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Mara...is there no end to your wonderfulness

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Thanks, we do have a very cozy cottage indeed. And sadly, there actually WAS a fire in the fireplace when I took that yesterday AND IT'S APRIL! sigh.


That first pic is no joke. He weighs about 17 pounds and doesn't like to be held or even petted anywhere. He wasn't like that as a kitten. He's half Maine Coone and half Bengal. I guess the aloof, anti social bengal side took over... My daughter is the only one brave enough to hold him. He's actually hissing at her in that first pic. I hope I never have to give him meds. haha.


Your Norm sounds like my Lucky (it seems they even looks alike). She is the descendant of about 8 generations of feral cats who like to have their litters of kitties under my house. She was left behind one year when the momma moved the litter after a big rain. So, she became mine. She doesn't like anybody except me, and that is only every now and then. Usually she is hostile, but when she wants to be loved, it must be on HER terms.

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WOW! I thought that was YOU in the first pic! The little we can see of her looks so much like your profile pic! All sorts of beautiful muscles and angles.


Are all your three kitties red tabbies?

I thought it was her too! She does look like a baby Raq!


Ha ha! a baby Raq! No that is my daughter. Most say we look alike and we have the exact same mannerisms and move the same. I think she looks like her dad. Same face structure. There 's another pic of her in my journal in my Islamorada thread. Seeing her leap in the air cracks me up. We look exactly the same. We were taking pics of each other on the beach and goofing off so there is an identical "jump" shot of me but i wasn't gonna post that. but the way we carry our bodies is identical. She and I may look like, but her bod is way better to look at leaping thru the air than mine would be. haha.


I am going to start calling her baby raq haha!

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Those pics are of 2 cats, Wally and Norm. Wally is longer haired with white markings, Norm is short haired, short tempered and with no white. IT's hard to tell. We do have a third cat, Smokey, who the red heads pick on :-( I feel so bad for him as he is older, and sort of thin, and SUCH a love. Smokey is the only cat though who even resembles a cat when he plays. The other two seem to be clueless. LOL






This is Wally:




This is Norm



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They're all so cute! Poor Smokey... He looks so innocent in that picture. Wally looks like a handsome devil. And Norm, well Norm looks deceptively cuddly in that last photo, like he's luring you in with his cuteness so he can take a swat. Our Nuts cat does that sometimes - from the same "I'm so cute" pose.

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They're all so cute! Poor Smokey... He looks so innocent in that picture. Wally looks like a handsome devil. And Norm, well Norm looks deceptively cuddly in that last photo, like he's luring you in with his cuteness so he can take a swat. Our Nuts cat does that sometimes - from the same "I'm so cute" pose.


Eggers you NAILED it! That's exactly what he does. He purrs so you think, Well I'll pet you and he sometimes whips around and swats. No claws, but still. What a butt. We still feed, him, clean his poo, and love him up, hoping for the best

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Eggers, I just have to tell you I think you are so cute and smart. You are such a good edition to LP. It's rare that a newbie blends in as well as you have done.


Here, here!!


heh... what's that saying? Dogs have owners, cats have staff. Lol!


Well...my dog seems to think she's running the show at our house!

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Well thanks everybody! :blush: That's so sweet of you to say - and I appreciate it very much. It's great to be made to feel so welcome. I'm glad you like my contribution.

I have to say, I truly love being here. I think this is a forum full of incredible people. I feel so fortunate having stumbled across it the way I did. Love to all of you, too!


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Wally and Norm look like they can be a handful...hah !! LUV the pics !

aww....poor Smokey, but he's a very handsome boy :)

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Heh, "staff," or as Quince's cat Keesa no doubt believes, "minions."


:lol: I love that word: minions! It always brings to mind crazed sorcerers and mad scientists and their dorky thugs. And the picture that pops into my head when I hear it is of the minions from Despicable Me - those little tube-shaped guys with the big goggling eyes.

But as a cat owner, (scooping poop, cleaning up hairballs and vomit, sweeping kitty litter from the floor), you could definitely describe me as a minion.


ETA a bracket, 'cause I forgot it.

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the minions from Despicable Me - those little tube-shaped guys with the big goggling eyes




LMAO Totally! Whenever I'm scraping up a hairball, I'm like, "And WHY am I doing this again? Where's the payoff?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh wow... :Emoticons04235:

First of all, I can't believe how fast my box of goodness got here!

Second, all my bottles are so pretty!!

Third, the sniffies!! You guys are psychic - I can't believe how lucky I am :)

And now I'm getting ready to dig into my Bohemian Cats samples - yay! Love the bag!

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Those pics are of 2 cats, Wally and Norm. Wally is longer haired with white markings, Norm is short haired, short tempered and with no white. IT's hard to tell. We do have a third cat, Smokey, who the red heads pick on :-( I feel so bad for him as he is older, and sort of thin, and SUCH a love. Smokey is the only cat though who even resembles a cat when he plays. The other two seem to be clueless. LOL






This is Wally:




This is Norm




the grey longhaired cat..Wally? aww.. so beautiful! I love longhaired cats..wish I had one.

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Hi Mara, I just received my latest order. I'm so glad that they made it here safe, sound and fast. Thanks for including the older PEs sniffees which I have not tried before. I am so tempted to test Special D out immediately.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mara & John...you guys rock!! :bow: A thousand thank-yous!! Everything smells and looks edible...especially the scrubs, OMG! The labels are sooo pretty! Thank you for the wonderful extra goodies you sent, the body lotion is incredibly moisturizing! I don't smell any Cops at all, thank you for this wonderful extra, the quality of this product is superb...When you have the new body lotions up and ready I'll buy tons... :thank-you:

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Yay my Far Far Away just got here! Awesome timing since the vial I had lost a triangular chunk of the glass yesterday or the day before when I tried to undo it (I don't have superhuman strength ha ha I think maybe it had a crack lol).


Love the Lorelei's English Breakfast sniffee, and some Extra Curricular...wooo, thanks! Also awesome timing since I now like it and only have a trial vial!



Smokey the cat is sooooo adorable.

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My order arrived today, and I wanted to say thank you for the extra sniffies and for the body cream. I love LP Original! Everything looks lovely. I'm so glad I got a chance to get the Bohemian Cats set. It's a bit overwhelming to have 2 monthly trial sets arrive at the same time - especially when one contains 20 scents! My little vial of Spark in the Dark broke the moment I looked at it, (just the top - the perfume inside is fine & I'll be decanting it into an old glass Carmex container, to save it), so I put a little dab on my hand before work, and OH MAN!!! It's gorgeous! Thank you so much for everything. I love every last bit of it! :D

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Thank you again Mara & John for your wonderful, wonderful customer service and for the extra goodies! :abfx:

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Yay! 2 thank-you posts in a row!


My order arrived safely and thanks for the extra freebies! :D Can't wait to try my Coffee Soak!

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Oh PM, thanks for tucking a bottle of T.M.I. into my box. I was so frustrated when my bottle broke some time back. I would also like you to know that I love my first PE you made. I have slathered it on tonight so I can do a quick review. I'll have to let it settle down a little before doing a more detailed review. I'm already thinking of a second PE ...... Thanks so much for interpreting what I have so inadequately put in words into a wonderful scent! Muah!

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My order just arrived, and I want to say thank you for being so thoughtful! It wasn't necessary to send another vial of Spark in the Dark, but I appreciate so much that you did! The broken vial is difficult to manage, and I so love all the sexy yum packed in there! :D


Thank you also for all the little extras. The candles are so CUTE! They're much more slender than I'd pictured them.


And as far as sniffies go - well, Team LP - you packed a lot of stuff in those teeny bottles that I've just been itching to try. Thank you for those, too.


Well, I'm off on a sniffing spree! Thank you again! :abfx: Have a lovely day everyone!


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Thank you so much for the candles!! I don't know if you remembered me saying what a candle fan I am or are just psychic, but either way I can never get too many candles! I will be saving these for a special time to burn them :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My package arrived today right as I was walking into my home. I was so impatient that I ripped the box open with my key. :cat690:


It came in record time despite me adding on to my original order. Thank you for the generous amount of sniffees and the incense. I was just reading a post about Rosie's wedding cake and it sounded divine so I was debating on whether I should or could add my name to the list and I got a sniffee!! :cat690: :cat690: :cat690:

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