled like 'me', and he said, 'I know - I love it!' So apparently he's grown to love the scent, too. :D

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And this from a guy who is not the "complimenty" type. I'm so glad you found your sweet spot with this. As I say, I like to wear MRF even though EVERYONE around me at some point will ask who's been smoking a pipe? haha. But this newest version isn't as smokey on me. (I believe neither version even has smoke notes so go figure) so my sample is almost gone. It's on the list for the next order.... I think b/c the SS4W does so well with me too. I think it's more of a sexy/social phero. and the bonus is you don't have to wait so much for dry down. I can spray it on my clothes. (bonus)

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And this from a guy who is not the "complimenty" type. I'm so glad you found your sweet spot with this. As I say, I like to wear MRF even though EVERYONE around me at some point will ask who's been smoking a pipe? haha. But this newest version isn't as smokey on me. (I believe neither version even has smoke notes so go figure) so my sample is almost gone. It's on the list for the next order.... I think b/c the SS4W does so well with me too. I think it's more of a sexy/social phero. and the bonus is you don't have to wait so much for dry down. I can spray it on my clothes. (bonus)


Another compliment - I know! Crazy isn't it? Mara's Magick has loosened his tongue.


I don't understand the 'smokey' thing either. I wonder if it smells like flavoured tobacco to some folks - you know how you can get cherry or honey or vanilla flavoured tobacco? I can kind of see people associating 'smoke' with the sweetness of this - yeah, it's a bit of a stretch. But after you mentioned that reaction, I put it on to smell again, and I can (sort of) understand it. But not plain old pipe tobacco. It still smells like yummy perfume to me.


I like this for the no dry-down factor, too. And that I don't have to worry about getting it on my clothes. If I had it in a spray I'd probably OD on the stuff because I love the perfume itself so much. And the effects of Super Sexy I'm pretty okay with too. I don't know what I expected from the SS4W phero, but I wasn't prepared for it to work the way it does for me. Pretty cool. ;)

Edited by Eggers
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Another compliment - I know! Crazy isn't it? Mara's Magick has loosened his tongue.


I don't understand the 'smokey' thing either. I wonder if it smells like flavoured tobacco to some folks - you know how you can get cherry or honey or vanilla flavoured tobacco? I can kind of see people associating 'smoke' with the sweetness of this - yeah, it's a bit of a stretch. But after you mentioned that reaction, I put it on to smell again, and I can (sort of) understand it. But not plain old pipe tobacco. It still smells like yummy perfume to me.


I like this for the no dry-down factor, too. And that I don't have to worry about getting it on my clothes. If I had it in a spray I'd probably OD on the stuff because I love the perfume itself so much. And the effects of Super Sexy I'm pretty okay with too. I don't know what I expected from the SS4W phero, but I wasn't prepared for it to work the way it does for me. Pretty cool. ;)

No, it's just me. My skin amps the scent in some smoky way, Probably as a safeguard so I don't huff myself until I pass out or start mauling husband.

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Lol! So when people start asking if someone's smoking a pipe, what do you tell them? No, it's just me. I'm smokin'. Lol! Too funny! :D


Ha! I totally should. Great comeback, I'm waiting for my bloodhound nosed husband to ask if someone's smoking a pipe so I can make all sorts of phallic innuendoes.....(and offers ahem!)

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I have only worn MRF once, it was not this latest version but the one before (was that V2?) Not sure but it was a bit heavy for me (hence the "only wore it once") anyway...it was still lingering around when I went to the gym and it was so hot in there and obviously I was sweating and it was streaming out of my pores and the guy I worked out with at the time did indeed comment that he thought someone must have been smoking cloves before coming to the gym. I was new to LP's and none too thrilled with that!

I know I should try this latest version though.

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Missdarlyncherie, do you normally wear resiny scents? The newest version is a bit more creamier IMO, still unmistakeable rocket fuel, but not as sharp as the second version. you should give it another chance,

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I tried this early last week...I dont remember if I posted on it (its been a hellacious couple of weeks). Unfortunately, I cannot remember the phero effects, BUT the scent was nice, like a carmelly, brown sugar yum. After a while, it turned into a toasted brown sugar...if that makes sense. I noticed some said it smelled a bit smokey/tobaccoey after a while. Thankfully, my MRF turned toasty :) and still enjoyable!! Will need to test the phero effects again!

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Missdarlyncherie, do you normally wear resiny scents? The newest version is a bit more creamier IMO, still unmistakeable rocket fuel, but not as sharp as the second version. you should give it another chance,

No! I am not too into resiny scents..which is probably why MRF is a little much for me. I do love LAM Sandalwood and Resins though! I also like a little bit of LP Black if layered with Snowbound. And is AHE and Closer resiny? Because I do like those but that is about where my resins end. I do want to try the newest MRF just because...you never know.

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I would say the new MRF is not similar to AHE AHE is more crisp apple on me than spice, MRF is more deep. (bad grammar) I mean deeper, but not heavier. Does that make sense? It is quite resinous on me, BUT you could layer it with something lighter, like an OCCO pink or LP pink

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore this again today...heres a review from my pherothruth journal...


...At lunch, I noticed several hits for eye contact. After, I (and two students) went to Sam's club to purchase a few hundred bottles of water for a health day next week. There, I got many strong eye contact hits. But what was odd was an employee who was serving samples, looked at me as I approached to walk past, and said 'Well hellooooo there my dear!' with a huge smile, and nod of the head. Being friendly, I responded with 'Hi! How are you?' And he said, 'I'm doing very well, and thank you very much!' But it was in song! And he did it for a few seconds, long enough for many people to stare! The student looked at me and said, 'Oh, you must know him very well, is he your Sam's club buddy?!' Of course, I had never seen him in my life, and have probably been inside Sam's a total of 4 times in the past 2-3 years. Her response to that was 'Well, he sure did act like he knew you...he acted like he knew you very well.' This was indeed a very peculiar interaction. lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ohh I have a sample of Mara's rocket fuel with BI and it smells so delicious! the best gourmand scent.The brown sugar smell so rich ,sweet and warm.Like I can almost taste it so..

Lately I have been eating lots of crunchy dark demera sugar and cinnamon on my oatmeal because of this!! thanks to a loverly forum member over on the trades..I finally got a bottle! Cant wait to get my hands on this..yum!

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I finally got a trial vial of this. Okay, I can say definitively that the decant I got in swap long ago had either been mislabled or highly adulterated (maybe aliquoted into an unwashed vial that had something else?).


I have the latest rebrew I think (with BI). It is a really light, sweet skin musk. The caramel note is very sheer to me, the brown sugar not overwhelming (BAM with spicy brown sugar didn't work for me -- smelled like hot dogs). I don't get anything "pink" from this on me. It melds down to a barely there fragrance that makes me feel very feminine, yet at the same time, I could almost see it working as a mans fragrance also. It reminds me a bit of TMI.


I get no whiffs of pheros or cops, even before drydown.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't read through all the many posts on this topic, so sorry if I am just repeating what others have already said; in any case it doesn't hurt to have another person reiterate it! I have version III of this, and I do get the caramel and sugar thing happening, only, and I don't know how this works exactly, but it is sugar without being sweet?? I like Sporty's description of it as toasted brown sugar, that's definitely what I get. Kind of that bitter sugar smell... It's ok, but not my favourite. Wow, I seem to be saying that about a lot of fragrances lately! I guess I have a few favourites now and nothing else smells quite as good to me... I have been spoilt :blushing:

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I finally got a trial vial of this. Okay, I can say definitively that the decant I got in swap long ago had either been mislabled or highly adulterated (maybe aliquoted into an unwashed vial that had something else?).


I have the latest rebrew I think (with BI). It is a really light, sweet skin musk. The caramel note is very sheer to me, the brown sugar not overwhelming (BAM with spicy brown sugar didn't work for me -- smelled like hot dogs). I don't get anything "pink" from this on me. It melds down to a barely there fragrance that makes me feel very feminine, yet at the same time, I could almost see it working as a mans fragrance also. It reminds me a bit of TMI.


I get no whiffs of pheros or cops, even before drydown.


I think the latest rebrew has SS4W again. (I know the second one had BI),


But Hot dogs??? with BAM brown sugar?? that made me laugh. I thought I was weird for getting pipe tobacco from MRF but you win. I wouldn't want to walk around smelling like a Ball Park Frank

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I have just put this on to go out for the evening and after it had fully dried down I put on a spritz of Pink Sugar (I am on a Pink Sugar craze at the moment). Ohhhhh.... these two smell SO wonderful together. The Pink Sugar gives it the sweetness I was craving but it is sooo deep and sexy now, like having sex on a bed of pink and white and brown sugars. This is yummy perfection.

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My full review on Mara's Rocket Fuel III, taken from PheroTruth.


Pheromone ingredients: Contains the “Super sexy for women” pheromone blend, a mix of estratetraenol, alpha androstenol, DHEA, tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone


Price: Good value at $29.95 for a 10ml roller bottle of oil.


Presentation: Standard bottle from Love Potion with a cute picture on the front. Lovely as always.


Smell: I wasn’t too keen on this smell at first. In the bottle it smelled more bitter than I would have expected. On my skin it mellows out a bit and becomes caramel and sugar, but not sweet sugar – “toasted sugar” was Sporty’s excellent description. It is an all right smell, nothing wrong with it but I guess I am into the really sweet stuff. Anyway I have taken to spraying a spritz or two of Pink Sugar over this, and it just becomes heaven. Pink Sugar is already wonderful, but it becomes so delicious and sexy with the darker, toasted sugar under it. I can’t get enough of it! Even wearing only a small amount other people have commented on how delicious I smell. I asked them to describe the smell but I guess describing smells is difficult because I got everything from “apple” to “lavender” to “bubble gum”! But hey, as long as it’s good :)


Results: I’ve only worn this a few times and already I’m so impressed I wanted to write up a review. This is not OMG AMAZING stuff (I haven’t found anything yet that is) but it certainly has a very nice, very noticeable effect. I’m definitely getting “hits” from all directions, at least as far as males go. Nothing out of the ordinary from other females, but nothing bad from them either.


Last night I wore this out socially. Argh, I’ve been trying to hide this for a while since I wanted to have as much anonymity on here as possible, but it’s becoming too hard to describe these situations without giving away this information – I’m a dancer. So when I say “socially”, that means dancing – the social group, including C2, are my fellow dancers. Sadly C2 wasn’t there last night, though I’d love to have tested this on him.


One guy, let’s call him Ed, who is a good 30 years older than me, used to be pretty friendly with me, and I really enjoyed his sense of humour and all the knowledge he had to share with me. He has a real bitch of a wife, who I think doesn’t like him hanging around me (like there is seriously any kind of threat from me...) and so for a good year or so he’s been keeping his distance a bit from me, and I’ve noticed her giving me some dirty looks when I do talk to him, or him getting a bit chastened from her at times after he’s danced with me. So I didn’t take it too personally, as I felt pretty sure she was behind it, and don’t care what she thinks as she is clearly insecure for no good reason. Anyway, I mention all this to explain that, unlike usual, Ed was extremely friendly last night, despite her being nearby all evening. I noticed on several occasions, like a good half a dozen times he happened to come near me he stood really close, almost touching me. I caught him sniffing the air once, like really trying to breathe in my scent. He seemed flattered by every piece of attention I gave him, laughed really hard at my jokes, even though some were pretty lame. He even asked me to dance with him, which he hasn’t done in almost a year – he actually came over from the other side of the room to ask me. Every time we have danced in the past year it’s been because I’ve asked him, and usually if his wife is nearby he makes up an excuse not to.


He also kept talking about how he had to be aggressive and commanding at his job during the day, and so he liked to relax when he was out dancing, and made references throughout the night to being dominant or passive in a way that kept bordering on being quite sexual or suggestive. When he danced he seemed to be trying really hard to impress me, throwing in some over the top and even some aggressive moves. He kept looking at me in a way that seemed to be trying to judge what I thought, or whether I was impressed.


For another dancer, I accidentally trod on his toe at one point, and he said, ‘That’s ok, I don’t mind having you on top’ (!!) – and then blushed like mad, like he honestly hadn’t meant to say that! He was embarrassed around me for the rest of the night!


I got majorly hit on by a 17-year-old (I’m 26 soon), which was kind of funny because I’m not used to being in the “older woman” role. He just seemed to follow me around like a puppy dog. Again there was the wanting my attention thing, craving my approval from him. He gave obvious indications that he wanted me to stay and talk with him, or dance with him, all night (17 year olds aren’t the most subtle I guess), and expressed keen disappointment when he had to leave.


In all, I just felt very popular all evening. Remember this is the same crowd that totally ignored me when I was wearing waaay too much cops and Alfa Donna, so this isn’t necessarily usual behaviour from them. Definitely something different.


Today – wearing the Rocket Fuel and Pink Sugar combo again. First I had a massage. My masseuse is a much older male and is always very flirty with me, but not in a creepy way, just in a “oh if I were only 30 years younger you’d be in trouble young lady ;)” kind of way. Ok that still sounds kind of creepy, but take my word for it, it’s actually all ok, I have never felt unsafe or anything, he’s very professional just has a quirky sense of humour, which suits me really well ;). I can tell he’s attracted to me (let’s face it, he sees me naked regularly) but has always taken his cue from me on what is appropriate to do or not do. I’ve made it clear where the line is drawn and he’s always respected that. Today he was much the same, but commented on what a nice smell I had about me. He mentioned it a few times, and kept leaning in to take a huff. The conversation did get a little dirty, as it sometimes does with him, as he talked about “SLM” massage, and I thought he said “S&M”... and it went downhill from there! Then there was talk about how comfortable I am with my body, how good I am to massage, etc. Sounds like hits, but in the context of this person I think this behaviour is not too unexpected, and might have occurred regardless?


Anyway, next I went to work. And the amazing part – C1 actually seemed to be affected!! I was sooo thrilled, it has been almost impossible to get anything even approaching a sexual response from him, and it has kind of become my goal to find a pheromone that has this effect on him! It is still not really blatant, but, hey, I’m happy with baby steps. The effect I noticed on him was that he seemed a little surprised about something – is this the “Deer in the Headlights” I have heard you guys talking about? He said that I smelled nice (without me asking or prompting in any way, just kind of randomly), but actually looked away as he said it, as though embarrassed? Almost like he was saying it to himself?


I mentioned to him that I had had a massage (he asked why I was late) and he seemed to really like this idea, bringing it up a few times afterwards with no introduction to it, just “So, you liked your massage then?” “Did your massage help?”. He seemed to have this glint in his eye as he asked and I was thinking (hoping?) that he was bringing it up because he liked the idea of me naked ;) I fed him some details about the masseuse working on my body to help him along, and he didn’t seem too quick to change the subject :D


Otherwise he seemed just as though he was in a good mood (which he possibly was, that may have had nothing to do with the pheromones), and was quite nice and friendly to me (which he hasn’t been so much lately – he’s been a bit resentful and grouchy in recent weeks), and seemed to want to impress me. This may in part be because lately I have tried to kind of work on our relationship a bit, trying in subtle ways to build him up and help him see that I’m not the enemy, in fact I’m his friend and I support him. However, I think the pheromones may be helping that along. I have a theory based only on intuition that this blend, being copulin-free, is not doing the testosterone-raising thing that seems to just piss him off; instead this just makes him think, “wow, she’s so wonderful, I want her to like me :wub:”.


So, sorry for all the long descriptions here, I just wanted to document all of these interactions so I can be sure I’m not coming to the wrong conclusions. What I am concluding from this mix is that it creates a bit of “awe” amongst people affected by it, making them think you are amazing and wanting your approval. Ed laughing overly hard at my jokes and staring at me like I was some kind of deity keeps coming to my mind – that feeling just sums it up. Like, “you’re so wonderful, please bestow your attention on me!” . There’s definitely something sexual about it as well, I wish I could try this mix out during sex. Who wouldn’t want to have sex with someone who thought you were a goddess? :D

Edited by Synergist
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  • 1 month later...

I'm wearing v3 today and I don't get ANY tobacco!! It's brown-sugar cotton candy, the burnt crust of creme brûlée, a burnt cookie. It has a chewiness and thickness it didn't before and that I don't get with the more dirty, sexy-growly v1. This is (slightly) more innocent, at least today. It is ungodly hot where I am so that may be contributing.

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I should add that the phero made someone I had previously met & who had paid me almost no attention, literally stop in his tracks and walk/jog BACKWARD to keep talking to me. Also made a sales dude start stammering & babbling when I got within phero range :D

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:) Yeppers, this one is very nommy-sweet-yum on me, too! Last time I wore it, Mr. Matt commented that I was using one of the ones that make me smell like caramel. This is a compliment, by the way. Heh. I don't get darker resin notes from this one...I've not tried the older versions.
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I'm wearing v3 today and I don't get ANY tobacco!! It's brown-sugar cotton candy, the burnt crust of creme brûlée, a burnt cookie. It has a chewiness and thickness it didn't before and that I don't get with the more dirty, sexy-growly v1. This is (slightly) more innocent, at least today. It is ungodly hot where I am so that may be contributing.


Really, is there supposed to be tobacco in this? I don't get that at all, just toasted brown sugar :)

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I tried Mara's Rocket Fuel with BI again today. (First time had no hits whatsoever). And as far as the BI goes, I definitely need to adjust, but whether that's wearing less, or wearing more, I dunno. But was sitting beside BF for about 2 hours, (after being locked in a car with him for half an hour), and I got nuthin' but a pat on the bum.


The perfume itself is luscious. I find it a little heavier than MRF III. "Chewy", I think is how Tyvey put it. And that would approximate my description almost perfectly. It's brown sugar/maple sweetness that lasts and lasts. It's delicious and sweet without being overpowering.


Now, to figure out the BI... I don't know if I should adjust up, or down. I did the "Mara Manoeuvre, and then about an inch on each wrist. Too much? Or too little?

I think I might try a little less tomorrow.

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Well it is no secret that MRF/BI is my top playtime combo :666: isn't the scent droolworthy,just smelling it now turns me on...but since you have such wonderful results with MRF3 & LAM,I would not force the 3,he may not the the Enone sig on you...how does it make *you* feel ?

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It makes me feel awesome Calii - all slinky-like. I love it. I'll give it another few tries, and see how it goes. If it doesn't work for him, it'll be a bummer, but I'll still wear it, 'cause I love the way it smells & the way it makes me feel. I just won't wear it around him. I'll report back if & when it works. Wish me luck!

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I have v3. Brown sugary yummyness here. I feel like a super sexy cookie! I love the scent but I will have to try it with pink sugar like Synergist! Sounds like a great combo. I always get good hits with ss4w. So this potion is a def winner in my book ;)

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I am wearing v2 today. It has aged very, very nicely!! It used to very heavy on me, too rich for any time but the winter, but it seems to have mellowed. today it's like thick, clear syrup. I smell edible. I prefer it to v3, which does something very strange on my skin.


And as always, BI has me feeling too sexy for my desk.

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I got a sample of Mara's Rocket Fuel III a few weeks ago and it's one of the ones I've used most so far. In the bottle this smells really nice, I'd describe it as sweet and gooey, very brown sugar and syrup-y to me. When I put it on the first few times it changed to a really weird, overly sweet incense smell that I didn't really like. I tried it out again last week and it stayed sweet and gooey, which is much better. There may be something in it that my skin is kind of iffy with, maybe the brown sugar is a little overwhelming for me. I'm not getting any cookie, unfortunately. I'd say at first it has pretty good throw but it probably stays closer to my skin as the day goes on. Maybe I'll try it with Purple Puff to see if the marshmallow tones down the brown sugar. I think I saw that people were mixing SS4W and LAM with no problems?


So far I think SS4W is really great! I noticed a few pretty obvious double takes and extra-long stares, and some guys turning around to look back after walking by me. I'm not sure if it was the pheros since this sometimes happens anyway (not trying to sound conceited!). The two most obvious happened when I was out shopping. I shop at certain stores all the time so if the same people work there I see them every so often. There's one guy around my age who works at CVS who I've spoken with a few times before. When I went to buy my stuff I said, "Hey, how are you?" and his response was, "Better now that you're here," (!) with this kind of...I don't know how to describe it...starry-eyed look or something, like he couldn't look away O_O and not casually flirtatious or sarcastic at all. Last time I talked to him he said he hoped to see me again soon, so I'm not sure if this would've happened anyway or was helped along by the SS4W.


Right after that I went to Trader Joe's (your friendly neighborhood grocery store!). There's a guy about my age there who asked me out around a month ago but I said I was sort of taken (it's a complicated story). Well he was there and I noticed him looking at me. He walked by, went a few more steps then turned around and kind of smiled for a few seconds. It was actually kind of goofy! A few minutes later I was looking at a few things when I noticed he was a little ways away talking to a coworker of his, another guy around my age and they were glancing my way...a minute later he came over and asked if I was still taken!


When I left the store I noticed the other guy he'd been talking to glancing my way a lot too - I wonder what they were saying about me O_o I don't know if this was due to the SS4W but it was totally interesting. I haven't noticed any negative responses from women, either, which is great! I like to be friends with everybody :)

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Hi Carmen,


Nice report! Things really start to become fun once you start noticing hits here and there, don't they?


I just wanted to say that sometimes mix LAM and SS4W with good results. But the reason I thought it would be okay to mix them is because LAM is a simple blend of 2 components that are generally considered okay to add to other phero mixes alone - cops and alpha androstenol. I wanted to point this out because lots of people get the impression that it's okay to mix more complex blends together, when really it's best to use them alone, as they were intended.


Having said that, a bit of LAM added to SS4W has worked really, really well for me. Super Sexy on it's own is fantastic, but for special nights, a touch of LAM seems to brighten my mood considerably, and makes those around me pretty chipper, too, females included. I do get the puppy-following-me-around bit from a few guys, which is always fun. And the girls around me all seem to want to be best buds, which is fine by me, too. Best of all though, the combo puts me a fantastic party mood, and apparently removes the censor from my brain so that I say all kinds of things. Whenever I wear these two together, my boyfriend, (who doesn't know I use pheros), comments that I was particularly funny that evening! IDK, I guess it makes me feel really "on".


Keep us posted & let us know how you make out! :D

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I have MRF3, with SS4W in it. I ADORE the fragrance, but I can't tell that the SS4W does diddly for me, either in this or in the UN bottle I have that I layer with other scents. In fact, my husband seems to hate it. I can put it on and he will tell me to go wash it off. Doesn't matter what scent I'm wearing WITH it, the SS4W just hits him the wrong way somehow. *sigh* Cops, on the other hand...

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