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Mara's Rocket Fuel

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I love this one too. I wore it on a flight to the mainland the other night. It made me a little spacey (or maybe it was the lack of sleep due to the red-eye flight), so I was kinda loopy anyways. Even so, everyone was so friendly & nice to me. No problems with checking bags or getting through security, which can be a nightmare & time consuming. The LP seemed to make others unusually nicer to me & want to help me, especially women. I liked that it didn't threaten other women, instead, they wanted to help me.


The fragrance is divine. A real sexy, brown-sugary scent, mixed with a soft vanilla & a slight incensey smell coming through. Every time I would get a whiff of myself it made me feel sexy & confident. I'm not sure what others thought, at that point I didn't care. I will wear this one again (just for the positive self effects). Everyone should give this one a try.


OOPS! I posted on the wrong Phero Blend thread. I was reviewing Rocket Fuel III, instead I mistakenly posted here for Mara's Rocket Fuel, which I've never tried. Sorry!!!


I'll start a new thread for Rocket Fuel III (Duh).

Edited by Alohahnl43
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OOPS! I posted on the wrong Phero Blend thread. I was reviewing Rocket Fuel III, instead I mistakenly posted here for Mara's Rocket Fuel, which I've never tried. Sorry!!!


I'll start a new thread for Rocket Fuel III (Duh).

It's the same thing, so I merged the two threads.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I wore the latest brew with SS4W when I met with a new boy tonight. A dab on my wrists, and then down my torso and in a circle around my navel. Smushed it around with my wrists and wiped the excess off on my neck. Brought the boy up to see the cats, which he fawned over, and he kept scooting closer to me and "accidentally" touching me. Then we sat on the couch with my roommates and again he kept moving closer, and when he thought I wasn't looking he'd subtly turn his face towards my neck and breathe in. Then, with no regards to the roommates in the room he pulls my face to him and kisses me! Later when we weren't in the presence of the roommates he just buried his face in my neck, and I swear he purred a little bit. Gotta say, looooved the attention ;]

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and I swear he purred a little bit. Gotta say, looooved the attention ;]


Love this :lol:


...there are 4 left in the cart,I have a back up,or maybe two,I forget LOL

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  • 1 month later...

The V3 is much lighter than V2...on me...with a slight pink-ish tone to it,ummm I am not great at reviewing :lol: V2 is one of my all-time favorite scents,consider yourself lucky to have it ! ...that being said I wore V3 today and it is aging splendidly !!! Stronger than it was the SS4W phero blend is awesome,especially with a cops boost :D am thrilled that it is now a permanent part of the LP collection !!!!

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I wonder if its the phero that made it lighter or the scent was heavier to cover cops? Thanks caliii! I'm gonna grab a bottle and find out.


Good observation on the cops,I think the scent is heavier to cover :) ... I spent the weekend in MRF2 ,and there is really no mistaking the difference,if I had the choice it would be no contest,the heavy deep rich brown sugar and the BI in the 2nd version floats my boat...and the boy's :666:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't smell the tobacco. To me it just smells like dark brown sugar yumminess, but I got three comments about tobacco when I wore mine yesterday. Not bad comments; more like, "mmmmmm, i smell something yummy. Like cigars or a pipe!"

Me too!! Had to pull this guy aside, because he was making such a big deal about it. When I told him it was my perfume and asked him if it smelled bad, he quickly said no, that it smelled good. I think I will save this one for weekends and such.
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  • 2 months later...

I wore this one on Sunday! It's the version 3 w SS4W. I got brown sugar and cinnamon on application - HOLYYUUUM! I totally smelled like a yummy treat. Hubby said I smelled goooood...I asked if I smelled like a scrummy cookie and he told me, "Something like that" :lol: This one is absolute deliciousness! The cinnamon was there but not over powering and completely complimentary. Sometimes cinnamon is very forward to my nose but I was getting all the yumminess in this one at once. DROOOOOOL :Emoticons04235: This is my kind of go-to smell...LOVE LOVE LOVE!

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  • 2 weeks later...

MRF 2009 has become more polished over the years, its aged very nicely. It was amazing since day one though, very sweet syrupy, even a little sticky. It reminded me of pancakes drenched in maple syrup. Now the notes have blended more evenly, I can't detect any one note overpowering another.


MRF 2009 has BI phero blend and I wore it last night and my man ended up lighting candles, drawing a bath and then gave me a massage!!! What a romantic evening we had, nothing rushed like "gotta have it now!" like compromising positions does to us (which is so GOOD too but we changed it up last night), just a passionate, sensual night, mmm. :) I know this definitely played a part <3

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I agree Honeybee... I tried a little dab on the wrists last night of the MRF 2009 and the scent is darker and more sensual than V.3. V.3 I can wear to work and it's a lighter brown sugar, brighter, I like it for Fridays because it makes me happy, relaxed and ready for the weekend. 2009, I would definitely want to save for date night. The undertone to me was a bit more musky(?) and deeper, the maple plays a much larger role. I love both and love even more that I have a day version AND a night version!!

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I love MRF V2 - it just smells so rich and amazing... But I have such a tough time with BI. I wish it worked on me like it seems to on everyone else - but I have so many other pheros that do awesome things for me, that at the moment I don't have the patience to keep trying with BI, so I put it up for trade. :( I don't like it when I get The Bitchies.


BUT... I absolutely adore the current version. I love that it's a little brighter than V2, and I love that I can wear it anywhere, (except work, sadly), and that I can add cops or not, depending on who I'll be around, and what effect I want my pheros to have. I like the versatility of it, too. It pairs amazingly well with so many other things! I've worn it with OCCO Pink & White, I've heard that it pairs well with OCCO Red, too, but I haven't yet tried that combo, and it goes well with LAM Spicy Brown Sugar and Pink Amber. It all depends on how I feel! I'm SO happy that MRF V3 is permanent. It's one of my favourite LPs!

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I'm SO happy that MRF V3 is permanent. It's one of my favourite LPs!

All the things you said about V3! I never knew any of the previous versions and was thinking how I'd miss this one when it's gone....and then I read what you said about it being permanent! And when I did, I began behaving like this: :cat690: I have a whole new love affair with SS4W since encountering BANG! and I LOOOOVE MRF....deliciously divine! This is one of those "roll around in like cat nip" scents for me...LURV!
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I would try it again. Now that I have both, I can definitely tell there is a difference. V.3 is brighter, softer. V.2 struck me as darker and more maple-y, as others have said. It's like having your daytime bestie with V.3 and your nighttime date version in V.2. Both still amazing but with just enough subtlety to use them in different ways.


ETA: because my grammar stinks, apparently.

Edited by StoremyWhether
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I agree Honeybee... I tried a little dab on the wrists last night of the MRF 2009 and the scent is darker and more sensual than V.3. V.3 I can wear to work and it's a lighter brown sugar, brighter, I like it for Fridays because it makes me happy, relaxed and ready for the weekend. 2009, I would definitely want to save for date night. The undertone to me was a bit more musky(?) and deeper, the maple plays a much larger role. I love both and love even more that I have a day version AND a night version!!


I am so happy that you like it!!! :) You're right about the day and night version, lol. I didn't think of it like that before but V2 is so much more appropriate for evening w/the musky, sensuality of it and V3 for day time b/c it's the brighter version like you said. Not that you couldn't get a little crazy and change em' up but I know exactly what you mean and looking back I usually only reach for V2 for some night time thrills. Oh, it's so funny how perfume can communicate to us, and LP's intent can be heard through the bottles, always amazes me.

Edited by Honeybee
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Oh, it's so funny how perfume can communicate to us, and LP's intent can be heard through the bottles, always amazes me.

THAT EXPLAINS IT! While I sleep, they serenade my subconscious and speak beautiful sonnets into my dreams so that when I wake all I can recall is how I long for them and all the joy they bring...and promised..They are my enablers.... :love: Whew....I was worried it was me.... :blushing:
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THAT EXPLAINS IT! While I sleep, they serenade my subconscious and speak beautiful sonnets into my dreams so that when I wake all I can recall is how I long for them and all the joy they bring...and promised..They are my enablers.... :love: Whew....I was worried it was me.... :blushing:


Mine must have been an action movie last night because this morning I'm doing BAM/LAM. Figured if it goes awry on me, that's ok because although I have to see a lot of people, I'll be mostly by myself.

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  • 1 month later...

Took Rocket Fuel III for a spin with Un CB...slathered RF...slathered. I love this scent...and it LASTS because it's been 12+ hours and I still sell sugary delicious! I've been loving me all day. Got LOTS of preferential treatment today...SS4W & CB combo is always FLAWLESS that way.


I fogged in LP Balls! yesterday and that can intimidate the guys at work...nervous, lol. SS4W & CB are much better. I think a good number of the fellas I deal with just react better to bonding type blends...but that doesn't keep me from tossing in a wrench every now and then...Teheheeee.....

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Took Rocket Fuel III for a spin with Un CB...slathered RF...slathered. I love this scent...and it LASTS because it's been 12+ hours and I still sell sugary delicious! I've been loving me all day. Got LOTS of preferential treatment today...SS4W & CB combo is always FLAWLESS that way.


I fogged in LP Balls! yesterday and that can intimidate the guys at work...nervous, lol. SS4W & CB are much better. I think a good number of the fellas I deal with just react better to bonding type blends...but that doesn't keep me from tossing in a wrench every now and then...Teheheeee.....

Yes I seem to get the really positive reactions from the "bonders" too. SS4W + CB you have something close to Bang there. May a mellower version of it. Sounds work friendly & after work friendly ;)

Have you tried Gotcha? Ive had some amusing experiences with that in social situations.

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Yes I seem to get the really positive reactions from the "bonders" too. SS4W + CB you have something close to Bang there. May a mellower version of it. Sounds work friendly & after work friendly ;)

Have you tried Gotcha? Ive had some amusing experiences with that in social situations.

It's true! Before I got BANG! I had tried to bang with this combo, but it just isn't quite the same. The art of the craft no doubt!


This is a social combo too and it brings a bit of naughtiness (or maybe I just always bring it cuz I can't leave it anywhere, lol) but menfolk seem to LOVE it..door holding, preferential treatment, excited to be around you...like it's a cool privilege...no complaints there!


I have Gotcha! in Honeyed LP & Fuzzy Wuzzy and in Un too...LOL (I'm a hoarder...no getting past it :P ) and I would have to say that it's been with Fuzzy Wuzzy that I got some of my most memorable knee jerk reactions with, Hahaha! One being a co-worker stopping mid conversation, leaning INTO my neck with both of us pulling immediately back from one another and, with his eyes bugging...stammered..."I'm sorry...but is that you I smell?" It was hilarious once I realized what was going on, lol, but in the moment I was all - WTH? GOTCHA! yup. "Amusing experiences" fo sho :D


You come up with the best combo's girl....

I know I've gotten some great ideas from YOU miss DD! ^_^

Edited by NuTrix
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Oh, so do I believe me...I'm stressing over my next phero too. I was convinced it was going to be SS4W but now I am wavering on LFNoire. Well I am saving my posting credits for my birthday order so I have a few months to decide.

I had saved all of my posting credits for this sale, between that and my GC's that I have been saving, I was able to get most of what I wanted....

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I had saved all of my posting credits for this sale, between that and my GC's that I have been saving, I was able to get most of what I wanted....


I figure this time next year I should have a nice little nest egg of credits to use. I don't see me wanting to use them for regular monthly choices but holy moly, I know I will want (and desperately need) to use them up during the sale month.

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On me this one smells like burnt sugar (overcooked caramel), smoke and little spices + dry vanilla. Looking at the notes and reading that it smells like a cookie I expected it to be too sweet. On me it isn't sweet a tiniest bit though, but instead is very smokey and tobacco-like. Reminds me of vanilla flavored hookah tobacco (shisha), and I get the same associations from other people too. Definitely this turned out better than I expected.


Wearing RF /w SS4W around my SO always got him all over me, leading to sensual and disinhibited sex. First time I used RF he said I smelled like flavored tobacco smoke and dragged me to bed right away. Possibly his reaction was related to both scent and mones, as this does smell sexy. Since then it's been one my favorites.

With other people no over the top phero hits, but I feel sexy and think I am also perceived that way.



EDIT: I did not remember ever wearing RF for so long, but now about 8 hours after the application burnt sugar has almost completely disappeared and that made vanilla really pop. The scent turned into a very soft sweet vanilla and spicy tobacco. I can't believe that there's no tobacco note in this one, probably spices read like it. Very interesting one.

Edited by Fleur
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Wearing RF /w SS4W around my SO always got him all over me, leading to sensual and disinhibited sex. First time I used RF he said I smelled like flavored tobacco smoke and dragged me to bed right away. Possibly his reaction was related to both scent and mones, as this does smell sexy. Since then it's been one my favorites.

With other people no over the top phero hits, but I feel sexy and think I am also perceived that way.


If you like tobacco smoke (and especially if your SO does), you should try Katarina Suit if you haven't already. That is a scent that can cause all sorts of scenarios to pop into your head. It is so completely sexy but, in my mind, in a very non-traditional perfume sort of way. Chocolate, cherryish tobacco, warm woods, leather. *sigh* If I thought I could get away with it, I'd wear it to work.


MRF is definitely a go-to fragrance for sure and the SS4W is perfect with it.

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Nutrix, I have my sample sprays of Bang and I'm trying to decide what other phero I need to purchase during the sale, I'm wavering between this and Gotcha, whats your take....thanks in advance for the help, I stress too much over this shit....LOL

Sorry DD! I just spied this! Did you order both already? (which would have been my first suggestion...teheheee...) For me, BANG! is more social, like Cougar. Gatcha! is more laid back. It depends on what I'm looking for. If they were women...Gothca! would not be introverted, but less out-going than BANG! Gotcha! would be more sultry and more demure where BANG! is a bit more flamboyant. :D

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If you like tobacco smoke (and especially if your SO does), you should try Katarina Suit if you haven't already. That is a scent that can cause all sorts of scenarios to pop into your head. It is so completely sexy but, in my mind, in a very non-traditional perfume sort of way. Chocolate, cherryish tobacco, warm woods, leather. *sigh* If I thought I could get away with it, I'd wear it to work.


MRF is definitely a go-to fragrance for sure and the SS4W is perfect with it.


Many thanks for your suggestion! I'll have to get a sample of it, as I'm not sure about how chocolate and leather notes would work. Those can be hit or miss for me.

By the way, I love the Russian agent theme behind Katerina Suit.



EDIT: And MRF by now is just pure spices (10+ hours after applying it). I'll try to soften it up with something else.

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On me this one smells like burnt sugar (overcooked caramel), smoke and little spices + dry vanilla. Looking at the notes and reading that it smells like a cookie I expected it to be too sweet. On me it isn't sweet a tiniest bit though, but instead is very smokey and tobacco-like. Reminds me of vanilla flavored hookah tobacco (shisha), and I get the same associations from other people too. Definitely this turned out better than I expected.


Wearing RF /w SS4W around my SO always got him all over me, leading to sensual and disinhibited sex. First time I used RF he said I smelled like flavored tobacco smoke and dragged me to bed right away. Possibly his reaction was related to both scent and mones, as this does smell sexy. Since then it's been one my favorites.

With other people no over the top phero hits, but I feel sexy and think I am also perceived that way.



EDIT: I did not remember ever wearing RF for so long, but now about 8 hours after the application burnt sugar has almost completely disappeared and that made vanilla really pop. The scent turned into a very soft sweet vanilla and spicy tobacco. I can't believe that there's no tobacco note in this one, probably spices read like it. Very interesting one.

Oh what happened? Yes, Fleur your right. :) I was saying...

You should try MRF with LAM. Either the LAM Brown Sugar or LAM Sugared Vanilla & Honey!

The 1, 2, punch of MRF and LAM is lots of fun.

Edited by StacyK
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Oh what happened? Yes, Fleur your right. :) I was saying...

You should try MRF with LAM. Either the LAM Brown Sugar or LAM Sugared Vanilla & Honey!

The 1, 2, punch of MRF and LAM is lots of fun.


Ah, thanks a lot, Stacy! I only have LAM in Buttercream Peach at the moment, but the fragrances you mentioned do sound very yummy :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is my go-to scent. I keep forgetting pheros are in it so I don't really pay attention to hits while wearing it. I just love the maple sweetness of it. It smells so yummy that I just huff my arm all the time. And I feel like this will be so much fun to wear as a transition to fall because it's light and warm at the same time. And I always feel excellent wearing it, which must be the phero self effects.


I remember I wore it out to meet some friends and shoot darts and stuff like that, and outside, I was hanging out with a friend by our cars and we were super close physically and he would sort of move in, and stay close and then abruptly take one step back. And then repeat, move in, stay close for a bit, and one step back. I take it as a hit, haha. I think I hang out with a lot of guys who aren't very open physically so this back and forth is how they react when I do wear pheros. I'm cool with it, because to me, the self effects are most important and I just feel so sparkly while wearing MRF III that I can't imagine anything beating that instant sense of shine.

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This stuff is the truth!! I love Mara's Rocket Fuel III. It is a rich, syrupy, brown sugary honey scent that lasts for friggin eva! I can put it on one day and still smell it the next morning until I shower. It is sweet, but rich like some sort of fancy caramel confection. Not Russell Stover, but some specialty boutique confectionery gourmet caramel.


It took me a few times to try my sample, but once I GOT it... I GET it and it GETS me.


And the phero? My only experience with SS4W is through this blend. It makes me feel womanly and sexy for real. I get an extra wiggle in my hips for sure. As a matter of fact, I found myself singing "She's a Brick.... House! She's mighty mighty, just letting it all hang out!" in my head as I walked in to work the last time I wore it!


And the head swivels are off the chain when I wear this. Hits galore in the grocery store. It was actually rather comical! Maybe it was my "I'm the shit" attitude and resulting swagger. But, I'm pretty certain it was the phero. I have tried it several times, and same thing.


Full bottle of this for sure!

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