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Petit-Four Your Thoughts?

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VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
ALMOND MARZIPAN ~ Fertility, stamina, masculine energy, business success, money, prosperity, wisdom, intuition, insight, talisman for successful and fertile marriage.
RASPBERRY ~ Love inducing, aids in pregnancy discomforts, protection. Stamina, vigor.
COCONUT ~ Chastity, protection, purification, receptivity.
PISTACHIO ~ Antidote to spells and curses.

Pheromone Enhanced with Blatant Invitation

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This one is gonna kill me. I know I'll LOVE the scent. But BI and I do not get along for some reason. Dangerous. Because I know I'll want to slather it!

Does it make you cranky or give you a headache?


That's what it does to me, thought I ordered a trial vial anyway...

Edited by StacyK
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Just reading this makes me hungry... And I am curious about trying Blatant Inviation too!


I wonder if I've ever tried a perfume that contained a pistachio note before?

I doubt it - but I love pistachio ice cream (and the nuts too), so I'm sure it will work beautifully.

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Does it make you cranky or give you a headache?

That's what it does to me, thought I ordered a trial vial anyway...

SOOPER CRANKY. And out of nowhere, too. I'll be fine... fine... fine... and then RIP *someone's head goes flying* :o

I have a sample coming, too. :lol: I'm dying to try the scent. And who knows? Maybe one of these days BI will make me blatantly inviting instead of blatantly murderous? :blush:

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SOOPER CRANKY. And out of nowhere, too. I'll be fine... fine... fine... and then RIP *someone's head goes flying* :o

I have a sample coming, too. :lol: I'm dying to try the scent. And who knows? Maybe one of these days BI will make me blatantly inviting instead of blatantly murderous? :blush:

Ha ha.. Yea I'm hoping for it to work one day with me too.

I get a headache and grumpy but no flying heads yet. :)

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Blatant Invitation intimidates me. But I need this one anyway because it's a cake fragrance! I'm worried I'll want to wear it to all sorts of inappropriate places because of the scent.

Edited by vladmyra
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This one sounds amazing but like most everyone else, I don't need the BI.


I have to confess I did test a tiny bit of BI once at work...I can't remember what scent it was in now, but it smelled amazing. However, my target guy was giving me super obvious body language that he was uncomfortable around me. This was one that I knew I couldn't wear to work again, no question.


But I do have the sampler coming, so I'll get to smell the deliciousness at least:)

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This is interesting...BI either gets me totally ignored or turns me into a burlesque headliner. :) The other issue is that I think it may make a bit tempermental, but I can't be sure....



This one sounds amazing but like most everyone else, I don't need the BI.


I have to confess I did test a tiny bit of BI once at work...I can't remember what scent it was in now, but it smelled amazing. However, my target guy was giving me super obvious body language that he was uncomfortable around me. This was one that I knew I couldn't wear to work again, no question.


But I do have the sampler coming, so I'll get to smell the deliciousness at least:)


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I'm actually kind of looking forward to trying this one because of the BI. I want to try it in much smaller amounts that what I was wearing, (which will be difficult with this scent, because I suspect it's gonna make my eyes roll back in my head), just to see if it makes a difference. I want BI to work for me - badly! It's probably one of those that I can wear the week after The Dot ends, or in teeny-tiny amounts. I hope I get it figured out soon!

It'd be particularly nice if I could get it to work in *this* perfume. 'Cause I know I'm gonna love it.

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I wanted to laugh when I first put this one on. I smelled like pistachio ice cream! Strong hit of almond on first roll followed quickly by the pistachio which I wouldn't have thought would come through so much since it's low on the list. It feels decadent and lickable. Not sure how I feel with the BI in it so we'll have to do some experimenting. I think it makes me want to eat more than head towards the bedroom. LOL

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I wanted to laugh when I first put this one on. I smelled like pistachio ice cream! Strong hit of almond on first roll followed quickly by the pistachio which I wouldn't have thought would come through so much since it's low on the list. It feels decadent and lickable. Not sure how I feel with the BI in it so we'll have to do some experimenting. I think it makes me want to eat more than head towards the bedroom. LOL


I love how a scent can make you laugh!


Maybe combine the two; have some fun with ice cream in the bedroom? ;)


I have worn (and loved) several almond scents that reminded me of marzipan etc, this sounds like a very interesting analogue!

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I love how a scent can make you laugh!


Maybe combine the two; have some fun with ice cream in the bedroom? ;)


I have worn (and loved) several almond scents that reminded me of marzipan etc, this sounds like a very interesting analogue!


It does calm down very quickly and for me, I might be in Halo's camp regarding longevity. It dissipates rather quickly and what's left is more a warmish almondy sweetness... you would have to be sniffing up close and personal to smell what remains. Just warm, sweet skin - and when I think about it, that might actually be fairly perfect with the BI so I'd have to take back my first thought. I might try some silicone and see if I can make it last longer but other than that, I actually like this one a lot. Who knew? Pistachio!

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This is a Calii scent :) but does not last long on me either,darn,hopefully with aging it gets stronger,am betting it will! ... the almond is strong for just a few minutes and then it nicely blends with the pistachio and vanilla,the vanilla reminds me of Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla!...for a bit the raspberry gave me just a flash of,Fallen Angel ??? ,no coconut yet,but that is not unusual for me,heh,it took forever for Pie In The Sky to turn amazing,gee must go find that and wear it more often :eek:


... oh my my my such an innocent scent for BI...this is gonna be killer :666:

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Wow, this one is SO NOMMY! Wet, I get a strong blast of the marzipan and then the pistachio, but they back off fairly quickly to allow the raspberry and coconut to peek through. OMG, does anyone remember those raspberry snack cakes called Zingers?? It's making me want one real bad, lol! The coconut doesn't hang around too long though, and I'm left with a sweet, vanilla-raspberry with a hint of almond, which is totally fine with me, I LOVE raspberry. The almond is staying true, and not going wonky with my skin chemistry! Absolutely delicious.

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I tried this one, even though I'm not an almond girl . I'm sure lots of people will love it, so I don't feel too bad in saying it's not my thing. I have my Odalisque with BI, so I'm okay. I'm not washing it off, but it's just too almond-y for me to keep

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Wet, it is a big bowl of melted pistachio ice cream with white cake mashed in! Absolutely delightful. This fades very quickly on me though and I soon end up with a soft creamy coconut cake which is also Very nice, but I sure would love that pistachio to stay around just a little longer. Wonder if that will happen with aging.


ETA: the BI made my cauldron cake lust dude snippy, mean, and all tense and "off" and fake and weird. No more enone for him! I'm thinking about Dom'ing him next time just to see what happens... he'll probably design, build and get on a spaceship and leave the planet to get away. I would never have pegged him as a dommy/alpha guy - I'm assuming that's what it is, that he doesn't want competition - which makes me think his Est-respondiness is less because he's kind and more because he wants to be the superior one. Definitely dampens my ardor.

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Ergh! I love love love the smell of this!!! So much so that I thought I might get a bottle & give BI another, more careful go. (Ugh. I still might). I let BF smell it, and he wrinkled his nose & said, "Ew, coconut". I couldn't even SMELL the coconut, yet that's ALL he can smell. And he hates coconut. Foiled again. <_<

My impression of it is a lot like Tyvey's - big bowl of melted pistachio ice cream with cake thrown in. It's scrumptious! I-want-to-gnaw-my-arm-off scrumptious! Maybe if there's still some left in January, I'll get a bottle. For now, I'm keeping my greedy mitts wrapped firmly around my sample, solely for my own sniffing pleasure. Hot DAMN I love this! :D

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Was there even a question that I would adore this? it's raspberry danish cake! It fades a bit too fast but I'm a compulsive slatherererer is that even a word

? I think my world smells like this. When I think my perfect world it smells like this. Pinky fuschia satiny cakey pillows everywhere.

Total winner for me.

Edited by LadyVictoria
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I just put this on and I love it so far!!! So relieved that it does not appear to be too almondy on me...a lot of cake!! And since I have been wearing my virgin Darling C with my Un BI I am thrilled to have another BI cake. Oh my goodness...is that last nights Aja peaking through again? I think she has permanently infused herself into my DNA.

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The raspberry is a sort of faint sweet medicinal tang in the background but even so I like it when blended with the other notes. The marzipan doesn't amp too much on me (like it did in Because The Night), it melds really well with the vanilla and coconut and is just compulsively sniffable. I don't really get the pistachio, but then again almond as a note tends to overwhelm my ability to discern other notes sometimes. And I can't smell the BI at all, which is pretty amazing.

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That is what I was afraid of, Because The Night blew me over too much with the almond. Not so here...also I did not have the staying power problem some are having, I just thought it wore pretty lightly but I bet it gets stronger. I always think these cakey type scents are too light and a few months later I find it is not true at all! I can only conclude that somewhere in the settling they get stronger somehow. I totally forgot this had raspberry in it! Well I will have to try it again so I can better get what I was smelling but I really enjoyed this one today. BI never puts me in a bad mood either, I think it peps me up a little.

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The raspberry is a sort of faint sweet medicinal tang in the background but even so I like it when blended with the other notes. The marzipan doesn't amp too much on me (like it did in Because The Night), it melds really well with the vanilla and coconut and is just compulsively sniffable. I don't really get the pistachio, but then again almond as a note tends to overwhelm my ability to discern other notes sometimes. And I can't smell the BI at all, which is pretty amazing.

Really? The marzipan in BTN killed me. I really thought that'd me a me scent but I amped the M like crazy. I may test drive this sample this weekend. I'm afraid of the BI. I don't want a headache again.

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Nom nom nom nom!!!! This is heavenly!! I get an intense and immediate blast of almond first on. It dies within minutes and I'm left with something that smells like a pistachio macaron. No raspberry on my skin whatsoever. (Which is kind of nice; raspberry and my skin sometimes have issues.) this stage lasts for the duration of the wearing, although occasionally, it almost smells cocoa butterish on my skin, though I'm not sure why. I will say that if I didn't know better, I'd say the LP elves were pulling a fast one on us. I can't believe something so light and pretty can take the BI! This isn't quite a full bottle, as I have a couple of almond scents I enjoy, but I will love on my vial.

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I knew right away I would love this. My type of scent for sure. It starts off extreme raspberry and almond. It kind of was reminding me of my Marzipan Cake PE. It settles down and I'm getting pistachio ice cream and coconut. It's dreamy and delicious smelling.

I love that it's a BI enhanced scent. This is the phero I go for when I want lots of sexy attention. It works! Like I said above, younger guys love me when I'm wearing g this and look at me like little puppy dogs. They will be drooling with me smelling like dessert too!

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I just Knew this was going to age this way,and it hasn't been a week! :w00t: ...I had to go snag the description ,cause this is exactly what I am getting now...I don't know How she does it,especially the hard glaze sugar icing!!!...I just GET IT

...am soooo glad I went FB right right off.It is also lasting longer,but still not as long as I would like for something with BI,I am betting that will change too :D

Slathering this could be kinda intense for those sensitive to Enone...HAH,it just made me work all day long,the day really flew by. Wearing this out will be...most interesting :001_302:

"Layers of spongy cake-like vanilla and coconut are slathered with juicy sweet raspberry puree then encased in hard sugar icing flavored with pistachio and marzipan"

Edited by Calii
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I knew right away I would love this. My type of scent for sure. It starts off extreme raspberry and almond. It kind of was reminding me of my Marzipan Cake PE. It settles down and I'm getting pistachio ice cream and coconut. It's dreamy and delicious smelling.

I love that it's a BI enhanced scent. This is the phero I go for when I want lots of sexy attention. It works! Like I said above, younger guys love me when I'm wearing g this and look at me like little puppy dogs. They will be drooling with me smelling like dessert too!

Could it be that you are smokin hot as well???? AND you love trucks.


I hate hash tags so you know it's love

OMG this is delicious CAKE I WANT WANT WANT AND BI??

It's like I'm Lana from Three's Company- in her late 20s, in lingerie at a cupcake shop.. SO incredibly sexy, girly, but grown up.

BI makes me feel like Lana. Don't know why but it does.

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Could it be that you are smokin hot as well???? AND you love trucks. #girlcrushbyladvI hate hash tags so you know it's loveOMG this is delicious CAKE I WANT WANT WANT AND BI??It's like I'm Lana from Three's Company- in her late 20s, in lingerie at a cupcake shop.. SO incredibly sexy, girly, but grown up. BI makes me feel like Lana. Don't know why but it does.


Lol!!! Aww... Wellllll YOU are smoking hot AND funny so #girlcrushbyhearts

Seriously, I wanted to wear this again today but I had to go to work :/ didn't think the BI would go over so well with the ladies while I do their makeup. I would wear this without the phero- I love smelling like CAKE

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Lol!!! Aww... Wellllll YOU are smoking hot AND funny so #girlcrushbyhearts

Seriously, I wanted to wear this again today but I had to go to work :/ didn't think the BI would go over so well with the ladies while I do their makeup. I would wear this without the phero- I love smelling like CAKE

LOL BI does make some girls bitchy no?

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