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Aja - Nature's Copulins

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Exactly what I was thinking darlyncherie, stories from the Master, moar! moar! I've been stalking this thread for info on this mystery potion. Thanks for the Vicars and Tarts recommendation Mara and will keep an eye out for more of your winning combos. That waiter, hilarious. Next time at the airport don't forget to coo ever so sweetly "You're bumping me to first class..yes?? Your good conscience might not allow that but mine will!


I haven't field tested this yet but the rest of my first trial sample yesterday ended up having a lingering dirty sex note which is more accurately described as vinegar opposed to piss n vinegar that I originally misread (thank gawd) stayed lingering till the morning while the honey faded after 7 hours. I haven't field tested this yet but I did go into a shop I regularly frequent this morning and the woman was showing me her one fragrance she features (that she showed me in the past already) and kept inhaling isn't it beautiful and kept inhaling over n over while I was thinking it she trying to tell me I smell? Does she detect tinkel? But she followed me throughout the store and gave me a rundown on some more products with stories and history behind them. She's usually not so gracious.

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Mara that was Awesome!...I can soooo see this garnering those kinds of reactions,does not hurt that you are a Stunning woman either :kiss43: MzDC,wise choice not to wait,you would be craving this!


...how can I not want what makes me feel this way,lol,just ordered more,could not take the chance of not having this in my life...it really goes with everything I like so far ,and equally all by itself.I reach for this first thing in the morning,even though I still smell it from the night before...I have been assimilated :love592:

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LOL, Mara, that made me giggle so hard!


The Aja is going to take some getting used to for me, I think.


It's not exactly unpleasant - it's just overwhelmingly STRONG, even from one dot off the tip of the sample rod.... Very very sweet and pungent.

I might try and blend it with a Love Potion or something, see if it works as part of a symphonie rather than as a single instrument.


These stories really make me want to be able to make it work!

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I wore this out, alone, to go to a sushi bar by myself for lunch. The waiter was a young Asian American fellow, late 20's, handsome, very hip and stylish with hair and dress...very capable and in control of himself by his appearance. Me = twice his age, overweight, definitely not dressed to impress. Yet this guy, he could not keep his eyes off me and acted like he'd been whacked in the head and forgot his name and where he was. :lol: I ordered my lunch - a sushi roll, miso soup and iced tea - and the waiter says, "I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to charge you for this. Is that ok?" I looked up at him and just blinked. I didn't say anything, but of course I'm thinking, 'here I am sitting down at a restaurant, giving a waiter my order, and he's asking me if it is ok that I pay for my lunch? He's sorry that he can't serve me for free? Do people normally go to restaurants and expect to be fed for free?' So there's this beat where we are just looking at each other in silence, and then he says, "OMG, I JUST REALIZED HOW STUPID THAT SOUNDED! I'm gonna go get your tea." And he ran off. He seriously acted like he did not know what hit him and couldn't figure out WTH was happening to his carefully cultivated composure.


It had a similar effect on another young man....I wore Aja layered with Vicars and Tarts for my plane trip home. I was at the counter checking in my luggage, and the counter guy, he looks to be in his late 20's or early 30's, very tall and slim, and with a heavy Southern accent I couldn't quite identify. Clearly, this guy had a very good and sensitive nose. Now, I had just been rushing into the airport with two heavy bags and my body heat was up, so there must have been quite the cloud of scent around me at that moment. Counter Guy starts off by saying how WONDERFUL I smell, several times, and how much of a welcome change this is from the normal perfumes most women "choke" him with when they get to his counter. A guy filling out paperwork about 6 feet away down the counter picks his head up and says, "You DO smell amazing". And I say, "Oh no! You can smell me all the way over there?! I must be wearing wayyy too much!" Counter Guy says, "No, no! It's wonderful!" and the other guy nods and gives me a thumbs up. Counter Guy starts moving his hands to cup the aroma in the air and fan it towards his nose. He's taking deep breaths and saying, "What notes am I detecting? Why do I love this so much? Why does this seem familiar" And I say, "pecan pie" because that's essentially what Vicars and Tarts is, and he's Southern, so I figure that's the scent memory for him....and I'm getting nervous, this guy with the amazing nose, that he's going to identify that smell of SEX underneath if I let him think about it too long. LOL. He's saying, "Pecan pie, mmmm, pecan pie...where did you get it?" "I made it, I'm a perfumer," and I dig out a card and hand it to him. He looks at it and he says, "AH! YOU'RE WEARING A LOVE POTION!" I laugh, and say that's the name of the company, but not the name of the perfume I am wearing.


Now, as we are talking, he's still trying to do his job. He has to put a TRANSFER tag on my luggage because I have a change of planes. As he was attaching the FOURTH tag to my bag, I said, "Uhhhh, I think that's enough tags." He looks down startled, and exclaims "OH!" He had completely zoned out, and was now frozen, trying to figure out what to do next. I said, "Can I have my driver's license back?" He says, "Oh, yeah! I'm sorry!" and hands me back my business card. I say, "You don't want it? We make scents for men too." He shakes his head vigorously as if to clear it, and says, "No! I didn't mean to do that! I want the card!" And he takes the card back and gives me my driver's license. Then he says, "Well, you have a great flight now! It was a pleasure meeting you!" And I say, very slowly, "Can I have my boarding pass?" He's saying, "oh my god, oh my god" looking right and left, then grabs up my boarding pass and hands it to me. I thank him and walk away from the counter....I was laughing all the way to the gate. Hilarious.


I had several reactions from women, all amazingly nice. Complete strangers stopping to compliment me. One lady I met in a restaurant lavatory, in her 60's, and she was saying how much she loved my blouse. She even pointed me out to her dining companion later and waved to me. Other ladies complimented me on either my clothes (trust me, nothing special) or my hair. And only one gal actually got it, that it was my scent that attracted her....but it took her a while to get there...it was like mental arithmetic. It was really funny. This was a girl who looked around 19 years old, and as she walked past me in the mall she turns and calls back to me, "I LOVE your hair! I love the color, what a great color! And your shirt! Oh! And how you smell! THAT'S IT! YOU SMELL AMAZING!" I said thank you and laughed. But I think how she reacted is kind of indicative of how this works on people. They find you "attractive" but they are not really sure why. Her brain worked it's way past my appearance in just a few seconds and she finally figured out that it was my scent that attracted her.

That last bit there, Mara, sounds just like the impression I get sometimes when I wear COPs or LAM

Well I don't have V & T . I can try this with Scotchies tomorrow. Sounds like it's a winner with foody smells.

What great hits. It's really amazing.. if this works similar to EOW wow! I have not had the right time to test this yet. Definitely trying it tomorrow. Wonder if it would go ok with LFM I might still be car shopping. :)

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See I am not sure I would wear something that sends a strong sex signal car shopping. It might undermine the respect factor if you have a piggish salesman. You want to be taken seriously.

Yea, that's a point. See I've just not been able to test this out this week. I'm dying to know what this will smell like on me.

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Great stories Mara and Eggers !!

DEF want to give this another test drive, outside of work...but I NEVER go anywhere anymore :Emoticons04269:

grocery shopping is OUT, only men that insist on wearing pants too loose, or the kind that wear pants that they belt UNDER THEIR F'g BEER GUT, ugh

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I dunno ...after Da Mawa's "I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to charge you for this. Is that ok?" experience with Aja,and BB's shopping success with LFM :lol:


Guess it depends on how you steer it...sex always will be a tool that can be used... and right or wrong,it just is what is,and always will be :eek:



eta: LOLZ @ Egg ,good luck with him washing it off,he might have an interesting tale,or two,to tell tonight :001_302:

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Great stories Mara and Eggers !!

DEF want to give this another test drive, outside of work...but I NEVER go anywhere anymore :Emoticons04269:

grocery shopping is OUT, only men that insist on wearing pants too loose, or the kind that wear pants that they belt UNDER THEIR F'g BEER GUT, ugh

Ha ha I was thinking the same thing today. I don't notice how sheltered my life is at the moment until it is time to test out some new pheroage. I am just loving wearing it around the house for now...it will have its time though... :666:

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This is SO pungent, lol. I'm trying it out again tonight under Gianduja and I can tell it's there underneath - the real test will be if the man picks up on it, maybe I should set this aside for a few more days in case being so close to my cycle is effecting how it's wearing. Anybody with more experience than I finding it's "aroma" varies throughout the month? :huh:

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Aja is to die for with chocolate scents. It should be amazing with Gianduja...my favorite combo has been Aja and ...and i feel fine, when I wore it with Katerina Suit I had the ratios off because Kat ate it all up and I couldn't get the Aja so I will have to try that again...looking forward to trying my virgin bottle of Velvet Kisses with it and loving it right now with LP Red. Oh and La Sylphide with a dab of Aja= eyes rolled to the back of head, I think I already wrote that somewhere. This is the beginning of another serious addiction...

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It IS blending beautifully with Gianduja. It's like a brand new perfume! I'm wondering what happens as I'm sure the Aja will out last the Gianduja and how it will continue to morph...


OHMYWHAT? With Katerina Suit?! I have GOT to try that! I will have to pull out Luv Truffle on this baby too! This has added a whole new level of fascination for me! :w00t:


And what about a foodie floral - like Demimondaine? Ack! I must know!

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Try actually mixing a 50/50 blend in a spare bottle,heh,I know ya'll have spare bottles,and let it marinate for a few days...mine with Regal Confection is divine,and ooooo yeah,Gianduja sounds awesome...am gonna try S'More Than A Feeling soon,I know I have a bottle somewhere that has maybe only 1 ml left,cause I replaced it just recently from the Vault :D

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OK this is a preliminary review since I haven't had this on me yet--but I have to say, when I unsealed the cellophane packet protecting my sample of Aja, my eyes rolled back in my head at the most perfectly gorgeous smutty honey I have ever smelled! I love honey--over the summer I ordered a wide variety of honey scents trying to find the perfect one and got some great ones but.... this is the best. It's pure sexiness. And after reading the stories upthread, I really can't wait to test drive this around town!


BTW: my sample wasn't leaking--there was maybe the tiniest smidge that gotten on the label. So I can only assume that this is very potent and when I make my first trial application I will be very sparing, because this had serious throw.

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I applied Aja last night and could still smell it this morning - and I didn't bother to try to wash it off. It was light and sweet and, and, something else - yes - I get the dirty, but apparently dirty suits me just like all the rest of you dirty lovin' girls :smiley-laughing024: Without reapplying Aja, I layered over it will Balls! and WOW! Is there ANYTHING that this won't pair with? I thought Balls! would drown it out for sure (what without reapplying and all) but Noooooo, Aja just seems to add a unique twist to whatever it touches. Crazy. What do you all think of pairing it with Marsha Mellow or EGG? I'm wondering if they can handle Aja or not???

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What a difference a week makes. I don't know if it was travel shock or aging already, but today, though still EXTREMELY SMUTTY and still didn't actually smell like honey to me, more like civit, I got no pee smell. It had a bright floral thing going on, something like orange blossom.

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So I wore this for the fist time yesterday with Pumpkin Soufflé.


On me AJA smells like a light honey that reads about Medium on the Clean to Filthy Whore honey scale.

What I get are two different things, either scent wise or psychological or perhaps both.


So first there's that light honey scent. As I said it is a medium on the dirty scale.

I gave it dry down, I have not noticed anyone mention this, do any you give it dry down?

I give most honeys some dry down about 10 min or it smells like skank on my clothes. I did the same here.


After dry down I get a STRONG undercurrent of sex... it's there for sure. But, I still get the

honey'ish smell too.

This is interesting, it's like 2 notes in one.


I can see why this would be such an interesting perfume note. I really hope to see it in another scent soon.


I did not get out and about much yesterday but did notice what were your average small hits. A couple of clerks were staring and a man in the cereal isle of the grocery store suddenly became very chatty.

I'll test drive the social side later. Yesterday I was really more interested in the actual scent and how it played on me.

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Lots of you keep saying it's honey-like and I'm not getting it - or registering it - that way. I can't wrap my brain around it. It's puzzling - in an intriguing way. Wonder if that's what's causing people to stare? It's so incredibly UN average and strange - though not unpleasant. Layering it has been a ridiculous success so far, particularly with sweet scents for me (Luv Truffle, Gianduja, Demimondaine, Garland & Lace v5...) I wouldn't want to wear it solo - my chemistry doesn't seem to want it solo unless it's wearing overtime from the night before :D

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I guess it comes down to chemistry. I get a slightly herbal honey, but honey for sure. I get no "floral" like some get. I get a honey that's more or less light in depth but as it dries down the sex smell swirls lightly around with the honey.

It's not crazy horney like civet but like a light dose of cops. But this does not turn something fruity sweet like cops do. It stays true to the honey scent on me with a sexual undercurrent.

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For certain I wouldn't mistake it with fruit-like reg EoW - OR the cheese! :D My nose may simply not be sophisticated enough to understand what it's smelling either, lol. I've not gotten a "pee" or "urine" type smell from it at all either...just this "something different" that my brain doesn't register - but likes - though my chemistry DOES prefers this under a cover until it's been on for MANY hours. I love it when the cover scent wears of hours later and I'm left with this sweet intangible "something" that's both naughty AND nice all at the same time! :lol:

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How much do you guys use at a time? I've only put on a teeny drop at a time, and am wondering if larger amounts are detectable under a cover. The tiny bit I use eventually goes a bit sour on me after a few hours, but that's without anything on top.

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^^^ True! How much has everyone been using? I've been treating it like EoW and just using a swipe of the wand across each wrist. Is Aja just as potent as EO? (the whole 3 drops in a gallon can elicit a reaction type thing) or is it MORE or less?....

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I only used a dab because it can get quite smutty on my skin for a bit.


I wore this under a bit of VS Heavenly last night. (He liked that one. I will have to train him up. ;) ) Could not pry the boy away with a stick. i'm not even kidding. He kept going right for the applicantion points.

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Well I turned the trial upside down and did a circle around my belly button then a line straight up to my cleavage. i smooched it around my belly with my wrist. I wanted some on my arm to be able to check how it smelled on me throughout the day.


I also give it some dry-down time. I don't want the smell on my clothes

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I've tested this two or three times now. The first time was just a dot on the back of my hand, so I could see what it smelled like. I wasn't too keen on it - it smelled a little weird to me, like a plastic. The next two times I applied a touch more, and it bloomed a little, smelled a bit on the floral side - like a smutty floral. Both times I wore it, Nuts & Eggers were all over me! (Not the boyfriend, no). It was kinda weird. Both of them spent their time jockeying for position around me, and fighting over who got to curl up on my legs while I was on the sofa. :huh:

It does tend to enhance the perfumes I've worn it with. That's pretty neat. I think it smells kind of plastic-y floral, while BF thinks it smells pretty snatchy, but he's not complaining). I wonder... is this a once-in-an-LP-time kind of thing? Or is it a limited edition kind of product?

It's starting to grow on me. :)

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I've tested this two or three times now. The first time was just a dot on the back of my hand, so I could see what it smelled like. I wasn't too keen on it - it smelled a little weird to me, like a plastic.

This is not the best way to test any scent, really. You want to do it on your wrist where the skin is somewhat thicker and you get the warmth of bloodflow to allow it to bloom. The skin back of your hand is thinner and less likely to get warmed up.

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This is not the best way to test any scent, really. You want to do it on your wrist where the skin is somewhat thicker and you get the warmth of bloodflow to allow it to bloom. The skin back of your hand is thinner and less likely to get warmed up.

That makes sense. And that's usually how I do it. I think that at the time, I had other scents occupying wrist space.


Having said that, Torrid Sorcery tended to smell like that on me, even with a full application to the torso.


And having said *that*, I feel as if there's something about this scent that my nose simply cannot smell. I had the same feeling with TS. And I have the same issue with some wines. When we test wines at work, sometimes people are going on about this nuance or that one, and all I get is kind of a flat, opaque kind of smell - which strikes me as a plastic kind of taste/smell - almost as if I simply don't have the receptors to process whatever it is that they're tasting/smelling. It doesn't happen with every one, of course, but some, and usually reds. That's what this scent feels like to me - like I *know* there's something else to it, I just don't have the receptors to process it, or like there's a noticeable blank where a scent should be, and my brain paves over the blank with a plastic scent.

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I've tested this two or three times now. The first time was just a dot on the back of my hand, so I could see what it smelled like. I wasn't too keen on it - it smelled a little weird to me, like a plastic. The next two times I applied a touch more, and it bloomed a little, smelled a bit on the floral side - like a smutty floral. Both times I wore it, Nuts & Eggers were all over me! (Not the boyfriend, no). It was kinda weird. Both of them spent their time jockeying for position around me, and fighting over who got to curl up on my legs while I was on the sofa. :huh:

It does tend to enhance the perfumes I've worn it with. That's pretty neat. I think it smells kind of plastic-y floral, while BF thinks it smells pretty snatchy, but he's not complaining). I wonder... is this a once-in-an-LP-time kind of thing? Or is it a limited edition kind of product?

It's starting to grow on me. :)


ahh, super cute. I just finished reading through your toilet training foibles, and I feel like I know your cats so well. *o*

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That makes sense. And that's usually how I do it. I think that at the time, I had other scents occupying wrist space.

Having said that, Torrid Sorcery tended to smell like that on me, even with a full application to the torso.

And having said *that*, I feel as if there's something about this scent that my nose simply cannot smell. I had the same feeling with TS. And I have the same issue with some wines. When we test wines at work, sometimes people are going on about this nuance or that one, and all I get is kind of a flat, opaque kind of smell - which strikes me as a plastic kind of taste/smell - almost as if I simply don't have the receptors to process whatever it is that they're tasting/smelling. It doesn't happen with every one, of course, but some, and usually reds. That's what this scent feels like to me - like I *know* there's something else to it, I just don't have the receptors to process it, or like there's a noticeable blank where a scent should be, and my brain paves over the blank with a plastic scent.

Me too! I haven't tested this properly yet- but when I sniff from the vial, I feel like I can't smell it. Like I'm almost scent blind. I know it's got to be pungent... I have to thoroughly test soon!
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it also smelt like plastic to me when I put a little on the back of my hand.

I will try and increase the dosage

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BB :666: IKR? ... Egg,too funny,I had reactions from mine a few times,now I think they are use to it...oh wait my boy is curled up on the recliner with me now,hmmm,he is usually sleeping in the window at this of day HAH...I kinda slather this myself, it has fast grown to a do not want to be without...ever...I have not tested it nearly as much as I plan to,but I will,oh,I will :001_302:

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And having said *that*, I feel as if there's something about this scent that my nose simply cannot smell. That's what this scent feels like to me - like I *know* there's something else to it, I just don't have the receptors to process it, or like there's a noticeable blank where a scent should be, and my brain paves over the blank with a plastic scent.


Hmm, like Eggers I've been wondering if I'm not smelling this properly. Which is weird cause I usually have a good sense of smell, but then I seem to remember Eggers saying her smell-sense is like a kind of spidy sense, so I'm confused.


I put a nice dab on my wrists last night. It doesn't seem to have a huge smell for the first while, unless I put my nose near it. Then it smells like beeswax. But it almost seems like my skin eats it quickly and there' nothing there to smell at all.


Then this morning I'm typing away on my laptop and I notice quite a strong dark honey-ish scent wafting from my wrists. It is a bit dirty, but not too much. It's not quite honey though- and if I sniff against my wrist I've got the beeswax thing happening again. It's like my skin absorbs it for a while first and then unleashes its full power. I wouldn't wear this alone, cause I don't want to be thought of as the beeswax lady. But now it feels like something that could mingle nicely with a heap of scents. And I want to experience the magical powers of the AJA...



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