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I am so glad I ordered a FB when I did. When I checked today there were only 4 left in the cart. I am really excited to try this one out.


I didn't get mine with Cops. Have any of you tried layering it with OCCO White? Just wondering if they would work well together or if the OCCO would overpower it.

Edited by irish eyes
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Oooo! That sounds good, maybe just a dab of OC White though? On me OCW is a heavy foodie vanilla delight and I'd be afraid that too much would be too much...but a dab could just make it delectable - a confectionary surprise perhaps? If you try it let us know! :)

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Love the LFM!!!!


Yes, less is more with me two. It's some powerful stuff.

You should have had them help you. I mean what the heck they offered. Why walk when you have minions? :666: He Ha

:smiley-laughing024: It was too funny! I've gotten the same results with Sweet Chic, I can't slather that one either, or it makes me grumpy and impatient with people. But just a little bit, and SHAZZAM! My sample will last for AGES. ^_^

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Oooo! That sounds good, maybe just a dab of OC White though? On me OCW is a heavy foodie vanilla delight and I'd be afraid that too much would be too much...but a dab could just make it delectable - a confectionary surprise perhaps? If you try it let us know! :)

I added OCCO White just under the deadline so I will give it a try when they arrive. From the sounds of it, I think just a dab of OCCO white may work nice. I just thought it may help the vanilla to carry longer and I would be able to add cops when I want without having them in the whole bottle. I also have Sheer Essence on the way but thought the added rich vanilla would work. If it doesn't work, I would still have the Occo White for other occasions.

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So I wore this to the local grocery store this morning to do a little shopping for some Thanksgiving items. By the time I got to the store, it was late morning, and already busy with weekend shoppers. I was not wearing much of this at all, a one-inch "X" from the dipper stick on my cleavage, an inch swipe between collarbones, and an inch long swipe on the nape of my neck. Not a lot.

I do like the scent of this much more than GOTBM. It's very light, somewhat powdery, and the sandalwood is not overpowering everything.

I was in the produce section about five minutes, and the stocking guy, who I've seen a hundred times before and has ignored me always, says, "Ma'm, is there anything I can help you find?" Me: "No, but thank you" Him: "Ok. Are you sure? I know this department like the back of my hand. If you need help with anything at all, please just ask for Larry"

Um, it was totally packed with people, and he certainly didn't extend that offer to others that I could see. And I looked like I got lost on my way to Walmart, old jeans, sloppy sweatshirt, messy ponytail/bun mutant-hybrid hair, and NO MAKEUP!!!! :fright04238: (Um, I'm in my mid-fourties, need all the help I can get!!)


So now, I am perusing the meat department, and this manager is walking by, makes eye contact, smiles, stops and says, "hello there, are you finding everything ok? What can I help you find? Did you notice our sales on meats this week?" Some of you may be saying,"so what, that's their job", but if you knew this place, very unlikely, they usually run the other way!

Then I am looking for kitchen twine, and must have just looked distressed, TWO people materialized out of nowhere to offer assistance, and one of them noticed the list I had in my basket, and offered to walk me around the store to make sure I found everything ok! And people around me were totally ok with this obvious preferential treatment. So is this what it's like when celebrities go shopping?? :001_302:

I think with my chemistry, LESS IS MORE with LFM, the last time I wore it, I mistook it for Lace and sprayed three sprays of the UN, and people were getting the hell outta my way, like I was Darth Vader inspecting the Death Star or something. I even had the young checkout guy accuse me of trying to steal something that I forgot on the bottom of the shopping cart. Even when I told him I just forgot it, he didn't believe me!


SpriteLeigh, your story makes me want to try experimenting with my LFM more. I originally bought then UN, and unfortunately had (still kinda have) a tendency to spray them freely around like lovely perfumes. So I wore LFM to work one day, must have worn between 4 & 6 sprays- of the UN. Big mistake. NO ONE would come anywhere near me the entire day- even the other staff seemed to stay away from me. I saw quite a few people who seemed to be interested in me and kept glancing my way, but would not approach within several feet of me. I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I suppose Darth Vader has a certain magnetism, right? Like you that's the message I seemed to be sending.


Have had some interesting hits on other days, but I've been a bit scared of this phero. I shall now tentatively try wearing a small amount of my lovely La Sylphide and see what happens.

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Ditto! I don't know that I recall seeing NRs fly away o quickly before!!!

Edited by NuTrix
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The sandalwood in this is indeed a dead ringer for original unisexy's. I amped it this time too like a mofo, to exclusion of all other notes, got nothing else. It took over the Western Hemisphere and blocked out the sun, as those of you living in it probably noticed yesterday, sorry.


I'm testing this last because I fear a similar occurrence.

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I'm with tyvey on this one. The sandalwood was so prominent that it felt like it was robbing my whole body of moisture. Even my brain felt like it was drying up with every inhale. This is my typical response though to too much sandalwood. Had to wash this off immediately and move on. Luckily the next sample, Absinthe of Malice, totally worked. :) Unluckily, it is sold out. :(

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GOODNESS! After hearing how some of you have gotten such odd ends of the spectrum, it's just SO strange how our chemistry behaves SO differently. Was it you, LadyV, who said to keep trying things each couple of weeks, in case it's hormone related? It's not FAIR that we have to deal with monthly fluctuations! Grrr. But on the good side of that - maybe in a week or two it will be divine for those of you that it seems wonky for now????


Edited to add:

BUT YIKES - what may that mean for me then!!!? :lol2:

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Totally keep trying every week because it varies for me. If I am on my period I cannot stand the foodies. They all give me a headache, honey I think I can do towards the end of my period and a week or so after. When I am ovulating I want to smell like flowers and sex and with a little bit of candy.

Like last week omg I generally love Sneakly Clean and Blissful Caress but it gave me a headache and it smelled horrible on me. Like old lady horrible.

It will smell better to me when I have my period or in the middle when I want to feel clean.

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I wore La Sylphide again this morning, thought the LFM would be a good choice for the auto repair shop. In addition to my previous application points, I put a swipe on the backs of my hands so the service person behind the counter would get a nice whiff as I was filling out the paperwork, hee. :666: Chitchatted for a few minutes, then took a seat in the waiting room. I was given three updates on the progress of my car, even though it was just a minor repair. When it came time to pay the bill, I was told I would be given a 15% discount! I checked their website when I got home, because they will run specials with coupons, but nope, nothing listed for my type of repair. I go there all the time, and have never gotten a discount unless I printed out the coupon. And it is the same person behind the counter I always see.


DAMN. Starting to regret not going fb with this one. Just........DAMN. :arf:

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Oooo! That sounds good, maybe just a dab of OC White though? On me OCW is a heavy foodie vanilla delight and I'd be afraid that too much would be too much...but a dab could just make it delectable - a confectionary surprise perhaps? If you try it let us know! :)

I don't know if you have BBM but a dab of this with this baby and its flipping amazing...

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I think La Sylphide is my favorite out of November NRs even though I'm not a huge fan of LFM phero blend. Glad I could snag two bottles before it got sold out.

I wasn't big fan of Sensual Harmony when I tried it, as ylang ylang in it was too sweet and loud on me, and I barely got any sandalwood. In La Sylphide those two are in perfect balance for my taste, forming very sophisticated and feminine scent. I can't detect nutmeg as a separate note, but I'm pretty sure it adds that extra depth that I was missing in SH.


Also Mara's reference to the ballet in this one's name and label is absolutely perfect and spot on.

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I don't know if you have BBM but a dab of this with this baby and its flipping amazing...

Oooo - I DO have BBM and I will give it a whirl! :) Thanks for the tip!

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Maybe because this one was so popular and went so quickly, Mara will rebrew?

That doesn't always guarantee a rebrew; it depends on various factors.

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Maybe because this one was so popular and went so quickly, Mara will rebrew?

From reading around here it seems it doesn't just depend on how popular a scent it but if the things to make it are still available. I hope there will be a rebrew if this scent is as good as others described....but I know Mara has a lot on her plate right now so I will wait for my box to arrive and hope I get the beautiful notes out of it that most have. Then I will be like Gollum and his ring....my Precious!!!

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I don't know if you have BBM but a dab of this with this baby and its flipping amazing...


Oh my!!! I had to try this out since basically BBM is my go-to to making everything that much better. Holy cow is this good. Thanks for the tip DD. I'm probably the only one on here but I wasn't in love with La Sylphide. I take it all back now though. With BBM, it makes this such a glorious creamy concoction. :hearts0425:

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Aawwhh, I'm soo disappointed :( I thought this would be the hit of the NRs for me so I got a bottle unsniffed... But alas it won't work for me. It's a lot like uni sexy but I amp the sandalwood to nauseating levels, it drowns out everything else :( Such a shame because I really like LFM

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Maybe try it again I another week or so? Or have you tested it several times already with similar results? If so, that really is too bad because I thought the opposite and figured it WOULDN'T work for me and wound up pleasantly surprised! I hope it turns around for you!

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I am so glad that those with differing results post what they think. I might have the urge to wash something off that would mellow out into something wonderful after a few hours. It is also good to read how everyone's chemistry effects the same scent so I won't feel bad if something does not work for me. There are so many other things to try if it doesn't.


This forum is such a wealth of information!!!

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Yes!! And keep an eye out for those who have the same kind of result as you, so you can read their other reviews to see how things work for them... It helps a lot :)


Sometimes I feel bad when something doesn't work for me (Honeyed LP, I'm looking at you) but like you said, there are lots of other things to try that will.

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This isn't my sort of thing at all, but it is very pretty in a classic perfume kind of way, so I can understand why people love it. It wears very consistently on me, the sandalwood and vanilla is a smooth base for the ylang and the nutmeg makes a really nice accent for it all, like a little tweak of the nose, so wonderfully constructed (as always). It's one of those I AM A GROWN-UP LADY scents for sure, and a great vehicle for LFM because it's so sophisticated, even as simple as it is ingredients-wise.

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a great vehicle for LFM because it's so sophisticated, even as simple as it is ingredients-wise.

Too true! I am confounded by how amazingly complex this smells with only 4 notes - it's glorious! :heart: And agree completely that LFM is such a perfect match :)

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In the bottle it smells like a beautiful light floral. I will be trying this one next to see what is does on my skin.....Cougar Potion was first. If my skin changes it too much for the worse, I will make it a spray and add a spritz to my clothes so I get the scent the way it smells out of the bottle. As of right now I am really glad I snagged a bottle f this stuff.

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Rosebud if you want to sell I'd love yours! I'm so mad still that the postman screwed me over leaving a card when I was in and making me miss this grrrr.

The scent to me is much like unisexy orig, which I also missed a bottle of. I tested this the other day and bf came up behind me and basically stripped me in the hall! I think he likes it. Dragged him upstairs as our front door has glass in the top half!!

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I'm wearing this today and - again - I am just so surprised how lovely this is...not really that it's lovely so much as I didn't realize how much I'd fancy it. This is just gorgeous. It feels soft and warm and luxurious :heart:

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I am loving this one....put it on again today and it is so light and beautiful. I really hope Mara will consider making another batch of this.( and I can dream of it one day being in the permanent collection) It is hard to have something I want to wear often but not use up at the same time.I reach for it a lot but then think about using it all up to fast and put it back down. It is a shame because it would be something I would wear almost everyday. I think the LFM in this one is such a great match. I know I look at myself in the mirror much more when I have it on ( and like what I see)

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I agree! This is just wonderful. If it were a perfume w/o LFM in it I would buy it by the gallon :lol: But I would grab a handful of bottles even with LFM and make it the LFM dedicated perfume....wonder how they decide what's a permanent part of the LP collection and what's not.... :Emoticons04280:

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I agree I would buy a lot of it as an un-pheroed scent but for me the LFM seems to be just the phero I would choose anyway. The love for the TMI scent ended up with the addition of Carmel Musk...I am just hoping for something like that. With only 4 notes this is such a wonderful scent. It is like color blending...you can start with the primary colors but look at how many colors can come out of it. This has the 4 notes but is a very complex scent.



ETA: I will leave a little extra room in my budget in case this gets rebrewed

Edited by irish eyes
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What a pity, I don't think this one works on me...

The scent is really pretty and beautiful, but (like with scented Cougar) it just does not feel like it wants anything to do with me.


And so far, the results of LFM have been underwhelming as well.


I think I will hang on to both of my samples, but I'm putting my bottle up for trade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still on the fence with this one. My skin usually doesn't like sandalwood but I had hoped this one would be different. (Same philosophy works for dating, right?!)


It's a lovely scent and wonderfully crafted, but my chemistry doesn't care. I hate chemistry.

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