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New Releases for AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 2013

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And of course my guys on Patience Potion....its another funny coincidence that my boys should end up on THAT one! :)


Remember, you'll get a bottle of that one for free.

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OMG these are amazing,I love,love,love them all ohhman decisions

Help on tight budget but I need some smellies so bad



your are so awesome



got to set up my paypal bear with me ladies and save me some goodies

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I'm laughing my ASS off at shut up and get a job scent since we've all been weighing in on DolphinDoll's ex's job sitch.


yaaaaaaay! How many bottles are available of each so I know if I can have a week or two to budget for them?



I may get elfed but sorry, I'm manuevering on my phone--how much are all 20bottles together?

Yup! Lol

They all look great.. what a beautiful group!!

Can't wait for the trials.. looks like I need to at least trial them all.. Fun!

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Pro-Create - Creativity and Fertility Potion



KATZ these little orange guys are yours right?? I love this shot!! If only my orange Norma was as cuddly as these two. That's him below on Defenseive magic



Defensive Magic Potion - Protection, Deflect Negativity Away




Communication Potion



Come to Me, Lover - Classic Spell Oil Eggers?? is this dog yours?? I love this shot



BFF Friendship Potion And BB What a sweet shot of you and your guy. (or girl?). Can't wait to hear descriptions of scents AND descriptions from the pet owners.



Ambre Amour - Love Attracting Potion



Shut Up and Get a Job - Phero Enhanced Employment Potion with Swimming w/ Sharks




OMG Shut up and get a job!! I love this label. Can't wait to see who these guys belong to.

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Invi I have told SO many people about lestat screaming KOUTSOULIA!!!! at your mother and when she said "why?" him replying "WHY NOT??" Tell THAT to people who say animals are only repeating and can't think/communicate knowingly.

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Defensive Magic Potion - Protection, Deflect Negativity Away






Yes folks, this is Norm. What an apt label for him to be the cover boy for. He's got the sweetest little kitten meow and even rubs his 17 pound self against your legs-until you bend down to scoop him up or even pet him. Then you get the face you see on the label. We refer to him as our "ornamental" cat around the house, because he's great to look at but the dukes come up when he's messed with. Our daughter is the only one who can handle this guy. In fact, the label is a pic of the two of them. She's holding him and laughing in the background and he's hissing or yowling as usual.







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Now I see why Luna could not even give out a clue ...


Hey look! We're all playing leapfrog!


Kinda Sorta Boyfriend! Hee! Thanks, BB--I'd not seen that one before~ :w00t:


Me neither ...



With intelligence to match the average human preschooler, it's no wonder parrots were long considered to be familiars. I am convinced my Yellow-Naped Amazon, Lestat, is a human being in a green feathered body. He has communication down to a science. Not only does this bird talk, he has an entire iPad-worthy playlist. ... Lestat is also bilingual--he can call you a moron in Greek.


My aunt always had parrots. Very intelligent birds.


Kudos to all with their "babies" on the labels ! can we order yet?




Yes - everyone has some beautiful animals. And kids!


Wow the ladies of LP give some good pussy that's fo sho!


LMAO - sure does look like it!


Off to sell blood!


Or maybe a kidney.


Some of the ladies have discussed eggs before lol.

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You asked for it, you got it! Presenting our Spell Potion Collection 2013!


20 potions here, featuring our beloved, magical "familiars" on the labels!

If we used a picture of your pet on a label, please share an anecdote about him or her in this thread, and we will include it on the Perfumerie page. Thanks! Each pet gets a bottle of their potion as a keepsake.


This set covers August and September releases. If you want to buy the whole set at once, you will have to buy two monthly sets.

If you prefer to buy 10 at a time, purchase a monthly set and list the 10 potions that you want in the customer notes area provided.

For those of you that pre-purchased monthly sets with your sale orders, please send a follow up email to let us know which 10 potions you would like. Thanks and enjoy!



Smitten Kitten - Attraction Potion


These are two of Tara's 3 kittens, captured in a blissful moment of pure love and nappiness... They were as wonderful an experience as first love, and as precious in hindsight. Kittens have this way of bringing joy into a room effortlessly, and I feel blessed to have had 3 such darlings in my home from the very *moment* they joined this world! Pure magic!




Pro-Create - Creativity and Fertility Potion


This is the fierce and fabulous Tara - a rare orange tabby female *and* poly dactyl, and one of her orange boys. She showed up on my porch, stole my heart and *despite* the fact that she will not be with my boys, continues to be with me. She was a wonderful momma even though I know it must have been her first litter, and that at a very young age. She's as beautiful as a cat can be, and as dangerous! Her favorite game is the 'tummy trap'... 1) Lie on ground, roll over and present irresistible floofy belly to human 2) Wait for the inevitable 3) SWIPE! For her, it never grows old!



Courage & Bravery Potion



This little monkey is my silly sweet Spencer... he can melt my heart with one look, which is very beneficial to his survival! He's a teenager cat full of mischief, and energy!

This is a capture from when he was playing one of his favorite games I call 'Sheet Diving' on the bed. THis was a *huge* mistake on my part for introducing him to ANY games that involve chasing moving objects under the sheets of the bed.

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oooh Katz ! I hadn't noticed da "bebe kitteh" in Tara's arms, just melts your heart !

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I just love Norm. I'd totally be in his fan club. LOL!


I tried to google what koutsoulia meant, and I got "droppings." So...shit? Am I right? Which makes that a very hilarious story!!



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Quick Question: for the job potion, do I just hold the bottle and state my intent of the kids Dad finding a job or do I just state I wish quick success for him. Thanks


You open the top and slide a firecracker then stick it in his ass and light it. Then you say BOOM MOTHERFUCKER


Just kidding - yes DD just hold the bottle tight and focus on what you want. Like making a wish on a birthday cake.

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You open the top and slide a firecracker then stick it in his ass and light it. Then you say BOOM MOTHERFUCKER


Just kidding - yes DD just hold the bottle tight and focus on what you want. Like making a wish on a birthday cake.

I'm so going to fly you in and have you perform this ritual on him. I'm laughing so hard, tears I'm streaming down.
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You open the top and slide a firecracker then stick it in his ass and light it. Then you say BOOM MOTHERFUCKER


Just kidding - yes DD just hold the bottle tight and focus on what you want. Like making a wish on a birthday cake.

This works awesome, but then your bottle is kind of fixed for just one thing. You could use it on a green or yellow b-day candle, even burning one daily if need be. Then your bottle is freed up in case of any other emergencies that pop up. Or if you do loose incense you can add it to that. For example; I add a couple drops Love Drawing oil to my Love Drawing incense (purchased elsewhere). LP oils are the only ones that actually smell good when I burn them in my incense. You could also add a couple drops of the oil of your choice to an appropriate cone of incense like this job oil to a cone of patchouli, or I would add the Love Drawing to some patchouli to increase the love in my life. All these things need to be done with your intent for best results.

Edited by Beccah
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or you can also run it under hot water to clear the purpose when you are done. Since the labels will be made with glossy paper you won't ruin them, and set it by a window where the moon will see it to clear it as well. I usually do that with my jewelry. I also do it with water. I infuse my water under he moonlight at night by the bed so I can be filled with lunar divine energy, sounds kinda romantic to me .

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But light & heat are the enemy of perfumes! Sorry, knee jerk reaction. I agree with PM, dry salt would be the best. ETA: That is romantic put that way, LV. I like to charge my clear quartz crystals w/ lunar/solar energy, than charge my water with those. I bet that water would be super charged, if I also did the moonlight thing directly with it

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Totally forgot about the heat thing this is why I was never good at science - I still like putting things out in the moonlight though I always put my reading glasses and water on the ledge and remove them at 545 am every single morning except weekends cause I ain't getting up that early no matter how divine that water is.

Speaking of divine, there's a divine piece of cake in my kitchen that I'm trying not to swallow.

What potion would be good for that? Patience ?

I wish there was on called - Shut That Hole Dont Carry On Poundage

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Good morning everyone! I

Mara I'm sorry for the delay. I DID get a full 8 hours sleep last night(yay!), so my little blurb about the boys will go up after work today.

I don't wanna hold up progress, but I couldn't even think straight yesterday,I was too tired!

Thanks for your "Patience" (ha, I entertain myself.) :)

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Totally forgot about the heat thing this is why I was never good at science - I still like putting things out in the moonlight though I always put my reading glasses and water on the ledge and remove them at 545 am every single morning except weekends cause I ain't getting up that early no matter how divine that water is.

Speaking of divine, there's a divine piece of cake in my kitchen that I'm trying not to swallow.

What potion would be good for that? Patience ?

I wish there was on called - Shut That Hole Dont Carry On Poundage

Lol! Idk, but I will at least own the BFF one for the label & Communication....eh crap, I want 'em all, but especially the ones with my VGFs on the labels :)

Is there a particular type of salt, I should bury it in? Thanks

I have used regular Morton's or generic store brand salt with good results for the last 10 years ;)

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Dying to know what's in Ambre Amour !!

kitteh's gaze is quite hypnotic

all the labels are precious, but this label is my FAV ! who's bebe is this ??

I'm thinking FULL BOTTLE !

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Is there a particular type of salt, I should bury it in? Thanks

Growing up Maria and la abuelita used ' sal del mar'

Or sea salt. But I'm sure plain salt works just as well. Speaking of salt I saw on Dr. Oz

That we should consume more iodized salt in order to optimize our thyroid and get it to work for us.

I don't know though I went to a baby shower yesterday and there was a taco lady - which I'm sure she used iodized salt because its what they sell in all the Vallartas- anyhow I was tripling my salt intake and today I feel so bloated and hungover.

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OMGGG!!!! Back from the beach to enjoy the lovely labels. I peeked from my phone but could not get the full effect. I am keeping Phinnius and Adelaide AWAY from this as they will be mad I have never posted pictures of them.


I have never tried any Spell Potions....where oh where to begin?! I guess waiting for descriptions is all a girl can do in this situation.

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I don't know which I was more happy about: seeing new potions or seeing the labels!! Cannot wait to read about each one. I have to say that this summer has truly been full of surprises, oooohs and ahhhhs!!!

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It looks like Mara's River but I am not for sure.


Ambre Amour is all amber, all the time. I think the photo is just one she found, not a kitteh who belongs to any of us.


Halo is correct, that is indeed my beautiful River, pic taken by me in the back yard.

She has the most astounding amber eyes I have ever seen - even more striking in real life.

Before I adopted her, the rescue lady had named her Amber for those amazing eyes.

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A silly question - there are at least 2 potions which I do not want and 2 or more potions which I want extra. Can I order 2 full sets and state the bottle combinations?

I wondered this too.



LadyV, re: iodine-- we get too much of the halides flourine, chlorine, and bromine and not enough iodine by a long shot (unless you're a fan of some things like seaweed salad and eat that a lot.)


Look into getting Lugol's iodine and skin paint. You can add a couple drops to a glass of water (makes it taste like well water) but skin painting is easy! no salt bloating :) it fades quickly depending on how iodine deficient you are.

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I'm putting up the descriptions today, they should launch by tonight.


If you haven't posted an anecdote for your label in time, no worries, I can add it later.


Thanks everyone for your contributions this month!!! xoxoxox

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