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Cougar Potion (pheromone-enhanced perfume)

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Wearing Cougar Potion today and feel like a million bucks. The day is bright and beautiful, and I feel amazing. I went shopping and didn't notice if I got "hits" but also didn't care. I feel like I radiate happiness and other warm sunshiney feelings.


And of course it smells delicious.


Yuuummmmm.... yaaaaay :) Happy sauce.

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Hi I'm new here Do you know which are the components of this phero blend?

Thank's :bday1029:

Edited by ZionMistyc
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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a propritary blend,by Stone Labs, one of the most respected names in the industry...Scented Cougar Potion was the first thing I ever ordered from LPMP and my first pheromone...ever... have replaced it several times over and have the unscented version too.I am wearing it today,some 2 1/2 years later,so that will tell you how I feel about it :lol: The scent is amazing,refreshing,intriquing...and the phero both self-effects,and otherwise are terrific!


"This blend was specifically designed to evoke the impression of youthful fertility, while being an intensely sexually stimulating MAGNET for drawing young hunks your way. This blend of ingredients is also known to sexually stimulate the wearer. Created exclusively for us by Stone Independent Research."


"Cougar Potion contains sweet tangy pink grapefruit , which is known both in magickal lore and scientific research to provide a glamour effect for the wearer, taking years off one’s appearance and lifting the spirit to a youthful giddiness. We blend it with white and Tunisian ambers, white musk, and a trio of pink and white sugars "

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wore this to work tonight, just for a change, and HOLY COW!!! I got compliments out the wazoo from all kinds of women. One said I had a great chuckle, that it made her feel good to hear it. Another said I had gorgeous eyes, and that I should be an actress because they're so expressive. And yet another gaped when her husband asked if I had to go back to school in the fall, and I told them I'd been out of school for 20 years! She said, "My goodness! You look so young! It must be your beautiful complexion!"


So Cougar Potion was definitely doin' it for the ladies. And the compliments were doin' it for me, so *that* was a win-win.


But about half-way through the night I started noticing that *a lot* of older gentlemen were getting pret-ty friendly. I was like, WTH? I thought this was supposed to attract the young bucks! But all kinds of men were kind of goggling at me, and I could see this sort of puppy-like adoration in their faces, like, "I like *her*". One guy was acting sort of silly, and told me I had "Power of Attourney" over his food, and he let me choose his entire meal, from his appetizer down to dessert! I noticed after a while that his wife scootched closer to him, and put her hand on his thigh. Even my grumpy Cheffy boss got kind of goofy when I got near him.


So it was workin' for the older men.


Then after work I went to the sub shop to grab a sandwich, 'cause all I'd had to eat today was a slice of peach pie, and there was this group of young guys, probably around 20ish, hanging around the convenience store at the other end of the small plaza. The all shut up as I walked past them, (had to run in and grab cat fud), and when I came back out again, they all shut up as I walked by again, and they were acting all awkward and goofy. And as I was getting into my car, I heard one guy say something along the lines of, "Holy shit. She was hot!"!!! :lol: I actually laughed to myself, and thought, 'Do guys really say that to their guy friends?" I guess they do!


So yup. I was workin' the Cougar tonight, and Cougar was sure workin' for me!!! Great night! :D

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zion I'm pretty sure there's a lot of a-nol in this: If I have it on and take two sips of alcohol, I'm swinging from the chandeliers, and that only happens to me with a-nol.


omg eggers, is that a Far Side reference? the cartoon where the dog wrote "CAT FUD -->" everywhere pointing into the open dryer & he's hiding behind a door, watching as the cat follows the trail, and the dog is thinking "oh please...oh please..."? I say "fud" all the time and no one ever knows what I'm talking about


Cougar is a major older-men magnet for me too, at least equally as for younger....

Edited by tyvey
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zion I'm pretty sure there's a lot of a-nol in this: If I have it on and take two sips of alcohol, I'm swinging from the chandeliers, and that only happens to me with a-nol.


omg eggers, is that a Far Side reference? the cartoon where the dog wrote "CAT FUD -->" everywhere pointing into the open dryer & he's hiding behind a door, watching as the cat follows the trail, and the dog is thinking "oh please...oh please..."? I say "fud" all the time and no one ever knows what I'm talking about


Cougar is a major older-men magnet for me too, at least equally as for younger....


Ding! Ding! Ding! :lol: You got it Tyvey! No one ever knows what I'm talking about when I say 'fud' either. Just makes it funnier...


Cougar only attracts older men for me, which is just as well. So over the 20 year olds!!! ;)


The young'uns made me laugh last night. They were obviously pretty stoned, so they were acting weird to begin with. But the super-slow, "Shit... she was hot!" gave me the giggles. Everything sounds funnier when it comes out of a stoner's mouth. ;)

Edited by Eggers
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Ooh Calii, I can't imagine adding cops to this at work! Lol! Probably get tipped out the wazoo though! :D


HAH,should have said,add cops for not at work...a cops boost to Cougar is awesome,one of my favs is my Cougar boosted LP Red,worn with OCCO Red...damn :001_302: but then hey,it's Red,the original man magnet :D

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  • 1 month later...

OK. Seriously. SERIOUSLY! I am ridiculously dense sometimes, but I just had a very sad moment of enlightenment.


I'm going through threads asking myself, "what's the difference between Cougar Potion and Stone Cougar besides scent?" AND YOU'D THINK I'D KNOW BY NOW but no <_< I pull it up on the site finally, just to see them side by side and DUH! Cougar Potion is an enhanced fragrance (which by the way every human I have encountered just LOVES) Granted, CP was one of the first things I ordered from LP before I knew all about enhanced, concentrates, mad-scientist blends, add-ins...but really I just spent a half hour trying to find out the difference and now it's soooo elementary HA!


All this stems from that I just got Stone Cougar because I wanted to try in in spray and thought, at that time, I would try the other cougar to see what the difference is. Do you think I picked up on it when I ordered. Nope :rolleyes: Arg, some days I'm just hopeless, truly.


SO why else am I here rambling? OK, here's the meat- feel free to laugh at any point, I can take it. I have a trail vial of Cougar Potion- yeah, really, because I wanted to lightly scent the unscented Stone Cougar with it. Yuuuup. Go figure! And it never dawned on me what the difference was until juuuust now. Uh-huh. :Emoticons04287:


OK. I'm SO over it now. :lol: Really, I promise...



ANYWAY. I take out 1.5ml and put that in a mini spray bottle so I can add in my trial vial of CP BUT I'm also pulling 1.5 ml of Perfect Match and add it into the mini spray bottle with the Stone Cougar. I added my trial vile of LP PINK into PM un spray.


So now I have a mini with equal parts SC & PM...to which I've add 1.5 ml of Ann's Cherried Almond & Honeyed Vanilla.

Now I'm new and have NO IDEA WHAT I MAY HAVE JUST DONE, but I'm incredibly excited to find out the next time hubby and I have some time together :hubbahubba: I have no idea what kind of social blend it may turn out to be and I'm debating giving it a go at work...or possibly using a friend who has said she'd be happy to be a guinea pig...


Can someone with more experience than I chime in here. I was really just looking to not waste the 1.5 mls I had taken out of my sprays. If this is "a not good idea", please speak up! If this is really cool say so too...I think from the start of this post we've established that I should have guidance :lol:


Thanks in advance!

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I'll be turning 35 in a few months, so I'm not that happy about what the claim of being old if your in your very early 30's implies. That being said, I put more blame on cultural pressures on women from the beginning of time for this than anything else.


I'm sorry if I offended anyone. It was more a reflection on my own poor self-esteem than anyone else's perception of their age.


And there are some of us much older than either of you here; it's just something everybody says now and again.


ME! ME!!!!!!


OK, I am hijacking this thread temporarily, because I want to throw something out there that I always want to say when I hear anybody talk about how getting "old" makes them fat and unattractive.


I just turned 45.....and love it. It took me a looooong time to get to this point, but I am secure in myself and who I am, and have gotten to the point where I do not need validation from anyone else in this life in order to be happy.



Now, don't get me wrong.....I love men. Were I not with the love of my life, I would probably be out on the dating scene. Attention from men is great, but one of the things I have learned is that what my mother used to tell me is VERY true.....a man of SUBSTANCE will care about more than looks when choosing a mate. The young hot ones who look only at physical attractiveness only want a woman for one thing. When the beauty fades, they will be gone. And men are not the only culprits. Many women are the same way. Like Judge Judy says...."Beauty fades, but dumb is forever."


I have gotten to the point where I wear what *I* like, I wear my hair the way I like it, and I do what I want to do. And if a man wants to not be with me for any of that, he can head on down the road. I want to get more fit, but not for anybody else.....simply for me.....actually, mostly to head off physical ailments that tend to come with aging...damn sure not to attract a man......because I have found that no matter what size I am, it is all about attitude. I could be as big as a house (I am pretty big now), and would still be turning the heads of men young and old alike, pheros or not. Yes, that sounds egotistical, but I don't care. It is TRUE, and that knowledge comes from repeatedly seeing the reactions of men, for years. I have been the size I am now, I have been heavier (egads), and I have been 60 pounds lighter. Sometimes I was wearing pheros and sometimes I wasn't. I still got the reactions. And I am NOT a beauty queen, by a long shot. Because, even when I weighed more than I do now, I always walk into a room like I know who I am and that any man in the room would be lucky to have me. Men find that sexy. It took me a long while to figure that out, but I did. I was very "subdued" when I was young.....mostly because I was always worried that I was not good enough, or pretty enough, or WHATEVER. When I finally allowed ME to come out as I got older, I started getting more and more positive attention. And that had NOTHING to do with pheros.


Don't get me wrong.....I like using pheros (hell, I LOVE IT), because they often make the reactions go "over the top", which can be FUNNY......and I like to use them to spice up my relationship and for self-effects as well. Love love LOVE the socials to affect moods too! But I don't "need" them in order to get male attention.....



A friend of mine said in a conversation recently....."What I wouldn't give to be 25 again!" I said....."Not me!" She looked at me as if I was a spaceship landing. I added to that...."Not unless I could know what I know now!"


I have truly learned from my mistakes, and know what NOT to do again. I honestly feel that this only comes from experience. I see getting older only as gaining more experience in life and moving on to an even more happy, secure, and fun frame of mind......as if I could have MORE fun than I do already!


OK, end of rant.....

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I just turned 45.....and love it. It took me a looooong time to get to this point, but I am secure in myself and who I am, and have gotten to the point where I do not need validation from anyone else in this life in order to be happy.


Like Judge Judy says...."Beauty fades, but dumb is forever."


I have gotten to the point where I wear what *I* like, I wear my hair the way I like it, and I do what I want to do. And if a man wants to not be with me for any of that, he can head on down the road. I want to get more fit, but not for anybody else.....simply for me.....actually, mostly to head off physical ailments that tend to come with aging...damn sure not to attract a man......because I have found that no matter what size I am, it is all about attitude. When I finally allowed ME to come out as I got older, I started getting more and more positive attention. And that had NOTHING to do with pheros.


Don't get me wrong.....I like using pheros (hell, I LOVE IT), because they often make the reactions go "over the top", which can be FUNNY......and I like to use them to spice up my relationship and for self-effects as well. Love love LOVE the socials to affect moods too! But I don't "need" them in order to get male attention.....


A friend of mine said in a conversation recently....."What I wouldn't give to be 25 again!" I said....."Not me!" She looked at me as if I was a spaceship landing. I added to that...."Not unless I could know what I know now!"


I have truly learned from my mistakes, and know what NOT to do again. I honestly feel that this only comes from experience. I see getting older only as gaining more experience in life and moving on to an even more happy, secure, and fun frame of mind......as if I could have MORE fun than I do already!


OK, end of rant.....


Girl! If I thought I loved you before I know I do know! I haven't seen ONE picture of you-it's ALL based on attitude and who you "show" here :LuvU396:

If I had money for every time my BFF ALONE fussed about "growing old" I'd be able to retire! (she was "feeling" her age at 30! Arg! really?!) Attitude iIS a huge part of attractiveness- or unattractiveness depending on the attitude...You're right on spot with SO many things and I hope this sticks and these words don't fall on "deaf' eyes, lol :lol:


I would never turn the clock back. Being in your 40's is indeed a triple threat. Beauty, confidence and experience.


Amen Sista'! I'm outta the gate lovin' it so far and I'm SO happy to know others who feel the same! :D

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I'm 47 and I'd say I look my age (although others say I look younger). The point is I can't be arsed to care because I am an infinitely more interesting person now than I was at 27. And you can't avoid the aging process, truly, so why allow yourself to be tortured by it? There are lots of other things in life to enjoy (and if not now, then when?).

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The first Cougar I bought was Cougar Potion (enhanced fragrance I now know) and it was mostly as a joke because of the whole "cougar phenomenon" that seems to be going around - 40 is the "new" 20? Really? I have 2 close friends (we're all early 40s) and I'm always on them to embrace that inner roar :D Self confidence, attractiveness- as Dolly says- attitude! We're "all grown up now" and we soooo got it goin' on Baby! :Emoticons0424:


Turns out CP is no joke though and my one girlfriend already has an order in for some :lol: SCORE for LP!


She's just starting to rediscover herself and I've been nudging her in LPs direction. I know Cougar doesn't make you a movie star and even if it were placebo effect (and I know from experience it's NOT) she's giddy about wearing it. Giddy I say! And it's just plain FUN to see her so excited and happy about getting back out into public. LP, if nothing else, has given her a "project" of experimentation with fragrance & pheros...that alone is gold in my book!


And it all started as a little joke on the play about cougarism :lol: Go figure!

Edited by NuTrix
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Can someone with more experience than I chime in here.

Thanks in advance!


Well... don't have any experience with this because mixing two complex blends is something I would not even want to do :huh: ...fine to experiment with simpler mixes,like Lace,CB,Topper, or even some singles like DHEAS or A-nol,for example, and of course cops goes with everything :lol: <IMNSHO> But complex blends are as they are for a reason!



Great post Dolly! I certainly agree with and relate especially to the attitude part ;) if you have you don't need much more,and if you don't, you can't *buy* it :love:


The point is I can't be arsed to care because I am an infinitely more interesting person now than I was at 27. And you can't avoid the aging process, truly, so why allow yourself to be tortured by it? There are lots of other things in life to enjoy (and if not now, then when?).


:) ...WORD!


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ANYWAY. I take out 1.5ml and put that in a mini spray bottle so I can add in my trial vial of CP BUT I'm also pulling 1.5 ml of Perfect Match and add it into the mini spray bottle with the Stone Cougar. I added my trial vile of LP PINK into PM un spray.


So now I have a mini with equal parts SC & PM...to which I've add 1.5 ml of Ann's Cherried Almond & Honeyed Vanilla.

Now I'm new and have NO IDEA WHAT I MAY HAVE JUST DONE, but I'm incredibly excited to find out the next time hubby and I have some time together :hubbahubba: I have no idea what kind of social blend it may turn out to be and I'm debating giving it a go at work...or possibly using a friend who has said she'd be happy to be a guinea pig...


I used my friend as a guinea pig...She said she noticed nothing out of the ordinary yesterday when she put it on, but the TODAY a coworker, who had comlimented that he liked it yesterday, told her late this morning that she still smelled really good. Of course she had showered this morning before work, but he apparently picked up on it even though it's a brand new day AND after a scrubba dub-dub in the shower! She had NOT re-applied that morning. So, at least for him, Stone Cougar and Perfect Match with Ann's Cherried Almond and Honeyed Vanilla were a happy experiment. She's still super new to pheros and may not have noticed "the little things" that pheros can bring out, but now that my friend hasn't blown up or melted using my concoction...maaaybe I'll try it myself :lol:


The good news is I don't seem to have ruined them by combining...just throwing that out there! :great:

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Dolly, I loved your post... I have a friend, who is twice divorced, very controlling in his relationships and only goes for hot mama young types... thou lately at 51 he is finally going for the 40 year olds....This boy will never learn...that beauty does fade and no matter how buff he thinks he is, the flirty young gal will eventually leave him and flirt with some other guy....

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I used my friend as a guinea pig...She said she noticed nothing out of the ordinary yesterday when she put it on, but the TODAY a coworker, who had comlimented that he liked it yesterday, told her late this morning that she still smelled really good. Of course she had showered this morning before work, but he apparently picked up on it even though it's a brand new day AND after a scrubba dub-dub in the shower! She had NOT re-applied that morning. So, at least for him, Stone Cougar and Perfect Match with Ann's Cherried Almond and Honeyed Vanilla were a happy experiment. She's still super new to pheros and may not have noticed "the little things" that pheros can bring out, but now that my friend hasn't blown up or melted using my concoction...maaaybe I'll try it myself :lol:


The good news is I don't seem to have ruined them by combining...just throwing that out there! :great:


Glad your mad scientist experiment worked out! I love reading your reviews and updates :)

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Dolly, I love your post!!! :smiley-laughing024:


I also admit Cougar Potion was the 1st phero'ed tester perfume I got from LPMP. I haven't gotten to try it much yet as I'm still experimenting and all that. (As always I have a hard time getting those attraction pheros to work for me, but SWS? Success on first try. LOL. Should say something about my personality.)


Okay now my pov: I have only ever had boys more than 10 years my junior go after me (let's see, a 20yr old, a 21 and a 23) in recent years. I do not know why. And let me tell you, have I ever learned how stupid the young ones are. They tried to convince me over and over how different and mature they were, but they were not. All I can say is good riddance and I'd much rather be happily single than attempt to have a relationship with a young guy ever again. (I'm turning 35 in Nov btw).

Edited by maiea
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I wore Stone Cougar today- 2 sprays chest & collarbone, 1 split between wrists and backs of hands. Added a dab of the Sinner & the Saint to hands and collarbone and 1 spray of DHEAS to front of blouse. Today was a good day! Tons of compliments: you look nice today...sexy...hot, you smell nice, love your blouse, hair, boots...lol! Cougar is ALWAYS a winner. I don't get a lot of self effects :huh: but I love the smell of CP and the light scent of it I added to the SC was just barely there and easy to cover with the Sinner & the Saint. Re-applied tiny spritz of SC to back of hand and split between the two about 4-5 hours later with a little dab of S&S to refresh and cover. Had lots of conversations. People really seem to open up with this blend and seem reluctant to want to leave the conversation. Had 2 different guys start talking with me and they both seemed like they wanted to keep talking but just didn't know what about HAHAHA! Thought it was endearing, sometimes I almost feel guilty wearing these blends...almost... :lol2:


Glad your mad scientist experiment worked out! I love reading your reviews and updates :)


Thanks! I warned her I may go all strange concoctions on her and she's still willing to guinea for me :lol: Such trust! Mustn't abuse it! But when I get something in her hands that works for her, she'll know where to order from!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm wearing Cougar today --- 4 Sprays, one to neck, one to torso, and one spray each to each arm. Just in the half hour that I have had this one on, I get this amazing feeling of confidence and the scent of this makes me feel very happy. I read reviews from 2011 stating that this was good to wear to work, so I'm try excited to see what effects I will get in my meetings today.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wore Unscented cougar yesterday... Not sure if this was a hit but it was weird. Was talking to a guy friend and the whole time, he held really long eye contact and was smiling. Like the WHOLE time. Not sure if that means anything but he never usually does this. It was pretty intense.

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I finally, or at least noticeably to me, had self effects from SC. I practically NEVER wear the same mones 2 days in a row but I happened to pull Cougar thinking I'd had a different combo and applied before realizing what I'd done. I noticed a definite giddiness, boarder line silly, happy, goofiness, lol. I remember specifically telling myself, "get a hold of yourself woman! You're a giggly mess!" Which of course only made me giggle more...WT? Now, I'm usually up beat and when I wear Cougar I feel frisky because I know consistently what to expect but I was downright FRISKAAAY! Are these the kinds of self effects that some of you are talking about? Maybe I need to wear the same things for a couple days in a row to get a better idea of their potential..at least maybe for self effects anyway?

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I finally, or at least noticeably to me, had self effects from SC. I practically NEVER wear the same mones 2 days in a row but I happened to pull Cougar thinking I'd had a different combo and applied before realizing what I'd done. I noticed a definite giddiness, boarder line silly, happy, goofiness, lol. I remember specifically telling myself, "get a hold of yourself woman! You're a giggly mess!" Which of course only made me giggle more...WT? Now, I'm usually up beat and when I wear Cougar I feel frisky because I know consistently what to expect but I was downright FRISKAAAY! Are these the kinds of self effects that some of you are talking about? Maybe I need to wear the same things for a couple days in a row to get a better idea of their potential..at least maybe for self effects anyway?

I get like that from Cougar sometimes, NuTrix! If I'm in a more playful mood to begin with I get that FRISKAY thing going. If I'm in a calmer mood, I just get more...forward, maybe? Confident. And feeling sexy. I really enjoy Cougar. B):heart:
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I get like that from Cougar sometimes, NuTrix! If I'm in a more playful mood to begin with I get that FRISKAY thing going. If I'm in a calmer mood, I just get more...forward, maybe? Confident. And feeling sexy. I really enjoy Cougar. B):heart:


I have to agree, it's a real fav now. The blend may be a mystery but it's a true performer! It guarantees goodies of all kinds from everyone. Always a positive experience when worn...and who doesn't like a lil' boost of confidence and SEXAAAY!?


Just curious, do you have the scented & Un? I know the fragrance is only boosted but people LOVE the smell (me included), lures 'em in every time. But I've noticed too, that when I wear the Un people seem to "love" whatever scent I'm wearing and, of course ALL LPs smell heavenly, but what I'm thinking is that they may be loving is the effects, but they are associating that with the scent of what I happen to be wearing. I'm just curious to know if anyone else has experienced this? I'm a virgo and tend to analyze ridiculous things, but it keeps me genuinely happy HA! :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know everyone's sick of me reviewing Cougar, but tough shit. This is absolutely indispensable for anyone who ever is around any other humans, especially in a workplace. Today two sprays of it in my hair, it made these 2 things happen:


-- someone very senior to me who is mad at me and has been for a while, for various political reasons, - and has avoided me or been snippy or cold in the few interactions we've had since, -- today came over to me, TWICE. This does NOT happen in my company and ESPECIALLY not by this person. You know how it is - in the hierarchy, the junior person comes up deferentially, tail between legs, and begs the favor of the attention of the senior person. AND when we were talking, she kept looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to say something so she could hang on every word. I've known her for years and she has NEVER done that. It was uncomfortable actually, because I'm used to having to pull teeth with her conversationally and she's always staring off seeming bored or seeming to be looking for someone more important to talk to. I've worn Cougar around her before and only noticed mild effects. This time was kinda nuts.


-- someone of same level as me who has historically been cold, impatient, eye-rolling, stiff, and has always avoided me - in this case because I always have questions for him (ie I need him; he has no need of me) - I started talking with him and I SAW THE MOMENT THE COUGAR HIT -- it was like his eyeballs visibly changed. He hung on my words, was super affable and cracking jokes and touching me, FOLLOWED ME AROUND, was all agreeable and shit. Such a 180. And after I wandered off, I happened to look around the room a few times and each time he was STARING at me, almost like a hunter tracks prey. It was a little freaky. Would have been more so if not for fact that I find him attractive, ha.

Edited by tyvey
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Awesome hits tyvey! I review cougar alot too but feel like cougar is something I get hits on ALL THE TIME. It's a never fail for me. I wore this today too around my TG:) and as always, he kept making long eye contact, and standing closer to me than is normal. It's like he's all "oops were standing so close and I accidentally touched you" lol.

Went to the post office today and some guy was staring, starstruck at me and smiling... It was actually kind of creepy and I had to look behind me. Like, uh, is he looking at ME?

I freaking LOVE Cougar, especially when I want lots of attention.


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Well...I, for one, could never ever,did I say ever, get tired of hearing about Cougar :D ...especially when it is told so well and those of us who have experienced it too <ahem> are just nodding along going yep,yep,ohhhh yeah !!! ...luved the "MOMENT THE COUGAR HIT" especially...ain't it grand ! :lol:

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Count me in on the Cougar loving party too!! This is a big winner for me at work. My supervisor is a bit of a windbag and know-it-all. Whenever I wear this he quickly converts to a doe eyed submissive that let's someone else do the talking for a change. It's freaking magic!!

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I love the Cougar stories too. I love Cougar! Admittedly, though young guys seem to perk up a bit, I tend to get WAY more attention from older men while I'm wearing it. But it's true: you can see the moment it hits them, which is kinda neat. :)


Great stories! :D

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Keep the cougar stories coming! I don't see anyone getting tired of hearing them! It a total fav! :love: Love all your tales!

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